On June 25 2014 00:43 JacobShock wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2014 21:58 Velr wrote: BG1 and BG2 are very similar from a gameplay perspective BUT BG2 has just way more stuff going on and less "filler" content. In BG2 your party is actually bantering/talking with you and between each other. Due to the higher starting level BG2 is also more forgiving and you don't get instagibbed by a Gnoll or Wolve just because you had an unlucky roll (spells are a diffrent story). Your also not as likely to run into enemies you can't beat and there are not as many "pointless" areas, in BG1 you find yourself often just travelling thru maps that don't have much Content aside from just being "in the way"... If you travel too far you are also likely to walk into tough enemies that just kill you. Some people like that, i personally didn't and in BG2 there are next to no maps like that (about 2 iirc) and you never run into enemies that you can't beat (aside from some extra tough optional "bosses").
The main thing that makes BG2 clearly better is simply the start: BG1 --> Your a bit lost in the beginning and only get some pointer to a mine in the south and imho this felt a little forced to me... I just witnessed Gorion die and the first thing i should do is clear some mine? Wat? BG2 --> Imoen gets abduceted, you need money, Athkathla lies before you with tons of quests you can chose to do. Every Area you enter is filled with small and big quests that "jump you"... You barely ever find yourself wandering around being unsure what to do.
BG1 is still an amazing game, but its clearly not as polished as BG2. I agree on all points. The only thing I think BG1 does better is it gives you a sense of exploration, which is probably do to the fact that the game map in general is more open. That and the quest journal that does not tell you where you need to validate quest you done 
"Hey, i have the hammer that dude wanted ! " "But where is the dude ?" "Let's explore !"
On June 22 2014 22:53 MrTortoise wrote: i stil;l dont understand how you go from BG to neverwinter nights to elder scrolls
imagine if they hadnt gone insane and kept them party games Neverwinter Nights is a great game though. Just different. In single player BG2 is better I would argue, but NWN becomes godly in multiplayer.
Is BG 2 EE any good? BG 1 EE was kind of a disappointment for me.
It's odd, when i was young and playing BG2, everyone told me NWN was shit and i never tried it. I installed it like 5 years later and found it was a pretty good game. BG2 is better yeah but NWN isn't bad.
On May 07 2014 20:11 Velr wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2014 11:41 LightningStrike wrote: Alright I bumping this because I going to start my solo run of BG2EE using my character from BG1EE which got 19 str 19 dex 19 con 11 int 21 wisdom and 7 charisma at level 7 Cleric/ level 7 Ranger with capped XP from BG1EE. Any tips for SoA and ToB for what Weapons/Armor to use and what to have for the ranger bonus? Thanks! Well... As a Cleric your weapon choices are limited anyway so its imho Flail/Mace/Hammer. Flail of Ages is awesome (+3 in SoA up to iirc +5 or 6 in ToB, thanks to the elemental dmg it just cuts thru stoneskin and stuff like that), you even can get it early, there is also a very Handy "anti"-Undead Mace which you come across in Bodhis lair. Later in the game, if your soloing, you want to build Crom Fayer. Ranger Bonus? You mean Arch-Enemy? In general there are many Vampires/Undead in BG2 but with a Cleric-Dual they shouldn't be a problem anyway. So your pretty much "free" to take whatever you imagine being troublesome.
Best choices for any cleric restricted class are Flail/Morningstar, Warhammer, and Mace, in that order. Flail of Ages +3/+5 is one of the best damn weapons in the game provided you can hit reliably with it to proc the slow; Crom Faeyr is very useful early on for 25 STR 2d4+3 damage and golem slaying, with Runehammer becoming probably the next best blunt after FoA+5; There are plenty of useful maces like Mauler's Arm, Ardulia's Fall, and the Improved Mace of Destruction, with Stormstar being the only real good damaging option. You should also get at least one point (if say, you were dualling a Berserker) in slings for either the Sling of Seeking (damage) or Sling of Everard +5 (good to-hit for any character).
Good choices for racial enemies in BG2 are demons (semi-common and strong; also Demogorgon), dragons (very hard to hit for lower level rangers) and Mind FLayers (you want to kill them ASAP and don't need misses slowing you). Vampires, while a nice consideration due to being promienent and dangerous, are easily dispatched by anti-undead means such as a cleric, undead hunter, kensai armed with the daystar/IMoD combo, etc. Hitting liches and beholders will be the least of your worries, with all their magical nastiness. The rest are pretty easily dispatched.
On May 07 2014 23:53 -Archangel- wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2014 23:27 Velr wrote: There is also an easy to get mace in the canalisation under the temple district (from the hostile party in the north of the area). In Trademeet after solving the Djinns you can buy/steal a decent mace and iirca throwing hammer from one of the Traders in the south of the city.
