Evil Geniuses Discussion - Page 137
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United States313 Posts
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Singapore3728 Posts
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Canada9496 Posts
On March 03 2017 20:38 traumatism wrote: Glad to FINALLY get some EG dotes True that, hoping for some good games! | ||
United States313 Posts
Definitely better for EG to play the harder teams early on. I still think they can top 2 the group with Liquid. | ||
United States4135 Posts
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United States180 Posts
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Singapore11446 Posts
Think there are many players better than him in the carry role. The real star now is suma1l | ||
Australia8434 Posts
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Germany462 Posts
They often times fall behind during that stage and have to make this big midgame-comebacks based arround their incredible skilled players and teamfight excecution This looks like a very exhausting playstyle ... and to be honest, not stable enough as a playstyle to rely on it all the time. I hope they can fix this in some way, because i think that if they can fix this, with their mid/lategame excecution, they could establish themself at the very top ... | ||
Germany171 Posts
On March 28 2017 15:23 DucK- wrote: Anyone else finds rtz to be very ordinary in the carry role? Always felt his talent was best in a carry mid role. EG2014 and Secret 2015 were good examples of it. Unfortunate that the mid role has evolved, and rtz isn't that good on some of the tempo heroes like invoker/qop. Think there are many players better than him in the carry role. The real star now is suma1l I don't know if I'd go as far as saying he's ordinary but I agree somewhat that he hasn't impressed me individually but so far the only carry player that did so during DAC has been BurNIng. (I haven't seen a lot of group A so I can't really talk about them) I think with EG it's mainly a play style thing, SumaiL is often times the true carry of the team and the one who gets the opportunity to shine. I also feel that the best kind of carries to pair with a players like SumaiL/Miracle- are the n0tail/Fear types, highly flexible, space creating players that are imo often times the unsung heroes. In addition I also feel like players like Arteezy and Matumbaman are at their best when paired with players like s4/FATA-, cuz I feel like Liquid suffers from a similar problem like EG, when it comes to the dynamic of their two core players but I might be wrong. | ||
Germany2762 Posts
On March 29 2017 21:00 BreakupBoy wrote: I don't know if I'd go as far as saying he's ordinary but I agree somewhat that he hasn't impressed me individually but so far the only carry player that did so during DAC has been BurNIng. (I haven't seen a lot of group A so I can't really talk about them) I think with EG it's mainly a play style thing, SumaiL is often times the true carry of the team and the one who gets the opportunity to shine. I also feel that the best kind of carries to pair with a players like SumaiL/Miracle- are the n0tail/Fear types, highly flexible, space creating players that are imo often times the unsung heroes. In addition I also feel like players like Arteezy and Matumbaman are at their best when paired with players like s4/FATA-, cuz I feel like Liquid suffers from a similar problem like EG, when it comes to the dynamic of their two core players but I might be wrong. I dont know man. I think liquid and eg have both shown they have great synergy, with exactly the players they have. You dont win tournaments otherwise. Its more like draft and little ingame problems. Both teams are capable to have a very deep lower bracket run. | ||
Germany171 Posts
On March 29 2017 23:19 hunter_x wrote: I dont know man. I think liquid and eg have both shown they have great synergy, with exactly the players they have. You dont win tournaments otherwise. Its more like draft and little ingame problems. Both teams are capable to have a very deep lower bracket run. Oh for sure, I honestly believe it's more of a luxury problem for both teams, but even ppd said he never fully figured out how to use Arteezy and SumaiL to their fullest potential together, apparently he came close to the solution at the shanghai major but Arteezy left a few weeks later. | ||
United States937 Posts
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Canada9496 Posts
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44020 Posts
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United States937 Posts
I no longer anticipate him to do amazing things, it's more like every time i watch him, i just HOPE he doesn't feed to something stupid. the dynamic has changed where every game we expected something that would blow our minds, now it's expecting him not to feed. he's a shadow of his old self quite sadly and i actually don't mind booting him on eg for fear to come back in the 1 role. he's no where close to as dominant as fear as on the 1 role. at least fear had a level of consistency, arteezy has no where near any level of consistency anymore sadly. and this is not a hate thread or to bash him. its just sad not seeing the star power he was once known as. arteezy is more of a curse now for any team that brings him on board than he is a benefit. team secret had him, they lost. he's back on EG? they lose. As far as sumail goes, sumail still has it in him but just like arteezy, we don't really get to see the kid let loose. maybe dota has gotten to a point where most innovations have been kind of fleshed out and no ones really a pioneer anymore. any attempts at anything risky gets punished hard and teams aren't willing to go down that route anymore. its all a bunch of safe plays and no one really stands out anymore. sumail had the most gold with his invoker and the guy does NOTHING with it. nothing. back then when sumail even remotely had any type of advantage he would reverse the the tides of the game in ways we never thought possible. but now even he can only do so much to change the tides of the game. universe on the other hand still looks like a god of dota, and even his plays can only get them so far sadly. | ||
