On October 25 2010 17:41 veganwa wrote: So what you're saying is that Koreans are 1-indexed, while westerners are 0-indexed?
not exactly. East Asian cultures have newborns begin at age 1, then add a year every Lunar New Year. so the age difference can be 1 or 2 depending on when the birthday is in relation to Lunar New Years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_age_reckoning
For official government uses, documents, and legal procedures, the Western age system is used. Regulations regarding age limits on alcohol and tobacco use, as well as the age of consent, are all based on the Western system.
Sadly this kind of stuff happens all around the world and it saddens me to read about it here as well Such a shame, some very sick people about.
On October 25 2010 17:56 JBanKs wrote: some very sick people about.
I think you mean there are some people of different sexual orientations about. (I dont know Gundam's age but anything less than perhaps 8 years difference doesnt surprise me at all). Not letting him change clothes isn't acceptable, but being bi/gay in a society where you realistically cant express or be yourself to others properly, necessarily means things like these happen, lets not misinterpret how much of a 'sicko' gundam must be.
There's quite a bit of naive and perhaps misdirected gay bashing in this thread. imo
On October 25 2010 18:57 Eddie.Aus wrote:I think you mean there are some people of different sexual orientations about. (I dont know Gundam's age but anything less than perhaps 8 years difference doesnt surprise me at all). Not letting him change clothes isn't acceptable, but being bi/gay in a society where you realistically cant express or be yourself to others properly, necessarily means things like these happen, lets not misinterpret how much of a 'sicko' gundam must be. There's quite a bit of naive and perhaps misdirected gay bashing in this thread. imo 
It is not like youre making it out in korea in regard to gay culture. Of course it is not as prevalent so that would create more un-ease, but I know personally two people that are teaching there, one of them is gay and is teaching in seoul and he says its better there than in the US. no ones bashing gay people in here, stop crying wolf and creating a non existent problem.
Wow, so many trolls in this thread. It's funny most of the people defending the pedo all have less than 10 posts.
On October 24 2010 06:36 251 wrote:is it not possible for him to re-enter high school once he puts this past him? probably are some really difficult hoops to jump through though since it is Korea....  well any way you slice it, dropping out of high school to do progaming is not a wise move in itself.
sorry for digging up an old post, but coming to vancouver canada or san fran would be good options for him.
there's a huge and very friendly korean community here, and a lot of the korean students at the local high school here are actually two-three years behind due to various paperwork issues and stuff.
shame what happened to his starcraft career, but life's not all that bad for him just yet.
That is pretty gruesome. Really gruesome. Poor kid, poor clan mates
no ones bashing gay people in here, stop crying wolf and creating a non existent problem.
It's the discourse that a few people use that I think is gay bashing, using words like pedo when the kid is 15/16, 'very sick people', 'gruesome'. I think we need to find Gundams age to verify the level of angst we should really be feeling here.
Also I am biased, cos im gay. Im living in japan this year, so i know what its like to be gay, be gay in asia and have more insight than non gays into what is or isnt a problem for me/'us'. Also Gay is the new Black so i appreciate what your saying about crying wolf. I just can't stop crying untill I feel equal.
Edit: Got a line from Google saying hes 32, can anyone confirm?
-- This is a significant age difference, and yes, makes it a worse and more 'gruesome' crime. I just hope that the words people use to flame and vilify gundamwerra, however justified dont focus too much on just the fact that he is a man and did this crime to a young male.
On October 25 2010 18:57 Eddie.Aus wrote:I think you mean there are some people of different sexual orientations about. (I dont know Gundam's age but anything less than perhaps 8 years difference doesnt surprise me at all). Not letting him change clothes isn't acceptable, but being bi/gay in a society where you realistically cant express or be yourself to others properly, necessarily means things like these happen, lets not misinterpret how much of a 'sicko' gundam must be. There's quite a bit of naive and perhaps misdirected gay bashing in this thread. imo 
Uhh, I haven't seen this gay bashing you speak of. I can't speak for everyone, but I for one don't care what Gundam does with another consenting adult. What I do care for, and what we are calling him sick for, is deciding to fiddle with a 15/16 (depending on how you zero the age) boy's pants/crotch region.
On October 25 2010 18:57 Eddie.Aus wrote:I think you mean there are some people of different sexual orientations about. (I dont know Gundam's age but anything less than perhaps 8 years difference doesnt surprise me at all). Not letting him change clothes isn't acceptable, but being bi/gay in a society where you realistically cant express or be yourself to others properly, necessarily means things like these happen, lets not misinterpret how much of a 'sicko' gundam must be. There's quite a bit of naive and perhaps misdirected gay bashing in this thread. imo  Anyone defending sexual harassment/molestation is either very ignorant, harboring sexual molester sympathies, or is a huge troll. Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say youre a troll, but I will feed you just this once.
