On March 26 2012 10:24 Rumpus wrote: Man, I have played the Diablo 3 beta and I didn't really know anyone else that did so I sort of said I'd shrug off the social aspects until launch. But after reading this, and going through it myself....I don't think so Blizzard.
Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice...
Certainly won't be getting Diablo if this is the crap we'll have to deal with. Already went through this issue with Starcraft 2, and still going through it =/.
For those who don't understand, the social aspect is insanely important to a game like this. How would I find people to trade/group with and actually do some friendly banter and so forth? I don't want to have to go through TL or the Diablo 3 forums, swap friend codes and start getting people together every time I want to meet or play with someone. That is ridiculous.
Actually fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
No shame in being conned once.
Lol I did it backwards because they could've fixed this garbage and it would've been all roses an sunshine. But they don't give a rat's ass. Thus....shame on me for believing they would....the first time that is. (:
I've not used IRC for ages, since I stopped playing CS. It was a very nice tool, filtrating a little bit more than let's say warcraft open channels. IRC TS will get a new golden age!!
I've been prepared for this by about 10 years of playing non-Blizzard games online. IRC bouncer, check. TS/Vent server, check. Member in a forum full of D3 freaks, check. Let's get out the good old direct communication. Hardened veterans, unite!
On March 26 2012 10:24 Rumpus wrote: Man, I have played the Diablo 3 beta and I didn't really know anyone else that did so I sort of said I'd shrug off the social aspects until launch. But after reading this, and going through it myself....I don't think so Blizzard.
Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice...
Certainly won't be getting Diablo if this is the crap we'll have to deal with. Already went through this issue with Starcraft 2, and still going through it =/.
For those who don't understand, the social aspect is insanely important to a game like this. How would I find people to trade/group with and actually do some friendly banter and so forth? I don't want to have to go through TL or the Diablo 3 forums, swap friend codes and start getting people together every time I want to meet or play with someone. That is ridiculous.
Actually fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
No shame in being conned once.
I had to
I don't know I tend to agree with Blizzard though, as long as there are chat channels i.e. guild channels where me and the friends are playing can talk I don't really care about talking to a bunch of random people I don't know.
On March 27 2012 02:25 Okiesmokie wrote: I feel like none of you people even played Diablo 2 in its prime. You say you want chat channels so you can trade items? Obviously you don't remember the 30+ spam bots per item trade channel making it literally impossible to sell/buy anything at all. Just use d2jsp like every other serious player.
Thats true, but before d2jsp it was all bnet....if D2 had been released with the current bnet's chat functions it never would've gotten nearly as big as it was and there would''ve been no d2jsp in the first place. Bnet is just as big a part of D2 and to a lesser extent BW's success as the game themselves were. Because you could go into the game and have the whole social aspect without having to go to a random website or use chat channels like IRC. Everything was done in game due to the chat system and lobbies. Now that the system's served its purpose in making the franchises as big as they are Blizz no longer sees them as necessary and just decides to scrap them while adding nothing in return....its a backwards way to go about it and hopefully it bites them in the ass in the long run to teach them a lesson.
On March 29 2012 06:21 Amalaxi wrote: I buy a game to play it, the people who are complaining about a chat system (who cares?) are buying games to chat to others? Go outside.
Why do people feel the need to chat with random people in a video game? Go out, have a couple of drinks and chat with random people if that's what you want.
Just look at some stream chat channel, those are a total mess full of trolls, is that what everybody craves for ? Even if those have admins, the amount of trolling keeps getting higher, specially when someone like idrA or Stephano streams, their chat channel is a total mess.
The sc2 chat system is more then fine, I don't see any problems if d3 will be using the same system.
On March 29 2012 06:21 Amalaxi wrote: I buy a game to play it, the people who are complaining about a chat system (who cares?) are buying games to chat to others? Go outside.
On March 29 2012 06:21 Amalaxi wrote: I buy a game to play it, the people who are complaining about a chat system (who cares?) are buying games to chat to others? Go outside.
People want a chat system because it is proven through past games that a good/working chat system is an integral part of the community. Why don't you go play single player Diablo 2 or single player Starcraft 2? 99% of people play the game to play with others. Therefore games that rely so much on a multiplayer experience should also include well designed multiplayer communication methods. The fact that anyone is even trying to argue otherwise is ridiculous.
Having played d1, scbw, d2, wc3, and sc2, and being an extremely avid blizzard gamer since the age of 8, I really believed that sc2 would be the premier e-sport. I played for over a year after it came out and I, like so many others(many of whom are still doing this) was pushing the belief that sc2 would be the "end all" e-sport, one of the hugest games for the next few years, which would attract undeniably huge amounts of attention and be catapulted to something more. I quit last fall like so many others who started with me did before me.
