On April 21 2012 22:50 Skilledblob wrote: Grovbolle you should be fine I have pretty much the same laptop just with a Nvidia 230m and the game runs fine on 1080p
Thanks, hope so :D
It won't let me log in to the server; server is busy. I hope this won't be a problem at launch. It would be catastrophic after they advocated removing single player.
On April 21 2012 22:56 Tdelamay wrote: It won't let me log in to the server; server is busy. I hope this won't be a problem at launch. It would be catastrophic after they advocated removing single player.
just keep trying it will work after a few attempts
only problem is you're going to have to spam "start a game" a LOT more times to actually play, servers are overloaded once more. it's practically impossible to get into a game atm. dont even waste your time trying to join a game, just keep trying to start one and if you're lucky it will work after 123515 tries
After finishing the beta with a wizard I can honestly say this has been the most fun I had in any aRPG to date and I been playing those from D1 days. I wasn't sure if I would buy D3 as it is a bit expensive for me at the moment but now I will need to eat less and save some money for this game :D
"Servers too busy at the moment"
Im the only one experiencing this?
Edit: Error 37
*Face* * Desk* *Face* * Desk* *Face* * Desk* Why Did I Not Check The News Yesterday *Face* * Desk* *Face* * Desk* *Face* * Desk*
On April 21 2012 22:56 Tdelamay wrote: It won't let me log in to the server; server is busy. I hope this won't be a problem at launch. It would be catastrophic after they advocated removing single player.
Beta is run at the absolute minimum they can. This phase of the beta is just for stress testing. They want to see what will make the servers fail so they can adjust for release.
It won't let me continue quest. Anyone know what error 3004 means?
Edit: wrong thread.
Er, to contribute the error you're all getting is probably "servers too busy" or something of that nature.
On April 21 2012 23:17 12ozSkillet wrote: It won't let me continue quest. Anyone know what error 3004 means?
Try a public game.
So I've tried to play beta with my account that I use also for SC2, when I try to log in with it, it says something like "your account does not have battletag attached to it" and also "your account does not have license to play Diablo3". So I've created new battle net account with new email and it works. Am I doing something wrong? I would like to have one account for SC2 and D3
On April 21 2012 23:37 erchamIOn wrote: So I've tried to play beta with my account that I use also for SC2, when I try to log in with it, it says something like "your account does not have battletag attached to it" and also "your account does not have license to play Diablo3". So I've created new battle net account with new email and it works. Am I doing something wrong? I would like to have one account for SC2 and D3
Nope. You just need to make a "Battletag" at your Blizzard Account page for battle.net, it will be located on the left side of the page.
So far so good, very interested to see the harder difficulties though.
Well, temporary shutdown, guess that means time for dinner then
^ yeah
i manage to see the 3 green ticks after logging in and it said the servers are unavailable...
So i just click on monsters a lot? am I playing this wrong?
Monk felt boring, wizard deals no damage, Night Hunter was fun.
On April 22 2012 00:10 justiceknight wrote: ^ yeah
i manage to see the 3 green ticks after logging in and it said the servers are unavailable...
I managed to create a character :D It's already enough to make me happy *woot*
For some reason after the first play through it feels really boring and generic to me. Just seems like there's not much else to the game other than clicking on monsters. I miss the feeling of actually building a character and working towards something (no stats points and skill tree).
On April 22 2012 00:11 gaizka wrote: So i just click on monsters a lot? am I playing this wrong?
Monk felt boring, wizard deals no damage, Night Hunter was fun.
Sounds like Diablo 2.
I remember the very first time I played Diablo 2 (I was a sorc) I was socketing a long sword (for which I raised dexterity) with chipped rubies to increase the damage of my firebolt (that was at the level 24).
So you are probably doing everything wrong now, don't worry about it too much
Well since the servers are down, figured I' come here and say I'm really enjoying the game. Finished it once through as the Witch Dr and going through again for the achievements (yeah I like achievements, makes it feel like there's more content in the game) and having so much fun.
Blacksmith to level 4 though...that's going to take a while. Don't think I'm going to be able to complete everything this weekend.