Also some guys are throwing stuff up at I'm adding their item info to here too, but in a day or two they will probably outdo whatever I can manage on here. Everything is being gathered from this thread and there, so nothing is officially confirmed and things may be inaccurate or incomplete. Thanks to the mass of people who keep finding new things and also to the people at the aforementioned wiki. This actually got too long for one post, so part 2 is a reply to this comment. Might be tough to find at the moment as there's so many other replies.
New Gameplay Stuff: - Some kind of new white heart, possibly called an eternal heart. Changes to a regular heart on the next level.
- Fortune teller machine. Gives out tarot cards, trinkets, spiriter hearts or fortunes. New fortunes overide the old ones. "Throwing your life away" rumoured to give better luck at slot machines.
- Luck is now a larger part of gameplay.
- Spider webs slow you down and can be bombed.
- There are now rooms with only a spike in the middle. Running over a spike causes AT LEAST half a heart of damage, it could be more. This has a chance of spawning a chest. Also we're calling it a "bloodletting" room for now.
- Demon version of the beggar guy. Takes hearts instead of coins.
- Dimes exist, worth 10 coins.
Trinkets: Tick - Bosses spawn with less health, you cannot change this Trinket once you get it.
Matchstick -
Red Patch - Gains the same effects as Transcendence (fly over all obstacles) for the current room when you take damage. I personally have this as I type, however, and it appears to actually be giving me damage up.
Cancer - Maxes out tears
Rusted Key Ace of Spades - Gives 1 Soul Heart when life goes down to 1/2 heart
Umbilical Cord - Spawns a familiar when you take damage.
Goat Hoof - Possibly damage increase of some kind. Possibly increases the chance of Krampus.
Childs Heart Isaacs Fork - Gives you life stealing.
Liberty Cap - Isaac gains a random effect that mushrooms normally give. Recharges in every new room.
Mom's pearl - Seems to have a random chance for tears to petrify the enemy.
Pinky Eye - Sometimes shot tears are poisonous.
Flatenned Penny - Get a golden key every time you pick up a penny.
Missing Page - Random book effect when damaged.
Safety Cap Push Pin - A chance of shooting spectral tears. Damages enemies ever so slightly when you enter a room.
Cursed Skull - Seems to teleport you out of the room and into the last completed room whenever you get down to 1/2 heart.
Undefined - Gives a spirit heart per floor.
Burnt Penny - Chance to drop a bomb when you pick up a penny.
New Items:Active (Spacebar) Items: Guppy's Paw - Sacrifices 1 heart for 3 sould hearts. Instant recharge.
Guppy's Head - Spawns Blue attack flies to damage enemies. One room recharge.
Prayer Card - Adds half an eternal/white heart. Six room recharge.
Telepathy for Dummies - Grants The Magician/Twisted Spoon (so homing tears etc.) Effects last for the current room and take two rooms to recharge.
Notched Axe - Lets you destroy rocks. Recharges once per room.
Remote Detonator - Bombs no longer explode automatically. You place them then detonate them.
Dad's Key - Opens doors. Two room recharge.
Portable Slot - Literally a portable slot machine. Press space bar to gamble a coin on it.
Crack the Sky - Calls heavenly beams of light to fall upon your enemies dealing mass damage to whatever they hit. Four room recharge.
Best Friend - Deploys a decoy of yourself that eventually explodes. Three room recharge.
The Candle - Throws a blue flame that damages enemies in it's path. Recharges every 5 seconds or so, meaning it can be used multiple times in the same room. It also blocks things in a similar way to a halo of flies.
Passive/Collectible Items: Jesus Juice - Range up and tears up, however it may actually be a damage increase rather than tears up. Bloodlust - Cause Rage. Every kill in a room, you're tears get stronger. Seems to reset the stengthwhen you go in a new room.
Mitre - Something to do with luck...
Holy Grail - Hp up by 1. Allows you to fly.
Dead Dove - Flight and spectral tears.
Tough Love - Occasionally shoot out teeth (one at a time) which possibly increases damage.
Cat 'O Nine Tails - Increased shot speed.
3 Dollar Bill - Random tear effects.
Stemcells - Extra heart.
Pyro - 99 bombs
Mom's Pill Satchel - Spawns pills, maybe 4.
Black Bean - Every time you take damage you fart, like Bad Gas.
Technology 2 - Continuous laser in addition to your tears. Removes spectral tears.
Mutant Spider - Quad shot.
Squeezy - Tears up.
