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United States12679 Posts
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United States294 Posts
On February 02 2012 06:28 Imbajoe wrote: Is there a preferred skilling order for Leshrac? All three of his regular abilities seem so great, I've been picking up one in split earth then focusing on lightning storm and getting diabolic edict when that is not available. Also been skipping ult until at least 13. 12212121333344stat4 | ||
United States1834 Posts
This is not right. | ||
United States18466 Posts
On February 02 2012 06:31 Ryuu314 wrote: Leshrac build is generally 1 in split earth. Then max lightning, followed by max edict. Then you get ult at 10 and 11. Max split earth afterwards with final ulti level at 16. | ||
United States816 Posts
Why are you maxing Lightning? What are you doing with that spell before level 7? It's a spell that really shines in the mid game where you get into 3-4 hero engagements around towers, not in the early and early-mid where you're still laning, ganking, and pushing t1 towers and getting involved in 1v1, 2v2, and 3vX fights. | ||
United States1659 Posts
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Sweden2683 Posts
12212121stat4433334statssss | ||
Belgium686 Posts
On February 02 2012 08:30 scorch- wrote: Why are you maxing Lightning? What are you doing with that spell before level 7? It's a spell that really shines in the mid game where you get into 3-4 hero engagements around towers, not in the early and early-mid where you're still laning, ganking, and pushing t1 towers and getting involved in 1v1, 2v2, and 3vX fights. well i guess if you want to push easily then its the build ur lookin for since it has faster cooldown compared to split earth. and also, the stun duration doesn't improve as you level split earth, only the AOE and damage, which doesn't help with pushing. | ||
United States1834 Posts
On February 02 2012 08:30 scorch- wrote: Why are you maxing Lightning? What are you doing with that spell before level 7? It's a spell that really shines in the mid game where you get into 3-4 hero engagements around towers, not in the early and early-mid where you're still laning, ganking, and pushing t1 towers and getting involved in 1v1, 2v2, and 3vX fights. Especially if solo mid you are maxing lightning because it offers some of the best harass and last hitting ability in the game. Leshrac is a ridiculous solo mid character capable of dominating the lane(especially with rune control) and with great ganking ability. I would definitely agree that max lightning is the way to go, starting with 1 point in stun at lvl 1 and 1 point into edict at level 4 so you can put a ridiculous amount of damage into the tower if mid is missing or get some extra damage for a kill. If you control runes as mid leshrac you will basically never lose the lane ever. | ||
United States816 Posts
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Canada1641 Posts
Sure, if your lane opponent is such a pushover that you can suppress him with just right-click, I guess you can pump edict to down the tower faster, but otherwise... | ||
United States294 Posts
12212121333344stat4 Source: Winner of mym pride nations 3 - USA.Bulba Can't believe I spent 10 minutes trying to find the replay though. ~_~ | ||
United States1834 Posts
On February 02 2012 11:51 alia wrote: 12212121333344stat4 Source: Winner of mym pride nations 3 - USA.Bulba Can't believe I spent 10 minutes trying to find the replay though. ~_~ Don't have wc3 installed so I don't think I can watch that, but I did just watch a game in The Defense (DD vs mTw) where Leshrac basically went that same build, but he was in a completely free lane, DD just let top go. I think where Leshrac really shines is as a solo hero and if you're in an actual competitive lane I don't see what getting more than 1 level of edict gives you over maxing out lightning first. 2 lvl 1 edicts and a creep wave basically already kills the T1 tower, I think its alot better idea to max lightning to give u a reliable harass on a short cd, plus it gives you great pushing potential so you can actually use your edict on the tower. | ||
The Great Taste
389 Posts
If you are playing as a support, I think max split earth and lightning before anything else and not get pulse nova until after maxing all 3 skills. You won't have the money to buy hp and get close enough to edict and you'll likely be ganking a lot. Generally, I like going 1 in split earth, 2 in lightning, then max edict and finish lightning. As noted above, lightning gives good lane control but edict is what makes Leshrac shine in the early game. In regards to maxing edict and split earth and skipping lightning, it's OK if you are sure you will be able to hit the stun. The reason most people like going lightning over split earth is because lightning will never miss but split earth can. It's the same reason dragon slave is maxed first over LSA on Lina. Also wanna weigh in on the Clinkz debate: Personally, I think going vitality/vanguard is a waste since you have your ultimate and Death Pact should always be on cooldown because of the excellent bonuses it gives. I like to go Str treads into medallion. This allow clinkz to 4-5 hit supports after he gets medallion up due to strafe/searing/deathpact. Then follow up with orchid and probably bkb after. He's quite tanky with death pact early. Not a great hero to use at pro level, but he can solo the hard lane in a competitive match and can be an irritating pusher and ganker. | ||
United States836 Posts
