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On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Eh, it's just a matter of what's airing. He talked plenty when Nise aired. That said, we all know Eca is a big masochist.
Nise had like a billion times more fan-service than Gargantia, to the point where it was borderline hentai, so that doesn't really change much either.
did someone say monogatari series? That shit is coming out on the 6th XD.
I'd say Gargantia accomplished what it set out to do, which is to entertain people with a happy story. Ya clearly it did not introduce groundbreaking, revolutionary themes and ideas, and if you were looking for those you'd be disappointed. If you're just looking for something to watch, Gargantia was fun
If it stuck to the sol it would've been a lot better, even if the sol portions were boring. I hated how half-assed it was, go from that ep1 into randomly doing nothing for like, 7 episodes? Sure. Swing back and try to be serious without any bit of development or background and then try to just dump a bunch of common plots together to salvage something? Fuck that.
About the whole happy ending thing (lol who even cared about it really), last time 'grimdark' came up was a lot of people making fun of that idea and Swedes, far as I can recall.
On July 02 2013 00:49 Naphal wrote: gargantia best 1 cour show since a long time, but haters gonna hate, or hipsters gonna critique <.<
What is so good about Gargantia in your opinion then? I liked it for Chamber, but not much else.
1) the setting: i like postapocalyptic settings, and i think this is a great one 2) the characters, we have ledo, who has to lose his conditioning, pinion, who wants to prove himself, and the rest of the characters dont really develope but behave in a believable manner (girls as girls, the adults and elderly quite reasonable, yet totally different) more developement would have oversaturated a 1 cour show, a culture clash deluxe into some relevations and fighting is enough plot. 3) the animation was really good 4) Slice of Life out of nowhere? yes please. (i also found this surprising mess that C³ was interesting, but not really good xD) 5) fanservice yes thank you 6) the AIs were pretty neat as well
and while the plot was predictable at times, yet nowhere as predictable as some people here make it out to be, it was a good execution for 13 eps and i liked it a lot, and even after thinking for a bit i dont remember the last 1 cour show i enjoyed this much, maybe kokoro connect or tasogare x otome amnesia or panty and stocking or tetsuwan birdy s1, but those are something different entirely.
ending, i know the minority here will approve of it xD
so all in all, thats what i like about gargantia, that most 1 cour shows dont even come close to, would have easily watched 50 eps of it, if they had shown more of the world, and have the things develope at a slower pace (all characters, not such rushed methods to advance plot)
now you dont have to refute me, in fact please dont, as i am not really trying to argue for a rating or approval here, just saying i think this show in my opinion was "good", as in store on my HD good, where about 100 shows over the last 10 years have accumulated.
having some good ingredients, showing a glimmer of greatness and then doing a generic, really meh ending doesn't class it as a great show. The characters were nothing memorable (/muted for plot reasons in Ledo's case), and so it all boiled down to the plot execution (despite half a season of slice of life character development lmao) - and it didn't really deliver. + Show Spoiler +
As people have said, Chamber was all that stood out, and that only happened in the last few episodes really (and in some pretty flawed ways IMO)
Not going to try and come up with a bunch of examples I'd say are better, because shit's really subjective, but I haven't seen anyone putting it among their actual favourites (without trying restrictions like 1cour), which is probably the best way to tell if something has distinguished itself. The show just doesn't end up doing anything well enough to get rated that highly. It was light, enjoyable and had a broad appeal, but that's all the good I can say about it as a whole.
Happy endings are cool when they make sense and fit the setting/situation/narrative, don't think Gargantia fills those criteria though. Really, that applies to any kind of ending. Saying 'people don't like happy endings' is just a cop out.
the character that sacrifices himself in the end is the only great part of the show - grimdark anime watcher #12912344
+"i get to shit on the show you like but i will be damned if i name a better one, cause shit is subjective! not shit sherlock!"
"my critique is just "did not deliver" "was meh" "noone i know" "generic" and nothing solid or relevant that could even prove i watched the show"
- if you dislike setting, characters, plotadvancement, belly dancing (not you but since i am already on it) why not do yourself a favor and drop the show? or are you all in prison without a choice BUT watching every damned show?
The show just doesn't end up doing anything well enough to get rated that highly.
exactly how highly? i dont use ratings at all, i just said it is "good" in my opinion, and that its a 1 cour is a fact, so i wont exactly compare it to One Piece or so, a comparison most shows would lose straight out anyways. i mean look at my post, look at your post, you really think you can tell me how to like anime? jeez people...
edit: just saying you dont like it ok, but then summoning the vague mass of anoninternetz that also dont so you are right is not, its like you dont even need to think for yourself! and since i came to this forum with the launch of sc2, i can reasonably safely say: TLADT is hawt for tragic endings.
