Edmund McMillen, one of the members of Team Meat, who brought Super Meat Boy, announced recently that one of his next side projects will be The Binding of Isaac.
The game is meant to be a roguelike, based off one of McMillen's favorite games. He will be working on it with Florian Himsl (Tri-Achnid, Coli) and Danny Baranowsky (Canabalt).
If you are an avid fan of Indie Games, especially ones like Super Meat Boy, then this should be interesting to see what they comes up with.
Florian just made it so neutral flys are attracted to piles of shit and if they eat too much of the shit they get fat and become bloated flys that poop blood at you... im very happy with this game so far. -Edmund McMillen
I personally can't wait for this game.
Edit: Also this has been out for a while, but Danny Baranowsky (The guy who made the SMB soundtrack) has released the first song from Binding of Isaac. Its just... so good.
I wouldnt exactly put this game head to head with Super Meat Boy. This isn't a Team Meat product. Although, there is a game in the works from Team Meat, that one you can compare to Meat Boy as much as you want!
Florian just made it so neutral flys are attracted to piles of shit and if they eat too much of the shit they get fat and become bloated flys that poop blood at you... im very happy with this game so far. -Edmund McMillen
I personally can't wait for this game.
Edit: Also this has been out for a while, but Danny Baranowsky (The guy who made the SMB soundtrack) has released the first song from Binding of Isaac. Its just... so good.
Ya, Danny is awesome. The music in SMB was awesome, and with the one song for Binding of Isaac I can tell it's going to be awesome as well. The game should be good too.
After playing it for an hour yesterday, it's worth the $5. I think this game would be much better if it were portable: quick gameplay, tons of replayability, simple controls. Just slap 2 touch d-pads on the screen and Isaac is the ideal iOS app.
I picked this game up to because I love roguelikes. (btw myopia you are such a boss for finishing nethack)
I like that there are so many items to collect as well a huge amount of randomization as well as a large amount of content to keep the game interesting. some game starts you will find great items right off the bat and sometimes you dont, (feels like roguelike). I dont like the controls, mostly because it feels hard to aim, i wish i could just wasd for movement and click to shoot. still worth 5 bucks though.
This has become my new favorite game. I just managed to kill Mom on the 35th try(about 20 was finding out what monsters and abilities/cards did) and what I found absolutely hilarious, was moving onto the Second Chapter(which is suppose to be harder), and beating that on my first try. The Second Chapter's boss is like 1/2 the difficulty of the First Chapter's boss, maybe even more. Almost felt like they should be switched.
The only thing I dislike about it is that the items you received randomly have a HUGE impact on how far you go. If you don't get Health Ups and very few hearts killing stuff, it's only a matter of time before you die and there's nothing you can do about it. Also getting a good special early can save you a TON of health, which then you can use to get money and in turn items. So I love the item randomization cause it does keep things fresh and interesting each play through, but sometimes when you're on the "crappy" spectrum of the items, it can be frustrating as hell.
Here's a wiki for the items! Choose to use it if you want, the pills are still random!
I like this game just as much as SMB, sure its not the same style. But there's just something about Isaac that makes me want to get all them up again and again! (And sometimes not getting any ups at all)
It's such a difficult game, not saying I don't like it through....still can't get pass the 4th cave or whatever you call it...(so many small bullets everywhere!)
It has some strong points but also quite a bit of weak points.
The biggest concern for me is that you can't continue from where you left off. Who has the time to play a game for several hours at a time nowadays? Just add a continue function so you can play from where you stopped last time.
I also feel like there should be more unlockables or small persistent achievements buffs. Like "Get to floor 5, start with slightly more health", a common feature amongst roguelikes. Different and more classes would also add to the experience. I really think you should be able to aim with the mouse instead or shoot diagonally, but that is mainly my own preference.
The game seems to crash a lot when tabbing in full screen mode, which is extremely annoying for a game without save.
I wonder why this game isn't getting as much attention as I thought it would.
I rarely play single-player games these days (lack of time and more interested in online multiplayer) but The Binding of Isaac is perfect for short bursts when I don't have the time to commit to a long session of gaming, and I feel like it has enough variety and unlockables to warrant lots of playthroughs despite being essentially a game you can "beat" in a single playthrough. What's more, if you're like me and suck at the game, it'll take you a good number of runs and some luck before you beat the game for the first time, let alone survive the more difficult stuff that's unlocked later on.
Plus, if the developers continue to update the game from time to time (Free halloween update coming soon) it can definitely keep the gameplay fresh for a long time, though the current content that the game has to offer right now is by no means miniscule.
The only gripe I probably have with this game is the slowdowns I've gotten a couple of times (and I know I'm not the only one) which apparently is due to the fact that the game was made in Flash.
I highly recommend this game to anyone who finds the game trailer remotely interesting. In a nutshell the game is randomly generated Legend of Zelda dungeons with a crapton of items and enemy types, plus a good amount of bosses and minibosses. Did I mention that most permanent items change your character's appearance? Oh, and It's 5 bucks! You really can't go wrong with this one.
I agree with the slowdowns, they're so annoying. Other than that it's a pretty cool game. I love the art style and music, but the gameplay is a bit weak in my opinion.
I haven't played it through even once yet (haven't had the time to do a long sitting), but I've played on and off for a few hours total and it feels kind of repetitive. I got those demon wings or whatever last time I played, which allows me to fly. I ended up playing exactly the same versus everything I met, flying in circles around the room and firing at whatever was in the middle until it was gone.
Maybe there are harder bosses and rooms later on in the game, but for now it all feels the same to me.
On October 07 2011 16:45 kuresuti wrote: I agree with the slowdowns, they're so annoying. Other than that it's a pretty cool game. I love the art style and music, but the gameplay is a bit weak in my opinion.
I haven't played it through even once yet (haven't had the time to do a long sitting), but I've played on and off for a few hours total and it feels kind of repetitive. I got those demon wings or whatever last time I played, which allows me to fly. I ended up playing exactly the same versus everything I met, flying in circles around the room and firing at whatever was in the middle until it was gone.
Maybe there are harder bosses and rooms later on in the game, but for now it all feels the same to me.
Despite this I definitely recommend this game.
How far did you get? Once you get some unlocks (a few playthroughs) or to the deeper parts of the dungeon there are some pretty challenging enemies. Ones that do stuff like get back up, are only vulnerable from a certain side, teleport, charge, etc.
Sure combat still generally boils down to "Avoid shit, attack shit" but I find the enemies have enough variety to keep it interesting.
On October 07 2011 16:45 kuresuti wrote: I agree with the slowdowns, they're so annoying. Other than that it's a pretty cool game. I love the art style and music, but the gameplay is a bit weak in my opinion.
I haven't played it through even once yet (haven't had the time to do a long sitting), but I've played on and off for a few hours total and it feels kind of repetitive. I got those demon wings or whatever last time I played, which allows me to fly. I ended up playing exactly the same versus everything I met, flying in circles around the room and firing at whatever was in the middle until it was gone.
Maybe there are harder bosses and rooms later on in the game, but for now it all feels the same to me.
Despite this I definitely recommend this game.
How far did you get? Once you get some unlocks (a few playthroughs) or to the deeper parts of the dungeon there are some pretty challenging enemies. Ones that do stuff like get back up, are only vulnerable from a certain side, teleport, charge, etc.
Sure combat still generally boils down to "Avoid shit, attack shit" but I find the enemies have enough variety to keep it interesting.
Like I said I haven't had the time to do a longer sitting (why is there no save game feature anyway?), so I've not got far. I've come to the last room of the first stretch or whatever you want to call it a couple of times, and then completed 4-6 levels a few times. I've only unlocked the girl and the pirate characters so far.
GOD DAMN SHELLGAME DUDE He gave me just 2 bombs (that's 1 win for those of you who haven't played the game) for the 26 coins I spent on him (that's 26 games for those who don't know) — absolutely crazy luck.
On October 17 2011 15:08 Xapti wrote: GOD DAMN SHELLGAME DUDE He gave me just 2 bombs (that's 1 win for those of you who haven't played the game) for the 26 coins I spent on him (that's 26 games for those who don't know) — absolutely crazy luck.
I never play that Shell Game. I usually spend any money I get in the coin shops, and just blow up the game rooms if I have the bombs, or ignore them.
But ya, at first when I bought this game I thought I'd get bored with it, but lately I've been hooking playing it over and over. It's just such an easily accessible game that you don't need to sit down and devote a lot of time to if you don't want.
Awesome news, I got it over the Christmas sale and have been playing the shit out of it. Outside of some lag issues, I haven't had much to complain about it. Pretty damn hard too, I still haven't made it out of The Depths yet.
I have about 70 hours into the game and I still need to get the no damage achievements for cave, depths, and womb, as well as beat sheol with eve and ???.
Needless to say I enjoy this game a whole lot, and will definitely buy the expansion.
There's an interview here with some more info on it.
I think the most interesting part about the interview is the mention of the new Team Meat game being vector based with a whole new engine to optimize it. Hopefully they can move away from the flash engine, since it has it's downfalls.
i recently bought that game when it was 50% off on steam and i have to say it is just awesome, if you don't have it already go get it. You won't regret it, the game is made by edmund mc millen who is part of team meat a maker of super meat boy. I already have over 40h gameplay in less than 2 weeks because it is so addictive.
Thought I would bump this since The Wrath of the Lamb DLC came out today for Binding of Isaac. I have only played it for a couple hours so far but it already ads tons of shit to the game. New enemies, alot of new items, new bosses, new stages etc. Everything seems more randomized as well. Having alot of fun with it right now, has anyone else on TL gotten it yet? Now would be a good time to pick up the games if you haven't. The original game and the expansion are on stream for $5 combined. With so much content, it really is a steal.
If anyones curious about what they added, jimothyjim on the Binding of Isaac reddit has put alot of work into explaining alot of the stuff they have added, most of it has been found out looks like.
Also some guys are throwing stuff up at http://bindingofisaac.wikia.com/wiki/Wrath_of_the_Lamb I'm adding their item info to here too, but in a day or two they will probably outdo whatever I can manage on here. Everything is being gathered from this thread and there, so nothing is officially confirmed and things may be inaccurate or incomplete. Thanks to the mass of people who keep finding new things and also to the people at the aforementioned wiki. This actually got too long for one post, so part 2 is a reply to this comment. Might be tough to find at the moment as there's so many other replies. New Gameplay Stuff:
- Some kind of new white heart, possibly called an eternal heart. Changes to a regular heart on the next level.
- Fortune teller machine. Gives out tarot cards, trinkets, spiriter hearts or fortunes. New fortunes overide the old ones. "Throwing your life away" rumoured to give better luck at slot machines.
- Luck is now a larger part of gameplay.
- Spider webs slow you down and can be bombed.
