well here is what ima do personally to improve dota2 overall:
1/ General concept education: Each time LoL makes a new champion, they make a video teach people how to play it. They explained the skills, introducing basic concept and recommend items which make noobs approach much easier. Same goes to sc2 when it first came out: lot of people wana learn the game so they watched day9 and artosis. There needs to be an education system for the game so people could look at it and play, watch easier. In a way, like Tobi interview with slasher on LO3, LoL did prepared people for DotA2 but it doesnt mean dota2 could cut it. Valve did have a coaching system in tf2 but it is very very brief and unreliable. They need to man up and do something about this soon else they will have no audience in major tournaments bc no one understand the game.
2/ UI customize: I started to see people on reddit messing with UI but have not seen anything good so far. Clearly the current in game UI sucks and have tons of room to improve. The shop system need a better hotkey scheme (quick buy help a ton btw, i bound my mouse button to quick buy) and there should be an option to custom hotkeys for each heroes. Im currently running QWER but every time i got some heroes like Morph or Puck, things just get messy and annoying.
3/ Remake chat channel system. It is so so so so crucial to have moderated chat room with clan support in such team games. This is the mistake Blizzard made with their Bnet 2.0 and immediately after the release of sc2 they decided to hire design director for a new BNet UI... so far nothing is fixed and the communities still complain. The steam group system is cool and all but it is not supported IN GAME. you have to shift-tab out which make it sucks.
On February 09 2012 20:10 NB wrote: well here is what ima do personally to improve dota2 overall:
1/ General concept education: Each time LoL makes a new champion, they make a video teach people how to play it. They explained the skills, introducing basic concept and recommend items which make noobs approach much easier. Same goes to sc2 when it first came out: lot of people wana learn the game so they watched day9 and artosis. There needs to be an education system for the game so people could look at it and play, watch easier. In a way, like Tobi interview with slasher on LO3, LoL did prepared people for DotA2 but it doesnt mean dota2 could cut it. Valve did have a coaching system in tf2 but it is very very brief and unreliable. They need to man up and do something about this soon else they will have no audience in major tournaments bc no one understand the game.
2/ UI customize: I started to see people on reddit messing with UI but have not seen anything good so far. Clearly the current in game UI sucks and have tons of room to improve. The shop system need a better hotkey scheme (quick buy help a ton btw, i bound my mouse button to quick buy) and there should be an option to custom hotkeys for each heroes. Im currently running QWER but every time i got some heroes like Morph or Puck, things just get messy and annoying.
3/ Remake chat channel system. It is so so so so crucial to have moderated chat room with clan support in such team games. This is the mistake Blizzard made with their Bnet 2.0 and immediately after the release of sc2 they decided to hire design director for a new BNet UI... so far nothing is fixed and the communities still complain. The steam group system is cool and all but it is not supported IN GAME. you have to shift-tab out which make it sucks.
4/show icefrog real face
Lol on number 4 haha
i agree with Point 2 n 3, its ok now but it can be better. Hopefully the upcoming list of patches may fix that and hopefully that will make dota 2 more user friendly.
Point 1, yea this is good idea, the videos could be implemented onto the "Learn" section. All i see in tht section is just the heroes and descriptions
I think we really need a dedicated QQ thread. If only for my own sake. Actually, I guess the question isn't so much if we need one, it is who do we dedicate such a thread to. My reasoning as to why such a thread is relevant to the game is because emotions in general play a huge impact in Dota. I know for a fact I play 10 times better when I want to prove myself or I know my opponents are very good. One aspect of this is team love/hate. Always raging in chat has a detrimental effect on team moral. When you get ganked in a 1v2 lane when the support refuses to ward and top doesn't call the 2 mias, you feel pretty bad. Then when said top lane starts calling you a feeding noob ect ect it really pisses you off. The hardest part is continually acting cordial through this harassment and focusing on not making mistakes and playing better. The problem is that, at the end of the game, even when you finish really strong and win, you are still really pissed at the stupid antimage calling you a fucking feeding faggot all game long. Hence, the need for a QQ thread to vent your anger/tears/whatever and move on to the next game. This may feel like thinly veiled crying but I am using an example to prove my point. So, what do you all think?
i saw the dk discussion earlier and have my 2cents to add: get manta on dk.
3 blue dragons are ldo awesome. and yes, it actually works in dota2. in dota1 your dragon form got dispelled when you press manta but in dota2 you get the full power blue dragon illus.
Exactly where I got my idea from. Now Shikyo is pretty active on the dota forums as well but we can't really name another QQ thread after him. And "The General QQ Thread for Dota-Related Misgivings" just sounds like a mouthful. On an unrelated note, is anyone aware of the time that the Thursday updates usually hit?
On February 09 2012 23:10 Hoban wrote: Exactly where I got my idea from. Now Shikyo is pretty active on the dota forums as well but we can't really name another QQ thread after him. And "The General QQ Thread for Dota-Related Misgivings" just sounds like a mouthful. On an unrelated note, is anyone aware of the time that the Thursday updates usually hit?
for europeans its usually in the night from thursday to friday. mostly between 2-5am iirc. so that should be between 8-11pm ET.
On February 09 2012 23:10 Hoban wrote: Exactly where I got my idea from. Now Shikyo is pretty active on the dota forums as well but we can't really name another QQ thread after him. And "The General QQ Thread for Dota-Related Misgivings" just sounds like a mouthful. On an unrelated note, is anyone aware of the time that the Thursday updates usually hit?
Aww, and here I was thinking that I could have my name in titles of important threads in 2 seperate forums. Who's accomplished such a feat, anyway?
oh at first i thought shikyo? who the fuck is that and why does he deserve his own thread. but seeing as youre a finn i approve. every finnish person i have ever met was awesome.
On February 09 2012 23:10 Hoban wrote: Exactly where I got my idea from. Now Shikyo is pretty active on the dota forums as well but we can't really name another QQ thread after him. And "The General QQ Thread for Dota-Related Misgivings" just sounds like a mouthful. On an unrelated note, is anyone aware of the time that the Thursday updates usually hit?
Aww, and here I was thinking that I could have my name in titles of important threads in 2 seperate forums. Who's accomplished such a feat, anyway?
Yeah there was one where he sang the Michael Bolton part of Captain Jack Sparrow the lonely island song, with Synd between Na'Vi's matches haha, that was the first time I heard him sing and I was like what the HELL.
On February 10 2012 05:50 Zlasher wrote: Yeah there was one where he sang the Michael Bolton part of Captain Jack Sparrow the lonely island song, with Synd between Na'Vi's matches haha, that was the first time I heard him sing and I was like what the HELL.