8 Ball - Tears up.
Chemical Peel - Damage up. Some tears are randomnly more powerful than others. Occasionally drops acid like the Lemon item.
MEAT! - HP and tears up.
Mom's Cotton Purse - You can hold an additional trinket.
Pageant Boy - Free money.
Magic 8 Ball - Tears up.
The Peeper - Eye floats around the room with you and shoots blood tears
Stigmata - Damage and health up.
Ice Pad - Explosive tears.
White Pony - Flight and dash like A Pony, but also makes beams of light.
Box - Drops one of each item, namely a coin, a key, a heart, a bomb, a trinket, a card, a pill.
Ipecac - Shoot out bombs like Pestilence does.
Habit - Charges your active item up 2 blocks each time you take damage.
Toothpicks - Tears up.
Fate - Permanent angel wings.
Brass Knuckles - Every few shots you fire a tooth which seems to explode into shrapnel
Wooden Cross - Damage and health up.
Friends to the End - Spawns 3 large friendly flies around you. Flies die for good after taking a hit.
Speedball - Movement speed and tears up. The Mulligan - Shots sometimes spawn flies to attack enemies.
Polyphemus - Makes Isaac shoot one huge tear. Maximum damage slowest tear speed. If it hits an enemy it will kill that enemy and the tear will get smaller depending on the amount of damage it took to kill that enemy. The tear will however continue on at its new size and hit any other enemies in it's path. I phrased this poorly I'm afraid.
Sacred Heart -One soul heart. Homing tears.
Spirit of the Night - Spectral tears and flying.
Ankh - When you die it respawns you in the previous room as ??? with 3 spirit hearts.
Abel The Polaroid D20 The Crucifix Mega Fetus - Tears become guided missiles.
Guppy's Tail Scapular - Can't die, not sure if unlimited. When you die it respawns you with a soul heart.
Harlequin Baby - Follower that shoots out 2 red projectiles at a 30 degree angle. Will replace Brother Bobby if you have him already.
Infestation - Every time you take damage, you produce a random number of blue flies.
Bloody Penny - Chance to drop 1/2 a heart when picking up coins.
Guardian Angel - "Faith Up". Not sure what effects it has. Seems to have cursed me with darkness. It's a companion but I don't know what it's doing. Possibly giving me heart increases every so often.
Holy Water - Breaks when you take damage, leaving a blue area that damages enemies. It recharges every room.
Bum Friend - Portable beggar. Will pick up pennies by himself.
Cards: 2 of Diamonds - Doubles money.
Joker - Takes you to a satan or angel room
2 of Clubs - Doubles bombs.
2 of Hearts - Restores 2 hearts.
2 of Spades - Doubles one of your items.
Pills: Puberty - Changed character appearance.
Golden Key Dime Super Troll Bomb White/eternal heart Luck Up Luck DownCurses: Curse of the Labyrinth - Merges both levels into one (like, Cellar 1 and Cellar 2 become a huge Cellar XL). So there's two item rooms and two bosses etc.
Curse of Darkness - No map, just a question mark.
Curse of the LostNew Enemies:This section is hard because I don't know what to call them.
Normal Enemies Harder Puster - Shoots 2 bloodshots at once.
Strange little circular guys who sometimes form a centipede -
Flashing Spiders - Run around in quick bursts. Splits into more spiders when you hit them.
Spiders with people faces - Seem similar to hoppers.
Bouncing heads - Similar to hopper movement. Fire 2 bloodshots.
Green Boils - Like boils but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Walking Green Boils - Like Green Boils but they walk.
Green Gapers - Like Gapers but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Poop flies - Start as passive flies until you destroy their poop. Then they turn into angry flies.
Chubby Vis - Instead of shooting you with the laser like attack it fires little chubs at you.
Firing Fire - Like normal fire but it fires back Green Shooting Head stone - Like a normal head stone but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Hive Skulls - Look similar to hives but seem to be skulls covered in flies maybe. They seem more aggressive and spit meaner things at you.
Modified Pokies - Found 4 of them in one room, they seem to go in straight lines and then back to their original position
Heart Masks - Floating masks, similar to knights, however they are faster, and they can only be killed by taking out their respective floating heart. The masks themselves seem to take no damage.
Rotten Floating Head - Coughs out 3 bloodshots, similar to the second form of War.
Hanging Men Fire - bloodshots and float around on nooses.
Bosses: Conquest - New Harbinger. Gives you a White Pony
Blighted Ovum - Similar to Gemini
The Hollow - Similar to Larry Jr.