- There are now rooms with only a spike in the middle. Running over a spike causes AT LEAST half a heart of damage, it could be more. This has a chance of spawning a chest. Also we're calling it a "bloodletting" room for now.
- Demon version of the beggar guy. Takes hearts instead of coins.
- Dimes exist, worth 10 coins. Trinkets:
Tick - Bosses spawn with less health, you cannot change this Trinket once you get it.
Matchstick -
Red Patch - Gains the same effects as Transcendence (fly over all obstacles) for the current room when you take damage. I personally have this as I type, however, and it appears to actually be giving me damage up.
Cancer - Maxes out tears
Rusted Key
Ace of Spades - Gives 1 Soul Heart when life goes down to 1/2 heart
Umbilical Cord - Spawns a familiar when you take damage.
Goat Hoof - Possibly damage increase of some kind. Possibly increases the chance of Krampus.
Childs Heart
Isaacs Fork - Gives you life stealing.
Liberty Cap - Isaac gains a random effect that mushrooms normally give. Recharges in every new room.
Mom's pearl - Seems to have a random chance for tears to petrify the enemy.
Pinky Eye - Sometimes shot tears are poisonous.
Flatenned Penny - Get a golden key every time you pick up a penny.
Missing Page - Random book effect when damaged.
Safety Cap
Push Pin - A chance of shooting spectral tears. Damages enemies ever so slightly when you enter a room.
Cursed Skull - Seems to teleport you out of the room and into the last completed room whenever you get down to 1/2 heart.
Undefined - Gives a spirit heart per floor.
Burnt Penny - Chance to drop a bomb when you pick up a penny.
Guppy's Head - Spawns Blue attack flies to damage enemies. One room recharge.
Prayer Card - Adds half an eternal/white heart. Six room recharge.
Telepathy for Dummies - Grants The Magician/Twisted Spoon (so homing tears etc.) Effects last for the current room and take two rooms to recharge.
Notched Axe - Lets you destroy rocks. Recharges once per room.
Remote Detonator - Bombs no longer explode automatically. You place them then detonate them.
Dad's Key - Opens doors. Two room recharge.
Portable Slot - Literally a portable slot machine. Press space bar to gamble a coin on it.
Crack the Sky - Calls heavenly beams of light to fall upon your enemies dealing mass damage to whatever they hit. Four room recharge.
Best Friend - Deploys a decoy of yourself that eventually explodes. Three room recharge.
The Candle - Throws a blue flame that damages enemies in it's path. Recharges every 5 seconds or so, meaning it can be used multiple times in the same room. It also blocks things in a similar way to a halo of flies.
Passive/Collectible Items:
Jesus Juice - Range up and tears up, however it may actually be a damage increase rather than tears up. http://imgur.com/za5yz
Bloodlust - Cause Rage. Every kill in a room, you're tears get stronger. Seems to reset the stengthwhen you go in a new room.
Mitre - Something to do with luck...
Holy Grail - Hp up by 1. Allows you to fly.
Dead Dove - Flight and spectral tears.
Tough Love - Occasionally shoot out teeth (one at a time) which possibly increases damage.
Cat 'O Nine Tails - Increased shot speed.
3 Dollar Bill - Random tear effects.
Stemcells - Extra heart.
Pyro - 99 bombs
Mom's Pill Satchel - Spawns pills, maybe 4.
Black Bean - Every time you take damage you fart, like Bad Gas.
Technology 2 - Continuous laser in addition to your tears. Removes spectral tears.
Mutant Spider - Quad shot.
Squeezy - Tears up.
8 Ball - Tears up.
Chemical Peel - Damage up. Some tears are randomnly more powerful than others. Occasionally drops acid like the Lemon item.
MEAT! - HP and tears up.
Mom's Cotton Purse - You can hold an additional trinket.
Pageant Boy - Free money.
Magic 8 Ball - Tears up.
The Peeper - Eye floats around the room with you and shoots blood tears
Stigmata - Damage and health up.
Ice Pad - Explosive tears.
White Pony - Flight and dash like A Pony, but also makes beams of light.
Box - Drops one of each item, namely a coin, a key, a heart, a bomb, a trinket, a card, a pill.
Ipecac - Shoot out bombs like Pestilence does.
Habit - Charges your active item up 2 blocks each time you take damage.
Toothpicks - Tears up.
Fate - Permanent angel wings.
Brass Knuckles - Every few shots you fire a tooth which seems to explode into shrapnel
Wooden Cross - Damage and health up.
Friends to the End - Spawns 3 large friendly flies around you. Flies die for good after taking a hit.
The Mulligan - Shots sometimes spawn flies to attack enemies.
Polyphemus - Makes Isaac shoot one huge tear. Maximum damage slowest tear speed. If it hits an enemy it will kill that enemy and the tear will get smaller depending on the amount of damage it took to kill that enemy. The tear will however continue on at its new size and hit any other enemies in it's path. I phrased this poorly I'm afraid.
Sacred Heart -One soul heart. Homing tears.
Spirit of the Night - Spectral tears and flying.
Ankh - When you die it respawns you in the previous room as ??? with 3 spirit hearts.
The Polaroid
The Crucifix
Mega Fetus - Tears become guided missiles.
Guppy's Tail
Scapular - Can't die, not sure if unlimited. When you die it respawns you with a soul heart.
Harlequin Baby - Follower that shoots out 2 red projectiles at a 30 degree angle. Will replace Brother Bobby if you have him already.
Infestation - Every time you take damage, you produce a random number of blue flies.
Bloody Penny - Chance to drop 1/2 a heart when picking up coins.
Guardian Angel - "Faith Up". Not sure what effects it has. Seems to have cursed me with darkness. It's a companion but I don't know what it's doing. Possibly giving me heart increases every so often.
Holy Water - Breaks when you take damage, leaving a blue area that damages enemies. It recharges every room.
Bum Friend - Portable beggar. Will pick up pennies by himself.
2 of Diamonds - Doubles money.
Joker - Takes you to a satan or angel room
2 of Clubs - Doubles bombs.
2 of Hearts - Restores 2 hearts.
2 of Spades - Doubles one of your items.
Puberty - Changed character appearance.
Golden Key
Super Troll Bomb
White/eternal heart
Luck Up
Luck Down
Curse of the Labyrinth - Merges both levels into one (like, Cellar 1 and Cellar 2 become a huge Cellar XL). So there's two item rooms and two bosses etc.
Curse of Darkness - No map, just a question mark.
Curse of the Lost
New Enemies:
This section is hard because I don't know what to call them. Normal Enemies
Harder Puster - Shoots 2 bloodshots at once.
Strange little circular guys who sometimes form a centipede -
Flashing Spiders - Run around in quick bursts. Splits into more spiders when you hit them.
Spiders with people faces - Seem similar to hoppers.
Bouncing heads - Similar to hopper movement. Fire 2 bloodshots.
Green Boils - Like boils but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Walking Green Boils - Like Green Boils but they walk.
Green Gapers - Like Gapers but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Poop flies - Start as passive flies until you destroy their poop. Then they turn into angry flies.
Chubby Vis - Instead of shooting you with the laser like attack it fires little chubs at you.
Green Shooting Head stone - Like a normal head stone but shoot explosive green bombs, similar to Pestilence.
Hive Skulls - Look similar to hives but seem to be skulls covered in flies maybe. They seem more aggressive and spit meaner things at you.
Modified Pokies - Found 4 of them in one room, they seem to go in straight lines and then back to their original position
Heart Masks - Floating masks, similar to knights, however they are faster, and they can only be killed by taking out their respective floating heart. The masks themselves seem to take no damage.
Rotten Floating Head - Coughs out 3 bloodshots, similar to the second form of War.
Hanging Men Fire - bloodshots and float around on nooses.
Conquest - New Harbinger. Gives you a White Pony
Blighted Ovum - Similar to Gemini
The Hollow - Similar to Larry Jr.
Daddy Long legs -
Widow - Similar to Daddy Long Legs**
Mask of Infamy.
The Bloat - Similar to Peep.
Pin - Similar to Scolex. He jumps in and out of the ground and fires 4 bloodshots occasionally. At the end of the fight he started firing those poison projectile bombs like Pestilence.
*Carrion Queen - A version of Chub that spawned regenerating red poo. When low on health, it just started bouncing off the walls very fast.
Super Gluttony - Has a 2 way laser and 8 bloodshot attacks.
Super Greed - Spawns the smaller greed heads. Shoots 5 bullets instead of 3. Drops a quarter.
Super Lust - Trail of red damage slime + a hair faster Super Gluttony. Shoots out both directions at once
Super Wrath - Has Super Troll Bombs
Super Sloth -
Super Pride -
Super Envy -
Isaac -
New Floors and Rooms ;
Angel Room (satan alt) - Gives an item and doesn't cost you any hearts.
Chapel - Unofficial name. A secret room type with glass windows portraying a white cross as well as Isaac's face. Contained one half of an eternal heart.
Heart - Unofficial name. A secret room type that looks like a room from the womb levels. Contained numerous full hearts.
Library - Unofficial name. Found in the cellar. Gives you 2 books to choose from.
Biting Room or Curse Room - Unofficial name. Calling it that because the door is spiked and walking through it takes half a heart of damage. Had a red chest inside which gave 2 spirit hearts. If you're flying you can get in without damage but going back out seem to take half a heart of damage still.
Boss challenge room Unofficial name - A special challenge room that seems to always contain an item, at the expense of spawning bosses - much like the normal challenge rooms past The Womb, but found before this point in the game. The only visual difference seems to be an added skull at the top of the barred door. Not sure what criteria it takes to open this door.
The Cellar (basement alt)
The Catacombs (caves alt)
Necropolis (depths alt)
Utero (womb alt)
Cathedral (Sheol alt)
Dark was the Night - Constantly cursed with the Curse of Darkness which causes the map to become just a question mark.
7 Years Bad Luck -
Large Marge - All levels have Curse of the Labyrinth. Unlocks Burnt Penny
9 Deaths -
Lord of The Flies -
The Doctors Revenge - Dr. Fetus+ Doctor's Remote. Unlocks Mega Fetus
Meat 4 Evar -
Spiderboy - Start with Spider Bite. Unlocks Spider Butt
Isaac was Good Today -
The Purist - You play as Isaac, no D6, no item rooms.
