In case someone's interested, a new patch came out with a new DLC, the ability to store items at the inn, better performance for nvidia cards (although my GTX 460 still hates this game) and perhaps most importantly some rebalancing.
I don't know if the prologue is easier, but the game seems MUCH harder where I am (end of chapter 2) on hard difficulty. I used to be able to cast infinity igni and adrenaline, which was ridiculously easy, now it seems the bar fills much slower. Quen has also been nerfed.
I think these are really good changes, I'm glad it takes me centuries to finish an RPG ^^
On June 28 2011 18:45 aka_star wrote: This game was shite, glad I didn't pay for it. Anyone considering getting it, shouldn't even bother pirating it. Over hyped piece of garbish. Game play is clunky and combat system is boring. Walking up and down ladders & navigating cliffs breaks the immersion of the game because its not fluid, I thought developers got away from this stale run up to cliff, stop, turn, jump down, stop, player can now move again. Going through doors with other characters following you is horrendously bad, they shut the door in front of you all the time and you can't go through until they've done their animation so its like an invisible wall.
Assissins creed 2 was farrrr better with its crowd control and climbing.... it honestly blows my mind that a ton of bad language, a few sex scenes and pretty graphics is all a game developer needs to hype up sales. The reviewers obviously played the first hour of the game and continued to think the rest of the game would be just as good. No it wasn't. It was bad 5/10
Assasine creed is an action game for console kiddies. Go play with your dolls...
Oh please don't pretend that The Witcher 2 is some kind of epic PC RPG, go play Oblivion, Morrowind or Baldur's Gate.. even DA1.
Played all of them.. and more. Witcher 2 is still better then all of them. Only Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 and maybe BG2 are better.
That's just bad taste man... Sure the Witcher is nice but you just can't compare Baldurs Gate 2 with this or any game in modern time, they're just not on the same level on terms of depth, immersion, CHOICE (this is the most important, you get to play the way you want to unlike all of todays games).
You might think it's a better game, depending on what you measure ; Tits, graphics, it is. But on all the other fronts BG2 and the likes are just much better rpgs.
On July 21 2011 06:07 MilesTeg wrote: In case someone's interested, a new patch came out with a new DLC, the ability to store items at the inn, better performance for nvidia cards (although my GTX 460 still hates this game) and perhaps most importantly some rebalancing.
I don't know if the prologue is easier, but the game seems MUCH harder where I am (end of chapter 2) on hard difficulty. I used to be able to cast infinity igni and adrenaline, which was ridiculously easy, now it seems the bar fills much slower. Quen has also been nerfed.
I think these are really good changes, I'm glad it takes me centuries to finish an RPG ^^
Strange, the game runs great on my 460. I've always had everything on ultra except ubersampling and it ran fine, and I think this patch actually made it run better. I read in the patch notes that they optimized ubersampling for nvidia cards, and the results are apparent: I can actually use the setting now. It's still causes a bit of a frame rate drop, but not nearly as severe as before, when it rendered the game unplayable.
Also, I love the junk category in the inventory, multiple item creation during alchemy, and item storage at inns. <3 CDProjektRed
Wth... just finished the game. It kind of just ended abruptly for me. I thought there was going to be much more depth to it. Omfg it's like Season 1 of Game of Thrones all over again =_=... disappointing.
On June 28 2011 18:45 aka_star wrote: This game was shite, glad I didn't pay for it. Anyone considering getting it, shouldn't even bother pirating it. Over hyped piece of garbish. Game play is clunky and combat system is boring. Walking up and down ladders & navigating cliffs breaks the immersion of the game because its not fluid, I thought developers got away from this stale run up to cliff, stop, turn, jump down, stop, player can now move again. Going through doors with other characters following you is horrendously bad, they shut the door in front of you all the time and you can't go through until they've done their animation so its like an invisible wall.
Assissins creed 2 was farrrr better with its crowd control and climbing.... it honestly blows my mind that a ton of bad language, a few sex scenes and pretty graphics is all a game developer needs to hype up sales. The reviewers obviously played the first hour of the game and continued to think the rest of the game would be just as good. No it wasn't. It was bad 5/10
Assasine creed is an action game for console kiddies. Go play with your dolls...
Oh please don't pretend that The Witcher 2 is some kind of epic PC RPG, go play Oblivion, Morrowind or Baldur's Gate.. even DA1.
Played all of them.. and more. Witcher 2 is still better then all of them. Only Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 and 2 and maybe BG2 are better.
That's just bad taste man... Sure the Witcher is nice but you just can't compare Baldurs Gate 2 with this or any game in modern time, they're just not on the same level on terms of depth, immersion, CHOICE (this is the most important, you get to play the way you want to unlike all of todays games).
You might think it's a better game, depending on what you measure ; Tits, graphics, it is. But on all the other fronts BG2 and the likes are just much better rpgs.
When did you play BG2 last and how old were you? Your memory might be deceiving you. And my comment was not supposed to be a slight to BG2 but a praise for W2. W2 and BG2 are much more superior games to most of the new ones.
On June 28 2011 18:45 aka_star wrote: This game was shite, glad I didn't pay for it. Anyone considering getting it, shouldn't even bother pirating it. Over hyped piece of garbish. Game play is clunky and combat system is boring. Walking up and down ladders & navigating cliffs breaks the immersion of the game because its not fluid, I thought developers got away from this stale run up to cliff, stop, turn, jump down, stop, player can now move again. Going through doors with other characters following you is horrendously bad, they shut the door in front of you all the time and you can't go through until they've done their animation so its like an invisible wall.
