Just finished watching this video. A bit annoying how they kept asking Todd a bunch of other stuff while he clearly wanted to talk about what was going on in the video, but hey, I can't blame them, I'd ask Todd a bunch of questions too if I had the opportunity.
But yeah, I think it's looking extremely good so far. I don't know if I can wait any more, five months is too much! D:
God I hate most Gaming journalists... Instead of journalistic work and actual real question they only ask questions they know the answer to in order to get the game hyped. They ask questions on information that the devs have already put out there in order to get it repeated, instead of trying to put the devs to the wall with actual hard questions. It annoys me to death. I think we could just fire them all and let the developers themselves write the reviews and previews for big games...
There are some good ones out there, but most seem to take the developers and marketers side instead of the consumer's and the fan's.
Just finished watching this video. A bit annoying how they kept asking Todd a bunch of other stuff while he clearly wanted to talk about what was going on in the video, but hey, I can't blame them, I'd ask Todd a bunch of questions too if I had the opportunity.
But yeah, I think it's looking extremely good so far. I don't know if I can wait any more, five months is too much! D:
This game looks so epic, however.... did anyone notice that the interviewers changed during the G4 interview? I was like... what happened here?
Just finished watching this video. A bit annoying how they kept asking Todd a bunch of other stuff while he clearly wanted to talk about what was going on in the video, but hey, I can't blame them, I'd ask Todd a bunch of questions too if I had the opportunity.
But yeah, I think it's looking extremely good so far. I don't know if I can wait any more, five months is too much! D:
This game looks so epic, however.... did anyone notice that the interviewers changed during the G4 interview? I was like... what happened here?
Yeh lol i didnt notice till i saw it a second time :p
On June 22 2011 16:12 kuresuti wrote: Anyone else hoping they make it so you can gain Life/Magicka retroactively by putting points into Endurance/Intelligence?
The skillsystem in the previous games is okay, but I hated the rush for Endurance and Intelligence to maximize your character.
They have done away with attributes such as intelligence, endurance etc in order to make it easier for peope to understand / streamlined, accessible.....
On June 22 2011 16:12 kuresuti wrote: Anyone else hoping they make it so you can gain Life/Magicka retroactively by putting points into Endurance/Intelligence?
The skillsystem in the previous games is okay, but I hated the rush for Endurance and Intelligence to maximize your character.
They have done away with attributes such as intelligence, endurance etc in order to make it easier for peope to understand / streamlined, accessible.....
lol, it's ok though, we get epic looking shiney armour! You dont have to worry about it not matching properly and looking less epic either, each set has only 3 pieces.
On June 22 2011 20:19 ChinaWhite wrote: lol, it's ok though, we get epic looking shiney armour! You dont have to worry about it not matching properly and looking less epic either, each set has only 3 pieces.
Praise the nine!
That isn't even something that is easy to change with mods.
I am kind of regretting already preordering this sucker.
I'm going to be playing this game for graphics/art/music/cool landscapes mostly. I'm not expecting much in terms of gameplay or story. I can't believe they're not doing attributes. I kinda like a rigid class system where everything has distinct advantages and disadvantages. With the last two games in elder scrolls series, it's like everyone is good at everything and the gameplay experience isn't all that different; every character is just kind of a hodgepodge of stealth, sorcery, and swords. I think my favorite class system, even though it was in an MMO, was Everquest's. Having hybrid abilities had series drawbacks and the gameplay experience from one class to another was very distinct.
edit: I didn't realize the perk trees were so extensive, my hopes are renewed. They heard the complaints about oblivion, there's no swarming mass of console gamers who actively seek dumbed down gameplay. I'm sure they'll put things together.