On February 02 2012 13:05 The Great Taste wrote: Also wanna weigh in on the Clinkz debate: Personally, I think going vitality/vanguard is a waste since you have your ultimate and Death Pact should always be on cooldown because of the excellent bonuses it gives. I like to go Str treads into medallion. This allow clinkz to 4-5 hit supports after he gets medallion up due to strafe/searing/deathpact. Then follow up with orchid and probably bkb after. He's quite tanky with death pact early. Not a great hero to use at pro level, but he can solo the hard lane in a competitive match and can be an irritating pusher and ganker. Is it just me or does Vanguard on Clinkz seem like a total waste in all circumstances? It only blocks 20 damage b/c you're ranged, you're still the squishiest hero in the game, and you'll still get focused in 2 seconds flat if you don't position properly and pick the right time to engage. Clinkz is awesome but such a 1-trick pony... that 2225g could be spent on much better things. Stick to your gimmick and go glass-cannon uber dmg. JMO On a side note, I just had an awesome game with Sven. MoM+Daedalus 2-shots heroes ![]() | ||
United States1674 Posts
On February 02 2012 12:13 PHILtheTANK wrote: Don't have wc3 installed so I don't think I can watch that, but I did just watch a game in The Defense (DD vs mTw) where Leshrac basically went that same build, but he was in a completely free lane, DD just let top go. I think where Leshrac really shines is as a solo hero and if you're in an actual competitive lane I don't see what getting more than 1 level of edict gives you over maxing out lightning first. 2 lvl 1 edicts and a creep wave basically already kills the T1 tower, I think its alot better idea to max lightning to give u a reliable harass on a short cd, plus it gives you great pushing potential so you can actually use your edict on the tower. I've watched bulba play leshrac quite a bit, the build alia described is indeed normal (sometimes 4/4 at lvl 10 and 11 is also gotten). Lightning is a very mediocre aoe nuke (compare for example with other similar spells like rhasta's fork lightning); edict is one of the strongest pushing / killing spells in the game. Leshrac isn't played as a normal laner where he tries to out-cs and out-harass the opponent; he's more along the lines of a very aggressive pusher. In 1v1 situations, edict has more killing potential than lightning (land a stun, edict, and they're dead). In pushing situations, maxing edict is obviously better. People don't really run leshrac in disadvantaged lanes in competitive (which is where lightning would help); they get it to ensure a quick domination in one of their lanes. | ||
United States1834 Posts
On February 02 2012 13:33 5-s wrote: I've watched bulba play leshrac quite a bit, the build alia described is indeed normal (sometimes 4/4 at lvl 10 and 11 is also gotten). Lightning is a very mediocre aoe nuke (compare for example with other similar spells like rhasta's fork lightning); edict is one of the strongest pushing / killing spells in the game. Leshrac isn't played as a normal laner where he tries to out-cs and out-harass the opponent; he's more along the lines of a very aggressive pusher. In 1v1 situations, edict has more killing potential than lightning (land a stun, edict, and they're dead). In pushing situations, maxing edict is obviously better. People don't really run leshrac in disadvantaged lanes in competitive (which is where lightning would help); they get it to ensure a quick domination in one of their lanes. True dat. But for the guy whose asking for help with his build on him, and for pub games, I would still max lightning to help you win your lane. In most pub games people don't really aggressively push... at least maybe not at my level haha. | ||
Denmark796 Posts
You get treads which will just win the lane right then and there if you get them fast enough, then aim for either Orchid, Hex or Linkens, seldomly BKB. Orchid has great build-up in terms of assisting your damage and you can go it pretty much straight after treads due to the excellent components. The downside is obviously if you're too slow about getting it you won't even be able to kill their weakest heroes during the silence/before they get out of range. And it's not that useful against enemy carries unless they're squishy/no bkb/they don't fall too far behind you. Hex is shitty to get but it solves alot of issues that Orchid has and is a much more reliable item over-all. You probably want to get 2-3 bands and/or medallion to compensate for the lack of damage midgame, possibly a soulring. Ditto if you go linkens. I'd probably only get BKB if the enemies have too much disable/burst/ghey lineup but I probably wouldn't be playing clinkz then. Clinkz can beat most baddies in mid by just spamming searing from lvl 1 on your opponent, especially bad SF players, sometimes you can kill them on level 4 by getting 1 point of strafe and ww'ing behind them while they push you if they're bad enough. You don't skill searing on lvl 1 before you know your lane is safe, get 1 pt strafe at 4 if you're solo vs solo and think there's a possibility of you killing your opponent at 5-7, max searing, max ww, max strafe last, get ult whenever its available of course. As soon as you have the capacity (mana) you should pretty much only be consuming lvl 5/6 neutrals and ganking. Clinkz is not a lategame carry. If they have track/amp or a surreal amount of dusts you probably want a manta right after, otherwise its usually MKB or hp. | ||
6 Posts
Taking lighting is just a waste | ||
8156 Posts
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