The only thing you mention that isnt acceptable by your standards is not letting him change clothes? Really? So the putting his head right on his crotch and unzipping his pants didnt strike you as wrong?
And no, just because people are gay/bi in a society where they cant realistically express themselves to others doesnt necessarily mean things like this will happen. Regardless of whether or not you are hetero or homosexual, touching someone in a sexual way without their consent is not acceptable. It has nothing to do with society not accepting your sexual preference. That brings me to my next point. What about the heterosexual molestation incidents that happen all over the world? It must be the fault of our cruel society that makes it difficult for straight people to express their sexuality...?
These are cases where individuals cannot control their sexual urges and selfishly choose to violate other people's dignity to satisfy their own urges. Trying to defend someone who traumatized a teenager likely for the rest of his life under the pretense of combating "naivete and misdirected gay bashing" is over-dramatic and pathetic, and trying to blame the crime on Korean society in general is ridiculous.
Furthermore, by suggesting that people shouldnt be repulsed by a sicko like Gundam because of the pressures of his environment and society in general, you must extend that to everyone who is a victim of their environment, namely pretty much every damn criminal in history. Do you get mad at people who are disgusted by the Unibomber? He was a victim of his environment and upbringing. What about other serial killers? The fact of the matter is, there are many people who go through tough environments, but most of them dont feel the need to share their pain with everyone else. It sucks that these criminals had tough upbringings, but that doesnt change the fact that they are hurting other people and hurting society.
You make some valid points, but you have way over read what im trying to say. Gone way past any point of scientific relevance, and IMO (im sorry if this offends) missed my point regarding gay repression and the related prevalence of inappropriate sexual behavior.
I'm coming from a 'lets try to see this a little differently, i.e. its not the gendered issue, its the age and consent issue, and not react in a damaging way to innocent people, i.e. gays in general'. I'm probably too defensive, I just like bringing up these challenging ideas with others who probably seldom think about it. (AgentMulder: Are we really concerned that he wanted some sort of sexual activity with a 15 yr old (I'm pretty sure tons of men are into young-related porn), or more concerned he decided to take a youths liberty, abuse and betray his trust and mentally terrorise him)
None of my posts were meant to be trolls and I doubt i'll be posting about this topic in this thread again to avoid just that.
You know, I knoe I shouldn't dignify such remarks with a response, but as you seem to like shooting yourself in the foot, the least I can do is point it out.
I am refering to this line.
Are we really concerned that he wanted some sort of sexual activity with a 15 yr old (I'm pretty sure tons of men are into young-related porn), or more concerned he decided to take a youths liberty, abuse and betray his trust and mentally terrorise him
And how did he mentally terrorize him? How did he take away his liberty? By making him practice SC, or by groping his crotch? Get real.
In any society when you have a grown man looking for some kind of satisfaction from someone 15+ years their junior, that man has a problem. I don't give a shit if he's straight, gay, or Tim Curry from Rocky Horror. You seem to be going what the Vatican did with the abusive priests, try and blame it on repressed homosexuality. Being gay does not mean you like children in that way. If Gundam had sought help for his impulses before doing anything I might feel a little sorry for him, but he didn't. He instead decided to act on said impulses and you have the story as it is now.
Well he didn't allow him to leave the room (liberty), he made the kid prefer to stay up all night, losing SC games because he was so affected (mentally terrorised) and betrayed him as a coach/friend/talent scout.
Ok mate, let's talk about starcraft now
On October 25 2010 20:12 Eddie.Aus wrote:Show nested quote +no ones bashing gay people in here, stop crying wolf and creating a non existent problem. It's the discourse that a few people use that I think is gay bashing, using words like pedo when the kid is 15/16, 'very sick people', 'gruesome'. I think we need to find Gundams age to verify the level of angst we should really be feeling here. Also I am biased, cos im gay. Im living in japan this year, so i know what its like to be gay, be gay in asia and have more insight than non gays into what is or isnt a problem for me/'us'. Also Gay is the new Black so i appreciate what your saying about crying wolf. I just can't stop crying untill I feel equal. Edit: Got a line from Google saying hes 32, can anyone confirm? -- This is a significant age difference, and yes, makes it a worse and more 'gruesome' crime. I just hope that the words people use to flame and vilify gundamwerra, however justified dont focus too much on just the fact that he is a man and did this crime to a young male.
what do you mean confirm the level of angst we should be feeling here? It's not whether or not he's gay that's wrong it's the fact that he tried to make a move on him without the others consent (read: rape) I'm tired of fucking gay people just instantly saying "STOP BASHING THE GAY GUY OMG STOP JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS". That's like me inviting a girl over to my house for the night and when she falls a sleep I'm undoing her pants. I doubt anyone would defend me saying "STOP BASHING THE STRAIGHT GUY" then. I have no issues with gays i have issues with people who try to get in my pants without my consent.
