The issue with using two servers and alternating public/private (for scrimming or whatever), is that the average player will add only one of the servers to their favorites, and expect to be able to join it when they want to play. You want that server to consistently have people playing the same game-type so you get regular players.
It'll be difficult to raise the popularity of the two servers at once, especially while alternating their configurations.
I'd suggest only hosting one server for the time being, though I may be underestimating the interest of the TL Community.
Edit: Also, try making the name a bit more eye-catching: TeamLiquid.net Pub #1 [Settings/config] (Maybe put 'competitive' in there, it works better than [hardcore], in my opinion). There's no need to have "Counter Strike:Source" in the title as that's sort of implied in a list of Counter Strike: Source servers.
And obviously you don't need the #1 if there's only one server, although keeping it may attract more newcomers.
Pretty cool that vVv and EG guys are playing with us.
United States7116 Posts
Are we supposed to go back to the Red server now? Someone in the console said it's up, but when I try to connect, it says server isn't updated to most recent version.
On July 01 2011 08:53 stickymayhem wrote: The servers are both up now
Long days work? haha thanks bro
United States7116 Posts
Does, the server have VAC? There are people hacking and there's no one to enforce things
Hackers... Need admin to ban :/
For reference:
Vagina Face - aim/wall STEAM_0:1:15618518 kryptomike - aim/wall STEAM_0:0:1772301 SH.GreyCat - speed/aim/wall STEAM_0:1:23944657
Edit: Note that you can google their Steam IDs to find any bans they may have on other servers.
United States7116 Posts
On July 01 2011 11:15 OblivionMage wrote: For reference:
Vagina Face - aim/wall STEAM_0:1:15618518 kryptomike - aim/wall STEAM_0:0:1772301 SH.GreyCat - speed/aim/wall STEAM_0:1:23944657
Great post. I can confirm that those were indeed the hackers.
Sorry about not having an admin on hand guys, Dusty let me know there were hackers in the server, but there was nothing I could do because sticky sucks at giving admin :x. This won't happen again in the future and it's just another stepping stone.
United States7116 Posts
It was fine. I left for an hour or so and came back and the server was nice and hacker-free again with a good amount of players.
Never played this game before but maybe will buy knowing so many TL'ers are playing it, I'm really into Sudden Attack so I'm sure this wouldn't be a huge switch, plus it looks better as well. Maybe this week I can buy it on steam.
The servers are empty =(. Anybody wanna play?
I will join in tonight after my new rig has been assembled. Cannot wait :D
United States7116 Posts
I'm on a trip with some friends for the weekend so I can't play until Monday :/ Good luck getting the server nice and populated.