I'd do a comprehensive write-up (really want to because the 'TLADT just likes tragedy' and all your other conclusions/abbreviations are super obnoxious and inflammatory) but honestly my post was mainly venting disappointment, and you weren't trying to be bait for that, so I apologise. I think we can just disagree we have different standards for 'good'.
Why didn't I drop the show? The animation quality, how vivid the setting seemed to be, and Urobuchi made me have faith, and it was well-paced so I wasn't losing much either way. The story's turn toward a 'From the New World'-style then made me really like it. There also wasn't a ton else that interested me this season.
In the end what I liked got dropped from relevance as suddenly as the SOL-stuff, so I think it's mediocre/poorly crafted. It tried to grab the interest of some really broad audiences, but never satisfied any (or maybe half, iuno) of them.
I tried to use general opinion/examples of things others had issues with as the lazy way to express that. It's more readable in a broad discussion thread than an in-depth analysis on why I think the show didn't tie shit together well/the biggest flaws, so I went with it. Didn't know people actually had an issue with that.
yes lets agree to disagree, my tone in the last post wasnt really appropriate either, sorry for that!
still i think that TLADT has quite a few fans of disastrous endings <.< its my personal observation on what shows get love here, or how shows can turn from TEH shit into shit and vice versa with only the last episode (madoka *giggle*)
On July 02 2013 20:05 Naphal wrote: yes lets agree to disagree, my tone in the last post wasnt really appropriate either, sorry for that!
still i think that TLADT has quite a few fans of disastrous endings <.< its my personal observation on what shows get love here, or how shows can turn from TEH shit into shit and vice versa with only the last episode (madoka *giggle*)
All is forgiven sir!
I think it's more that anime/manga writers are better at balanced/tragic endings than happy ones. I love a good disney/pixar happy ending, or those in other, non-animated media, but there aren't many anime/manga I can think of that had a stereotypical happy ending I really liked (Chihayafuru you better not fail me here!). Can't think of many that develop with that direction in the background throughout, which I think is key to making them great.
Honestly, when you look at story-focused media primarily aimed at adults/young adults, how many stereotypical 'happy endings' do you see? Think there's a general preference for the more balanced, darker world people are inevitably faced with, though that might be bias in terms of what I read/consume/hear about.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
yes, the visuals on the second season of Kingdom is a looooooooooooot better, I got really surprised by how much they managed to improve it.
heh. angelic layer set the bar for this type of show pretty high for me xD maybe i tune in and see what it has in store for someone that only has seen gundam 08th MS team (+OVA xD)
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
I mean, if fast forwarding to portions with Ayase and watching only that is an indication of liking the show, then maybe I do like the show.
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
"It-its not like I watch/read Oreimo because I like it, b-baka!", basically?
Let's go with that, nothing good ever comes out of trying to reason with you anyway Sent.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
Pacing is odd, I am feeling the potential of fail already.
Yeah, InuHasa seems like it's going to crash and burn pretty hard. Lame characters and already predictable "surprises" aside, it just wasn't funny, and it's supposed to be a comedy.
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
I mean, if fast forwarding to portions with Ayase and watching only that is an indication of liking the show, then maybe I do like the show.
On July 02 2013 07:20 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:17 aers wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:01 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:48 Ecael wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:25 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
"It-its not like I watch/read Oreimo because I like it, b-baka!", basically?
Let's go with that, nothing good ever comes out of trying to reason with you anyway Sent.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
Pacing is odd, I am feeling the potential of fail already.
Yeah, InuHasa seems like it's going to crash and burn pretty hard. Lame characters and already predictable "surprises" aside, it just wasn't funny, and it's supposed to be a comedy.
InuHasa is not a comedy, but because its style and plot, it's something easily messed when adapting. This is one series I'm feeling much better if Shinbo was doing instead. Though I haven't watched it, waiting for holiday/weekend.
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
I mean, if fast forwarding to portions with Ayase and watching only that is an indication of liking the show, then maybe I do like the show.
On July 02 2013 07:20 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:17 aers wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:01 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:48 Ecael wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:25 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
"It-its not like I watch/read Oreimo because I like it, b-baka!", basically?
Let's go with that, nothing good ever comes out of trying to reason with you anyway Sent.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
Pacing is odd, I am feeling the potential of fail already.
Yeah, InuHasa seems like it's going to crash and burn pretty hard. Lame characters and already predictable "surprises" aside, it just wasn't funny, and it's supposed to be a comedy.
