A high-energy pulse rifle and a fucking anchor. The world doesn't stand a chance.
Touhou Discussion Thread - Page 89
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United States6531 Posts
A high-energy pulse rifle and a fucking anchor. The world doesn't stand a chance. | ||
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United States6531 Posts
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Canada1485 Posts
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Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
On October 11 2011 10:46 Aeres wrote: Nitori and Murasa look so badass there. A high-energy pulse rifle and a fucking anchor. The world doesn't stand a chance. anchors pretty gud i hear | ||
Canada1485 Posts
comon, Yuuka with that dinky little crowbar, that strider doesn't stand a chance ![]() | ||
Canada1485 Posts
http://photobucket.com/dkpl-aki-con It is password protected, and the password is: touhou Yaaaay Because I'm tired of meddling with the photos, I'm just gonna use the (clickable) thumbnails from photobucket to talk about each photo. :> For those too lazy or want a bit more story for each photo, they can just follow along and click each thumbnail, which won't ask for the password, I think. ![]() This is the first photo I took from the con, quite an adorable Remilia :> The dealer's hall wasn't even open yet, and I decided to take a stroll around the con to look for any touhou cosplayers. I found the above cosplayer about 5 seconds after leaving the dealer's hall, putting me in high spirits. 'Cept I was kinda nervous about asking for photos from someone I don't even know, and I just kinda took the photo and ran away xD Unfortunately, there's a bit too much background and too little of the cosplayer herself (which if I had fixed, would even remove the blurry person running in the background) :< I learned about this common problem with newbie photographers when I attended the photography crash course on day 2, but this is day 1 so :<:< This problem is basically consistent in all my photos until halfway through day 2 lol. Also, the photo doesn't really show them well, but the wings were really well-made ![]() ![]() This was the second photo I took. The funny story here was I found the first cosplay like 15 minutes before the dealer's hall opened, but the next cosplayer (this one) doesn't show up until around 4 hours after we opened :< I was a little bit worried that there wouldn't be very many touhou cosplays, but I'm glad to be proven wrong. Oh yeah, this is of course the first of many manhous we'd encountered within the con. xD ![]() I had to take two pictures, because some guy walking in the background made a huge blur in the first picture. :< That would be a recurring problem in many of my photos, because I couldn't really stray far from our booth, and there's literally hundreds of people walking and running around inside the dealer's hall. T_T Oh, apparently, it really hurts his knees to pose like this, so he had to switch legs for the second photo lol. ![]() ![]() I had a bit more courage after taking a few photos, so when I found Remilia and Meiling walking around together, I asked them to pose together. Then I had a bit of fun with them with the second shot :> ![]() These two showed up together at our booth, so I took the photo together. These two also created their costumes from scratch, including all their accessories (a frog-clip from Sanae, and the horn and dish from Yuugi). The Sanae is also very very passionate about touhou and would, throughout the con, drop by our booth and stay to chat for a while each time xD Normally, this would be pretty distracting for business, but we basically had a lot of downtime due to so few customers so it barely made any difference :< This was the last picture from day 1. With so few photos, I decided I would try to take more than just 1 photo for each cosplayer starting on day 2. ![]() ![]() This is the same Iku cosplayer, with his second costume. His Yukari cosplay is pretty effin' amazing, and both my sister and I agreed it was the best manhou cosplay at the con xD I didn't really get it close-up but that fan was very detailed and amazingly well-made. Not sure what the etiquette here is. Should I had just asked for a photo of the fan up-close? I dunno, but I feel like I should have. ![]() ![]() This is the same Meiling cosplayer, with his second costume. He's apparently good friends with the Yukari cosplayer, and they each have their own fan, which are custom-made. The one he has is engraved with "Saigyouji" and the one Yukari has is engraved with "Yakumo". I felt kinda bad, cuz when I took these shots, he was basically running around somewhere, so I was kinda holding him up xD Oh yeah, I think this is the first photo I took after I attended the photography panel, so I started playing around with the settings on my digital camera rather than leaving everything on auto. I'm still very much experimenting around, so you might notice some weird crap with the image quality. ![]() Due to downtime and lack of touhou cosplayers, I was taking a short break, walking around the con looking for cosplayers. I found 4 of them together in one corner and asked for a picture. I was a bit intimidated to ask for more solo shots though xD I did ask them about the other touhou cosplayers, and the Sanae guy told me they were all pretty much hanging out in one of the hotel rooms at the con (the con was located at the Hilton Hotel in Bellevue), and he kinda invited me to join them lol. I couldn't really do that cuz I had a booth to help run xD ![]() The Momiji was roommates with one of my sister's friends, who was running the booth right next to us, so I got another shot. He also made his costume from scratch, including the sword and shield you see in the previous picture. Here, I just wanted a close-up of his fangs, though I kinda regret not getting a full-body solo shot of him. He also made his costume so that he could move his ears and swish his tail :O Unfortunately, his costume was a bit worn, so it didn't have full functionality, but it was still hilarious and amazing to watch. Probably one of the more well-designed costumes I'll ever see ![]() This was the final picture of day 2. With the multiple pictures per cosplayer, it felt like I had a lot more to share ![]() ![]() I was asking my one of sister's friends who did photoshoots as a hobby. She set the camera for the conditions inside the dealer's hall and took this photo for me. Compare to the close-up of the same cosplayer that I took, which was much too red. Remember how I was whining I didn't see the youmu on day 2? When I asked this Yukari on day 2, he told me he'd make sure the Youmu would drop by on day 3, along with the Yuyuko, so I can