The new light area is called "Cathedral." It's worth mentioning that all fly-related monsters are white, including the variety of bomb fly normally encountered in Sheol. The final boss...is Isaac. Like Satan, he has 3 forms. In his 1st form, he's laying down ala the iconic crying Isaac image, and, well, he cries at you. A lot. I'm afraid I wasn't able to get a good look at the 2nd stage (was a bit of a powerhouse.) During the 3rd and final stage, Isaac is standing up, and holy beams shoot down from the sky at you. I took no damage during this phase so long as I hugged the right side of the wall, but this could just be an isolated case. The cinematic ending was no different than beating the game 11 times for one person, however someone else says that the final ending is Isaac reading a book, probably the Bible, looking at a chest in the corner, and seeing himself as a demon in the mirror, possibly symbolizing that he sees himself as sinful, the same way his mom sees him. Perhaps he's considering suicide. Beating Isaac with Cain unlocks the Abel item. Beating with Maggie unlocks The Crucifix. Beating with Isaac unlocks D20 Other, including possible glitches
Known glitches so far:
- Some people are getting ending cinematic glitches where the right cinematic may not be playing. I'm a little too confused on this one to comment.
- There's a super odd glitch where some broken rocks show Isaac holding A Pony and there's flashing insignias and circle backgrounds and yeah. Looks like this. http://imgur.com/MgYP8
- Sometimes if you try some of the challenges, when starting a new normal game it may still be stuck in one of the challenge modes. Restart seems to fix it. People are reporting in numerous problems with playing a normal game after a challenge game.
- Getting Brimstone and Technology 2 will cause you to be unable to fire. You'll be forever charging. Update: I just did this accidently. Extremely glitchy laser and animations but I had a continuous laser when I held down a direction.
- Not a glitch as such, but getting Boomerang and Explosive Shots is highly ill advised...
- Some people are having issues with the sound since installing the DLC.
- Some people are also reporting not getting unlocks on a succesful run. May be linked to the cinematic glitch.
Does anyone here still play this? I decided to make some videos with my game play for kicks. If there is interest, I will make/post more. I'm honestly not that great, but this is one of my better runs recorded so far.
Pre-Purchase Now - The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Product Release - Valve Sep 5 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is Now Available for Pre-Purchase on Steam and is 33% off for owners of The Binding of Isaac!*
When Isaac’s mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement facing droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears, and eventually his mother.
The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him super human abilities and enabling him to fight off droves of mysterious creatures, discover secrets and fight his way to safety.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is the ultimate of remakes with an all-new highly efficient game engine (expect 60fps on most PCs), all-new hand-drawn pixel style artwork, highly polished visual effects, all-new soundtrack and audio by Matthias Bossi, and hundreds upon hundreds of designs, redesigns and re-tuned enhancements by series creator, Edmund McMillen.
*Offer ends November 4th at 10AM Pacific Time
According to Steam, it will be released on Nov. 4th. I don't know if that is a definite release date, probably not.
So fucking hyped for this. Should be amazing if you enjoyed the first one with so many more items/rooms etc and the fact that flash won't be holding it back anymore with it's own game engine now.
I am really curious what it is going to offer, that justifies buying it, even though I own the original. The game is just so unbelieveablke good, because as soon as you get fairly decent at it, you realise it is not really luck based. Your luck just decides if it gets a little bit easier or harder.
To wave my e-pen around, after almost 150 hours of this game, I achieved my positive K/D! 198/194 right now. No restarts, always using random character, no bugusing(I dont even know if there is one, besides using invulnerability-frames to get double the coins per heart out of a bloodbank)
Well first of all, Rebirth is going to have everything from the old game, plus more new stuff, plus fixed bugs, plus SAVING so you don't have to quit in the middle or restart the whole thing after dying. I'm going to get so addicted to unlocking everything again...
I am really curious what it is going to offer, that justifies buying it, even though I own the original. The game is just so unbelieveablke good, because as soon as you get fairly decent at it, you realise it is not really luck based. Your luck just decides if it gets a little bit easier or harder.
As NorthernLion says, you just gotta survive long enough to get an item that carries you the rest of the game. Be it Polyphemus, Mom's Knife, Brimstone, etc.
Even without any item, I am able to beat at least Moms heart almost always adn then go to Satan/???. When you hit a certain level of skill in this game, items are (almost)irrelevant(excluding bad items, those can actually screw you xD). The saving-option seems nice, as long as it doesnt allow you to reload after you died. I think that would take away to much tension. The new stuff definitly akes me curious, but as I said, I am not sutre if it will be enough. Unless the whole thing is on sale again. Buying the BoI+WotL for 1 or 2€ was definitly one of my best buys ever. I am not so keen on the new look though. Does anyone know if the new graphics are optional?
On September 15 2014 17:38 waffelz wrote: Even without any item, I am able to beat at least Moms heart almost always adn then go to Satan/???. When you hit a certain level of skill in this game, items are (almost)irrelevant(excluding bad items, those can actually screw you xD). The saving-option seems nice, as long as it doesnt allow you to reload after you died. I think that would take away to much tension. The new stuff definitly akes me curious, but as I said, I am not sutre if it will be enough. Unless the whole thing is on sale again. Buying the BoI+WotL for 1 or 2€ was definitly one of my best buys ever. I am not so keen on the new look though. Does anyone know if the new graphics are optional?
I'm looking forward to Rebirth so much. I have 218 hours clocked on steam of the original and probably another at least 200 in between offline mode, spider mod and community remix and I'm still learning new stuff. Rebirth being more than twice as big is making my head dizzy already. :D
On October 27 2014 08:55 Mensol wrote: How do you get moms knife? Best damage item i got so far is Technology 2, i can only go further with it.
I just beat mom's heart and game got even harder.
Complete Sheol with Isaac and you unlock moms knife.
But yea technology 2 is probably the best. One run got Tech 2 into Chocolate milk and Polyphemus. Everything died instantly and bosses within few seconds.
Time for a break. I'm really impressed by the game so far, even with new graphics it has the Isaac feel to it. The only complaint I have is the voices for various enemies sound worse to me, but maybe that's just because I'm used to the old sounds.
first run, beat mom and unlocked Lazarus, took bad damage against new bosses and mobs, dingle is a giant piece of shit(literally) don't underestimate him.
some room layouts are also retarded, especially in the depths.
On November 05 2014 23:00 Glioburd wrote: Tried it yesterday, it is really cool. I wish I had an internet access at home, the game can't be played in offline mode TT.
On November 05 2014 23:00 Glioburd wrote: Tried it yesterday, it is really cool. I wish I had an internet access at home, the game can't be played in offline mode TT.
Its playable in offline mode...
Well not for me. Steam clearly told me "This game is not playable in offline mode" xd.
I was doing the High Brow challenge run in which you start with very low range and high rate of fire, nothing I can't handle. I was doing pretty good and then I find an item which gives me magnetic tears. That has to be the single worst item in the game. I was hoping it would pull enemies into my tears for easy killing. What it actually did was pull the whole fucking rooms of enemies next to my face at very high speeds. I mean I have to shoot at some point (duh), but doing so made it very dangerous, almost impossible in some rooms.
I died to those black explosive flies because I pulled them into me >_>
On November 07 2014 07:54 KillerSOS wrote: so I'm awful at this game... anyone have any suggestions? I think I made it to the 5th floor.
I have some experience with roguelikes... but this one takes the cake.
It is really just about learning the attack patterns of the enemies. http://www.twitch.tv/cobaltstreak He is pretty much the best isaac streamer, you always can learn some tricks from him
Never take red heart damage -- your chance of devil room/god room goes down. Taking soul heart damage is okay. The secret room is always in the room with the most adjacent rooms. The bible instakills mom The High Priestess card instakills pretty much every boss, including the final bosses. Always pick up items even if you don't want them, if you pick them up you won't see them again. Always pick up books, once you "touch" every book, items will spawn instead. You can run in between spikes without taking damage Darker grey stones have soul hearts in them If you activate a slot machine in a boss room, via the wheel of fortune card or slot machine item, and you spawn a fly, leaving the room with the fly in it will respawn the boss. Bosses can be farmed multiple times this way. If you collect any 3 "guppy" items you will transform into guppy and spawn flies. Nun's Habit + Scapular + D6 = infinite items use this website: http://platinumgod.co.uk/
On November 05 2014 23:00 Glioburd wrote: Tried it yesterday, it is really cool. I wish I had an internet access at home, the game can't be played in offline mode TT.
Its playable in offline mode...
Well not for me. Steam clearly told me "This game is not playable in offline mode" xd.
I've had that issue, it's a steam thing, not tied to specific games. Connect to steam with net again, then disconnect and try opening steam. It should either let you log in on offline mode, or it'll prompt you to connect to prepare the account for offline mode.
Anyhow, Rebirth. So many fun item combinations! Also, Azazel is a beast.
On November 07 2014 07:54 KillerSOS wrote: so I'm awful at this game... anyone have any suggestions? I think I made it to the 5th floor.
I have some experience with roguelikes... but this one takes the cake.
It is really just about learning the attack patterns of the enemies. http://www.twitch.tv/cobaltstreak He is pretty much the best isaac streamer, you always can learn some tricks from him
Every time I watch he has flying... how is that possible
On November 07 2014 07:54 KillerSOS wrote: so I'm awful at this game... anyone have any suggestions? I think I made it to the 5th floor.
I have some experience with roguelikes... but this one takes the cake.
It is really just about learning the attack patterns of the enemies. http://www.twitch.tv/cobaltstreak He is pretty much the best isaac streamer, you always can learn some tricks from him
Every time I watch he has flying... how is that possible
watch him and learn, as i said before, the most important part is your dodging. Everything else (little tricks) you can learn from his stream pretty much. Have fun!
I've been getting weird combined effects from items, does anyone with more hours than I on Rebirth know what gives you this weird effect where you'd randomly get teleported away when you get hit? It seems to only happen in the depths and I'm guessing it has something to do with the passive cursed eye.
On November 07 2014 11:18 Nopeudon wrote: I've been getting weird combined effects from items, does anyone with more hours than I on Rebirth know what gives you this weird effect where you'd randomly get teleported away when you get hit? It seems to only happen in the depths and I'm guessing it has something to do with the passive cursed eye.
Did you have the Cursed Skull trinket? It makes it so you teleport away whenever you are hit by an attack which would bring you to half a heart.
TIL dice rooms are sometimes awful... I had a pretty solid run, didn't quite remember what I had, but nice items. Walked on the dice, ended up with chocolate milk and a whole bunch of random crap, and a cursed skull which just doesn't show up even though my previous trinket had been altered to have that effect
On November 07 2014 11:18 Nopeudon wrote: I've been getting weird combined effects from items, does anyone with more hours than I on Rebirth know what gives you this weird effect where you'd randomly get teleported away when you get hit? It seems to only happen in the depths and I'm guessing it has something to do with the passive cursed eye.
Did you have the Cursed Skull trinket? It makes it so you teleport away whenever you are hit by an attack which would bring you to half a heart.
Hmm don't believe so. It wasn't even an instant teleport the moment I got hit, from what I can see it seemed to be purely random. Also I wasn't even close to half heart health- had devil-bum-friend (forgot its name) backing me up with a whole bunch of spirit hearts.
