The Stephano Fan Club - Page 133
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Brazil62 Posts
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France897 Posts
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Brazil62 Posts
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France897 Posts
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Romania2740 Posts
On December 24 2011 23:48 Thegathering wrote: The pace of training, however, does not suit me at all. Playing ten hours per day was really exhausting, it's too much. I like having my activities outside the game and I think that this rate can hurt my progress in the long term, in the sense that I'm improving when I actually enjoy playing. Currently it's not the case. [M]Stephano Does that mean he wont go back to Korea and stay for 3 months like he said ? | ||
United States1363 Posts
On December 26 2011 00:02 Ryps wrote: Does that mean he wont go back to Korea and stay for 3 months like he said ? Source? I've never seen him say that. Even so, probably not, why would he spend 3 months in Korea once the tournament season starts back up again? I can't imagine someone who loves Freebird, The Doors and Zeplin, being happy in an apartment with 10 people for 3 months. If Korea is the place to be, Stephano should have a pimp pad and be setup nice. Being different is his edge, joining the production line of SC2 pro-gamers might not be the best move. | ||
Russian Federation112 Posts | ||
4765 Posts
On December 24 2011 23:48 Thegathering wrote: I took the liberty to translate it, enjoy. + Show Spoiler + Bonjour à tous, Les fêtes de fin d'années battent leur plein et l'heure est venue pour moi de faire un petit bilan de l'année qui vient de s'écouler, ainsi que de mes projets à venir. Durant les premiers mois de 2011, mes résultats ont en quelques sortes confirmé mon niveau de jeu, comprendre par là qu'il n'y'avait rien d'exceptionnel et que pour moi à ce moment précis j'avais atteint une sorte de palier. J'étais assez satisfait de mes performances, sans pour autant espérer plus. Je ne songeais pas du tout à prendre une année pour me consacrer à Starcraft 2.Mes études me prenaient vraiment trop de temps et surtout je ne me voyais pas gagner aussi bien ma vie sur un jeu vidéo. Il a fallu attendre le début de l'été pour que je commence à sérieusement envisager cette possibilité. Ma performance à la HomeStory Cup 3 et surtout mon TOP 3 à la Lan Assembly ont vraiment été des éléments déclencheurs dans ma décision. J'ai réalisé à ce moment – là que je pouvais encore grandir en terme de qualité et jeu et aller me confronter aux plus grands. C'est d'ailleurs dans cette optique que j'ai tenté ma chance aux qualifications pour les IPL 3, sans vraiment trop y croire. Les remporter était déjà pour moi quelque chose d'énorme, je ne m'attendais vraiment pas à gagner le tournoi entier quelques semaines plus tard. Après avoir remporté l'ESWC, j'ai commencé à penser à la Corée et à tout ce que ce pays pouvait m'apporter. Ce voyage m'a démontré que j'avais encore beaucoup à apprendre et que c'est vraiment l'endroit où il faut être si l'on veut vraiment s'améliorer. À quelques jours de mon retour en France, le bilan est cependant plutôt mitigé : je pense avoir vraiment appris. J'ai pu constater les limites de mon jeu et par la suite pallier à ses défauts. Le rythme d'entrainement en revanche ne me convient pas du tout. Le fait de passer à dix heures de jeu par jour m'a vraiment épuisé, c'est beaucoup trop. J'aime avoir mes activités en dehors du jeu et je pense que quelque part ce rythme peut nuire à ma progression sur le long terme, dans le sens où je ne progresse qu'en appréciant de jouer. Actuellement ce n'est plus trop le cas. Mon retour en France se profile à l'horizon et j'ai vraiment hâte de retrouver mes proches .pour ce qui est de la suite des évènements j'avoue ne pas encore avoir pris une réelle décision. Mes derniers résultats ne sont pas vraiment mauvais, vous êtes de plus en plus nombreux à me suivre sur mon stream et je pense pouvoir encore progresser dans les mois à venir. Les prochains évènements seront probablement déterminants dans ma décision finale, la route est encore longue et je compte vraiment faire mon possible pour remporter le plus de compétitions possible. Pour finir, je tiens à remercier toutes les personnes qui me suivent au quotidien, j'espère ne pas vous décevoir dans les events à venir. Bonnes fêtes à tous, Hi all, The holidays are in full swing and it's time for me to do a little review of the past year and my future projects. During the first months of 2011, my results confirmed in some ways my level of play, meaning that there was nothing special for me at that time and I had reached a sort of ceiling. I was pretty satisfied with my performance, without hope for more. I was not thinking at all to take a year to devote myself to Starcraft 2. My studies were taking me a lot of time and I wasn't seeing