Australia476 Posts
On April 03 2017 16:17 saocyn wrote: Don't know who posted it, but i've felt the same way about arteezy in the 1 role. not only the one role, his 2 role is also sub-par as well now. It's not to say the guy wasn't a pioneer 1-2 years back, heck at one point in time we could say he was the best mid player but now regardless of what role i see him play, he's no where near the star power he was once known for. you don't see him outplay 2-3 people and then get a 3 for 1 kill, you don't see those plays from any of his heroes anymore either regardless of how much farm or an advantage he has. it's like he's been for the lack of a better word, neutered. he no longer plays aggressively anymore and it seems like this safe style of play he's adopted has killed any sort of old arteezy we've known to love. I no longer anticipate him to do amazing things, it's more like every time i watch him, i just HOPE he doesn't feed to something stupid. the dynamic has changed where every game we expected something that would blow our minds, now it's expecting him not to feed. he's a shadow of his old self quite sadly and i actually don't mind booting him on eg for fear to come back in the 1 role. he's no where close to as dominant as fear as on the 1 role. at least fear had a level of consistency, arteezy has no where near any level of consistency anymore sadly. and this is not a hate thread or to bash him. its just sad not seeing the star power he was once known as. arteezy is more of a curse now for any team that brings him on board than he is a benefit. team secret had him, they lost. he's back on EG? they lose. As far as sumail goes, sumail still has it in him but just like arteezy, we don't really get to see the kid let loose. maybe dota has gotten to a point where most innovations have been kind of fleshed out and no ones really a pioneer anymore. any attempts at anything risky gets punished hard and teams aren't willing to go down that route anymore. its all a bunch of safe plays and no one really stands out anymore. sumail had the most gold with his invoker and the guy does NOTHING with it. nothing. back then when sumail even remotely had any type of advantage he would reverse the the tides of the game in ways we never thought possible. but now even he can only do so much to change the tides of the game. universe on the other hand still looks like a god of dota, and even his plays can only get them so far sadly. I agree. It's like he's so bothered by the most right or optimal way that he's playing as a numbers game. There is something about Fear that I just haven't been able to see from RTZ. Granted they have very different styles but for sure EG was much more dominant with Fear and PPD. Similarly though - there was something super all in about the IO pick. | ||
2855 Posts
Right now I think it's Crit's drafting and their teamfight that's the problem. Their teamfight skill used to be able to carry them through subpar drafts, but not anymore. Other teams are just as good or even better than them at teamfighting. EG's strength in this current lineup is still the 1-2 punch of Arteezy and Sumail, and they need to make sure that both get a decent start, but it seems one of them is getting sacced all the time (often Artour). But they can recover. | ||
United States937 Posts
On April 03 2017 17:37 Caladbolg wrote: You guys are just sad right now. But both Sumail and Arteezy are skilled enough to carry the team. Right now I think it's Crit's drafting and their teamfight that's the problem. Their teamfight skill used to be able to carry them through subpar drafts, but not anymore. Other teams are just as good or even better than them at teamfighting. EG's strength in this current lineup is still the 1-2 punch of Arteezy and Sumail, and they need to make sure that both get a decent start, but it seems one of them is getting sacced all the time (often Artour). But they can recover. fair assessment and also a point i forgot to address that may have factored into my rant. But yeah crit's drafting definitely has something to do with it. But on the other hand...you could say that crit's drafting has been what allowed them to win vs kind of when ppd was going downhill prior to quitting. his drafting more or less saved the team or did it's job more or less. and i don't think anyone here denies the fact they have the ability to win the game that's not the point we know damn well what they're both capable of. it's more like they've fallen off...and anyone who was a fan of eg knew it's not about giving them a good start per-say, it's the fact they can edge out an advantage through pure skill in the laning phase. and they're not doing it in 1 on 1 scenarios when they should be. perhaps their confidence was shaken when they both lost the 1v1 tournament, i'm a mid player as well, and i know how much that can shake your confidence in your own ability. in a perfect scenario yes they both would have advantages but that's not how dota goes...in a perfect scenario your mid wins, your carry wins, and your offlane wins. in most of eg scenarios it's like sumail gets an advantage arteezy does ok or gets sacked, and universe is just universe and somehow eeks a win in his lane and finds insane openings. | ||
United States2393 Posts
I mean obviously this conversation not worth responding to but it's laughable. (And I'm as disappointed as anyone by their DAC performance and Ofc have my own opinions, but damn try a bit harder plz.) | ||
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