Assissins creed 2 was farrrr better with its crowd control and climbing.... it honestly blows my mind that a ton of bad language, a few sex scenes and pretty graphics is all a game developer needs to hype up sales. The reviewers obviously played the first hour of the game and continued to think the rest of the game would be just as good. No it wasn't. It was bad 5/10
Assasine creed is an action game for console kiddies. Go play with your dolls...
Oh please don't pretend that The Witcher 2 is some kind of epic PC RPG, go play Oblivion, Morrowind or Baldur's Gate.. even DA1.
Baldurs Gate ok, even DA1 for those who prefer company-based RPG, but...Morrowind? OBLIVION??? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! You made my day, thanks.
...and that "it honestly blows my mind that a ton of bad language, a few sex scenes and pretty graphics is all a game developer needs to hype up sales"
It honestly blows my mind that western players are in majority morons, retards, imbeciles, idiots, cretins etc. It blows my mind that they see something exciting in choping heads off or ripping hearts, but they cannot accept the strong langue or one naked nipple. It blows my mind that showing naked lake nimph, who lives all her life in lake, where she doesnt need any kind of cloths and wasnt grow in a fucking victorian, politicaly corect XIX century, is taken as a cheap shot to hype up sales. It blows my mind that western players cannot accept word "fuck" but they like TOTALLY RETARDED, SHORT AND FLAT DIALOGS OF OBLIVION or just retarded in DRAGON AGE 2!!! It blows my mind that they cannot accept the scene when someone cuts the balls off to get revenge, or a veteran soldier fucking a bitch in the whorehouse due to post-war demoralisation, but accept a turbo-idiotic scene in Mass Effect WHEN THE ASSARI JUST PEACEFULLY LETTING YOUR PLAYER TO EXECUTE HER without even trying to argue! It shocks me that someone complaining about boring fights in TW1 or 2 and doesnt see how monotone is combat system in OBLIVION!
User was warned for this post
u mad bro?
On a side note, the game runs great on my 60$ Radeon HD 5670 (25-40 fps w/o fraps)
Personally I preferred the first one. Some people complain about the combat system, but I enjoyed it. The game is also much longer, with a better story in my opinion.
whats the comparison on length? I saw witcher 1 had 6(?) chapters, but its not like all chapters in witcher 2 were equal in content. Are all the chapters equally lengthy, or are some short like chapter 3 in Witcher 2?
thumbs up for this game. then illorveth path is awesome and full of jokes. both sides are fun. i loved the fact the choices are ambiguous most of the time. great tact combat. refreshing to play a game where u can actually die
I really don't think the Witcher 1's combat system aged well at all... I tried re-playing it and just could not really dig it anymore. Everything else about TW1 is great though if you can get past that.
two thumbs down for this game, -dialogue is childish and often repetitive when entering areas, found myself muting it in certain areas. Sad over use of profanity rather prefer something more intellectually stimulating. -Hard to believe a game in this day and age would still use invisible doors when another character opens it before you, your also blocked by plants in some areas and jumping up and down cliffs is a mechanical experience. - climbing up and down ladders passing through other characters is... I mean, just don't let them do it if you can't fix it. - navigating around the world for quests is frustrating - when you die you return to last save and have to redo inventory and drink potions, repeat story line... rather more appealing to just turn it off at that point than repeat the last 10 minutes. -drinking potion system is a joke, and crafting adds very little to the game, time consuming and you must have foresight in order to know when to drink on. Its not necessary since the game gets easier as you go along, just pick up a sword and you'll be fine, don't even bother picking anything else up that isn't a quest item it just wastes time when you have to drop things because you feel as if you need them later on when you don't. -Completing the game ends abruptly and is a mystery, I'm still confused as to why it ended the way it did because I thought it was just getting going. I wont be going back to it screw wasting time on other story lines. Game was a lot harder at the start and way too easy at the end. -Over hyped and majority of my friends have given up during Act 1.
-On the positive side, the graphics were good, I'm sure some people appreciated the sex scenes, at least they got something for their money.
go play some more fps if u dont like rpgs that are actually rewarding and difficult. as for the profanity, u are talking to commoners from the middle ages.
On August 05 2011 10:57 lynx.oblige wrote: I really don't think the Witcher 1's combat system aged well at all... I tried re-playing it and just could not really dig it anymore. Everything else about TW1 is great though if you can get past that.
Age has nothing to do with it, it came out in 2007 and sucked on release .
On August 05 2011 11:20 aka_star wrote: two thumbs down for this game, -dialogue is childish and often repetitive when entering areas, found myself muting it in certain areas. Sad over use of profanity rather prefer something more intellectually stimulating. -Hard to believe a game in this day and age would still use invisible doors when another character opens it before you, your also blocked by plants in some areas and jumping up and down cliffs is a mechanical experience. - climbing up and down ladders passing through other characters is... I mean, just don't let them do it if you can't fix it. - navigating around the world for quests is frustrating - when you die you return to last save and have to redo inventory and drink potions, repeat story line... rather more appealing to just turn it off at that point than repeat the last 10 minutes. -drinking potion system is a joke, and crafting adds very little to the game, time consuming and you must have foresight in order to know when to drink on. Its not necessary since the game gets easier as you go along, just pick up a sword and you'll be fine, don't even bother picking anything else up that isn't a quest item it just wastes time when you have to drop things because you feel as if you need them later on when you don't. -Completing the game ends abruptly and is a mystery, I'm still confused as to why it ended the way it did because I thought it was just getting going. I wont be going back to it screw wasting time on other story lines. Game was a lot harder at the start and way too easy at the end. -Over hyped and majority of my friends have given up during Act 1.
-On the positive side, the graphics were good, I'm sure some people appreciated the sex scenes, at least they got something for their money.
So if Witcher 2 is bad, name a good character driven WRPG.