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On July 17 2011 00:33 Hemula wrote: Could you guys post your list of favorite kpop at the youtube, if you have one. It'd be easier for me to extend my knowledge of kpop this way. Thx.
YT search davichi
all of it.
Also T-ara going to model for dem water park again. Friendly reminder:
Also that Spartakooks appearance on Sketchbook took me back to 1996 when I was still in Korea ㅠㅠ
What followed was three hours of listening to some old school Turbo And watching old clips of Jongkook x Yoon Eunhye clips from X-man on YouTube
They were like the most legit couple ever. Someone needs to take the time to sub X-man... it was the birthplace for so many MCs and entertainers as well as TV show concepts.
On July 17 2011 00:33 Hemula wrote: Could you guys post your list of favorite kpop at the youtube, if you have one. It'd be easier for me to extend my knowledge of kpop this way. Thx.
Search terms for YT: T-Ara Rainbow (add the ff: A, To Me, Sweet Dream) Secret Sistar After School (Bang, Shampoo) Miss A A Pink
Is there any web radio that plays kpop? I recall watching HuK's stream and hearing him listen to something that seemed to be something like that, if there are any out there I'd love to get some links :D
On July 17 2011 05:17 Maxie wrote: Is there any web radio that plays kpop? I recall watching HuK's stream and hearing him listen to something that seemed to be something like that, if there are any out there I'd love to get some links :D
Theres many of them. Try Google "Big B Radio" or "Seoul FM".
On July 17 2011 05:17 Maxie wrote: Is there any web radio that plays kpop? I recall watching HuK's stream and hearing him listen to something that seemed to be something like that, if there are any out there I'd love to get some links :D
Try and search kpop.
I'm partial to the KPOP EU stations, one is "the greatest" songs which is the most popular songs and the other is dedicated to songs that have come out recently.
Forgot to mention how great this song is. It warms my heart.
On July 04 2011 14:23 moose162 wrote: I expect this thread will see a lot more "What song is this..." posts. Since HuK's recent wins, his stream's viewer count has doubled from 2kish to over 4k. Not that it's a bad thing, just an observation.
On July 04 2011 14:23 moose162 wrote: I expect this thread will see a lot more "What song is this..." posts. Since HuK's recent wins, his stream's viewer count has doubled from 2kish to over 4k. Not that it's a bad thing, just an observation.
Quoting myself to brag. [/QUOTE]
Haha, so true, I recall one night when he kept playing the same song over and over and over again (it was kpop), I still do wonder what song that was.
And thanks for the suggestions, i'll check em out.
On July 17 2011 05:17 Maxie wrote: Is there any web radio that plays kpop? I recall watching HuK's stream and hearing him listen to something that seemed to be something like that, if there are any out there I'd love to get some links :D
Theres many of them. Try Google "Big B Radio" or "Seoul FM".
On July 17 2011 06:47 Zocat wrote: Has anyone watched the kdrama Can You Hear My Heart - and if yes, can he recommend it?
Main character has cotton swab hairdo, but is busty. Storywise not much stands out, it's like I Am Sam meets Anne Frank. Also, it does go into an uncomfortably awkward in-name-only-incesty love triangle.