On September 11 2014 07:16 r_con wrote: Chen is most about getting as fast as a 5 as possible, and most chens i see are really bad at it, hes my second most played and i have 60 percent winrate on him. people that think micro is really important on chen are sorely mistaken, you can win so many games just getting creeps and if they try to defend you just stun them with a centaur as they are coming at you. Chen gets wrecked by tinker, basically made him impossible to pick in pubs against even a terrible tinker player.
Chen is all about positioning, and alot of people think chen falls off really hard, but it depends on how you play, chen can farm really fast if you practice it alot if he so chooses and can get fast utility items and make your team unkillable.
Basically exactly my Chen experience. Fast level 5, one of my most played, 65% winrate.
My problem with Chen as a lategame hero is that you're basically spending everything from minute 5 to minute 20 pushing for or preferably with the team, which isn't really good for increasing your own farm. Your creeps also become a liability against a lot of lineups, where they'll thank you for bringing a midas-able creep to their highground or adding extra sleight of fist battlefury procs, or just being free gold that falls to various AoEs. Basically all his spells fade from relevance as the game goes beyond around 30 minutes, so I can't really see the argument for any items besides mek + force + sheep/aghas/shivas/whatever.
Actually necro sounds pretty legit. I might have to play with that a bit.
I think the bigger problem with chen is i think the hero is really boring post 30 minutes. Since like you guys said the hero just falls off. And i don't really think you can a lot of stuff in lategame since you die more of the time than you are in combat. Since unlike heroes like meepo who is also micro oriented. You can actually do a lot of shit lategame. This is just my assumption though. And chen is one of those not so popular heroes right ?
Can't really say my knowledge about chen can be trusted since i only see chen in pro-games. Since i never face or become allies with chen. I could remember a single game when i played in a stack with my friend and he suddenly says "trust me i am good at chen". He fucking sucked and realized he couldn't micro so he maxed the nuke and the slow. He admitted later than he was trying the hero out since i was nitpicking at him lol
On September 11 2014 07:34 goody153 wrote: I think the bigger problem with chen is i think the hero is really boring post 30 minutes. Since like you guys said the hero just falls off. And i don't really think you can a lot of stuff in lategame since you die more of the time than you are in combat. Since unlike heroes like meepo who is also micro oriented. You can actually do a lot of shit lategame. This is just my assumption though. And chen is one of those not so popular heroes right ?
Can't really say my knowledge about chen can be trusted since i only see chen in pro-games. Since i never face or become allies with chen. I could remember a single game when i played in a stack with my friend and he suddenly says "trust me i am good at chen". He fucking sucked and realized he couldn't micro so he maxed the nuke and the slow. He admitted later than he was trying the hero out since i was nitpicking at him lol
Ya if u emulate pro Chen play ur just gonna lose u gotta play it like jungle furion and just get a smoke and hank once or twice if any of their heroes are actually kill able and only push if u actually can otherwise just farm ur Midas necro 3 and wait until u can push or team fight
Most people lose on mm cuz they rush Mek and force fights they can't win then lose and get stuck with Mek brown boots for 30 minutes instead of just playing it like furion
On September 11 2014 07:34 goody153 wrote: I think the bigger problem with chen is i think the hero is really boring post 30 minutes. Since like you guys said the hero just falls off. And i don't really think you can a lot of stuff in lategame since you die more of the time than you are in combat. Since unlike heroes like meepo who is also micro oriented. You can actually do a lot of shit lategame. This is just my assumption though. And chen is one of those not so popular heroes right ?
Can't really say my knowledge about chen can be trusted since i only see chen in pro-games. Since i never face or become allies with chen. I could remember a single game when i played in a stack with my friend and he suddenly says "trust me i am good at chen". He fucking sucked and realized he couldn't micro so he maxed the nuke and the slow. He admitted later than he was trying the hero out since i was nitpicking at him lol
Any hero that requires micro or something beyond a basic playstyle is not popular. Meepo/Chen/ElderTitan/brood/lonedruid/visage/io - these are all heroes that are typically played less than normal heroes, not based on how strong or weak they are as heroes, but by how they require some experience in the first place to play well.
Also dhig how the fuck do you lose fights with a 10ish minute mek? Most pubs aren't coordinated enough to stop just a chen + creeps push, and if any of your allies show up at all then its hard as shit to lose unless they're super coordinated and your team isn't there.
Losing with a Mek is easy when naix doesn't skill rage 10 minutes in and everyone else underestimates how much damage 10 stacks of show demon poison does