Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me! I wanted to attach this little note to the gift so you wouldn't forget about the thread. The first post is the most important, as it has a good spiel about the show as well as the fan list, which includes men of such stature as HawaiianPig, TheLittleOne, Plexa, Trump, and Special Endrey as well as relevant links.
There are a multitude of heartwarming success stories related to the show, many of which may involve manly tears. As I've said, this is one of the nicest communities on the entire internet, and you are a living embodiment of its spirit without even being apart of it.
This gift for you and Manfred is from the bottom of our hearts as a token of our goodwill and of our thanks for all you've given us. We hope you find as much joy in this show as we have. Rest assured, if you're having a tough day, you will feel better after watching some good old ponies.
If you still think I'm trolling, ask TLO and Plexa yourself; you'll be quite surprised! Thanks again, for everything!
Day[9] Mentioning MLP in the very next Daily will be one of the most awesome things i will experience in my life. Especially if he likes that, but if not it's ok because it's Day[9] talking about ponies.
On October 20 2011 07:32 kunstderfugue wrote: Day[9] Mentioning MLP in the very next Daily will be one of the most awesome things i will experience in my life. Especially if he likes that, but if not it's ok because it's Day[9] talking about ponies.
That would be the dream, my good sir. In less than 24 hours, I'll be in Anaheim. Let's get this done.
On October 20 2011 07:32 kunstderfugue wrote: Day[9] Mentioning MLP in the very next Daily will be one of the most awesome things i will experience in my life. Especially if he likes that, but if not it's ok because it's Day[9] talking about ponies.
I think it likely that he would at least show off the pony gift on his stream, and talk briefly about his Blizzcon encounter and how we pretty much all wished him love and happiness. It seems very much like the kind of thing he'd do. =)
On October 20 2011 07:32 kunstderfugue wrote: Day[9] Mentioning MLP in the very next Daily will be one of the most awesome things i will experience in my life. Especially if he likes that, but if not it's ok because it's Day[9] talking about ponies.
That would be the dream, my good sir. In less than 24 hours, I'll be in Anaheim. Let's get this done.
*Cue intense music* Bronies, with the combined power of our optimism, Day9's pre-made broniness, and Gary Oak's superskills... the world will be ours. Ponies for ALL!
Also, this and these make me quite jealous of their eventual owners.
Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me! I wanted to attach this little note to the gift so you wouldn't forget about the thread. The first post is the most important, as it has a good spiel about the show as well as the fan list, which includes men of such stature as HawaiianPig, TheLittleOne, Plexa, Trump, and Special Endrey as well as relevant links.
There are a multitude of heartwarming success stories related to the show, many of which may involve manly tears. As I've said, this is one of the nicest communities on the entire internet, and you are a living embodiment of its spirit without even being apart of it.
This gift for you and Manfred is from the bottom of our hearts as a token of our goodwill and of our thanks for all you've given us. We hope you find as much joy in this show as we have. Rest assured, if you're having a tough day, you will feel better after watching some good old ponies.
If you still think I'm trolling, ask TLO and Plexa yourself; you'll be quite surprised! Thanks again, for everything!
Sincerely yours,
Tony “GaryOak” Genovese
A lot smarter imo. Whenever Day9 speaks with the audience he's gonna have a TON of people around him. He can read the note at home when everything's calmed down.
Yea, perhaps it might be better to just let him read the note at home, and just say hi to him, send him best wishes from a small community that we hope he embraces soon, and to enjoy the gift as much as Manfred will!
On October 20 2011 08:33 flavorless wrote: Day[9] has probably already seen this thread, and is just letting it all play out without telling us anything. Seems like a possibility, anyway.
Also, sign me up.
I hope that someone's recording my encounter with Day[9] at BlizzCon so you can see my wtf expression if he drops that bomb on me. =P
On October 20 2011 08:33 flavorless wrote: Day[9] has probably already seen this thread, and is just letting it all play out without telling us anything. Seems like a possibility, anyway.
Also, sign me up.
Haha! I can just see it now... Gary will walk up to Day9 with the Fluttershy box and Day will just be like, "Oh hey Gary, good to see you. I couldn't wait to get my new toy!"