On November 07 2014 06:37 kuresuti wrote: I was doing the High Brow challenge run in which you start with very low range and high rate of fire, nothing I can't handle. I was doing pretty good and then I find an item which gives me magnetic tears. That has to be the single worst item in the game. I was hoping it would pull enemies into my tears for easy killing. What it actually did was pull the whole fucking rooms of enemies next to my face at very high speeds. I mean I have to shoot at some point (duh), but doing so made it very dangerous, almost impossible in some rooms.
I died to those black explosive flies because I pulled them into me >_>
Fucking orbital tears ("tiny planet")
not like any part of the game is aiming with your tears. Let them spin around you in circles instead of fucking shoot anything
Does anyone know if hard mode affects luck? I've exclusively played that, but I think the only thing I saw people post about is that it is just fewer item drops in rooms and more enemies.
Guys, Rebirth is so fucking good. I finished WoL a year ago (platinum god, did some breaking runs, etc.) and was pretty bored of the game, actually. I did preorder Rebirth when it was announced, but didn't really think that much of it. Now it's out and I already have 20 hours played in it after the couple days it's been out. It's just so good, I love the boss gauntlet you get if you beat Mom under 20 minutes. That's probably my favorite change, it changes the way you play, you can't min-max every single room, you have to also evaluate time into your decisions. Eden is also super interesting, I'm a lazy person and often just restart if I don't get good items on the first floor. I can't do that with Eden, again it forces me to play differently, which is amazing. I'm loving the game, so damn good.
On November 08 2014 01:12 KillerSOS wrote: What's the room that's always locked that has a curved arrow to the left? I have no idea how to open it and I can't find it on any wiki lol.
I got a silly run with 99 bombs + the thing that makes the bombs send shards everywhere and anarchist (the thing that spawns like 8 smilie bombs lol)
On November 08 2014 01:12 KillerSOS wrote: What's the room that's always locked that has a curved arrow to the left? I have no idea how to open it and I can't find it on any wiki lol.
I got a silly run with 99 bombs + the thing that makes the bombs send shards everywhere and anarchist (the thing that spawns like 8 smilie bombs lol)
Feels good doesn't it? It's just the beginning!
Somehow managed to beat Mom's Heart the exact next run after that (1 shot lol!)
I had a pretty interesting combo just now. Spoon Bender and Tech 2 resulted in a laser that arced from enemy to enemy. It was kind of buggy in that sometimes it just didn't do it and sometimes the whole room would get hit, but pretty funny anyway.
Man. The one thing I hate about that boss gauntlet is the DAMAGING POOP! You can't see where the hell they are if you're moving fast, plus everything becomes a black/red muddled mess anyways. If there's a reward for killing a certain amount of bosses in there, I didn't achieve it, but I think I killed like 15.
On November 07 2014 06:37 kuresuti wrote: I was doing the High Brow challenge run in which you start with very low range and high rate of fire, nothing I can't handle. I was doing pretty good and then I find an item which gives me magnetic tears. That has to be the single worst item in the game. I was hoping it would pull enemies into my tears for easy killing. What it actually did was pull the whole fucking rooms of enemies next to my face at very high speeds. I mean I have to shoot at some point (duh), but doing so made it very dangerous, almost impossible in some rooms.
I died to those black explosive flies because I pulled them into me >_>
Fucking orbital tears ("tiny planet")
not like any part of the game is aiming with your tears. Let them spin around you in circles instead of fucking shoot anything
Does anyone know if hard mode affects luck? I've exclusively played that, but I think the only thing I saw people post about is that it is just fewer item drops in rooms and more enemies.
played a game with azazel
got orbital tears
dope as fuck
edit: damnit I mad. I just lost a game unfortunately after winning the boss gauntlet cuz I had like 1 evil heart for my total health w/ azazel.
had pact with devil for brimstone (full laser range) and got something that gave me honing shot [edit-- spoon bender]
purple lasers bending around the screen to one shot things essentially
After a trillion billion tries I've finally managed to complete the Head Trauma challenge. I used up all my luck for the year to buy a Bible in the first shop I entered and it would be an easy win if I could get to Mom. Somewhere along the way I found the Ring Worm trinket. That coupled with the items you start with was just silly. Don't get me wrong, it would be useless in a real game but it looked really silly with the whole screen covered in small tears spinning in circles.
I think evil and faith affect devil/angel room probabilities. Not sure what sin does, tho. I think goat head gives you sin up, or something. Maybe dark robes, I don't remember.
Just had my most OP Rebirth run so far. Proptosis, Growth Hormones, Quad Shot, Pentagram, Brimstone, Guppy, Monstro's Lung pill roration had health up, balls of steel and full health. It was just perfect. One-shot literally everything I ran into including lategame bosses that I don't want to name because spoilers.
On November 08 2014 11:23 Unattended Cake wrote: Man. The one thing I hate about that boss gauntlet is the DAMAGING POOP! You can't see where the hell they are if you're moving fast, plus everything becomes a black/red muddled mess anyways. If there's a reward for killing a certain amount of bosses in there, I didn't achieve it, but I think I killed like 15.
The red poop actually does damage a ton of damage to the bosses, it's not all bad. I had some bosses die without even touching them from the red poop. The gauntlet has 15 waves and at the end of it you get another item, and there are unlocks for completing it, one for each character.
brim and gravity tears (i think?) creates a pretty interesting combination, you charge brim as usual and then when you release the key it creates a whirlpool about the size of issac where you're standing and then shoots brim in the direction that you were aiming in another charge time.. so it's kinda like a delayed brim.. it wasn't as good as normal brim because it's harder to control, but it's awesome to see the different combinations.. loving the game thus far. is everyone only playing on hard difficulty??
i'm like 40/10 on hard mode and i was BoI platinum god.. the final floors get tough on hard if you don't have a really good build.. that said I farm kills with the bluebaby character that starts with shortranged brimstone and flying, because it's hilariously overpowered even without heart containers.. also, starting with the fool card is great because you can pick your item from the "boss rush" mode after mom's foot and just TP out if you don't wanna waste hearts/time fighting all the bosses..
also, i haven't seen brimstone a single time in any run (other than starting with it), did they greatly reduce the drop rate or make it an unlock or something??
On November 09 2014 08:17 SinTio wrote: 41/19 on normal, except one won run on hard. Also Challenge 1-10 done. Fuck 'Cat got your tongue' and 'Head trauma'.
Edit: ^I don't think Brimstone is unlockable, you're just unlucky. Also more devil room items that are also not locked, so bigger pool.
Yeah I thought that this might be the case, specially since there's a chance for your god room/devil room to be absolute garbage new with bad chests or just soul hearts/demon hearts
Yeah, It does get annoying having to keep the wiki open, and there are so many items it will be awhile until you memorize a good number of them. Just comes with time unfortunately.... I played a lot of the original and even still I need a wiki open, mostly for the cards, I honestly can never remember what 90% of them do.
I've put in a good number of hours on it and am loving it. Maybe it's just me but it does seem easier compared to WotL, not as much bullshit and the item drops seem better. Could just be me though.
Beat mom once and just made it to Moms Heart but lost. Forgot how much damn HP it has T_T
Really enjoying it though, much more than I thought honestly.
On November 08 2014 11:23 Unattended Cake wrote: Man. The one thing I hate about that boss gauntlet is the DAMAGING POOP! You can't see where the hell they are if you're moving fast, plus everything becomes a black/red muddled mess anyways. If there's a reward for killing a certain amount of bosses in there, I didn't achieve it, but I think I killed like 15.
The red poop actually does damage a ton of damage to the bosses, it's not all bad. I had some bosses die without even touching them from the red poop. The gauntlet has 15 waves and at the end of it you get another item, and there are unlocks for completing it, one for each character.
double posted, shit.
I was just frustrated when I posted that, I ran into them at least 10 times trying to get away from projectiles. Haha. I did beat it today, but I was using the Brimstone character. Kinda ridiculous, honestly.
omg the black larva item that eats your enemies to restore your health is ridiculously good, if you have an arcade you use the blood machine sooo many times.. first from just refilling from enemies on the floor, and then from using the larva to eat flies from the beggar whenever he gives you flies instead of items (that gives you hp too!!)
if you ever feel like you've done something dumb, I just lost a game on the womb 2 with like 1/2 a heart left as I was just running through already cleared rooms to head to the boss and forgot that one room had like raising/lowering spikes right after the door and died (granted I had at least 1 more room to go through to the challenge room, but I really cleared what felt like the entire wom. I should have been just 1 or 2 rooms away, but could have died in those too).
but yea, there is just so much shit now. I didn't have wrath of lamb, and I felt the first game was more manageable in terms of items
this one does have a lot of fun ones though. While I dislike most items that change the straight-fire shot, the ludivico item was a really fun and hectic game I had (make your tear just float, there is no more shooting tears. control with arrows)
also, I played a ton the past 2 days and I suck. my stats are especially horrible after today.
Holy crap. I just had a run with Ipecac and Guppy's Head. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the damage the flies did was the same damage as my main attack, ergo my flies did as much damage as a bomb.
I beat most bosses within less than a second, two to three flies took care of them instantly. o.O
On top of that I got Monstro's Lung later on to carpet bomb the entire room with one shot. In case the flies didn't kill everything before I charged my shot.
Missingno is one wild item, holy fuck. It seems to give completely reroll all your items at the start of every floor. :D Don't recommend picking it up when you really need a win, obviously. :D
If you want to have fun with azazel, check out this seed: 778Y 4DC8
Little planet first item is great with him, and then i got a lot of damage and there was tammy's head in a chest in the middle of one of the rooms (pretty sure it was necro I). the result was killing mom's heart in one use.
Is there anywhere that I can see how to unlock all the random rooms and floors? It seems like after every heart kill I get access to something else new and random.
this game is so great is so great, but i don't like the items that make you worse. i picked up cursed eye. this items makes bosses almost impossible by teleporting out if you get hit. and of course i picked it up another time, because i didn t remeber the item. but now never again
On November 10 2014 03:56 GreYMisT wrote: If you want to have fun with azazel, check out this seed: 778Y 4DC8
Little planet first item is great with him, and then i got a lot of damage and there was tammy's head in a chest in the middle of one of the rooms (pretty sure it was necro I). the result was killing mom's heart in one use.
On November 09 2014 11:24 Noocta wrote: I really like this game, but it's annoying having to wiki every item to know what they do :/
Why do you need to know what it does? Just pick it up and try to figure it out if it's not clear from the description! The only time I use the Wiki is if I've picked something up several times and still have no idea what it does.
On November 10 2014 03:56 GreYMisT wrote: If you want to have fun with azazel, check out this seed: 778Y 4DC8
Little planet first item is great with him, and then i got a lot of damage and there was tammy's head in a chest in the middle of one of the rooms (pretty sure it was necro I). the result was killing mom's heart in one use.
