On January 06 2015 05:10 freelander wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2015 06:05 KissBlade wrote: For six player games, I prefer Resistance, Avalon, Battlestar Galactica (with daybreak only), cash'n'guns & Spyfall (the best one out of them). I heavily skew them towards traitor hidden role games because otherwise turns drag on and take too long. Five players: I play Kemet, Terra mystica, Descent 2.0, Last Will. Three - Four players: Tragedy Looper, Aliens Legendary Encounters, Seasons, Shinobi Wa-taah! Two players: Android Netrunner, Mage Wars, Doomtown, Mage Knight Solo player: Mage Knight how do you find time(and money) to play both Netrunner and Doomtown?
Who says I get to play them? :D
Lol, well doomtown I'm likely not going to get into. I bought the base and the expansion but there doesn't seem to be a lot of life for the game here. Netrunner I just play with friends when they come over early. I probably should dip out of that train though because I already own too many two player games ...
On January 08 2015 11:03 GrandInquisitor wrote: ...what? Do you mean putting down your settlements and roads when you only know the numbers but not what resources you're going on? That sounds like one of the worst ideas ever. Might have misread how the randomly generated games are supposed to work. So the sequence would go: -- generate a map (resource placement + the number thing) -- roll for order of settlement placement?
I play a lot of Terra Mystica. And it's probably my groups favorite game. Love the new expansion, I play a bit online as well on Snellman if anyone wants to play. Been playing lots of different board games though not just TM(not for lack of trying :D)
New York City13113 Posts
On January 08 2015 11:48 SilverSkyLark wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2015 11:03 GrandInquisitor wrote: ...what? Do you mean putting down your settlements and roads when you only know the numbers but not what resources you're going on? That sounds like one of the worst ideas ever. Might have misread how the randomly generated games are supposed to work. So the sequence would go: -- generate a map (resource placement + the number thing) -- roll for order of settlement placement? I'm not sure that there's actually a specific order for determining turn order vs map generation (they are both just part of pre-game setup), but yes, we always make the map first (numbers + resources) then roll for settlement placement order. This way people get to make objections to the map under the veil of ignorance (rather than p1 favoring a map because it's got a 6/8/9 spot or something).
On January 08 2015 15:00 GrandInquisitor wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2015 11:48 SilverSkyLark wrote:On January 08 2015 11:03 GrandInquisitor wrote: ...what? Do you mean putting down your settlements and roads when you only know the numbers but not what resources you're going on? That sounds like one of the worst ideas ever. Might have misread how the randomly generated games are supposed to work. So the sequence would go: -- generate a map (resource placement + the number thing) -- roll for order of settlement placement? I'm not sure that there's actually a specific order for determining turn order vs map generation (they are both just part of pre-game setup), but yes, we always make the map first (numbers + resources) then roll for settlement placement order. This way people get to make objections to the map under the veil of ignorance (rather than p1 favoring a map because it's got a 6/8/9 spot or something).
That makes so much more sense. ) Thanks.
On January 05 2015 04:16 SilverSkyLark wrote:Show nested quote +On January 05 2015 01:10 Grovbolle wrote:On January 04 2015 13:13 SilverSkyLark wrote: Bumping this! :D
Started collecting boardgames as well as card games during the last month. It's kinda hard to collect the good ones in our country cuz boardgames aren't a huge thing out here. Anyway, here is our (me and my 4 siblings) collection thus far:
1. Settlers Of Catan + 5-6 Player Expansion Pack. I'm actually waiting for the shops to be open again so I can buy acrylic and have it laser cut so we have our own board holder.
2. 7 Wonders + Cities Expansion pack. This game is really fun, though we're putting it on hold first cuz the cards are losing their gloss and it's tough to find the proper sleeves in here (65mm x 100mm). Most shops sell card sleeves for Magic: the Gathering and Cardfight Vanguard.
3. King of Tokyo. Some quick fun. The pace is actually really good and the replay value is great as well. We managed to sleeve it up with matte sleeves but now the cards won't fit in the box since they're slightly larger, I had to use an extra MtG deckbox to hold the cards for now. Looking into buying foam and cutting up our own custom "box inside".
4. Munchkins. I haven't touched this one so far. Gameplay time seems longer than usual (2-3 hours) but seems fun.
So for now, I'm looking into sleeving up our card games. We do have Neutral Grounds and Courtside and other hobby shops around but they rarely stock on card sleeves that are not the usual size. I'm also considering buying from Amazon but I'm not sure if they will deliver to my door or they'll leave it with our Bureau of Customs (and those guys are corrupt as fuck).
I think things are looking up in here. A hobbyshop recently opened near us and they let people play their open copies of board/card games and even help you out in starting your collection based on your usual playgroup. There's also cafe near us that lets you rent board/cardgames (they have a LOT) as long as you buy food/drinks and the staff even teaches how the game is played. Hopefully hobby shops stock up on board/card games soon.
As of now I'm looking for Coup, similar to Bang but the roles are hidden and players can bluff, adding a layer to the fun. IMO, the 5+6 player thing for settlers makes the game a lot less fun. It makes hand management a lot harder without adding anything but more players. My group usually plays it with sea farers and cities and knights when we play it (all of us has played the base game to death) Duly noted. Pardon the newbie question, but would Sea Farers and Cities and Knights still be limited to 4 players max? I saw those two recently at a hobby store in a mall we frequent but I got discouraged by the price tag (around 65USD) and the fact that we haven't played the base game as much yet and we're already looking at an expansion set. Yes it is still limited to 4 players. As mentioned by someone else, Sea Farers on itself isn't that great, it's the Cities and Knights and the increased board size that together make it a more strategic game with more options. That said, I think it will be better for you to get a lot of playtime of the original game under your belt before deciding whether to invest in the expansions or not. (And make sure you get versions compatible with your base game)
Bought Tragedy Looper over the holidays and played it on Friday. Definitely a fun game. Playing through the starter missions definitely favouring the good guys, as the mastermind is limited on the sub plot usage, but it's a fun game that definitely starts discussions/arguments!
