On July 30 2011 03:50 Aeres wrote: Aw, that's a shame. I would have liked to see another Touhou arrangement album. Ah, but I suppose we can't get everything we want.
As far as updates go, UI-70 will also have an album for C80. It's a Touhou arrangement album dedicated to PCB.
LOL I was about to post that trailer too! and i happened to be reading your post (the first song)
Anwyays, at first I thought that this "anime" was just a trailer, for fun... but it is actually going to be a "work"? As in, it's not just trailers? It will become something?
If so that would be pretty epic. Ok, VERY epic.
Also, why the heck does Reimu stay home. Oh well idc too much about the "main character"
Anyways, I like this version of the song much more than the original. The vocals are decent, but after hearing it many times it sounds like it is strained at a few parts or not quite "there" (on pitch). I like how they lowered the volume of the vocal, and added other parts and edited the song. I like the piano kekek. And overall I think they improved the song. Yay! Now it has moved up 1 tier in my music favorite rankings. Lol. Except the echo'ing, i think it was fine before that (the vocals repeating/echoing).
Edit: Oh, the piano part was in the original too. But yea lol I like this new arrange.
Also, holy shit man. That arrange of sakuya's boss/stage theme is EPIC. I'm going to marching band camp tomorrow for a week, meaning i'll be missing a week of Touhou music, so thank you for this beautiful 10 + minute song that will take me a while to digest!
I was about to skip it and say meh, I haven't even listened to all of it but I'll be putting it on my mp3 player now anyways.
Thanks man. <3 Never even heard of that group before. Epic stuff. There are a lot of fast paced funky/jazzy rhythms which I like in remixes.
First off, xi-on! Hell yeah! Looks like the 9th Spell, Cardinal Red, is focused on EoSD. I can't wait!
CYTOKINE is also releasing an album. This one seems to be a two-CD compilation; a bunch of circles are remixing past CYTOKINE tracks. I'm not sure about this one, but it may be really good. Who knows.
Next is C-CLAYS. Their track listing looks really good. I'm hoping for good things with this one.
One Yellow Zebra album had already been announced, but there seems to be a second one with a special emphasis on the music of Maribel Han and Renko Usami. Unfortunately, there's no Greenwich in the Sky here, but it seems to be a solid lineup regardless. Oh, and Yuki is doing all the vocals for this one; ucchi isn't listed.
It was already discussed previously, but EastNewSound has their album ready, and it's gonna kick soooo much ass. One of the best track listings I've ever seen, and since it's ENS, it'll totally rock. This is the album I'm most excited for right now.
Excellent! Yuuhei Satellite has their latest album previewed. Looks like the focus is on Imperishable Night, but JSH will be happy to note that Broken Moon is among the track listing. I'm looking forward to this one!
To celebrate my birfdae, here's a really good arrangement of Shinto Shrine, the bad ending theme from Mystic Square. Despite it being the bad ending, though, TatshMusicCircle makes it sound quite uplifting... almost encouraging.