Canada8988 Posts
I found it pretty good, most of the cast was good, so was the actions, monsters were great too, the Ciri story was a bit stale tho. With that said, it kinda didn't have a plot and going from storyline to storyline was kinda jarring sometime. It made it hard to figure out where exactly we were in time, especialy since Yen and Geralt don't age (but Jaskier also didn't seem to age so that was confusing). I was never quite sure if we had skip a year or three decade, for exemple Geralt save the Striga in like episode 4, but 4 episode later to what I tought was like 30 years Folest has not age a day.
They also seemed to be quite expeditive with exposition, I would be curious if someone here has watch it without reading the books/play the games? How much of it was understandable?
Watched first episode last night. Not as bad as I'd feared but not as good as I'd hoped.
On December 22 2019 02:34 Nakajin wrote: I found it pretty good, most of the cast was good, so was the actions, monsters were great too, the Ciri story was a bit stale tho. With that said, it kinda didn't have a plot and going from storyline to storyline was kinda jarring sometime. It made it hard to figure out where exactly we were in time, especialy since Yen and Geralt don't age (but Jaskier also didn't seem to age so that was confusing). I was never quite sure if we had skip a year or three decade, for exemple Geralt save the Striga in like episode 4, but 4 episode later to what I tought was like 30 years Folest has not age a day.
They also seemed to be quite expeditive with exposition, I would be curious if someone here has watch it without reading the books/play the games? How much of it was understandable?
Well, there are clues as to what happens when. For example, in the very first episode when Geralt talks to Renfri she mentions a recent battle that princess Calantha has won. Earlier in the episode the same battle is mentioned when Ciri talks to queen Calantha about her first battle that she won when she was her age. This would imply that events in Blaviken happen 30-50 years before the sacking of Cintra.
Netherlands45349 Posts
I liked it quite a bit, Yennefer and Geralt's actors respectively do quite a good job (Henry's "hmm" is very well on point as well as his blunt "fuck"), I thought the Ciri plotline started out great but ended up slugging down quite a bit, I am looking forward to S2 and Ciri+Geralt interactions though, I feel like it will turn out to be great.
I do however have some dumb issue with Triss not being redhead.
I think it's awesome. Henry Cavill did a splendid job as Geralt. His screen presence is amazing. So much close up work and stuff but he really carries it. Anya Chalotra also did great as Yennefer.
I think the action scenes are quite great too, that market fight in the first episode got me so hyped. Monsters look great and the fighting is visceral and feels to have impact.
I also love how omnipresent magic is and how often it gets used. The general world building is great and the costumes are gorgeous.
The way the bard speaks broke the 4th wall for me sometimes. Don't know but it feels like the way he talks and his mannerisms are too 'current day' in a way.
I don't really care about Triss' hair colour but I do think they should have cast someone more ' enchanting' in the looks department at least. Triss should be a stunner.
Canada11294 Posts
On December 22 2019 01:47 maybenexttime wrote: @Falling
The fairy stories are pretty dark on their own. It's the Disney renditions that are mellow and "lived happily ever after". I know- but I think the Witcher's are darker yet.
Pretty good season overall. The only thing I have a problem with is the ball sack armor... I don't know why it is there and who's idea it was. They should just retcon it in the next season. Other than that, pretty solid storytelling.
I don't agree with how Yennifer's, Geralt's, and Ciri's storylines are not chronologically aligned with each other until later in the season. It seems to make the plot unnecessarily confusing, though I've already read the books so I know what's going on. I kinda want to see the show re-edited into something that's more in order or doesn't jump around between plotlines.
Otherwise, I'm enjoying the show so far. Henry Cavill is a treasure.
as an avid witcher fan i must say that everything i feared was done in this "show"
Canada8988 Posts
On December 23 2019 10:09 {ToT}ColmA wrote: as an avid witcher fan i must say that everything i feared was done in this "show"
I'm curious what were your principals problems with it?
As I keep watching I actually find the intertwined timelines to be really interesting. If you pay close enough attention you can understand the relationship between the different timelines in each episode.
Ultimately I think it's an artistic choice and I think it's a really good one. It sacrifices convoluted exposition for much more organically presented material, and the different timelines being shown simultaneously is a great contrast between the different main characters as they develop.
From the perspective of someone who hasn't read the books and has only a few hours played in W3, I found the different timelines pretty confusing. For example, I didn't know Yennifer/Geralt were potentially hundreds of years old, so until that was mentioned I found myself often sitting and thinking about how on earth these things fit together. Perhaps if they added dates on each of the flashbacks I might have understood it more. Regardless, I really enjoyed the show and am itching for more.
Favourite things thus far have been Henry's casting as Geralt and that song 'Toss a coin to your Witcher' from the bard.
Geralt and the bard was the highlight of the show for me. Toss a coin to your witcher had some real hook to it and the fight scenes were properly violent without being gory.
The season-long story was poor I think but there were some really great standalone episodes.
I'm re-watching it now with Polish dubbing and I have to say it's probably better than the original English version. Maybe not for people who aren't speaking Polish, but damn, they made the effort to use older version of the language and I always felt that English "fuck", while versatile, is not nearly potent enough and Polish "kurwa" solves the problem. I'm having a blast.
On December 23 2019 15:05 Sermokala wrote: The season-long story was poor I think but there were some really great standalone episodes.
Well the season-long story was bound to be poor since it was based off of a series of mostly unconnected short stories with some stuff thrown in by the writers and some parts of later books added to the mix.
I binged it over 2-3 days despite not thinking that it's all that great, i guess being ill makes you do weird things The show lacks sophistication in its writing atm, very little connective tissue between episodes to make it feel like a big story (sure the source were short stories apparently, but this has to work as a show regardless). It simply doesn't work all that well if they tell us about things but don't give us the meat to care about it. Say Geralt's bond with Yennefer. They meet for the first time in one episode and in the next they meet each other again, apparently years and years passed because it is implied that a lot of history happened between the two already. No audience which only knows the show can care there, it's sloppy. The grander narrative is also not told in a compelling way, so far i have no real idea about the political scenario other than very surface level "nilfgaard bad". Maybe that's all there is to it, but it's a little disappointing. And yet it somehow has me intrigued enough to probably keep watching for season 2, i hope they spend more timing actually developing all the aspects we have seen so far, be it characterisation, grander narrative or even standalone stories. Overall it just felt rushed with not enough depth to anything yet.
It's just background exposition for what's about to happen (the real story). I'm reserving my judgement until I see how they handle that.
I haven't read or played the game, but I found it to be pretty good. Took a few episodes to understand the timeline thing, but it works in its own way. The characters were cast excellently and Ciri didn't annoy me as most young protags are wont to do. Some bits of the story could have been explained further (the invasion, why they need the girl, a bit more of Geralt's backstory) but for the most part I could follow tit. I mean, it.
This show's a mixed bag. Some things are great, like Geralt, Jasper, and some of the CGI monsters. However, some things are embarrassingly bad - basically all of the magic shit - Yennefer, Fringilla, Aretuza, and the terrible magic system they made up.
I don't know who they hired to write the dialogue of this show but it was incredibly melodramatic and cliche garbage and belongs in a Spanish soap opera. None of the character's dialogue was convincing. They were all hamming it up like they were in a high school play. Frankly, it was embarrassing to watch.
The first couple episodes were good, but the last few were so bad that it left a horrible taste in my mouth. I was disgusted by how bad it was. It was as if I had a steak dinner with a plate of shit as my dessert. The finale in particular was so fucking dumb that I debated turning it off many times and still can't believe I sat through it. What an absolute travesty.