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Do you guys really think anyone would want to put out an album or single around the same time as SNSD's Korean comeback after over a year? That's just asking to lose money/music show victories.
On January 11 2013 05:44 Requizen wrote: Do you guys really think anyone would want to put out an album or single around the same time as SNSD's Korean comeback after over a year? That's just asking to lose money/music show victories.
eh money maybe, music show victories don't mean shit and companies know it. Plus if everyone's gone it might be beneficial for like one or two other relatively big groups to comeback right now. I'd take SNSD and no one else over the ridiculous number of comebacks late last year.
Music show victories only mean something for new groups as a sign that their hard work has paid off, which is the reason most of them cry when they win their first award, nobody gives a shit if SNSD wins another triple crown, because it's expected.
And yeah super excited for CnBlue comeback. Def top 3 among Idol bands for me. edit: to clarify I actually meant all the mainstream kpop groups, cnblue is top3 there^^
On January 11 2013 07:15 Ilikestarcraft wrote: What other idol bands are there besides Cn blue and ft island?
Ace of angels
There's also a batch of rookies that use instruments. Don't forget busker busker too btw! But yeah, I like CNBlue a lot. CNBlue, FTIsland are probably the most known international bands, add Busker Busker and you have the national top 3 too.