InuHasa is not a comedy, but because its style and plot, it's something easily messed when adapting. This is one series I'm feeling much better if Shinbo was doing instead. Though I haven't watched it, waiting for holiday/weekend.
Oh. It's listed as a comedy and seemed like it was trying to be one.
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
I mean, if fast forwarding to portions with Ayase and watching only that is an indication of liking the show, then maybe I do like the show.
On July 02 2013 07:20 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:17 aers wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:01 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:48 Ecael wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:25 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
"It-its not like I watch/read Oreimo because I like it, b-baka!", basically?
Let's go with that, nothing good ever comes out of trying to reason with you anyway Sent.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
Pacing is odd, I am feeling the potential of fail already.
Yeah, InuHasa seems like it's going to crash and burn pretty hard. Lame characters and already predictable "surprises" aside, it just wasn't funny, and it's supposed to be a comedy.
InuHasa is not a comedy, but because its style and plot, it's something easily messed when adapting. This is one series I'm feeling much better if Shinbo was doing instead. Though I haven't watched it, waiting for holiday/weekend.
Oh. It's listed as a comedy and seemed like it was trying to be one.
It is comedic in the sense that there are parts where you are supposed to laugh, it is hardly the point though. If anything, it is probably more action than it is comedy.
Finally can watch this... Why won't this TV series come out any faster??? So hyped now!
Unless I'm wrong about this, they are coming out with a new line of HGs with this thing, including a HG Double X!!! If its 1/144 scale, and the same quality as the HGAW X-Divider.... Why the hell wasn't it a thing two years ago!?!?!
Also looks like HG Victory, F91, and V2... Which is very surprising. I'd be interested in the V2. I wonder what scale they are, since late UC stuff is small as hell, so a 1/144 V2 would be so tiny.
On July 02 2013 01:10 Ecael wrote: Not sure if the hipster level is high with bashing on gargantia considering the shit pacing and plot/character developments. It was just a butchery of some very commonplace sci-fi templates wrapped up with random sol and bellydancing. Has all the elements of stories that has been done to death but none of the development necessary to make any of it make sense.
"Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
I mean, if fast forwarding to portions with Ayase and watching only that is an indication of liking the show, then maybe I do like the show.
On July 02 2013 07:20 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:17 aers wrote:
On July 02 2013 07:01 Sentenal wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:48 Ecael wrote:
On July 02 2013 06:25 Sentenal wrote: [quote] "Random sol and bellydancing"? Are you kidding me? How can you possibly say/think this and still like OreImo?
Where did you get the idea that I put up with oreimo for anything beyond Ayase and see how much balls the author has?
Sent, I've always known you are a bit crazy, but this is too much
You sure do read, watch, and talk a whole lot about a show you don't like, then. You seem to care about it as much as you do the Monogatari series, for example. Maybe you are just tsundere for Oreimo.
Nearly everyone I know who watches Oreimo spends their entire time telling people they don't actually like Oreimo.
"It-its not like I watch/read Oreimo because I like it, b-baka!", basically?
Let's go with that, nothing good ever comes out of trying to reason with you anyway Sent.
On July 02 2013 07:28 Maxie wrote: Watching the first season of Kingdom. It's pretty good now that I've gotten used to the visuals. The second season is better on that aspect, I've heard?
Recap episode of Mushibugyo, that's a bit boring.
InuHasa was mildly entertaining as a first episode/show of the season, the MC is... cute? Heh.
Pacing is odd, I am feeling the potential of fail already.
Yeah, InuHasa seems like it's going to crash and burn pretty hard. Lame characters and already predictable "surprises" aside, it just wasn't funny, and it's supposed to be a comedy.
InuHasa is not a comedy, but because its style and plot, it's something easily messed when adapting. This is one series I'm feeling much better if Shinbo was doing instead. Though I haven't watched it, waiting for holiday/weekend.
Oh. It's listed as a comedy and seemed like it was trying to be one.
It is comedic in the sense that there are parts where you are supposed to laugh, it is hardly the point though. If anything, it is probably more action than it is comedy.
In a way it's similar to Monogatari series (but not quite sleazy? as Nisio).
Unless I'm wrong about this, they are coming out with a new line of HGs with this thing, including a HG Double X!!! If its 1/144 scale, and the same quality as the HGAW X-Divider.... Why the hell wasn't it a thing two years ago!?!?!
Also looks like HG Victory, F91, and V2... Which is very surprising. I'd be interested in the V2. I wonder what scale they are, since late UC stuff is small as hell, so a 1/144 V2 would be so tiny.