Azazel is really broken tho...
In my run I ended up skipping an Ipecac, Don't know how it interacts with little planet and brimstone in rebirth. I'll go back and see if it does anything weird
EDIT: all Ipecac does with brimstone is poison enemies, not that it matters too much.
People with different items unlocked can have different runs on the same seed. At least that's how it works, I think.
Gnawed Leaf is the cheesiest item in the game by far. With enough patience, you can win runs you would otherwise have no business winning at all. Pretty much any orbital or familiar that attacks on its own and you kill every room without taking damage eventually.
On November 09 2014 11:24 Noocta wrote: I really like this game, but it's annoying having to wiki every item to know what they do :/
Why do you need to know what it does? Just pick it up and try to figure it out if it's not clear from the description! The only time I use the Wiki is if I've picked something up several times and still have no idea what it does.
I tried to do that, but way too many items are not obvious in what they do at all.
On November 09 2014 11:24 Noocta wrote: I really like this game, but it's annoying having to wiki every item to know what they do :/
Why do you need to know what it does? Just pick it up and try to figure it out if it's not clear from the description! The only time I use the Wiki is if I've picked something up several times and still have no idea what it does.
I tried to do that, but way too many items are not obvious in what they do at all.
Yeah, with 120 new items (if that's the wrong number, I'm thinking about the Hearthstone expansion), it's kind of overwhelming to try to remember more than a handful at a time in an individual run. I did Platinum God the original game (the DLC introduced some enemies I just found frustrating, so I didn't enjoy playing it anymore) and I feel like I mostly used the wiki just for the trinkets. The items were much more... straightforward.
On November 09 2014 11:24 Noocta wrote: I really like this game, but it's annoying having to wiki every item to know what they do :/
Why do you need to know what it does? Just pick it up and try to figure it out if it's not clear from the description! The only time I use the Wiki is if I've picked something up several times and still have no idea what it does.
I tried to do that, but way too many items are not obvious in what they do at all.
Yeah, with 120 new items (if that's the wrong number, I'm thinking about the Hearthstone expansion), it's kind of overwhelming to try to remember more than a handful at a time in an individual run. I did Platinum God the original game (the DLC introduced some enemies I just found frustrating, so I didn't enjoy playing it anymore) and I feel like I mostly used the wiki just for the trinkets. The items were much more... straightforward.
Yeah, after a while you start remembering the useful one so you know when to dice it or not once you got the d6 x)
Woohoo! Got my first satan kill because Azazel is OP. Was just trying to do a run where I beat the boss gauntlet and won (last time w/ azazel won boss gauntlet then died). Carried through to get satan though.
had the nail with him, so got to stock up on soul hearts
the seed is OZGN 3FST if anyone is trying out seeds; orbital tears + the nail + level 1 some good mushroom
Annoying that I had a run where I probably could have done the same thing but quit when I got dr fetus with azazel. Don't ever do that
with basically playing all weekend, I think I'll have to take a few months break .Like 40 hours logged and 46 games, 10 wins.
The dice room where you change all your items? Yeah that one made me rage too :D
I made an oath to always use it when I see it. Live by the RNGesus, die by the RNGesus. So far it lost me two runs I kinda wanted to win for unlocks, but that's no big deal, it's too much fun.
Am I missing something or is that item completly bullshit ? It recharge every room, makes you invincible for a long duration while being able to run into stuff and kill them
Not sure if the item itself did that or a synergie I'm nto aware of but I was also getting TONS of coins for every kill I made during the time I was invincible. By the end in the last level before Mom's heart, I had 2 times 99 coins, and there was probably 1000 coins in the level on the ground.
On November 11 2014 06:29 Noocta wrote: I just finished a run with Unicorn's stomp
Am I missing something or is that item completly bullshit ? It recharge every room, makes you invincible for a long duration while being able to run into stuff and kill them
Not sure if the item itself did that or a synergie I'm nto aware of but I was also getting TONS of coins for every kill I made during the time I was invincible. By the end in the last level before Mom's heart, I had 2 times 99 coins, and there was probably 1000 coins in the level on the ground.
You must have had an item that allowed you to do contact damage (Ares? Poison touch?) because by itself you are not able to do damage while under the effect of Unicorn Stump. It sounds like you had Midas Touch as well, but I'm not sure if that does damage or just turns enemies to gold. So you just got a good synergy, which IMO is perfectly fine to get broken runs now and again. Without the other item, you would have been relegated to using the stump to avoid damage or play blood banks for free.
On November 11 2014 06:29 Noocta wrote: I just finished a run with Unicorn's stomp
Am I missing something or is that item completly bullshit ? It recharge every room, makes you invincible for a long duration while being able to run into stuff and kill them
Not sure if the item itself did that or a synergie I'm nto aware of but I was also getting TONS of coins for every kill I made during the time I was invincible. By the end in the last level before Mom's heart, I had 2 times 99 coins, and there was probably 1000 coins in the level on the ground.
You must have had an item that allowed you to do contact damage (Ares? Poison touch?) because by itself you are not able to do damage while under the effect of Unicorn Stump. It sounds like you had Midas Touch as well, but I'm not sure if that does damage or just turns enemies to gold. So you just got a good synergy, which IMO is perfectly fine to get broken runs now and again. Without the other item, you would have been relegated to using the stump to avoid damage or play blood banks for free.
Not sure which item was the direct damage coming from. I had midas touch tho indeed.
It was kinda stupid tho. Just go into a room, activate, run into ennemies head first, kill everything, item recharges lol
On November 11 2014 06:29 Noocta wrote: I just finished a run with Unicorn's stomp
Am I missing something or is that item completly bullshit ? It recharge every room, makes you invincible for a long duration while being able to run into stuff and kill them
Not sure if the item itself did that or a synergie I'm nto aware of but I was also getting TONS of coins for every kill I made during the time I was invincible. By the end in the last level before Mom's heart, I had 2 times 99 coins, and there was probably 1000 coins in the level on the ground.
You must have had an item that allowed you to do contact damage (Ares? Poison touch?) because by itself you are not able to do damage while under the effect of Unicorn Stump. It sounds like you had Midas Touch as well, but I'm not sure if that does damage or just turns enemies to gold. So you just got a good synergy, which IMO is perfectly fine to get broken runs now and again. Without the other item, you would have been relegated to using the stump to avoid damage or play blood banks for free.
Not sure which item was the direct damage coming from. I had midas touch tho indeed.
It was kinda stupid tho. Just go into a room, activate, run into ennemies head first, kill everything, item recharges lol
That's the beauty of the game. You can go full munchkin and get incredibly OP synergies that kill just about everything. One I just had was Azazel + Tammy's Head + some Range items. Go into a room, hit spacebar, absolutely everything dies. Fun times.
The posibilites and sinergies in this game are endless.
Got Ipecac then Libra and Quad shot, the result was small bombs that are fired at maximum rate just like when you get soy milk but with maximum damage.
You can just carpet bomb the whole room in less than a second and everything dies instantly. Only way you could die if you kill yourself with friendly fire
On November 13 2014 07:45 Conti wrote: Dear god RNG.. Find a key-beggar at mom's heart level, figure that I would not need that many keys anyhow. Spend all but 2 on him, get nothing.
The next three levels.. 15 locked chests. Basically one in every other room.
Why do you hate me, game?
Damn that's harsh T_T Honestly I never like to use the beggars that much, unless I'm just absolutely loaded on something and can spare it.
Well since I played last I managed 2 mom heart kills so I am pretty happy. I swear they changed the drop rates or something, I never got this lucky with drops in the original. Polyphemus for instance, I can't actually recall it ever dropped for me in the original, but in Rebirth I've had it drop like 3 times already. Granted I have been playing it quite a bit but like I said just in general seems like the drop rates are a lot better.
Still so much more to this game. Only got 20% of the achievements and there's still hard mode left which I haven't tried yet.
I really like the new game man, the combinations are interesting (and powerful^^) for the most part and the added enemies are pretty fun too. Today i will try to unlock the d6 to get the most ridiculous op builds afterwards :D
Had the sickest run yesterday. Azazel with that thing that makes the tears into a massive controllable ring on the screen, I didnt catch its name. Plus I got lump of coal which made my damage completely insane, and to top it off I got gnawed leaf. It was a quick run and I got that boss room after you kill mom's heart in under 20 minutes. I basically stood in the middle of the room and everything died.
Don't pick up Ludovico and Tiny Planet. It gives you the normal controllable Ludo tear, except it still tries to circle around isaac, so it's a bitch to make it go where you need it.
On November 13 2014 23:46 cecek wrote: Don't pick up Ludovico and Tiny Planet. It gives you the normal controllable Ludo tear, except it still tries to circle around isaac, so it's a bitch to make it go where you need it.
So was starting to get bummed because I was on a losing streak and hadn't really experienced any of the great synergies in Rebirth yet, and then after struggling for the first few floors with items on a Maggie run I got Ipecac and Pyromaniac in back to back item rooms. GG.
On November 14 2014 23:37 ZasZ. wrote: So was starting to get bummed because I was on a losing streak and hadn't really experienced any of the great synergies in Rebirth yet, and then after struggling for the first few floors with items on a Maggie run I got Ipecac and Pyromaniac in back to back item rooms. GG.
I played with Maggie like 5 times now, it always felt like she starts with -5000 luck (i actually don't know if luck influences item drops, but you get my point :D)
I feel like I have the worst luck with Cain of all characters. Have finished runs with everyone but him so far. Isn't he supposed to be lucky? Also in the original game Cain got only good pills... In this he seems to get bad pills too?
On November 15 2014 00:11 batsnacks wrote: I feel like I have the worst luck with Cain of all characters. Have finished runs with everyone but him so far. Isn't he supposed to be lucky? Also in the original game Cain got only good pills... In this he seems to get bad pills too?
Yeah they nerfed the Lucky Foot so that it no longer changes bad pills to good pills. It definitely makes Cain a weaker character unfortunately, but I can see why they did that.
On November 15 2014 00:11 batsnacks wrote: I feel like I have the worst luck with Cain of all characters. Have finished runs with everyone but him so far. Isn't he supposed to be lucky? Also in the original game Cain got only good pills... In this he seems to get bad pills too?
Yeah they nerfed the Lucky Foot so that it no longer changes bad pills to good pills. It definitely makes Cain a weaker character unfortunately, but I can see why they did that.
Great write-up of the story/meaning/lore side of Isaac. Really puts it all in perspective. If you haven't, I recommend reading the first article about vanilla/wrath of lamb first, that one's also good and was more or less confirmed by Ed to be accurate.