Daddy Long legs -
Widow - Similar to Daddy Long Legs**
Mask of Infamy. The Bloat - Similar to Peep.
Pin - Similar to Scolex. He jumps in and out of the ground and fires 4 bloodshots occasionally. At the end of the fight he started firing those poison projectile bombs like Pestilence.
*Carrion Queen - A version of Chub that spawned regenerating red poo. When low on health, it just started bouncing off the walls very fast.
Super Gluttony - Has a 2 way laser and 8 bloodshot attacks.
Super Greed - Spawns the smaller greed heads. Shoots 5 bullets instead of 3. Drops a quarter.
Super Lust - Trail of red damage slime + a hair faster Super Gluttony. Shoots out both directions at once
Super Wrath - Has Super Troll Bombs
Super Sloth -
Super Pride -
Super Envy -
Isaac -
New Floors and Rooms ; Angel Room (satan alt) - Gives an item and doesn't cost you any hearts.
Chapel - Unofficial name. A secret room type with glass windows portraying a white cross as well as Isaac's face. Contained one half of an eternal heart.
Heart - Unofficial name. A secret room type that looks like a room from the womb levels. Contained numerous full hearts.
Library - Unofficial name. Found in the cellar. Gives you 2 books to choose from.
Biting Room or Curse Room - Unofficial name. Calling it that because the door is spiked and walking through it takes half a heart of damage. Had a red chest inside which gave 2 spirit hearts. If you're flying you can get in without damage but going back out seem to take half a heart of damage still.
Boss challenge room Unofficial name - A special challenge room that seems to always contain an item, at the expense of spawning bosses - much like the normal challenge rooms past The Womb, but found before this point in the game. The only visual difference seems to be an added skull at the top of the barred door. Not sure what criteria it takes to open this door.
The Cellar (basement alt)
The Catacombs (caves alt)
Necropolis (depths alt)
Utero (womb alt)
Cathedral (Sheol alt)
Challenges: Dark was the Night - Constantly cursed with the Curse of Darkness which causes the map to become just a question mark.
7 Years Bad Luck -
Large Marge - All levels have Curse of the Labyrinth. Unlocks Burnt Penny
9 Deaths -
Lord of The Flies -
The Doctors Revenge - Dr. Fetus+ Doctor's Remote. Unlocks Mega Fetus
Meat 4 Evar -
Spiderboy - Start with Spider Bite. Unlocks Spider Butt
Isaac was Good Today -
The Purist - You play as Isaac, no D6, no item rooms.
New Story. Spoilers obviously:
+ Show Spoiler +The new light area is called "Cathedral." It's worth mentioning that all fly-related monsters are white, including the variety of bomb fly normally encountered in Sheol. The final Isaac. Like Satan, he has 3 forms. In his 1st form, he's laying down ala the iconic crying Isaac image, and, well, he cries at you. A lot. I'm afraid I wasn't able to get a good look at the 2nd stage (was a bit of a powerhouse.) During the 3rd and final stage, Isaac is standing up, and holy beams shoot down from the sky at you. I took no damage during this phase so long as I hugged the right side of the wall, but this could just be an isolated case. The cinematic ending was no different than beating the game 11 times for one person, however someone else says that the final ending is Isaac reading a book, probably the Bible, looking at a chest in the corner, and seeing himself as a demon in the mirror, possibly symbolizing that he sees himself as sinful, the same way his mom sees him. Perhaps he's considering suicide. Beating Isaac with Cain unlocks the Abel item. Beating with Maggie unlocks The Crucifix. Beating with Isaac unlocks D20
Other, including possible glitches
Known glitches so far:- Some people are getting ending cinematic glitches where the right cinematic may not be playing. I'm a little too confused on this one to comment.
- There's a super odd glitch where some broken rocks show Isaac holding A Pony and there's flashing insignias and circle backgrounds and yeah. Looks like this. Sometimes if you try some of the challenges, when starting a new normal game it may still be stuck in one of the challenge modes. Restart seems to fix it. People are reporting in numerous problems with playing a normal game after a challenge game.
- Getting Brimstone and Technology 2 will cause you to be unable to fire. You'll be forever charging. Update: I just did this accidently. Extremely glitchy laser and animations but I had a continuous laser when I held down a direction.
- Not a glitch as such, but getting Boomerang and Explosive Shots is highly ill advised...
- Some people are having issues with the sound since installing the DLC.
- Some people are also reporting not getting unlocks on a succesful run. May be linked to the cinematic glitch.