On March 24 2012 19:30 PhloW wrote: I am probably unfair with Grubby but the overall system is really badly designed. Explain me why the 32nd player from the winter arena should be placed higher than Stephano or Polt ?
That's very easy to explain. Because the 32nd player from the winter arena qualified for the winter arena and stephano and polt did not. It is as easy as that and although I am a big Stephano fan(by far my favourite player) I got no problems at all with the system. It can not get any fairer than having NO Invitations at all and make it completely skillbased. Like I already said, the only bad thing is that assembly and winter arena took place at the same time. That was really stupid, but other than that the new mlg system is pretty fair for the players ->those who are willing to qualifiy and play for the arenas get seedings in the championships ->can't get any better and with the whole stephano and polt thing matched already in round 4: sleep and symbol got matched in round 2! Symbol didn't even play a game before that. The tournament is just incredibely filled up with good players so you can't avoid em till like the semifinals. So please don't hate just for the sake of hating.
Guys chillax, this is an opportunity, we get to see the most consecutive games ever won by anyone in any tournament right now. Stephano is going to crush through the lower bracket and through the main bracket until he defeats MKP in the finals.
On March 24 2012 19:30 PhloW wrote: I am probably unfair with Grubby but the overall system is really badly designed. Explain me why the 32nd player from the winter arena should be placed higher than Stephano or Polt ?
Let me laugh at the open bracket, when i saw bracket 1 and some of the other bracket, there is such a big difference of skill.
Well, sad Stephano felt to Polt, losing a real potential winner of tournament but that's something expected when we saw the bracket. I'd feel the same way if Polt lost to Stephano.
hope to see stephano idra. Stephano meeting his nemesis too soon in this tournament (polt), so now he can't lose a single game. Let's see how far he can go. Hope to see him top 8, but gonna be hard