On October 03 2010 12:21 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 10:07 redtooth wrote:On October 03 2010 10:01 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: It's not like he has some duty to be a professional just because he works for a gaming company. If I had a gaming company I'd hire people with character and individuality, not mindless public relations robots. Seriously I don't know a single employee's name at Blizzard but I can name almost everyone at Riot off the top of my head. marcou pendragon shurelia =/ tryndamere phreak zileas RiotJeffJew Ryan Laughlin (sp?) Jesse Perring idk a few more if I thought for a long time maybe mine was to highlight the fact that there are mindless public relations robots in RIOT too. the only problem is that these mindless robots suck at public relations. i mean REALLY suck.
On October 03 2010 13:30 redtooth wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 12:21 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On October 03 2010 10:07 redtooth wrote:On October 03 2010 10:01 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: It's not like he has some duty to be a professional just because he works for a gaming company. If I had a gaming company I'd hire people with character and individuality, not mindless public relations robots. Seriously I don't know a single employee's name at Blizzard but I can name almost everyone at Riot off the top of my head. marcou pendragon shurelia =/ tryndamere phreak zileas RiotJeffJew Ryan Laughlin (sp?) Jesse Perring idk a few more if I thought for a long time maybe mine was to highlight the fact that there are mindless public relations robots in RIOT too. the only problem is that these mindless robots suck at public relations. i mean REALLY suck.
Stream quality 1/5 (if that) of the round robin stage, no commentary for 2/3 the second game, item boxes covered by overlay suck?
United States37500 Posts
I hear jiji is good? truth?
On October 03 2010 13:33 Niton wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 13:30 redtooth wrote:On October 03 2010 12:21 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On October 03 2010 10:07 redtooth wrote:On October 03 2010 10:01 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: It's not like he has some duty to be a professional just because he works for a gaming company. If I had a gaming company I'd hire people with character and individuality, not mindless public relations robots. Seriously I don't know a single employee's name at Blizzard but I can name almost everyone at Riot off the top of my head. marcou pendragon shurelia =/ tryndamere phreak zileas RiotJeffJew Ryan Laughlin (sp?) Jesse Perring idk a few more if I thought for a long time maybe mine was to highlight the fact that there are mindless public relations robots in RIOT too. the only problem is that these mindless robots suck at public relations. i mean REALLY suck. Stream quality 1/5 (if that) of the round robin stage, no commentary for 2/3 the second game, item boxes covered by overlay suck? marcou doesn't respond to any messages during group stages, server becomes unstable every day teams are scheduled to have a match, RIOT doesn't mediate resolutions for scheduling conflicts between teams, rules and game format are made unclear leading to hours of wasted time as individuals track down the elusive marcou in hopes of getting a resolution, lack of coverage in group stages means that you don't know how the other teams were doing or who remains in the competition, HackedShotGG ordeal was handled perfectly by RIOT.
i can go on and on.
How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh...
On October 03 2010 13:57 CosmicAC wrote: How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh... cause youre lvl 17
On October 03 2010 13:57 CosmicAC wrote: How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh... lol level 17 getting his elitism practice in
You should all get a smurf account cuz they're hilarious, I'm running level 20s over with jungle yi and they go on the sickest rage rants lol
On October 03 2010 13:57 CosmicAC wrote: How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh...
You have much to learn, my young scrubby lvl 17 padawan.
On October 03 2010 14:05 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: You should all get a smurf account cuz they're hilarious, I'm running level 20s over with jungle yi and they go on the sickest rage rants lol
i still feel like the best rage rants come from ranked ques, people just way to serious(not that I'm not serious, I just practice silence.. I found when I stopped arguing with people my elo jumped much higher.. also a big fan of the ignore option) Although the funnier ones are the normal que, like I know people want to win, but when someone is yelling at me at champ select in normal and then crying about the other teams heroes, then screaming they want the middle lane... I want to just reach out and choke them.
also, mr lvl 17, that's not just where your at, it's gonna be like that for the rest of your solo experience 
edit: anybody got links to vods of games 2 and 3 from today, poor quality or not, I didn't get to watch them since I was watching Flash/Jaedong, would like to see how they went
On October 03 2010 14:05 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 13:57 CosmicAC wrote: How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh... lol level 17 getting his elitism practice in Well... i've played HoN quite a bit in the beta, while i'm not "knowledable about LoL, (item builds etc...), but i have common sense... i dont run into 1v2's at level 5 expecting to win and i know when to back out... something the people at this level dont know apparently.
On October 03 2010 14:54 CosmicAC wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 14:05 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On October 03 2010 13:57 CosmicAC wrote: How is it that i'm level 17 and people in solo queue barely know how to play??? I've literally lost the last 20 solo queue games due to dumbass teammates... wtf??? Ugh... lol level 17 getting his elitism practice in Well... i've played HoN quite a bit in the beta, while i'm not "knowledable about LoL, (item builds etc...), but i have common sense... i dont run into 1v2's at level 5 expecting to win and i know when to back out... something the people at this level dont know apparently. You won't notice any changes until you climb the ladder for a while...