myself making a career of a video game. It was not until the early summer that I began to seriously consider this possibility. My performance at the HomeStory Cup 3 and especially my TOP 3 in the Assembly Lan were really triggers in my decision. I realized at that moment that I could still grow in quality of play and compete against the best players. It is in this regard that I tried to qualify for the IPL 3, without really much faith. The win for me was already something big [in the Qualifier #3], I really did not expect to win the whole tournament a few weeks later. After winning the ESWC, I began to think of Korea and what a trip in the country could bring me. This trip showed me that I still had much to learn and it's really the place to be if you really want to improve. A few days before my return to France, the results are rather mixed : I think I really learned. I was able to see the limits of my game and then fix some shortcomings. The pace of training, however, does not suit me at all. Playing ten hours per day was really exhausting, it's too much. I like having my activities outside the game and I think that this rate can hurt my progress in the long term, in the sense that I'm improving when I actually enjoy playing. Currently it's not the case. My return to France is coming and I can't wait to see my family. For the future, I haven't made a real decision. My final results are not really bad, you are an increasing number of people to follow me on my stream and I think I can still make progress in the upcoming months. The next event will probably be decisive in my final decision, the road is still long and I will really do my best to win as many competitions as possible. Finally, I want to thank all those who follow me every day, I hope not to disappoint you in future events. Happy Holidays to all, [M]Stephano thanks for the translation, is there anyway they could just let stephano play gsl from france ![]() | ||
Germany4923 Posts
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France295 Posts
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France897 Posts
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United Kingdom1322 Posts
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601 Posts
Losira suddenly showed up with like 10 mutas or something while stephano had zero anti air besides his 3 queens. Idra would have immediately gged outta there, but stephano stuck to it and actually took the game, even though i cant quite believe he pulled that off. Basically he defended everything with queens and spores for like 10-15 minutes, while trying to kill losira´s natural with his roaches (which was sucessful with his first counter push, his second and third roach counter didnt do much damage but it forced losira to pull back his mutas, which always gave time for stephano to breathe, reposition spores, build spores, build queens). After he stabilized, he roach queen pushes his way to victory against muta ling. Just incredible play by stephano. I especially liked how he researched burrow in order to be save from the ling runbys, burrowing his drones as soon as losira showed up, which made losira´s counterattacks that much weaker. Losira couldnt have done anything about that burrow either because there were so many spores and queens, no way an overseer can get through. | ||
Canada13788 Posts
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601 Posts
On December 28 2011 11:11 Jyvblamo wrote: Fuck, Stephano sure can play SC2. That Losira game was one of the most interesting ZvZs I've seen in a long time. Man im just watching his stream and am awestruck at how good he is. He is manhandling these koreans right now. I have watched like 6 games now and he didnt lose a single one. | ||
United States340 Posts
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601 Posts
While killing the 3 pylons with his spines, his new expansion at his natural third gets cannoned aswell, he just expands to his natural and gold location at the same time (since he is finally out of the contain). Looks like protoss used a lot more minerals on all that cannon bullshit than stephano used on 2 spines and 2 canceled expansions, and just gets roflstomped a few minutes later by stephano´s roach ling queen push. Hes just awesome. I especially like how he sticks to the games, even if he gets cheesed like mad, and then just proceeds to show those noob cheesers who is the boss. edit: Next up is a terran that starts off with a marine scv all-in, fails miserably. Follows it up with another marine scv allin 3 minutes later. Fails again. Looks like a stomp again. | ||
Poland6595 Posts
losira played that stupidly ,he probably thought he is ahead when he wasnt as queens are not imminent threat unless they march under your base which they did :p | ||
The Void
Germany428 Posts
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United States4720 Posts
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