On the previous page Caller, the third one is the silent Reimu series, by Sora no amagumo. It's really cute! (cough I mean er I just didn't say that cough wheeze*) Reimu is a saint in that one *_*, and also a mute XD.
1、Fightning god (原題:虎柄の毘沙門天) (Shou's Theme) 2、Break the deamon's seal (UFO Stage 5) 3、Cemetery (原題:素敵な墓場で暮しましょ) (TD Stage 3) 4、Unknown sailing (原題:キャプテン・ムラサ) (Murasa's Theme) 5、Nature dominance (原題:無何有の郷) (PCB Stage 1) 6、Ghost in the other world (原題:死霊の夜桜~ゴーストリード) (Night Sakura of Dead Spirits/Ghost Lead) 7、Undead will unmove (原題:リジッドパラダイス) (Yoshika's Theme) 8、Endless dowsing (原題:小さな小さな賢将) (A Tiny Clever Commander)
Flower Buster-Some kind of PofV looks like, but the name smells like 709sec aka engrish Another Swing-Holic Album (Vol. 8) As well... (no crossfades yet)
still have no idea what Demetori is up to...
It is on youtube too :O Anyways I can't wait to hear the full songs the demo so far sounds good!
About the first one. Is it a medley of songs? Also is it all copy and paste? the scene with cirno and daiyousei is copied from an anime. But even if it is it still takes a lot of time so gj whoever is doing that xD
And maybe it's just me but I think it's cool when the animation isn't finished. The sketches look cool, the way they are. Colors are nice but it takes a lot longer and the sketch versions are interesting it's like a style
Sorry if I missed this apparently Iron attack and bullet wind (who are they?) released an album on october 16. Does anyone know about this? + Show Spoiler +
the iron attack from koroumu was meh, nothing that interesting on there that wasn't on their previous one as for sound-holic, i was right, it's PofV Engrish Rock, fuck yes 709sec. SwingHolic is all UFO, no TD unfortunately, but that's okay.
Demetori IS releasing something, but he hasn't updated in a while.