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What the FUCK are the backdancers doing? And what the FUCK is he doing up in that stage, calling that hip hop?
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be Korean.
Queen/TikTok, Heartbreaker/Right Round, Madonna/Magic (even though they are by the same "artist"), they all make me fucking sick. What is wrong with you Korean music artists?!
On August 12 2010 20:01 lokiM wrote: what do you mean by the same artists? the only 1s you mentioned that were the same are Madonna and Magic from Secret, and at LEAST 80% of the time it's the producers wrong doing.. and the artists still get the flak from the public, look at hyori for example
Think you read it wrong when it comes to same artists, cuz he only mentions Secret doing the same stuff. And yeah it is always most likely the fault of the producer, unless you're G-Dragon who is also a producer lol (one guy that's in the 20% section). But a classic example of the 80% is CNBLUE. I never seen a company be so full of themselves when they got called out for plagiarism issues, while the accusers showed so much more class than the corporate goons. Because of it, it temporarily made CNBlue look really bad.
By the way, Crown J's song made me laugh because he apparently grew up in the nicer part of Atlanta, and now he's trying to act ghetto? lolll. Dipset reference in the song made me lawlz too. See that song is the fault of the artist, considering he wrote the damn words to the song. But I don't blame you in being ashamed, I've had my moments too -_-.