On July 27 2012 20:24 zedrOne wrote: finals ? well, terrible show you mean ?
Remember, GSL is a TV show, not a tournament. I still hate GSL as much as before, still like to see MC play in real event.
Waoh you're an angry man.
MC saying to seed "Yeah, i'm pretty good at allins too." Make the comeback happens !
On July 27 2012 20:24 zedrOne wrote: finals ? well, terrible show you mean ?
Remember, GSL is a TV show, not a tournament. I still hate GSL as much as before, still like to see MC play in real event.
whats your point man. with gsl we see such good sc2. don't get your point at all.
Sigh. Not even good games.
Sign me up pls!
Edit: Sad to see you lose. But Seed just played better and deserved it. GL next time!
It's ok. MVP lost a mirror finals as well pretty one-sidedly. MC will soon attain his third GSL championship
Next season, MC.
I'll never stop cheering for you!
a bit off today, that can happen, I would'nt read too much into it.
gogogogo MC!!!!!!!!!!!xD
Well. Now that my disappointment has subsided, Seed certainly played better. However, it takes more than one series to determine the best protoss in the world. MC still has that position in my book. Seed has a lot more to prove if he wants that title.
Noo.I only caught last 2 games.Well runner up GSL is pretty huge aswell.
Sign me up pls.
There can be only one Protoss President, and this will be MC forever!
MC still BossTosscant wait to see who he destroys next now that he has been provoked =D.
fuark. Oh well.
MC gonna come back hungry for his next title next season ^^
3rd HSC 3rd NASL 2nd GSL... So close MC, so close... Always next GSL/OSL/WCS
Sign me up! Been a die-hard MC fan since his first GSL championship win. Watched almost all his excitement filled games, especially the ones against HuK. However, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE NEXT SEASON MC! LONG LIVE THE PROTOSS PRESIDENT!
gratz to MC to make it to the final.
whats your point man. with gsl we see such good sc2. don't get your point at all.
Waoh you're an angry man.
my point is : i dont like GSL, I like to see good play. I like to see MC play, and other. (no name cause if you name someone else in a FC you automatically get flamed by everyone)
And against the whole world if i must, i will stay tru to what i think : GSL code S don't provide the best game, or the best player, but the best TV show about Starcraft. If you lesen to some, if something in a game happen in GSL, it's the best play ever, the highest skill level and so on. if the same play happen in another tournament, it's barely noticed.
Seed is not bad, but to me it's like Jjakji, he will not win anything else soon, or make big splash in the international scene. but in the same time MC will win another shitload of money, and more tournament.
I still think if he did not attend too many foreign tournaments, he would have taken his 3rd gsl title this season. Nonetheless, Mc did great this season and will forever be my favourite toss. Fighting Mc !
Congratulations Seed. Great tournament for him and and great run through our champ to help IM complete the trifecta.
I'm still extremely despondent over this... 
Such a fantastic GSL run but he couldn't do it in the end. Oh well, I believe in the bosstoss. Really resilient guy and I wish him the best.
Guys His next tournament is in about 6 days. What a boss.
Oh snap, I just realized he's going to Assembly.
Wow. Boss indeed. Go show them some president toss diplomacy MC!
I'm still a bit crushed but I've mostly recovered by now. Really tough loss but I know you'll bounce back.
MC hwaiting
MC kept to his words, tried to expand, tried to make some longer games. Thank you, MC! Sign me up!