Ranger --> Cleric afaik also gets Druid spells.
My "gripe" with a Ranger --> Cleric or Ranger/Cleric "SOLO" run is just that Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Mage/Thief is in general just plain better?
Btw: Ranger/Cleric is pretty "broken" in its own right. The main problem/weakness of druids is the huge amount of XP needed from lvl 12-14 (iirc), clerics don't have that poblem. So Ranger --> Clerics are basically in every way "better" Druids.
Well except for no shapeshifting. For BG2 run Ranger into Cleric dualclass is probably better if you dual class at least at lvl 9 or 11 but for Throne of Bhall you need that multiclass Ranger/Cleric as your Thaco will be too weak. With multiclass Thaco is always equal to level of the better fighting class (in this case ranger) and at ToB levels your ranger multiclass will be higher then your pure dual class cleric would be. With dual class you are stuck at Thaco of ranger level you decided to dual class until you other class managed to get its base Thaco higher (which is a very far away for a cleric). Fighting classes also get more attacks per round with higher levels while Clerics do not.
On June 20 2014 21:37 ViperPL wrote:I always thought the main purpose of dualing (is that a word?  ) ranger into cleric was getting 3 stars in two weapon fighting for free and access to druid spells. It's really powerful build for SoA but falls behind in ToB.
The main point of a cleric/ranger multi or ranger/cleric dual is to gain access to all priest spells. The fact they can tank well and fight better than either a single class ranger, cleric or druid is just a boon on top of that. All iterations of the class combination will have these aspects, the only difference is how much of your fighting ability you trade for spell slots/caster level.
A dual class is the better caster. You have a few options to dual: 7 (max cleric level, for more spell slots/highest caster level), 9 (Warrior HP stops), 13 (final half attack from warrior class), and 20-22 (Thaco progression stops at 20, but rangers gain HLAs from 18 up, and can dual as late as 22). However, you should never dual to maximize your fighting potential, only for casting, so the question is whether you want to just tank and cast (7,9) or be able to fight a little better for some traded cleric levels (13).
The multiclass cleric/ranger is the better fighter. Maxing at 25/20, they will have maximum THAC0, high hitpoints form warrior con bonuses (they add up over the 11 additional levels) and have access to a slew of HLAs, both cleric and ranger pool. You can get far more ranger HLAs like Whirlwind/Greater Whirlwind Attack than a dual class could at similar levels, and you will gain enough HLAs to get all the good cleric ones as well.
On May 07 2014 23:53 -Archangel- wrote: This is why normally when you dual class from fighting class into non fighting one you take Kensai. He can get 5 proficiency in single weapon at lvl 9 and he gets +3 to attack and damage at lvl 9 in a chosen weapon. Dual classing from Ranger gives weak bonuses for solo runs.
Kensai are really powerful offensively, but they suffer from defensive drawbacks. If your second class can cover these drawbacks (Mage/Druid has spells to defend from attack, Thief can get UAI for armor but does so very late) then Kensai is gonna be your best bet to max out your char's overall strength. If the second class just adds versatility, it's better to go with an armor wearing 1st class (i.e. Berserker/Cleric , Ranger/Cleric) to maximize their defense and keep equipment options open.
You also have to be aware of the dual level due to the kensai's innate abilities and proficiency points. Pretty much any multiple of 3 under 24 is viable (24 only works for Kensai/Thief and Kensai/Cleric). Only duals at 24 can max (5 stars) two weapons and put 2 stars in a style, a dual at 21 (Kensai/Mage, Kensai/Druid)) can only max 2 weapons and 1 star in a style. The important consideration for this is dual wielding, which the best weapon style overall, adding an extra attack which means the same critical bonus (you essentially get one more chance per round to roll a crit) as the others with the benefit of the kensai's bonus damage applied an additional time per round, as well as the equipped effects of the second weapon (think combos like Axe of Unyielding/Angruvadal: a vorpal effect on the main hand with 22 strength and immunity to level drain form the off hand, or Dragonslayer/Equalizer, immunity to fear, confusion, domination, charm AND bonus damage to drakes/non-neutral respectively).
