Farewell my friend,the whole game got a lot less exciting for me :/ Still,so many good memories I can look back on,thank you for all of them. <3 You will always be my favourite SC2 player,my terran inspiration.I just wish you all the best,may you bring as much excitement to LoL as you did to SC2 and my heart...
All hail the King
I always said to me that the day MarineKIng retires i will retire with him. I stopped following all the tournaments a while ago but i always followed MKP. I wanted him to come back to the top one more time to win the deserved GSL Championship. It really makes me sad that it will never happen. So thank you for the good memories MarineKing and i wish you best of luck for your future.
All Hail to the King
He really got me into sc2. I used to watch all his games and rage wtf is wrong when I'm not able to beat protoss players with marine marauder medivac (MKP used to play vs protoss without ghosts and not too many vikings either and still kickass protoss players :D)
This is so sad that he couldn't get back to his old form Wish him best luck in future
MKP fighting!~~
All hail the King, I will never forget you MKP and I will cheer you on even in League of Legends. It's sad to know that I won't ever watch a Starcraft game of MKP ever again, that I will never again wake up int the middle of the night to cheer for him, that I won't cry over his losses again. It's sad to see him go to League but I'm happy as long as he's happy with his decision. It might just be the right thing for him to do. Since he's been practicing to become a LoL pro for 3 months now I can understand why his results weren't as good. I suppose HotS wasn't all that good after all. But no matter what you do MarineKing, I will always cheer for you and be there to support you. All hail the king, 이정훈 화이팅!~
I mean, I guess it's not the end of the world.
We didn't get to see MKP play that much in SC2 anymore, so if he gets good in LoL we might see more of him.
I'm still really sad to see him go though, he was the person who got me into SC2, and I learned so much from him. I kept on playing the Marine Split Challenge trying to get as good as him in it, and I will keep on doing so in honour of him
Thanks for the memories MKP!~ I'll be drinking and watching some of your old vods tonight.
Thanks for the memories MKP!~ I'll be drinking and watching some of your old vods tonight.
you and me both, sir.
I think that he would deserve a Final Edit
It makes me sad that I couldn't even see his last couple of games on stream :'(
Edit: Watching some of his VODs sounds like a great way to spend the evening. Very meaningful too. Dem feels.
And along with MKP's retirement my passion for SC2 is pretty much gone.. Such a sad day today, will follow him on LoL and play lots of LoL to compensate ^o^
Hope he doesn't change his name though..
Yesterday, I was playing 1v1's and having a great time. Last night, I saw this news and couldn't sleep for a few hours as I remembered MKP. This morning, I don't want to play SC2. I don't want to watch SC2. Though maybe I'll watch some old VODs of MKP in his prime (no pun in intended).
I hope this feeling passes... but I guess it's proper that I give a moment of silence for the King of Marines.
I hope he keeps the name MarineKing or Boxer when he debuts in LoL, so I at least know which of the 10 random Champions to keep an eye on.
You were always my favorite player, MKP. Good luck in the future!
Well, I'm switching to LoL now too. Always follow MKP!~
MKP I have followed you since GSL Open Season 2, you were the whole reason I only played Terran. I remember all the nights staying up late and crossing my fingers everytime you stimmed. GL and i'm switching to LoL to follow the King
Uh I hope he will be on the top of the game ~~
Thank you so much for theses years of sc2 ♥
Belgica34432 Posts
I'm just gonna 2rax all night long, and only MKP gg when i lose.
I'll miss you MKP