As someone who actively tries to get friends into/playing the games that I am playing, because it's more enjoyable to play with friends, SC2 was impossible besides gamers I knew back from bw/wc3 days. And even then it was hard. And, I can pretty positively say the reasoning behind so many departures and lack of lived up to hype is because of the absolutely horrid UI and lack of improvement in that realm. YES, the original battle.net is STILL a HUGE improvement over 2.0. Frankly, it's sad that the popular community figures either have not realized this or are afraid to speak up about it. Now Diablo 3 looks like it will be going the same route; massive potential which will never be lived up to for such stupid reasons like these.
On February 07 2012 05:59 andrewlt wrote: You have to understand, you guys are the minority. The research pretty much confirms what Blizzard is doing. Basically, the biggest demographic of multiplayer videogames, 14-25 year old males, is a complete turn off to every other demographic. It's a negative experience for everyone else. Almost every other year, I read a major study showing how the biggest stumbling block to the expansion of hardcore multiplayer games is its current player base.
WoW's player base is generally older than most games in the market nowadays, especially FPS and action games. And I still have most general chat channels turned off on most of my characters. SC2's community is even worse, just judging from in game chat.
I can definitely see more negatives than positives in allowing public chat channels. It's pretty odd that they don't have guild support, though, as many of my current and former WoW guildmates are likely to pick up this game.
I don't get how the largest demographic being unlikable to other demographics means no public channel system. You weren't forced into public channels so if you don't like it, don't go there. The largest demographic clearly wants something, but you're saying because said demographic is a turn off to others, there shouldn't be chat channels. This logic is so faulty in so many ways to me.
Public chat channels don't hurt anyone and they build a community which keeps players playing and invites more people to start playing. Honestly, it'd be the first thing I'd implement into any sort of online game.
p.s. I'm not part of that demographic and I can't stand most of the community from online gaming and I still think it's a terrible move by blizzard.
On March 26 2012 10:24 Rumpus wrote: Man, I have played the Diablo 3 beta and I didn't really know anyone else that did so I sort of said I'd shrug off the social aspects until launch. But after reading this, and going through it myself....I don't think so Blizzard.
Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice...
Certainly won't be getting Diablo if this is the crap we'll have to deal with. Already went through this issue with Starcraft 2, and still going through it =/.
For those who don't understand, the social aspect is insanely important to a game like this. How would I find people to trade/group with and actually do some friendly banter and so forth? I don't want to have to go through TL or the Diablo 3 forums, swap friend codes and start getting people together every time I want to meet or play with someone. That is ridiculous.
Actually fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I don't know I tend to agree with Blizzard though, as long as there are chat channels i.e. guild channels where me and the friends are playing can talk I don't really care about talking to a bunch of random people I don't know.
What happens when a item you want to buy or trade isn't in your guild or list of friends? Also what if you don't play with anyone?
I mean cmon..how are you going to sell ultra rare item without just advertising if someone wants it or try to trade for ultra rare item when no one in guild has it? You will just have to hope someone in your guild/friends have it or be forced to actually grind for it when you can maybe just afford to buy it with other items.
So wait you can only search for public games like SC2? How does it know what I want to do? How do I find people running Tristrum or the cow level. How do I fucking do anything? Am I just suppose to play this whole game single player or hope the guys in a random game are doing the same mission as me in the act or even doing anything at all?
On March 29 2012 06:21 Amalaxi wrote: I buy a game to play it, the people who are complaining about a chat system (who cares?) are buying games to chat to others? Go outside.
Lol are you kidding me. Sounds like you might be the one that doesnt go outside haha. One of the only reasons you should play a game continuously is if there is something else keeping you there. To be honest there are not many games outside of sc2 that you want to sit there and play by yourself over and over. The whole point is to play with others and have fun. Most people who played d2 and WoW played because of the people and not because of the game.
On March 29 2012 06:21 Amalaxi wrote: I buy a game to play it, the people who are complaining about a chat system (who cares?) are buying games to chat to others? Go outside.
Lol are you kidding me. Sounds like you might be the one that doesnt go outside haha. One of the only reasons you should play a game continuously is if there is something else keeping you there. To be honest there are not many games outside of sc2 that you want to sit there and play by yourself over and over. The whole point is to play with others and have fun. Most people who played d2 and WoW played because of the people and not because of the game.
I quit WoW because my friends (90% of which I made through the game) all stopped playing and my guild activity died down quite a bit. So 'yes', if making friends and social connections in D3 is as completely impossible as it is in SC2...count me out.
I don't care if it is the greatest game ever made. It's heart and soul comes from it's community and how we interact.
Hey guys, we want to maximize the use of the Moneyzzz-Auctionhouse. Therefore it is understandable, that we feel obliged to limit the amount of random communication between the players, who would surely use public chat channels to open trade channels and trade items ingame, without using the MONEYYZZZ-Auctionhouse. Thank You Le Blizzard
Hey guys, we want to maximize the use of the Moneyzzz-Auctionhouse. Therefore it is understandable, that we feel obliged to limit the amount of random communication between the players, who would surely use public chat channels to open trade channels and trade items ingame, without using the MONEYYZZZ-Auctionhouse. Thank You Le Blizzard
wow, i never thought of that. thats really sneaky of them if true : \