On August 29 2011 00:00 Schnullerbacke13 wrote: sad to see idra fail so hard. anyway i always get the feeling he is playing too standard, everybody knows what to expect from him tvz .. wonder what's the reasing behind his "get-mutaball" TvZ
The reason behind his mutaball is that he is good eneough with them to make up for their failure as a combat unit. He just makes too many of them, and not eneough ling/bling. muta ling bling is incredibly good, and the skill ceiling is soooooo high, because if you have the controll you can be everywhere on the map
Good, just 1 more game Greg. Just one more game. The you have to teamkill Huk, and win against Noblesse with extended series against you, but that's just details
I gotta say bein an Idra fan is getting harder and harder. After first the game vs Noblesse I thought hell yeah, brilliant play he's still got it. Then he tries a bad cheese and insta quits (ok he had probably lost, but cmon, this isn't ladder, this is a really freaking big tournament you're in. At least he could have stuck around to study Noblesses play a little more, but just throwing a game like this....I mean Idra has done things like this for a long time, but recently it seems to me like he is not taking it all that seriously. Zergs are really not weak right now, but Idra goes into these games expecting to lose it seems.
Get your shit together and lose the attitude. You're a professional gamer, but you certainly don't behave like one. We know you're good, hell, you showed us in this very mlg. Go for it!
On August 29 2011 00:47 Ajunoo wrote: I gotta say bein an Idra fan is getting harder and harder. After first the game vs Noblesse I thought hell yeah, brilliant play he's still got it. Then he tries a bad cheese and insta quits (ok he had probably lost, but cmon, this isn't ladder, this is a really freaking big tournament you're in. At least he could have stuck around to study Noblesses play a little more, but just throwing a game like this....I mean Idra has done things like this for a long time, but recently it seems to me like he is not taking it all that seriously. Zergs are really not weak right now, but Idra goes into these games expecting to lose it seems.
Get your shit together and lose the attitude. You're a professional gamer, but you certainly don't behave like one. We know you're good, hell, you showed us in this very mlg. Go for it!
shut up, get out of his fanclub. stop whining and moaning start cheering, he is currently fighting for his life vs trimaster.
On August 29 2011 00:47 Ajunoo wrote: I gotta say bein an Idra fan is getting harder and harder. After first the game vs Noblesse I thought hell yeah, brilliant play he's still got it. Then he tries a bad cheese and insta quits (ok he had probably lost, but cmon, this isn't ladder, this is a really freaking big tournament you're in. At least he could have stuck around to study Noblesses play a little more, but just throwing a game like this....I mean Idra has done things like this for a long time, but recently it seems to me like he is not taking it all that seriously. Zergs are really not weak right now, but Idra goes into these games expecting to lose it seems.
Get your shit together and lose the attitude. You're a professional gamer, but you certainly don't behave like one. We know you're good, hell, you showed us in this very mlg. Go for it!
shut up, get out of his fanclub. stop whining and moaning start cheering, he is currently fighting for his life vs trimaster.
Some times I wonder if it's the same guy with a thousand accounts just trolling...