Iem Kiev groups announced, Nani gets chosen to represent the Korean scene!
Group A
(T)Beastyqt (Z)Killer (P)NaNiwa (P)TitaN
By all accounts this should be a fairly simple group for Naniwa, he has the best winrate of all of them and his time spent in korea on his side. I hope the pressure of this being his first tournament since the blizzcup does not hurt him.
Seems easy enough for someone the level of Naniwa... I think other than Curious and MMA, no one can really challenge Naniwa if he brings his very best play
Naniwa, what happened to your regular streaming? It was awesome.
he doesnt want to stream before he plays in a big tournament i think... IEM kiev is next week
I believe this is relevant to us. From Naniwa's twitter:
yayy grandmaster! only hd to be 300 points above the second place..
Good luck in Kiev!
300 points above second place? Nice one
I'm hoping Naniwa wins IEM Kiev... He has pretty good chances
sign me up please!
Quantic posted some new profile photos of NaNiwa and Destiny on their Facebook page a little while ago.
![[image loading]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396633_342739515738478_149431395069292_1431070_694161596_n.jpg)
More photos at the Quantic Facebook page
Best of luck in Kiev Johan! We're all cheering for you <3
Wow , nani looks handsome!
Lol, damn.. Looking good; they should totally do that NaNi photoshoot
I can easily see MMA and Naniwa in finals, if they doesnt meet before. I doesn't hope he goes out because PvP, HerO and TitaN I guess can be kind of threats there. Otherwise I hope for him to take first place, gogo ^^
woo hoo go Nani! <3 always cheering for ya
If anyone doesn't know yet, Nani's group is up at 11.00 GMT tomorrow.
Best of luck at IEM Kiev Naniwa, you've got this!
Nani is not streaming much anymore i think. It's just me who not on TL when he streams or has he stopped and why?
On January 19 2012 08:03 Fus wrote: Nani is not streaming much anymore i think. It's just me who not on TL when he streams or has he stopped and why?
I think he stopped when i started to live in ST-house for real. I guess he felt that he need to just practice a lot.
On January 19 2012 08:03 Fus wrote: Nani is not streaming much anymore i think. It's just me who not on TL when he streams or has he stopped and why? he plays iem tomorrow after that when he gets back to korea he will stream more kk
Time to show who's the boss! Go win this shit!
I hope jet lag wont pwn him T_T!