I personally think kensai should never be dualled lower than 13, and the higher they go the better any combo with them is. Anything lower wastes too much of their potential for sheer damage; that extra half attack applied at 13 means up to an additional (weapon)+4 damage per round, which can crit for (weapon*2)+8, has a better chance to hit than at lower levels and combined with a weapon style that improves critical (1h or 2h style) improves you damage potential even further.. Even giving up only this extra half attack and still keeping the lvl12 bonus, you'd be better off with the added defense and magical abilities of the equipment afforded by picking Berserker or Fighter instead and staying lower level when you dual. Hell, a pure kensai is a lawnmower at higher levels, mostly from the insane bonuses they have multiplied over their attack per round, and can only really be stopped by weapon protections (stoneskins/AC don't really exist to a kensai swinging elemental weapons), or by incapacitating the kensai with an effect, which there are plenty of weapons that grant immunity to (mostly longswords).
Poster above me is a guru on Kensai. lol
I managed to beat this game the cheap and easy way - Solo Mage/Thief
Kensai are really powerful offensively, but they suffer from defensive drawbacks. If your second class can cover these drawbacks (Mage/Druid has spells to defend from attack, Thief can get UAI for armor but does so very late) then Kensai is gonna be your best bet to max out your char's overall strength. If the second class just adds versatility, it's better to go with an armor wearing 1st class (i.e. Berserker/Cleric , Ranger/Cleric) to maximize their defense and keep equipment options open.
You also have to be aware of the dual level due to the kensai's innate abilities and proficiency points. Pretty much any multiple of 3 under 24 is viable (24 only works for Kensai/Thief and Kensai/Cleric). Only duals at 24 can max (5 stars) two weapons and put 2 stars in a style, a dual at 21 (Kensai/Mage, Kensai/Druid)) can only max 2 weapons and 1 star in a style. The important consideration for this is dual wielding, which the best weapon style overall, adding an extra attack which means the same critical bonus (you essentially get one more chance per round to roll a crit) as the others with the benefit of the kensai's bonus damage applied an additional time per round, as well as the equipped effects of the second weapon (think combos like Axe of Unyielding/Angruvadal: a vorpal effect on the main hand with 22 strength and immunity to level drain form the off hand, or Dragonslayer/Equalizer, immunity to fear, confusion, domination, charm AND bonus damage to drakes/non-neutral respectively).
I personally think kensai should never be dualled lower than 13, and the higher they go the better any combo with them is. Anything lower wastes too much of their potential for sheer damage; that extra half attack applied at 13 means up to an additional (weapon)+4 damage per round, which can crit for (weapon*2)+8, has a better chance to hit than at lower levels and combined with a weapon style that improves critical (1h or 2h style) improves you damage potential even further.. Even giving up only this extra half attack and still keeping the lvl12 bonus, you'd be better off with the added defense and magical abilities of the equipment afforded by picking Berserker or Fighter instead and staying lower level when you dual. Hell, a pure kensai is a lawnmower at higher levels, mostly from the insane bonuses they have multiplied over their attack per round, and can only really be stopped by weapon protections (stoneskins/AC don't really exist to a kensai swinging elemental weapons), or by incapacitating the kensai with an effect, which there are plenty of weapons that grant immunity to (mostly longswords).
i soloed the game as Kensai/Mage and its enough to dual class at 11 so you can get Katanas and 2 points in dualwield. using Hindos doom in the main and Celestial Fury in the offhand you get the insane Stun from CF that allows you to 1 on 1 basically anything + immunity to death which is nice. another real fun build is to get 2 rings of fire resistance and use the axe of detonation. with greater whirlwind you will throw down so many fireballs that the entire screen will melt in seconds.
if your not going 2 be a Kensai i would say playing an evil aligned character is the best way to min/max , because only those can wear the human skin armor which is IMO the best armour in the game.
I did it solo with with kensai/mage and used qurterstaffs. I used the Staff of Magi you get from that special encounter that dispels with each strike and gives great defensive bonuses. And you get max number of attacks with improved haste anyways, and the staff can cast improved haste
I did it solo with with kensai/mage and used qurterstaffs. I used the Staff of Magi you get from that special encounter that dispels with each strike and gives great defensive bonuses. And you get max number of attacks with improved haste anyways, and the staff can cast improved haste
staff of the magi is pretty awesome, but soloing the twisted rune can make you hate life. that fight is harder then kangaxx
On June 25 2014 18:52 leviaias wrote: Is BG 2 EE any good? BG 1 EE was kind of a disappointment for me. Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition is much better then Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition for not only the story but for all the NPC's as well!
On June 26 2014 23:44 LightningStrike wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 18:52 leviaias wrote: Is BG 2 EE any good? BG 1 EE was kind of a disappointment for me. Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition is much better then Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition for not only the story but for all the NPC's as well!
But beware. Only in english.
I been playing BG2EE recently and trying to get as many of new character in party to be able to play through their new content. So far I cannot find Dorn anywhere. Also Neera showed up, told me to meet her somewhere, but I don't have a clue where that map is.