Been having terrible luck with everything lately, but then suddenly Double Shot, Quad Shot AND Brimstone on the same run. Found the Spoon Bender later as well (didn't pick up the brimstone earlier though :/). Next run with Azazel I found Ludovico technique.
I got 3 guppy items within the first 2-3 levels I think; it was really fast. A bunch of other generally good but not OP items making the overall character really strong.
I then went into a dice room, and got a bunch of other effects, and I'm not sure if it's better or worse. I have some sort of tiny planet effect but I think it's modified.
I didn't know I had to watch out for dice rooms especially since the first double-locked door I opened had like butt loads of treasure in it.
I had a really good run with really strong tears then i found some item to make my attacks chargeable(something about monstro) More like you have to charge for 4 seconds for every attack I managed to kill Mom but some monsters was pain to kill
On November 16 2014 02:11 Isualin wrote: I had a really good run with really strong tears then i found some item to make my attacks chargeable(something about monstro) More like you have to charge for 4 seconds for every attack I managed to kill Mom but some monsters was pain to kill
This is just one of those items you need to learn. Like the yellow syringe that shuffles all of your stats, some items can just ruin a good run.
Just fought Mega Satan for the first time, damn he is on another level compared to the rest of the bosses. Second half of the fight got pretty tense when I only had one heart left for awhile. I had the slotmachine item, dark bum and around 30 coins. I managed to leave one horseman alive and started spamming the slots midfight to regain some health.
It was pretty tense but I managed to beat him. I didn't unlock an achievement or anything though, is it supposed to be like that?
Just fought Mega Satan for the first time, damn he is on another level compared to the rest of the bosses. Second half of the fight got pretty tense when I only had one heart left for awhile. I had the slotmachine item, dark bum and around 30 coins. I managed to leave one horseman alive and started spamming the slots midfight to regain some health.
It was pretty tense but I managed to beat him. I didn't unlock an achievement or anything though, is it supposed to be like that?
I'm really disappointed with the music and SFX in Rebirth.
I also hate how having too much speed on a character makes the game significantly harder to play (dodging and avoiding dangers). I don't like having more than 4 speed. There should be perhaps be a bit of acceleration or something, although that could be a separate problem.
On November 18 2014 02:50 Xapti wrote: I'm really disappointed with the music and SFX in Rebirth.
I also hate how having too much speed on a character makes the game significantly harder to play (dodging and avoiding dangers). I don't like having more than 4 speed. There should be perhaps be a bit of acceleration or something, although that could be a separate problem.
Agreed with the audio assets, but it's hard to come close to the majesty of Danny B. As for speed, I don't see a problem with too much speed being subjectively bad. Some people probably like zooming around, and for people who don't they can (try to) avoid picking up speed upgrades.
Just had a weirdly OP run: I had barely any damage or tear speed, just one familiar, but I simply could not be killed. I had The Wafer + Blank Card + The Hierophant + Habit. So I could recharge the blank card with 4 hits (so, 2 hearts), which would give me 2 hearts in turn. I was literally indestructible. On top of that I had the Cartridge and Dead Bird, so my basic strategy was to get hit as much as possible. o.O
This is what it took to get Super Meatboy and Super Bandage Girl. First time breaking in Rebirth for me, too. After I had this, I kept rolling the items, depleted the item pool, picked up Missing No. which rerolled all my items, but because there were no items left in the item pool, I became vanilla Isaac and died, because I had no damage on the chest. :D
On November 25 2014 05:17 cecek wrote: This is what it took to get Super Meatboy and Super Bandage Girl. First time breaking in Rebirth for me, too. After I had this, I kept rolling the items, depleted the item pool, picked up Missing No. which rerolled all my items, but because there were no items left in the item pool, I became vanilla Isaac and died, because I had no damage on the chest. :D
I don't really understand quite what you mean by what you're saying, as you left out details and/or explanations. It does seem like bandage girl would be very rare, but amazingly in one of my first few runs ever (don't really know which one; possibly as little as the 2nd one) I managed to get a bandage girl. I don't think I got super bandage girl though. Never even got close to regular bandage girl since that one run where I got her.
On November 25 2014 05:17 cecek wrote: This is what it took to get Super Meatboy and Super Bandage Girl. First time breaking in Rebirth for me, too. After I had this, I kept rolling the items, depleted the item pool, picked up Missing No. which rerolled all my items, but because there were no items left in the item pool, I became vanilla Isaac and died, because I had no damage on the chest. :D
I don't really understand quite what you mean by what you're saying, as you left out details and/or explanations. It does seem like bandage girl would be very rare, but amazingly in one of my first few runs ever (don't really know which one; possibly as little as the 2nd one) I managed to get a bandage girl. I don't think I got super bandage girl though. Never even got close to regular bandage girl since that one run where I got her.
I was gonna comment on the image but I got lazier earlier. Might as well now to help clarify what he did.
Basically, two achievements are Finish Super Meat Boy and Finish Bandage Girl (3 cube meats and 3 bandages). I think they can be done separately. From what I can tell, this achievement is stupid hard to get. However, there is a game break that makes this easier (but requires a loooot of patience).
You need 4 things, a way to do damage to yourself, a way to heal yourself, the habit, and the monster manual (there might be other ways to do this, but i don't know cause i don't actually have the game lol). Anyways, monster manual spawns a random follower for you for the room, which includes cube of meat and bandage. The percent chance of getting it is super low comparative to everything else, so you basically have to spam the hell outta the habit and monster manual to get 3 of both. So that's what the guy did.
The reason I know this is because this is literally how Dick did this on the marathon 100 percent run done by Cobalt and Dick. Dick hit a point where the ONLY achievements left that he could do was get bandage girl and super meat boy. Literally in the hundreds of runs that they did, they failed to complete either, so he found this as a solution. He had habit, a way to freely damage himself (this item confused me, still don't know what it is), pyromaniac, Dr. Fetus, and monster manual. He went through something like 100 iterations or something stupid like that before finally completing both.
He had actually filled out a room before hand in the chest to prep for this and used the D6/D20/D100 to reroll stuff for fun. He finished out the item pool and was only given Breakfasts from thereon. So he decided to roll the D100 and he changed all his items into breakfasts, which caused him to die to Megasatan cause he had base stats on everything except for HP.
On November 25 2014 05:17 cecek wrote: This is what it took to get Super Meatboy and Super Bandage Girl. First time breaking in Rebirth for me, too. After I had this, I kept rolling the items, depleted the item pool, picked up Missing No. which rerolled all my items, but because there were no items left in the item pool, I became vanilla Isaac and died, because I had no damage on the chest. :D
I don't really understand quite what you mean by what you're saying, as you left out details and/or explanations. It does seem like bandage girl would be very rare, but amazingly in one of my first few runs ever (don't really know which one; possibly as little as the 2nd one) I managed to get a bandage girl. I don't think I got super bandage girl though. Never even got close to regular bandage girl since that one run where I got her.
I was gonna comment on the image but I got lazier earlier. Might as well now to help clarify what he did.
Basically, two achievements are Finish Super Meat Boy and Finish Bandage Girl (3 cube meats and 3 bandages). I think they can be done separately. From what I can tell, this achievement is stupid hard to get. However, there is a game break that makes this easier (but requires a loooot of patience).
You need 4 things, a way to do damage to yourself, a way to heal yourself, the habit, and the monster manual (there might be other ways to do this, but i don't know cause i don't actually have the game lol). Anyways, monster manual spawns a random follower for you for the room, which includes cube of meat and bandage. The percent chance of getting it is super low comparative to everything else, so you basically have to spam the hell outta the habit and monster manual to get 3 of both. So that's what the guy did.
The reason I know this is because this is literally how Dick did this on the marathon 100 percent run done by Cobalt and Dick. Dick hit a point where the ONLY achievements left that he could do was get bandage girl and super meat boy. Literally in the hundreds of runs that they did, they failed to complete either, so he found this as a solution. He had habit, a way to freely damage himself (this item confused me, still don't know what it is), pyromaniac, Dr. Fetus, and monster manual. He went through something like 100 iterations or something stupid like that before finally completing both.
He had actually filled out a room before hand in the chest to prep for this and used the D6/D20/D100 to reroll stuff for fun. He finished out the item pool and was only given Breakfasts from thereon. So he decided to roll the D100 and he changed all his items into breakfasts, which caused him to die to Megasatan cause he had base stats on everything except for HP.
There's many ways to do it. This time, I did it with Spark Plug, D6, Blank Card and Sun Card. Refresh the D6 with Spark Plug, reroll, pick up Blank card, refresh it with Spark Plug, get full health, pick up D6, etc., etc. That eventually gave me Wafer, which reduces the cost of the Spark Plug recharge from 2 full hearts to half a heart and made things much quicker. Then I got the Manual and jus kept rolling it. Also got the Pyro + Epic Fetus for infinite health, but didn't really need it, because the Blank card + Sun card already gave me infinite health. Blank Card is seriously amazing for breaking. Wafer + Spark Plug + Blank Card + Lovers Card gives you infinite health and infinite items on the floor to reroll into chests with D20. Which is what I ended up doing on that run, because I accidentally used the sun card.
You can use seeded runs to unlock The Lost. Use this seed JTMD EZPF for the first death as Isaac, it gives you a Mulliboom in the first room. It speeds it up quite a bit, finding the Mulliboom as Isaac is a bitch usually.
I'm one fucking run away from True Plat God. Need to kill Boss Rush as The Lost and just can't do it. I had some insane run get in there, Guppy Brimstone, Brimstone Ludo, etc. but I always get hit in some stupid way. ((
Yeah they do, but unlocking The Lost is a different process. Basically, you just need to see 4 particular death screens in a given order and the game doesn't care how you got them, so you can get them on seeded runs. you can even restart the runs, you just can't see a wrong death screen.
Wow just had my first ever run with the lost and what a run it was.
First item ankh and died on the 3rd floor and respawned as blue baby. Then i found Holy mantle on that floor in the item room.... finished the run without getting hit T_T
IF i only went the other the other way first i would had the sickest lost run lol.
I don't think I will bother trying to play that character. I was thinking about unlocking, but I don't know if I should bother since I won't like playing him.
My first Eden play my character looked just like what the lost looked like (except with some white hair), and could fly; that was cool. (ended up with an easy run too)
On December 04 2014 00:59 SkelA wrote: Wow just had my first ever run with the lost and what a run it was.
First item ankh and died on the 3rd floor and respawned as blue baby. Then i found Holy mantle on that floor in the item room.... finished the run without getting hit T_T
IF i only went the other the other way first i would had the sickest lost run lol.
