i just thought to create a own thread for all the interviews, impression and everything i do on tape at the Intel Extreme Masters.
I gonna do most of the stuff in english since i decided to publish it on teamliquid and i guess it just make sense
If you have any wishes who you wanna have interviewed - Just let me know !!!!
Updates :
HasuObs thoughts about his EPS Game and also about the XMG series and the Intel Extreme Masters
idrA vs Squirtle in Game 4 with live commentating of RotterdaM and TLO
Moonglade about his game and also Day9 who loves to get filmed by me (ironic)
Now i have WMF|Moon in an interview on the big stage of the Intel Extreme Masters. He talked about his games and Starcraft II compared to Warcraft III
ST|Ace getting interviewed with a translater about 10 Minutes about everything happening here + translater. It is always nice to interview the koreans !
Moonglade about his group and his time in Korea where he tried to qualify for GSL and could practice alot for the IEM.
Dario "TLO" Wünsch´s thoughts about Group B and also about commentating and his friendship to Day9 (02.03 9:10 CET)
Thoughts of the Admins who are working for the Intel Extreme Masters - Schedule and what they hate most (02.03 9:10 CET)
Videos from 01.03
This is one of the german Videos BUT! its just how it looks backstage and how the technical stuff looks like to produce this event in HD and also how the other small studios looks like
This Video shows you the Gaming Area for all players from the Intel Extreme Masters and its pretty loud so dont be suprised I am filming White-Ra, idrA and Tarson a bit
And here we go with the first _only_ english Interview and it is White-Ra i interviewed and i was asking him about his group and how his friends and wife are supporting him.
This interivew is with idrA who is not only talking about the tournament but also about his future and why he left korea and moves back to the us and what he thinks about the korean here compared to the top korean in the GSL.
Nothing personal, but speaking german on the big stage is REALLY annoying. Please try to get in subs, some english wrap-up about whats going on or just some info about whats going on.
nice take, what did you thought about the intel guy? Was so funny, as he was just ready to step out, his microphone was already on, and he asked: "Whats the name of this guy again" steps out and sais "Hi dennis".
nice content thanks, I haven't been able to watch any IEM due to it starting at like 3 am my time, now I know its very vivid and going to be a really nice tournament.
Great job TaKe, super fast uploads on these. Would love it if you interviewed the sc2 players in english after each game, you ask all the hard questions and always generate a good interview.