The lack of runes/masteries is fucking annoying when smurfing tho-.- No meditation is a fucking nightmare...
I was brave, and it felt good.
On October 03 2010 15:04 BlackPaladin wrote: I was brave, and it felt good. victory always feels good
I asked for Twitch advice earlier and got his build and masteries...
(Was recommended 21-0-9 and Doran's Blade, Avarice Blade, Doran's Blade, BF Sword, Boots 1, Infinity Edge, Boots 2, Last Whisper as a general build) - any opinions that differ from this? Against what team compositions do I want to alter my build?
Also, how often should I be using Fortitude Potions? I feel like they are insanely important due to how squishy Twitch is, getting any health is a godsend. What masteries should I be looking at? I'm currently running HP quints, armor pen reds, mp regen yellows, and cooldown blues for physical DPS carries, but I really don't think Twitch particularly needs MP nor cooldowns, even without the blue buff he seems to play very well mid-game and relies on using all his skills once. So hoping for advice in switching them out.
Last question is how should I play him? I've been doing okay with him, but not facerolling like I've seen other TLers do. I was queuing ranked solo and my teammates told me to be more sneaky and Twitch it up but I never really found any opportunity to gank with him... especially since these days it is against people like MF, Vladimir, Janna, Garen, etc - teams really don't have many people Twitch can just sneak up and buttfuck with the small exception of a few squishy carries, and even then I don't really know. Most of my game revolves around farming my lane and harassing like a mad man, or if against an aggressive and good lane I'll be farming and struggling to not be getting hit into squishy oblivion. Mid-late game pretty much goes with me hiding behind my team and waiting for a good opportunity to qwr and hope my ult wrecks hell. Which leads me to my next question... do I want to be behind my team? It seems like a dumb question I guess but occasionally I'll see a Twitch go from an odd angle for maximum splash, with the unfortunate drawback of being wide opened for an easy kill.
I don't know really, just would like some thoughts and guidance. My DPS carries are absolutely horrid but I actually enjoy playing Twitch.
On October 03 2010 12:13 BraveGhost wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 12:01 Repok wrote:On October 03 2010 11:34 BraveGhost wrote: Just got back from WCG, LoL was a good watch, I enjoyed game 1. I left at beginning of game 2 to go watch broodwar.. the games were good from what I saw of them...
The quality on the big screen was awful.. I could see the battles, and what was going on, but couldn't see player names etc, very annoying. Yeah, I thought it was so silly how Phreak couldn't even read the numbers on the screen. Why was the quality so damn bad? i couldn't tell you why the quality was bad  ... Also.. a lot of riot guys/girls in the crowd for this, it looks like they want e-sports to work, the one guy that was helping set everyone/everything up behind the scenes is actually head of an e-sports department at riot games, they put a lot of time in to everything this weekend.... So clueless if why that's their attitude that replays and observer mode are so slow and ..not here yet ....  . Also I had a discussion with one and told him that they need to find some way to get the player picks up on the screen while it's happening.. the draft mode is a big part of the game, and if they don't want to use the draft mode built in to the game, either have the timer able to be extended for practice games, or do it on word... just type out the name and put a picture up on the screen when a champ is selected, and indicate which team selected/banned it, then have a list on left and right side .. this can be done with Paint and look more professional than just saying.. hey they picked champs earlier, games starting Also, if riot wants this game to be truly be a part of e-sports while WCG might be their first big test.. and while they had various success(horribly ran online, some bad presentation, it has been pretty intriguing and fun to watch)you think they could figure out how to get more than 1-2 games in that big game battles tournament going on... I feel bad for the teams that payed money to get in to that.. there has only been 1 game so far. I doubt it's gonna meet the requirements to go in to playoffs.
The observer mode that they have is such a joke. They basically tacked on a 6th man on each team with a special "observer" summoner spell. It's really something that I'd do in a programming assignment, where I'd implement some code with 0 flexibility whatsoever and if I actually have to add additional features, I'm **** and either have to find ghetto workaround (like riot) or reprogram a big chunk of the stuff from scratch. Another example is the chat system when you're in a game, I haven't been playing LoL for too long but hearing from you guys, the chat has been broken for a pretty long time. I'm pretty sure if it was a easy bug/fix they would of fixed it already but they haven't.... which just means they can't or it'll take a awful lot of work to chat with your friends when you're in a game.
I really can't gauge how much interest Riot has in competitive LoL. Honestly I can't believe they didn't remotely have replays and observer modes in mind when they made the game and left no room whatsoever to program them in. I mean WC3 had replays and that game was made like 8 years ago, did they really think that the replay (and observer) features were that useless?
I've been watching some HoN casts lately and I love the observer mode/replay system that they have. You can see the score and basically everything you need to know in one screen. The HUD is nice, simple and unobtrusive.
