Me and my friends all started in the Lenaria nation does that mean I won't be able to play with people from other nations or? And it would also be nice if someone with endgame experience could explain what the classes basic roles are and update the OP with it, seeing as how the wiki for this game is next to useless.
On March 29 2010 07:42 Dacendoran wrote: Me and my friends all started in the Lenaria nation does that mean I won't be able to play with people from other nations or? And it would also be nice if someone with endgame experience could explain what the classes basic roles are and update the OP with it, seeing as how the wiki for this game is next to useless.
You can kill us. lol
If Lenaria and Ostyrion's Lord Martials ally, then we can play together.
Warriors are next to useless in mass scale PvP. They're only decent outside of PvP and.. since when is that important? Lul Warlocks lay down AoE spells, high damage. Easiest leveling out of all classes. Paladins tank. Lowest damage but has useful spells including stuns and DG/Rifles target squishy players. Clerics can support or be battle type (triple cast tempest is really strong ;;
It's good if you have several buffing classes to assign one buff specialization for a class. That way you can spread out your skills more on other spells. For example, warriors have three buffs. If you have three warriors, one would specialize in each and you would have more skill points to go around.
On March 29 2010 07:55 Dacendoran wrote: Do DGs get any cool abilities late game? and around what level could I expect to start doing Lots of pvp (I'm lvl 12 atm)
Full Auto / some AoE thing / Crit rate increase / snares / 10 second stun off the top of my head. If one of your attack skills crit.. my god. Full Auto crit looks scary.
On March 29 2010 07:55 Dacendoran wrote: Do DGs get any cool abilities late game? and around what level could I expect to start doing Lots of pvp (I'm lvl 12 atm)
On March 29 2010 07:42 Dacendoran wrote: Me and my friends all started in the Lenaria nation does that mean I won't be able to play with people from other nations or? And it would also be nice if someone with endgame experience could explain what the classes basic roles are and update the OP with it, seeing as how the wiki for this game is next to useless.
Um what levels are you guys? since you did all the quests already you could probably run through all of them real fast and join ostytrion? :D
On March 29 2010 07:42 Dacendoran wrote: Me and my friends all started in the Lenaria nation does that mean I won't be able to play with people from other nations or? And it would also be nice if someone with endgame experience could explain what the classes basic roles are and update the OP with it, seeing as how the wiki for this game is next to useless.
Um what levels are you guys? since you did all the quests already you could probably run through all of them real fast and join ostytrion? :D
We're like 13-15 if someone wanted to reroll a new character I'd be willing to play on ostytrion if there was a few TLers playing on it because this game is not fun not knowing anyone xD
On March 29 2010 07:42 Dacendoran wrote: Me and my friends all started in the Lenaria nation does that mean I won't be able to play with people from other nations or? And it would also be nice if someone with endgame experience could explain what the classes basic roles are and update the OP with it, seeing as how the wiki for this game is next to useless.
Um what levels are you guys? since you did all the quests already you could probably run through all of them real fast and join ostytrion? :D
We're like 13-15 if someone wanted to reroll a new character I'd be willing to play on ostytrion if there was a few TLers playing on it because this game is not fun not knowing anyone xD
There's a few level 10-20 people atm. You can get to 20 in several hours it's not that bad. Come come come !~!~!~!~
big afternoon went on. so we lost our relic but i got some medals. lol
someone wanna brief again on this alliance and guild in oyst works. seems we're pretty damn divided after losing rleic and people going up in flames in shout
HoC is the most active/intelligent guild on Osty right now
Our allies: Rule34 = has a bunch of higher level grinders but they don't have brains/leader is not as active as should be for being LM SignumVires = for some reason is part of LM alliance but doesn't have ANY turnout for defends/raids and their members are retarded from what I've encountered Ruin = competent from what I've seen so far
Enemies: Hostile = retards who make bad plans and blame it on other guilds when plans fail they are allied with Neets = retards who PK their own nation during defense
Other guilds: Tactics = competent + nice people DreamZ = they have a lot of members + hate hostile
I'm forgetting some other guilds but that's the gist of it
lolol they are such retards "KILL THE PEOPLE KILL THE PEOPLE KILL THE PEOPLE SO MORE OF OUR PEOPLE CAN GET INSIDE" Their leader Rimo had like 15 personal clerics on him too
On March 29 2010 16:58 KimTaeYeon wrote: HoC is the most active/intelligent guild on Osty right now
Our allies: Rule34 = has a bunch of higher level grinders but they don't have brains/leader is not as active as should be for being LM SignumVires = for some reason is part of LM alliance but doesn't have ANY turnout for defends/raids and their members are retarded from what I've encountered Ruin = competent from what I've seen so far
Enemies: Hostile = retards who make bad plans and blame it on other guilds when plans fail they are allied with Neets = retards who PK their own nation during defense
Other guilds: Tactics = competent + nice people DreamZ = they have a lot of members + hate hostile
I'm forgetting some other guilds but that's the gist of it
speaking of neets, item in the shopp "We’ve got Nefarious Deeds that will reduce your Infamy down to zero!" ..nooo