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Here's something I've always been curious about, Korean women (though a lot of Asian women could fall into this) have that sudden transformation that happens when they go from pretty or lovely or normal (don't want to use stunning this this is in general) to ajumma (small, suddenly old face). Since I've never seen a beautiful Korean women age into this yet (talking modern era like a beauty like Hyori or some actress I can't name off the top of my head) I'm curious what this latest generation will look like. Is there some hottie who was in her twenties or thirties in the 80's 90's that we know of who has pictures now? I'd love to see a than and now but don't have any reference for it.
I'm curious if the plastic surgery is just gonna make this null and void and whatever ugliness age would have brought on is just gonna smack into their children like a Mack truck.
I saw some middle aged lady (probably in her early 40's) look pretty damn good for her age when I was buying some presents in a store. She didn't wear much makeup and I highly doubt she's had surgery. She was also quite tall too. I'm guessing she was some kind of model or extremely good looking when she was younger. I've also seen quite a few good looking middle aged ladies while I've been in Japan.
Though on the flip side the old ladies you mentioned far out number the women I'm talking about. But to answer your question, I guess they'll still look decent but a time will come when eventually their body will succumb to it's ageing process.
Don't get me wrong, usually all women go through this but Asian women seem to go through it far more dramatically than I've noticed on say white woman.
Oh I definitely agree with you. Though I think Asian women are more "weird" in how they age. Most turn into tiny Asian old ladies whilst a few can still retain their looks until their late 40's early 50's.
Most asian women, or well women in general, lose any interest in maintaining beauty once they get kids. Experience is my reference, no joke.
On February 07 2013 18:01 Radioman wrote: Jesus that chick is smoking hot.
Pics for Jisook pre surgery. Need to see if she looked like my GF. For science.
For your own safety, I suggest against it. But, let it be known, as long is your GF isn't hyorc tier, plastic surgery can fix quite a bit. We have the technology...
Hello. Can somebody please identify this song for me?
It's a music video. There's a male rapper and the video is eerily similar to Eminem's Love the Way You Lie. In the video, the male rapper is an abusive relationship with a girl. I think the girl gets kidnapped by gangsters and at the end the male runs out and gets shot and dies. Sorry if it's a poor description, I don't remember the video too well.
Here's something I've always been curious about, Korean women (though a lot of Asian women could fall into this) have that sudden transformation that happens when they go from pretty or lovely or normal (don't want to use stunning this this is in general) to ajumma (small, suddenly old face). Since I've never seen a beautiful Korean women age into this yet (talking modern era like a beauty like Hyori or some actress I can't name off the top of my head) I'm curious what this latest generation will look like. Is there some hottie who was in her twenties or thirties in the 80's 90's that we know of who has pictures now? I'd love to see a than and now but don't have any reference for it.
I'm curious if the plastic surgery is just gonna make this null and void and whatever ugliness age would have brought on is just gonna smack into their children like a Mack truck.
I saw some middle aged lady (probably in her early 40's) look pretty damn good for her age when I was buying some presents in a store. She didn't wear much makeup and I highly doubt she's had surgery. She was also quite tall too. I'm guessing she was some kind of model or extremely good looking when she was younger. I've also seen quite a few good looking middle aged ladies while I've been in Japan.
Though on the flip side the old ladies you mentioned far out number the women I'm talking about. But to answer your question, I guess they'll still look decent but a time will come when eventually their body will succumb to it's ageing process.
Don't get me wrong, usually all women go through this but Asian women seem to go through it far more dramatically than I've noticed on say white woman.
Oh I definitely agree with you. Though I think Asian women are more "weird" in how they age. Most turn into tiny Asian old ladies whilst a few can still retain their looks until their late 40's early 50's.
Most asian women, or well women in general, lose any interest in maintaining beauty once they get kids. Experience is my reference, no joke.
Haha oh man I don't doubt ya. It's a shame though. Probably why there's a tonne more age riddled women than ones who still look after themselves later on in life. God damn I wish I took a picture with the lady at the store, she looked really good for someone in their mid 40's.
On February 08 2013 10:56 2xNoodle wrote: HyunA doesn't really have new real tattoos, does she?
She has a real one on her back dedicated to her mother. Not sure about any else. That's probably real though because that's where she got her first tattoo from, though it could be fake as an advertisement for the brand. I really don't know haha.