(On a separate note, I feel like I can't see jack with the giant heath bars with unnecessary over every hero's head. Do I really need to know what level they are? Do I really need to know how much actual health they have by dividing the health with lines/chunks? Do I really need a thick border around all this junk for no apparent reason? Just give me a health bar and a mana bar.)
and I'm no HoN fanboy, I've probably played less than 5 games during beta and I've watched about 3 HoN casts in the past week but I'm really impressed with the features in the game even though its basically an exact dota clone.
On October 03 2010 15:46 SCC-Faust wrote: I asked for Twitch advice earlier and got his build and masteries...
(Was recommended 21-0-9 and Doran's Blade, Avarice Blade, Doran's Blade, BF Sword, Boots 1, Infinity Edge, Boots 2, Last Whisper as a general build) - any opinions that differ from this? Against what team compositions do I want to alter my build?
Also, how often should I be using Fortitude Potions? I feel like they are insanely important due to how squishy Twitch is, getting any health is a godsend. What masteries should I be looking at? I'm currently running HP quints, armor pen reds, mp regen yellows, and cooldown blues for physical DPS carries, but I really don't think Twitch particularly needs MP nor cooldowns, even without the blue buff he seems to play very well mid-game and relies on using all his skills once. So hoping for advice in switching them out.
Last question is how should I play him? I've been doing okay with him, but not facerolling like I've seen other TLers do. I was queuing ranked solo and my teammates told me to be more sneaky and Twitch it up but I never really found any opportunity to gank with him... especially since these days it is against people like MF, Vladimir, Janna, Garen, etc - teams really don't have many people Twitch can just sneak up and buttfuck with the small exception of a few squishy carries, and even then I don't really know. Most of my game revolves around farming my lane and harassing like a mad man, or if against an aggressive and good lane I'll be farming and struggling to not be getting hit into squishy oblivion. Mid-late game pretty much goes with me hiding behind my team and waiting for a good opportunity to qwr and hope my ult wrecks hell. Which leads me to my next question... do I want to be behind my team? It seems like a dumb question I guess but occasionally I'll see a Twitch go from an odd angle for maximum splash, with the unfortunate drawback of being wide opened for an easy kill.
I don't know really, just would like some thoughts and guidance. My DPS carries are absolutely horrid but I actually enjoy playing Twitch.
i do 0/9/21 on twitch with cleanse/flash, since the 9 in defense gives me better lanestaying power, and i prefer to rice my lanes vs being aggro, but no biggie. My item build is really situational and revolves around getting dblades and avarices until i feel kinda stable, then getting i.e. ive had games where ive gone up to as many as 3dblades 2avarices and zerks before i start working on i.e.
in terms of general gameplay, u really need to abuse your invisibility and constantly be aware of oracles and vis wards, its really key, kus if you get caught, you're done, theres a little bit of escape potential with cleanse/flash, but they're not always up. In teamfights, you basically have to wait for some key cc to go off, either on your team or theirs. If the enemy team blows their cc, go in and ult. If you get an aoe snare setup (mummy ult >:3), likewise, go in and ult, you'll blow everything away. More often than not, however, you're gonna want to wait for the former, simply due to the nature of solo queues (if i'm correct in assuming this). Twitch is all about timing your appearance, and the best timings are usually fashionably late.
On October 03 2010 12:13 BraveGhost wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2010 12:01 Repok wrote:On October 03 2010 11:34 BraveGhost wrote: Just got back from WCG, LoL was a good watch, I enjoyed game 1. I left at beginning of game 2 to go watch broodwar.. the games were good from what I saw of them...
The quality on the big screen was awful.. I could see the battles, and what was going on, but couldn't see player names etc, very annoying. Yeah, I thought it was so silly how Phreak couldn't even read the numbers on the screen. Why was the quality so damn bad? i couldn't tell you why the quality was bad  ... Also.. a lot of riot guys/girls in the crowd for this, it looks like they want e-sports to work, the one guy that was helping set everyone/everything up behind the scenes is actually head of an e-sports department at riot games, they put a lot of time in to everything this weekend.... So clueless if why that's their attitude that replays and observer mode are so slow and ..not here yet ....  . Also I had a discussion with one and told him that they need to find some way to get the player picks up on the screen while it's happening.. the draft mode is a big part of the game, and if they don't want to use the draft mode built in to the game, either have the timer able to be extended for practice games, or do it on word... just type out the name and put a picture up on the screen when a champ is selected, and indicate which team selected/banned it, then have a list on left and right side .. this can be done with Paint and look more professional than just saying.. hey they picked champs earlier, games starting Also, if riot wants this game to be truly be a part of e-sports while WCG might be their first big test.. and while they had various success(horribly ran online, some bad presentation, it has been pretty intriguing and fun to watch)you think they could figure out how to get more than 1-2 games in that big game battles tournament going on... I feel bad for the teams that payed money to get in to that.. there has only been 1 game so far. I doubt it's gonna meet the requirements to go in to playoffs. RIOT MARCOU  i hate that guy.
honestly though, i'm pretty sure next WCG is going have way less competition (at least in NA) because the qualifiers were literally hell for 3 weeks.
![[image loading]](http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/7278/bravery.jpg)
too brave