Oh man, that's exactly why I don't even pick up Ankh, Judas's Shadow and Lazarus's Rags as The Lost. It's just gonna piss me off if I end up having a good run, but respawn as a different character and the achievement won't count. :D
The Lost is a bitch. The whole game apart from The Lost took me 100 hours to complete (still haven't seen Black Lotus for some reason, the item seems incredibly rare). Now I'm at 143 hours, the 43 hours I've been playing as The Lost exclusively (by 'playing' I mean holding the R key pretty much) and I still have to beat Boss Rush with him... I was so close a couple of times. I had some insane item setups there, Guppy Brimstone, Brimstone Ludo, Polyphemus Pact Mark Scythes, but I still get hit by something... I think I'm gonna need something retarded like Holy Mantle + Stop Watch + huge damage to do it, or cheese it with Gnawed Leaf + an orbital/familiar...
Also, I had Holy Mantle 5 times in the first item room as The Lost. One time I beat the Chest, the other time I threw by walking into a Blood Donation Machines and THREE FUCKING TIMES Haunt killed me in the first boss room... What a lovely game. :D
On December 05 2014 00:19 kuresuti wrote: Haunt should be a Necropolis boss or even better, not even exist.
Haunt can be dealt with quite safely as long as you stay away from the sides so that you don't get trapped. As far as I know, using that tactic will make it impossible or extremely unlikely to hit you. For the record an effective way to avoid his burst attack is to remain close to him before the shots can spread out much. Those haunt minions are the hardest part in my opinion, and those make sense to be a later-game enemy, because I think it may be impossible to not take damage against them if you have no damage upgrades due to them eventually narrowing into your position despite dodging them intentionally (I don't know if this is the case, I haven't tested enough; if I was to guess, it does seem possible to do without taking damage without any damage upgrades)
A big problem with having to deal with haunt is if you have Ludovico technique and no shoot speed upgrades, but aside from that being a rare scenario, there's tons of other enemies and bosses that are also extremely rough with no-shot-speed Ludovico as well.
My main problem with Haunt is his burst attack. If you get him as your first floor boss, without speed and/or damage upgrades the fight is pretty long and the risk of getting hit with it is pretty high. He fires bursts with no discernible pattern, that's what makes it hard in my opinion. He definitely isn't one of the harder bosses, but compared to first floor stuff like Monstro and Pin, he is on another level. I'm gonna try staying closer to him in the future
As for the ghosts. If you hug walls you can control their movement pretty easily in my experience. Usually if I do that I can get rid of one of the two in the second wave before the situation becomes dangerous but yeah, they are annoying little buggers.
Finally got the fucking Boss Rush. Didn't even have an insane run, just regular tears, magic mush, a couple other small damage ups, guppy, 9 lives and a lucky Book of Shadows. The book of shadows probably won me the fight, I used it to kill Monstro 2 and Gish. I'm not ever going to touch that character again. I'm done with The Lost.
On December 09 2014 06:23 kuresuti wrote: Gratz, hardest part of the game done
I have Eden left to clear before starting runs with The Lost, not looking forward to it...
EDIT: Did you beat Mega Satan?
The only reason to do Mega Satan is for the ending and save file icon...it doesn't get you any unlocks or achievements, so I would think no to Mega Satan as The Lost. no pls.
Luckily you don't have to beat Mega Satan as The Lost. Godhead unlocks after beating moms heart, boss rush, isaac, blue baby, satan and lamb on hard mode. There's no chance in hell I'm doing mega satan as the lost, that just sounds insane. :D Getting the key pieces seems very unlikely, because you're probably taking every devil deal item you come across, so it would probably come down to getting a lucky dad's key.
This is unreal. 25 minute unseeded Hard Mode Blue Baby kill as The Lost, no Mantle, no Stopwatch, no 9 lives. And it's his first recorded run as The Lost. Like... what?
This is unreal. 25 minute unseeded Hard Mode Blue Baby kill as The Lost, no Mantle, no Stopwatch, no 9 lives. And it's his first recorded run as The Lost. Like... what?
e: made the post spoiler free
Yeah I love NL but I can't believe he did that. Crazy luck but crazy good play at the same time. Props to him though, I'm sure he was struggling with how to put The Lost videos on his channel...if he struggles through hundreds of deaths before getting Real Platinum God like everyone else I don't know what that would do to the content.
I don't really see it as a problem. For me at least, I treat his videos as podcasts, anyway. I usually just have it running in the background, listening to him rant about random stuff while I do something else. I think he can just do like 30 minute videos of Lost attempts, keep resetting and talk about stuff. If he gets a good start he can just keep going with that run, if not just cut the video and do another one.
On December 17 2014 07:22 cecek wrote: I don't really see it as a problem. For me at least, I treat his videos as podcasts, anyway. I usually just have it running in the background, listening to him rant about random stuff while I do something else. I think he can just do like 30 minute videos of Lost attempts, keep resetting and talk about stuff. If he gets a good start he can just keep going with that run, if not just cut the video and do another one.
I agree with you, but I was mainly referring to the unwashed masses of YouTube peasants that jump all over content creators for the smallest things. I've noticed that lately most of the YouTubers I follow are getting really, really self-conscious about bad commenters, and it unfortunately changes the way they run their channel.
Tiny planet + Dr.Fetus is the worst shit I've ever seen. Basically you shoot the bomb, it does a circle around you and explodes in your face. :D So bad... I got it from a D4 reroll, cleared 6 floors with regular bombs and orbitals and rerolled again to get something less awful.
Actually, Dr.Fetus in general is awful and run losing. I don't think I ever had a good run with it.
On December 24 2014 21:56 cecek wrote: Tiny planet + Dr.Fetus is the worst shit I've ever seen. Basically you shoot the bomb, it does a circle around you and explodes in your face. :D So bad... I got it from a D4 reroll, cleared 6 floors with regular bombs and orbitals and rerolled again to get something less awful.
Actually, Dr.Fetus in general is awful and run losing. I don't think I ever had a good run with it.
I don't get the hate for Dr. Fetus in Rebirth. It does a lot less damage if you have no damage yourself, but scales well with damage and has a lot of utility uses. Never, ever miss a tinted rock, skull, mushroom, pot, secret room, or top secret room. For that alone I feel like it is run winning...because with all of those opportunities you are bound to get some incredible items unless the troll engine is feeling particularly salty.
Sure, Dr. Fetus does a lot of damage if you have a ton of damage ups. But if you have a ton of damage ups, you might as well be shooting tears and not bombs, tears are more reliable, synergize with more stuff and everything. There's also a lot of ways to get enough bombs to blow up every tinted rock and secret room. Humbling Bundle, BOGO Bombs, Contract from Below, Pyro, Bomb Bag, any of these will make sure you're pretty much fine with bombs on the whole run. To each his own, but Dr. Fetus is on my list of items that I never pick up.
Blah... just did a run where I had d6, got blank card, got d20. Couldn't do dick all though cause I could only keep one and didn't get a jera nor a battery. I Still have yet do do that trick, but I guess one needs to be very lucky (first several runs after I unlocked Jera I got it quite a lot, but since then I've gotten it almost never)
On December 24 2014 21:56 cecek wrote: Tiny planet + Dr.Fetus is the worst shit I've ever seen. Basically you shoot the bomb, it does a circle around you and explodes in your face. :D So bad... I got it from a D4 reroll, cleared 6 floors with regular bombs and orbitals and rerolled again to get something less awful.
Actually, Dr.Fetus in general is awful and run losing. I don't think I ever had a good run with it.
Need pyromaniac, this item that heals you through explosions. Literally, you cant die if you have, lets say, more than three heartcontainers.
On December 26 2014 17:48 SkelA wrote: Did they nerfed charging shots before you enter next room or maybe my keyboard is broken?
Had a run with brimstone where it seemed bugged releasing shot right away when you enter new room and the same happened with monstro lung.
They tried to fix a bug with sad bombs and charged shots or something like that. Appearantly you could deal tons of damage by charging your shots then using bombs somehow
On December 26 2014 17:48 SkelA wrote: Did they nerfed charging shots before you enter next room or maybe my keyboard is broken?
Had a run with brimstone where it seemed bugged releasing shot right away when you enter new room and the same happened with monstro lung.
They tried to fix a bug with sad bombs and charged shots or something like that. Appearantly you could deal tons of damage by charging your shots then using bombs somehow
Isaac's Tears, Tammy's Head and Sad Bombs were broken with chocolate milk. If you used one of the items (or dropped a sad bomb) while charging the chocolate milk shot it would do a dumb amount of damage. Tears bigger than the screen, one-shotting every single room and every boss with piercing tears, stuff like that.
Holy crap just had the sickest run with the lost and Isaac in general.
Got Quad shot on first item room and then got Death's Touch into brimstone and 9 lives on 1st devil room. On the 3rd floor got ludovico and full guppy after few floors....
Thank god for 9 lives because died 2 times. Probably not possible to finish a lost run without it.
Edit : Just beat the game again with the lost WOW. Holy mantle and full guppy OP
How lucky im to do both runs on hard in one day and get all achevments for it: :O
So, some real plat here already ? I'm at 150h and just starting the Lost, I have all the other achievement except SMB and SBG (fuck you The Conquest, fuck you White Pony).
On January 04 2015 22:00 Faust852 wrote: So, some real plat here already ? I'm at 150h and just starting the Lost, I have all the other achievement except SMB and SBG (fuck you The Conquest, fuck you White Pony).
Missing only SMB and tried today to get it. Using reroll untill i got book of revelations on first floor and failed twice...
First run conquest didnt spawn (wtf?) and 2nd run he dropped the pony, rerolled the floor twice with dice room but i never got conquest again.
Think im missing godhead too, never dropped so far. Just cant get reliable angel room spawns.
On January 04 2015 22:00 Faust852 wrote: So, some real plat here already ? I'm at 150h and just starting the Lost, I have all the other achievement except SMB and SBG (fuck you The Conquest, fuck you White Pony).
Missing only SMB and tried today to get it. Using reroll untill i got book of revelations on first floor and failed twice...
First run conquest didnt spawn (wtf?) and 2nd run he dropped the pony, rerolled the floor twice with dice room but i never got conquest again.
Think im missing godhead too, never dropped so far. Just cant get reliable angel room spawns.
Best way for godhead is isaac, killing the angel and reroll the key imho.
On January 04 2015 23:29 SinTio wrote: Got Lost and SMB/SBG done, just missing Skeleton Key and Godhead. Doubt I will ever see Skeleten Key though.
Used Sharp Plug/Pyromaniac with the Monster Manual for SMB/SBG though. Fuck the Horsemen RNG.
For the Skeleton key, try to run as Isaac with d6.