The Conan kickstarter is live now and smashing thru stretch goals at an impressive rate. Here is what is included so far with new stuff unlocking every day: + Show Spoiler +king pledge: ![[image loading]](https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/003/157/816/517b03edef1c4d382447d64834626ac1_large.png?1421664440) base pledge is everything except for the very bottom section. Already at less than a dollar per miniature value, not even including the value of the game and game components.
On January 08 2015 11:03 GrandInquisitor wrote: ...what? Do you mean putting down your settlements and roads when you only know the numbers but not what resources you're going on? That sounds like one of the worst ideas ever.
A buddy of mine has two variations he plays.
All the # tiles are face down and you see the resources and place your stuff accordingly
Or the Resource tiles are face down but you see the #'s and place your stuff accordingly.
Its done for a insane challenge, and it can be extremely entertaining but its also insanely hard.
New York City13113 Posts
I mean, if by insanely hard, you mean, insanely luck-based, then sure. Part of the challenge of Catan is balancing competing needs of resource diversity and number diversity, then adjusting your gameplay to compensate accordingly. Those variants seem like they remove that aspect of the game completely; in the latter, settlement placement is just an optimization issue of trying to maximize your number diversity since you have literally no other information to go on.
People can play with whatever variants they want but those don't seem like they'd be any fun for me. It would be like playing poker where your bets each hand were determined randomly.
On January 16 2015 08:45 BloodyC0bbler wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2015 11:03 GrandInquisitor wrote: ...what? Do you mean putting down your settlements and roads when you only know the numbers but not what resources you're going on? That sounds like one of the worst ideas ever. A buddy of mine has two variations he plays. All the # tiles are face down and you see the resources and place your stuff accordingly Or the Resource tiles are face down but you see the #'s and place your stuff accordingly. Its done for a insane challenge, and it can be extremely entertaining but its also insanely hard.
I've been playing Catan again with my siblings and we've used a Catan Map Generator Application on Android, what we do is we decide if a map is "fair enough" (no 6/8s side by side, no desert tile in the center of the board, etc) and then determine who goes first using Chwazi (a good app) or dice rolls. Then we follow the rules for setting down initial settlements and roads. It gets tricky from time to time when you're not getting the usual Bell Curve on dice rolls so even if you get the statistically "best" initial settlement spots, you'd still get screwed over by Dice Rolls that deviate from the usual distribution. I've never actually won a game against my siblings. There was even a time where I had 10 points but I lost the Largest Army and Longest Road cards.
Also, may be a bit off topic since it's strictly a card game, but Munchkin is a really good game. The base set is pretty entertaining and can provide numerous good playthroughs without feeling boring or repetitive. We also got the Need for Steed expansion set, but we've only had 1 playthough and we haven't experienced how traps, curses, lures, and steeds affect game play yet. You can also add Munchkin Legends expansion sets if I'm not mistaken. Can be played by 3-6 players.
Another good card game would be Munchkin Loot Letter. I think it's a spoof of the Love Letter card game, but you try to get the highest valued card by the end of the round or knock everyone else out to win the round. Box says that 2-4 players can play this but we've found 2 player games a bit boring.
Coup is also a good game. You have to eliminate other players by using 2 "roles" you get (only you can see your roles) and you can bluff certain actions that only certain roles can do but not necessarily roles you have. You can also call people on their bluffs and challenge their actions. It's a very good game of deception and deduction. Can be played by 2-5/6 players, but we suggest 4+ players since 2-3 player games tend to get bland really fast.
Planning to get King of New York next after I get sleeves for our Coup and 7 Wonders + Cities Expansion set.
Melbourne5338 Posts
Sup. We got a copy of Coup, Sushi Go!, a locally made card game Politricks, The Resistance (w/ The Inquisitor).
Coup gets boring easily esp if no one wants to get in the way of other players actions unless it's directly against them. For example, no one would interfere with Player A Assassinating Player B even if there are other players that are Contessas. Everyone can fake being a Duke and race to 7 coins and Coup someone.
Sushi Go! Is a very fast to learn, fast to play card game. It's a good pick and pass card game where you have to think on you feet because you always get a new set of cards. You can't count cards because not all cards get played. Very very good game for any size and it scale well with any amount of players (2-5 players are recommended iirc, too lazy to go check).
Politricks is a card game produced locally and it takes a jab at my country's horrible state of politics. Flavor and Art are both spot on. You have to get the most amount of votes by doing several underhanded ticks. However, the lack of a comprehensive rule book discussing card actions in depth and certain interactions (See Munchkin: Loot Letter) was really a downer for me. Sent a message to the game page, they replied that they themselves cannot agree on several in depth rules, and that a large issue they're encountering is that most of the players are not following the basic rules.
We haven't played Resistance yet. If I'm not mistaken, we'll get to playtest it tomorrow as we'll get 5 players.
EDIT: I realized we misunderstood the rules back in my previous post and I should have won once I hit my 10 points. I think we'll get expansions for Catan. Can I get opinions from everyone on which expansions they enjoyed? Thanks.