On December 24 2010 23:19 ste0731 wrote:I think depth is the reason its dieing, a game like this is simple yet can add a few tactics/teamplay to it, something simple to waste 30mins on with a few mates in a 3v3. Don't wanna have to learn stupid controls/download stuff etc etc. But uniball does look fun, shall be testing that out when I get back from Xmas shopping :D
the thing is u dont have to learn that much you just have to download the game and play..
the keys can be awsd space to brake.. and mouse to aim shoot and boost... (u can edit keys) its pretty simple
in this haxball u cant even control the ball it gets pretty frustrating lol xp
Pretty damn fun I have to say.
You can sort of control the ball and run with it / run around defenders, for some awesome moves, it's very important to put yourself between ball and opponents to block them.
It looks simple but has a bit of depth and teamply.
great game
although it feels as if there was no depth. After a few hours I am to be a terrible player, so there is something wrong with it.
I just played a 3v3 where our team played just like Barcelona lol, passing the ball and moving around the field very well, the best game I've played there.
The trick to play well is to have a team where the players position themselves correctly in the field and each player can read what is gonna be the next move to be done.
The ping is pretty bad from here to NA and EU countries though, wish I could play with TL fellas
Umm so i join a room with the nickname koreanzerg. I am greeted with "NO asians allowed, only niggers and wankers" and they team up on me 7 against 1
I actually played some games and i like it!
any TL people wana start forming some ESL teams?
eh.. a bit simple for my liking.
Are any of you dudes 'bronaldo'?
Just been playing it for a few hours, sooo good, if any of you happen to be Elano or sEo, Infernokoi here
Im enjoying this game, would like to do some ESL but their page isnt working for me. just going real slow and crashing
I'm willing to play with a team, ESL or otherwise.
just schooled some Canadians 5-0
This game is.. just about as fun as Transformice- which is to say, strangely fun.
Not sure there's anyone lurking about, but I'm going to create a Teamliquid room and idle it until someone will kick around a ball with me It'll be USA, so just let that be known.
edit: games are over. Had 4-5 people, was fun in small numbers. Maybe we should set a date for tomorrow night or something and see if we can get a larger group!
id love to play with some teamliquid people
awesome game, would love a team liquid server :D
Theres no dedicated servers as people just join random rooms, just come by #esl.haxball and most players there are from Sc2 (all current haxball admins are sc2admins) and see who;s around for a game at the time :D Usually always people playing for fun
Game is soooooooooooooooo much fun :X
I made a room
"TeamLiquid Haxball" !!! Get in here mates
nvm nobody is coming
Haha prety fun