On a good note, the new rogue character is awesome and they done a good job introducing her. I really got tricked at the start
On June 26 2014 23:59 -Archangel- wrote:I been playing BG2EE recently and trying to get as many of new character in party to be able to play through their new content. So far I cannot find Dorn anywhere. Also Neera showed up, told me to meet her somewhere, but I don't have a clue where that map is. On a good note, the new rogue character is awesome and they done a good job introducing her. I really got tricked at the start  He's at the Temple District near the Order of the Radiant Heart's building
On June 27 2014 00:18 LightningStrike wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2014 23:59 -Archangel- wrote:I been playing BG2EE recently and trying to get as many of new character in party to be able to play through their new content. So far I cannot find Dorn anywhere. Also Neera showed up, told me to meet her somewhere, but I don't have a clue where that map is. On a good note, the new rogue character is awesome and they done a good job introducing her. I really got tricked at the start  He's at the Temple District near the Order of the Radiant Heart's building  Oh. That would explain it. Temple District is only map in the city I didn't completely uncover. Forgot about it. Went there for a quest and left. Now, should I kick out Minsk or the crazy evil dwarf?! Decisions, decisions. I would guess Minsc might have problems being in party with a Blackguard, an evil rogue, and a drow cleric :D
On June 27 2014 00:22 -Archangel- wrote:Show nested quote +On June 27 2014 00:18 LightningStrike wrote:On June 26 2014 23:59 -Archangel- wrote:I been playing BG2EE recently and trying to get as many of new character in party to be able to play through their new content. So far I cannot find Dorn anywhere. Also Neera showed up, told me to meet her somewhere, but I don't have a clue where that map is. On a good note, the new rogue character is awesome and they done a good job introducing her. I really got tricked at the start  He's at the Temple District near the Order of the Radiant Heart's building  Oh. That would explain it. Temple District is only map in the city I didn't completely uncover. Forgot about it. Went there for a quest and left. Now, should I kick out Minsk or the crazy evil dwarf?! Decisions, decisions. I would guess Minsc might have problems being in party with a Blackguard, an evil rogue, and a drow cleric :D
Drow cleric ? Viconia ? I think Minsc and her can fight at one point. Dunno if i remember that right. But i'm sure they dislike each other.
On June 27 2014 00:38 FFW_Rude wrote:Show nested quote +On June 27 2014 00:22 -Archangel- wrote:On June 27 2014 00:18 LightningStrike wrote:On June 26 2014 23:59 -Archangel- wrote:I been playing BG2EE recently and trying to get as many of new character in party to be able to play through their new content. So far I cannot find Dorn anywhere. Also Neera showed up, told me to meet her somewhere, but I don't have a clue where that map is. On a good note, the new rogue character is awesome and they done a good job introducing her. I really got tricked at the start  He's at the Temple District near the Order of the Radiant Heart's building  Oh. That would explain it. Temple District is only map in the city I didn't completely uncover. Forgot about it. Went there for a quest and left. Now, should I kick out Minsk or the crazy evil dwarf?! Decisions, decisions. I would guess Minsc might have problems being in party with a Blackguard, an evil rogue, and a drow cleric :D Drow cleric ? Viconia ? I think Minsc and her can fight at one point. Dunno if i remember that right. But i'm sure they dislike each other. I just cannot resist exotic girls  Especially when they got 14 charisma.
be careful if you have Keldorn in the party , he and Vicona will fight at some point and one will die.
Does the EE have mod support? because a few NPCs in my eyes arent worth giving up on the insane amounts of high quality mods that exist for BG2.
Minsc and Viconia don't fight. Minsc and Edwina fight.
On June 27 2014 01:48 Irratonalys wrote: be careful if you have Keldorn in the party , he and Vicona will fight at some point and one will die.
Does the EE have mod support? because a few NPCs in my eyes arent worth giving up on the insane amounts of high quality mods that exist for BG2. It does, but not for all mods. On official forums you can find list of mods that are supported. I don't really need mods, only one that would really make a difference are those that make the game harder but that part of the game never was that much important to me. I am happy with hardcore difficulty as it is. It is hard enough but also fun.
It does, but not for all mods. On official forums you can find list of mods that are supported. I don't really need mods, only one that would really make a difference are those that make the game harder but that part of the game never was that much important to me. I am happy with hardcore difficulty as it is. It is hard enough but also fun.
confirmed for never having played ascension. that was made by a black isle developer which restored a ton of stuff they had to cut for Throne of Bhaal. basically adds more storyline options and more character interaction (for example , you can ally with balthasar if you convince him)