get some group photos. I felt kinda bad, cuz he was basically standing here waiting for the other two for about 20 minutes, just cuz of me :< ![]() Photoshoot time :D I say photoshoot, but I am at a complete loss at what to do, so I just winged the whole thing. I spent about 15 min the previous night brainstorming what I wanted to do before I fell asleep, lol. I did feel kinda "pro" when I asked them to move spots, due to a sign with text in the background, which I learned to avoid from attending the photography panel xD. Unfortunately, the only other free spot had a fire alarm switch. Still, better than the text ![]() Oh yeah, we actually left the dealer's hall just so we can take our photos in peace without people running around in the background or blocking shots, if it wasn't clear ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() lol, has anyone read the doujinshi series, "Two by this Side, Three by the Other Side" by Personal Colour? I tried to parody the doujin covers but we didn't really have enough room, so it kinda looked like a back-to-back pose xD I also failed to remember some of the details (Yukari was supposed to close her eyes) The effect was... kinda okay I guess, if we ignore the fact it was supposed to be a parody. Of course, there's the fact that these two are both manhous as well xD Here are the two covers in question: + Show Spoiler + Looking at the actual covers, I realized I got so many things wrong, it's not even worth calling it a parody xD ![]() ![]() ![]() This one was the Yuyuko's idea. He borrowed his friend's fan so he can hold two :> It ended up looking pretty good. My only issue is, I should have asked the Yuyuko cosplayer to take off his glasses for the shoot, since it reflected pretty badly. :< These are things that will hopefully be solved with experience, so if I ever do this again, I'll know what sort of little things to look out for. ![]() ![]() Yay, finally got the first Youmu-only shot :D Guess who is the favourite character for both my sister and I? :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll give you a hint, it starts with a 'Y' and ends with 'oumu'. This was the same girl who came in the Remilia cosplay on day 1 btw. Anyway, the shots from above with Youmu on one knee was my idea, which I got when I was looking for ideas the previous night, browsing for Youmu images. It ended up looking the best out of the bunch imo :> Next, we got her to hold out her sword and pose with it a bit. She then confessed she had no idea how to properly hold a sword, it was adorable :> The hilarious thing was, it was the Yuyuko who ended up teaching the Youmu how to hold her sword xD I had to take a few pictures out, because I guess I was shaking the camera too much between fits of laughter, so some of the pictures ended up a bit blurry :< Luckily, two came out fine. There was one where she was holding the sword right across her face, lol. This concludes the first photoshoot I ever held. It made me very happy the rest of the day :> ![]() ![]() This Suika looked a bit ghetto and was much too tall to be Suika actually xD I think he had a Professor Layton cosplay from previously, which he was wearing a few pieces here. ![]() ![]() ![]() This was very near the end of the day, so I almost missed this cosplayer :O My sister's friends kept asking later if she was Rei from Evangelion, because she didn't have wings, and cirno's dress is kinda plain :< ![]() ![]() My last two photos of the con. I ended up running out of battery-life on my camera before this, and had just ran to the car to retreive my charger. I think I had my battery plugged to the wall for about 3 minutes when both Suika and Yuugi showed up together, just enough for a couple pictures. Pretty nice timing I'd say :> Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy :> The business this year at this con was pretty bad, but all things considered, both my sister and I had a very enjoyable time :> | ||
United States6531 Posts
Nice pics overall, man. I'm glad you and your sister had a good time. ![]() | ||
Sweden1027 Posts
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United States6531 Posts
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United States6531 Posts
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Sweden1027 Posts
This is so damn good xD I have to try it sometime. I wonder if it makes you look very smart or very dumb though, I'll have to think about that one. | ||
United States6531 Posts
On October 12 2011 08:18 Latedi wrote: This is so damn good xD I have to try it sometime. I wonder if it makes you look very smart or very dumb though, I'll have to think about that one. You're only getting half of the joke, though. Two popular Touhou memes state that Cirno is the strongest, and Aya is the fastest. The .gif is meant to show that + Show Spoiler + Cirno is the fastest. | ||
Canada1485 Posts
oh yeah, I also meant to post this here: That's part 4 of the Koishi's Heart-throbbing Adventures series with English subtitles. Go back to page 80 in this thread, about 5 posts down, to watch the first 3 parts if you haven't already :> This one was much less traumatic than the previous part :D | ||
United States6531 Posts
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Canada1485 Posts
I guess we can stick with brohou for the cool people only for now :> All of the cosplayers we mets so far are pretty cool/nice people. Some of them might be a bit too intense sometimes, but they mean well :> | ||
United States6531 Posts
What do Wriggle Nightbug, Sakuya Izaiyoi, and Sanae Kochiya have in common? + Show Spoiler + | ||
Canada1485 Posts
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Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
wow the cover art is quite beautiful, unless u had them as references i don't think anyone would find it easy to get people to pose like that xD food o.o Brouhou sounds nice too, omg haha it even fits better ok that heart throbbing adventure is... weird, amusing, creepy, scary at the same time xD | ||
Canada1485 Posts
Also, I got a question. I am looking up some touhou jazz albums, thanks to some of the chats we had with the Sanae brohou. I found the albums I am looking for, but I found some medley versions of the songs on youtube. The circle in question is 東京アクティブNEETs (Tokyo Active Neets) and the albums in question are 東方爆音ジャズ and 東方爆音ジャズ2 (uhh, I think that just translates phonetically, so "Touhou Bakuon Jazz") The medleys: + Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler + My question is, does anyone know if these medleys only exist on youtube/nnd, or is there some other album that includes them? I mean, is my only option to rip them off youtube? | ||
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