1step>Restart the floor untill you get a Scapular. 2step>Every key has to have it's priority set for shop rooms, only if you have for spare go for items rooms. While at it, save bombs for blowing the Greed puppet and the Donation machine togheter. In the shops you want to buy The Habit and the Decks of cards. 3step> Once you manage to get this combo (D6 + Scapular + The Habit + Deck of cards), find a fire inside a secret room and start pumping out cards. You are looking for: The Wheel of fortune (not ideal for it takes a long as time to blow it up and leaves a lot of shit, you may as well skip the use for this one) Judgement and Temperance. Basically you farm those 3 cards out and start grouping the beggars and the machines: once they leave an item, you are set to go for a D6 reroll untill you get the Skeleton Key (or black lotus, one up, whatever you are missing from the secret rooms).
Tips to read before using this strat: *Be sure to have coins to farm off the donation machine so you can get 15 coins fast. *You will need money to make the beggars teleport away, so time as good as you can the 2 of Diamonds (if you are short on money). This will save you some time, otherwise you will end up having 99 of everything anyways. *The cards... use all the cards as they come, instead of leaving them on the ground and having a full room of shit: the only cards you should NOT use ever or inside the room are: Suicide King (drop it outside the secret room). The High Priestess (drop it, or use it with caution: it won kill you if you aren't careless). The Tower (use it outside the secret room as to not damage the Beggars or machines). A Card Against Humanity (It's a pain in the ass to clear the shit). The Fool, the Joker (carefull not to teleport into Krampus with low health and dieying to it), The Emperor and other cards that teleport you outside the room use then or drop them, you decide (The Moon, doesn't change you rooms so use it every time).
On January 04 2015 22:00 Faust852 wrote: So, some real plat here already ? I'm at 150h and just starting the Lost, I have all the other achievement except SMB and SBG (fuck you The Conquest, fuck you White Pony).
Missing only SMB and tried today to get it. Using reroll untill i got book of revelations on first floor and failed twice...
First run conquest didnt spawn (wtf?) and 2nd run he dropped the pony, rerolled the floor twice with dice room but i never got conquest again.
Think im missing godhead too, never dropped so far. Just cant get reliable angel room spawns.
The problem with the Book of revelation strategy is that the % is really low. Not only you have to 50%-50% every time you fight a Horseman but you also aren't guaranteed to fight them: First room you could get a The Haunt on the womb/uthero you could get Mr.Fred or a double room boss. So yeah... not so easy to score a meat of cube (or bandage) on every horseman kill.
I did this achievement with the old school infinite rolls: D6 + Wafer + Sharp Plug + Chest room into: Yum hearth - Book of revelations or The Satanic Bible + the Monster Manual. It took me 1:40 to farm the shitty achievement (I did use a The fool card when I had a level 3 meat boy... for some reason when I picked that card up several rooms ago I thought it was the Hanged man.... and as the room was full of shit I wanted to decrease the load by taking out my body: best fail I did while playing this game by far! :D).
And for Godhead, as other have sayed bomb the angel so you can get an extra re-roll. The most important thing you want to look is for a Goat Head, so restart untill you find 1 in a cursed room and then move foward to the other levels (remember to skip the first Devil's Room). if you manage to get a Rosary bead trinket go for it!, regarless of how shitty you think your run is.
And now I'm done with the game, I just got it to 100% with 149hrs played. I farmed 300~ death while doing The Lost achievements ^^", and I close it at around 360.
Yay i finally made the fucking SMB with wafer/sharp plug/monster manuel combo after spaming it for half hour lol.
It was really close call because i barely made the sharp plug on the last shop with the last reroll after probably getting 10 rerolls and was getting so mad for not showing up.
I got real plat god. It took me 150 hours total. 100 hours was everything apart from The Lost (got meatboy and bandage on one run with sharp plug monster manual), 50 hours The Lost grind. :D
I'm giving up on godhead, I'm too bad to finish The Lost on Hardcore. Best I did was Isaac on hard with the biggest luck ever. And I don't feel like spending 10 hours/run to get holy mantle on the first floor either.
I finally managed to get infinite rerolls with pyromaniac/ipecac/sharp plug but I didn't realize I had already generated Monster Manual earlier. I thought you had to pick it up to remove it from the pool :/
I finally managed to get infinite rerolls with pyromaniac/ipecac/sharp plug but I didn't realize I had already generated Monster Manual earlier. I thought you had to pick it up to remove it from the pool :/
Breakfast feast time? hahah, hit you right in the soul the moment you realise you screw it up
But right now is one hour later and I managed to go infinite with the Wafer/Sharp Plug/The Chest combo this time and got both bandage girl and meat boy just now :D
Gosh I'm so bad with very stressful situation. I had the knife, holy mantle, and still managed to get hit 2 time against the fallen alone. omg I hate myself.
On January 04 2015 22:00 Faust852 wrote: So, some real plat here already ? I'm at 150h and just starting the Lost, I have all the other achievement except SMB and SBG (fuck you The Conquest, fuck you White Pony).
Missing only SMB and tried today to get it. Using reroll untill i got book of revelations on first floor and failed twice...
First run conquest didnt spawn (wtf?) and 2nd run he dropped the pony, rerolled the floor twice with dice room but i never got conquest again.
Think im missing godhead too, never dropped so far. Just cant get reliable angel room spawns.
Best way for godhead is isaac, killing the angel and reroll the key imho.
I spammed all my Eden tokens because that counts as touching items. Got a start with Godhead. Might as well just start as eden after an angel run as isaac for the chance.
Took me ages to find transcendence though. What a mission. Finally got a secret room with a pedestal and couple rerolls to finally get it.
On January 15 2015 22:38 batsnacks wrote: Any tips for family man challenge? Do I just keep resetting until I get baby brim or what?
I managed to get this one on my first try. I got cube of meat on the first floor and the sacrificial dagger on the second, after that I just tried to collect as many soul/black hearts as possible and killed everything with the orbitals. The sacrificial dagger has huge damage and with BFF it makes it much easier to safely damage enemies with it.
So rerolling until Lil Brim and/or Sacrifical Dagger would be my advice.
On January 16 2015 02:56 batsnacks wrote: I wish some of the challenges were seeded. Being able to reset over and over until you have the one perfect item is kind of lame.
Some of them are almost impossible without the right set of items, especially those with the blindfold, you almost always need some familiar.
On January 15 2015 22:38 batsnacks wrote: Any tips for family man challenge? Do I just keep resetting until I get baby brim or what?
I managed to get this one on my first try. I got cube of meat on the first floor and the sacrificial dagger on the second, after that I just tried to collect as many soul/black hearts as possible and killed everything with the orbitals. The sacrificial dagger has huge damage and with BFF it makes it much easier to safely damage enemies with it.
So rerolling until Lil Brim and/or Sacrifical Dagger would be my advice.
I beat it on my first try as well. I did happen to get baby brimstone and sacrificial dagger, but I don't think it was early on, and I never used sacrificial dagger to deal damage (too risky), just as defense, with pretty flies.
Aside from eventually getting brimstone, it was an easy run because of dad's key. Having access to all secret areas right from the start is an amazing boon. It's the same reason why I got glass cannon on my first try as well in my opinion.
Unless particularly unlucky, the soul hearts and coins gains from having access to all secret areas and tinted rocks makes for easy devil deals and easy money and lots of stuff to get from slot machines (pretty fly), beggars, key beggars, shops.
Lol that luck... Last item I needed to get RPG was GodHead ofc, I read somewhere you could start with GodHead as Eden with luck. Restarted 5 times.... And...
Girlfriend dumped me and kicked me out so gonna get fucked up and stream Binding for 5 hours+. :D GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Maybe 2-3 or something I think... Usually I give up on runs and start messing around if I'm not 100% sure I will win it. I also usually give up if I haven't got any decent damage after the 2nd floor.
Fucking finally! I was really lucky with Lost some time ago, finished all of it in like 10-15 runs. I had to find secret room and angel room items left to do and oh my god what a grind it has been -.-
I've been missing Missing no. for like two weeks but finally got it just now. I'm done with this game now (at least until the expansion...). 153h well spent!
Afterbirth going live in about 12 hours, who's hype? I'm mostly looking forward to the third alternative to Chest/Dark Room. I hope it's cool!
EDIT: Actually I might've recalled incorrectly. After looking it up I'm not sure there's gonna be a third alternative. Welp I guess I'm looking forward to the alt versions of all the floors. I hope there are some for the later levels as well.
It's definately awesome, loving having new stuff to explore and new combos to try. They've done a lot of general game updates that'll make regular Hardmode a lot more interesting to play through (new sub-categories of floors, new mobs and bosses, new champion mobs and bosses, switch rooms, new shaped rooms, new pills, new ... oh, so much stuff!).
Greed mode is rather simple, yes, and I can't really see myself sinking too much time into that past getting it done on the characters. However, at the same time, it kinda feels like regular Isaac but without all the faffing about backtracking through rooms to get carry builds, so it's good for a diversion at times, I reckon.
And of course, Hush is a pain in the ass.
If you haven't played Isaac yet, this is a great time to try, as Afterbirth adds a lot of awesome stuff and polish which makes the baseline game better.
I'm pretty frustrated with some bugs right now. Unavoidable crashing on entering blue womb every other run, messed up completion marks and other smaller bugs so I'm grinding the challenges until they get sorted.
I'm working on Brains right now but damn it's a tough nut to crack. it's probably the hardest challenge. Apparently The Guardian is supposed to be difficult but I can see myself beating it pretty easy with some heart generation and permanent polaroid invincibility. I haven't tried yet though so we'll see who gets the last laugh.
They're messed up somehow. For me it says that I haven't completed Dark Room with most characters, which I have. Many people on the subreddit have reported this bug though so hopefully they can fix it sooner rather than later.
On November 03 2015 01:47 BeMannerDuPenner wrote: whats up with the completion things? after unlocking lilith it shows me i completed most things on her already..
Yea, i've noticed odd stuff myself after I imported the data from my Rebirth file to Afterbirth, such as unlocks re-unlocking upon completion occationally, and some challenges and character boss runs (chest etc) not having been counted. The most funny being that the scree says I've done the Chest on Lazarus, but not Cathedral. :|
I reckon I should start playing on a new file in hope of that fixing stuff, in case its the import that's bugged, but I dunno.
I managed to finish all the challenges assuming #30 is the last one. For Brainsss I found a Book of Revelation in a library on the first floor and Meat Boy won it for me. I beat The Guardian by finding The Nail on the second floor and the new baby which spawns batteries, so I had more health than I could use through the run.
Also looks like a patch is in the works and coming soon.
The last thing for me was Lost Megasatan. The Lost is pretty good now once you unlock Holy Mantle from the start for him, but having to play without devil deals still sucks. Brains challenge is also pretty bullshit, I only finished it because I got a lucky Incubus on a devil deal, after that it was easy.
Yay I finally did everything in this game on my break. Mega satan lost wasnt that hard but i struggled on onani and guardian challenges and needed only megablast and sworn protector to complete my items list.
Did so many runs but they never showed up and just now i got them both on a run with iv bag with cursed dice combo .