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Sojin is very cute and adorable when she's smiling and laughing, but I still can't get over how her faced looked so odd in Hug Me Once MV during her solo scene.
Kang Jiyoung can look very good when she's made up and performing, but looks very different when off stage. Plus, her smile and laugh make her seem like a kid.
Strange how So Cool sounds so much better to me than when I heard it while watching the MV. The performance was good, but I also think it's also due to the fact that I didn't like the MV at all.
Like there's enough mind bleach in the world to help me sit through something like that. Ungodly amount of Jiyeon due to my not knowing or caring what should go into the NG pile.
My reaction to having just churned out 24 Jiyeons*. Need to cleanse my palette so badly. As per request, some double wingku.
Like there's enough mind bleach in the world to help me sit through something like that. Ungodly amount of Jiyeon due to my not knowing or caring what should go into the NG pile.
My reaction to having just churned out 24 Jiyeosn. Need to cleanse my palette so badly. As per request, some double wingku.
I'll see about those other Sistar time frames in a bit.
Wow epic post for JY lovers ^ also thank god someone else made those sistar gifs, I was working on them for 2hours+ now but my pc keeps crashing and I think I need to do some more practicing, one of them turned out 15mb.
Like there's enough mind bleach in the world to help me sit through something like that. Ungodly amount of Jiyeon due to my not knowing or caring what should go into the NG pile.
My reaction to having just churned out 24 Jiyeosn. Need to cleanse my palette so badly. As per request, some double wingku.
Like there's enough mind bleach in the world to help me sit through something like that. Ungodly amount of Jiyeon due to my not knowing or caring what should go into the NG pile.
My reaction to having just churned out 24 Jiyeosn. Need to cleanse my palette so badly. As per request, some double wingku.
i like BYG's new song, but i'm not sure if its because of his rapping or because i like the darker tone of the music like with his collab with song jieun
On August 12 2011 12:35 LosingID8 wrote: i like BYG's new song, but i'm not sure if its because of his rapping or because i like the darker tone of the music like with his collab with song jieun
On August 12 2011 08:00 Waterhaak wrote: Can't believe they don't have rehearsals with those fireworks, Sunny is known for being scared of explosions and the likes but the other girls usually don't have trouble with it. It suprises me how often there are technical issues with these korean performances, can't remember how often the mics were poorly setup on numerous occasions.
I know what you mean. I can't count the number of times one of the girls' solos have been derped because of fail sound techs... Particularly Sica and her opening solo in Gee (as in the one that follows Fany's).
On August 12 2011 12:35 LosingID8 wrote: i like BYG's new song, but i'm not sure if its because of his rapping or because i like the darker tone of the music like with his collab with song jieun + Show Spoiler +
Oh shi- what happened to his hair. I thought it was just the lighting and he just went blonde again. Ji Eun stalker such a baller, but that hair he needs to leave it alone. - Video's going to get banned from airing, isn't it.