On October 25 2010 18:57 Eddie.Aus wrote: lets not misinterpret how much of a 'sicko' gundam must be. rapists are sick. lets not make it about him being gay
"i have issues with people who try to get in my pants without my consent", which is somewhat likely to be a gay guy, close to your age, who really likes you because your funny, smart and good looking, but doesn't know how to approach you or talk about his feelings because it doesn't really exist in his society and thinks (blindly, as love goes..) that you will like him back 
Oh god, i said i wouldnt post, but thats the last one. If it goes over your heads, enjoy your page long rants.
Believe me, before I turned 18 and had access to gay bars/clubs and expanded my gay friends circle (from 0), I stumbled through this kind of encounter... :/ not cool for either party. I wasn't exactly going to buy him flowers and take him on a dinner date to a fancy resturant, physical desire is far stronger than romantic desire, at least for me, and I think most men would agree. On the flip side, unrelated to this thread at all now, I have come out to and had decent conversations with guys who said they wern't interested because they didn't like guys and then couldnt look me in the eyes when we met again later.. who turned out to be gay but were too confused or scared to reciprocate. So don't think that homo=straight but for the same gender, in this world at this time, it doesnt.
I hope all the affected players find suitable teams and continue to enjoy their e-careers, especially LoveRIP (which is now super ironic) :D!
On October 25 2010 22:26 Eddie.Aus wrote:"i have issues with people who try to get in my pants without my consent", which is somewhat likely to be a gay guy, close to your age, who really likes you because your funny, smart and good looking, but doesn't know how to approach you or talk about his feelings because it doesn't really exist in his society and thinks (blindly, as love goes..) that you will like him back  Oh god, i said i wouldnt post, but thats the last one. If it goes over your heads, enjoy your page long rants. gg Believe me, before I turned 18 and had access to gay bars/clubs and expanded my gay friends circle (from 0), I stumbled through this kind of encounter... :/ not cool for either party. I wasn't exactly going to buy him flowers and take him on a dinner date to a fancy resturant, physical desire is far stronger than romantic desire, at least for me, and I think most men would agree. <THIS IS A VERY DIFFICULT TOPIC FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND> I hope all the affected players find suitable teams and continue to enjoy their e-careers, especially LoveRIP (which is now super ironic) :D!
Umm please stop posting because ur embarring Australia......
The fact that u try and "See it from a different perspecive" because he is homosexual is ridiculous.
Any social Repression to gay culture in korea is not even close to a viable reason to take the actions that Gundam Took.
Basically your saying " Because gay culture is repressed, and its scary to come out, i can sort of understand that a gay person might hit on a person in such a manner"...
Gay people should fucking clue on to the fact that u come onto a straight person in such a manner, OF ANY AGE you are liable to get ur head punched in. Im not saying this is gay bashing, im saying , CONFIRM they are gay before making a move on them - This statement ONLY APPLYS TO CONSENTING ADULTS
This issue goes way past homosexual rights, of which no one in this thread evens gives as shit about in the 1st place. I almost want to give u shit for being gay for the fact that u have hijacked this thread and even brought this issue up in the 1st place.
This was an attempted act of molestion. I believe people who do this should be executed. Funny enough i dont believe in Capital punishment though.
Only because i dont trust the system. Not because i dont think rapists and peadohpiles shouldnt be removed from society like the noxious cancers that they are. I actually find rape more severe than murder, because we are human and the most violent aggressive species on the planet and sometimes that genetic drive gets the better of us...
Not saying i think murderer's should not be punished, but i am saying that a person has to live with being sexually assualted for the rest of their lives and it kills a part of them inside, i have known quite a few people who have been sexually assaulted and it makes me sick to think about the way their innocence has been taken away and their lives literally destroyed, it takes them A LIFE TIME to even try and rebuild what they had and i have seen that, truly they can never rebuild that life they had before.
Murder can happen accidently and shit, from a bar fight that gets too far etc. Rape, that is when u identify sick impules within urself and then decide to act on them instead of getting help and finding the cause or event in ur life that has twisted u into that need of control. Rape is not about sex, it is about control. Any psychologist will tell u that... Thats why i see rape as worse than murder. Rape u contemplate and plan and develop over time ( this can happen with murderers too im not saying its dosnt, merely stating some murders happen spontaneously )
Anways, i have a habit of ranting so i will finish up. Gundam should kill himself and it actually shocked me to read one of the other members statements that he said to gundam in regards to taking care of himself etc etc etc. People who do this dont get ANY sympathy from me. You had your chance to get help long before u commited the act, because anyone who does that shit thinks about it within themselves for a long time before they act on it.
If i was that boys father i would kill him myself
On October 25 2010 22:49 Originalien wrote: Gay people should fucking clue on to the fact that u come onto a straight person in such a manner, OF ANY AGE you are liable to get ur head punched in. Im not saying this is gay bashing, im saying , CONFIRM they are gay before making a move on them
So do you confirm that women are straight before making a move on them?
If not, it's perfectly fine for them to punch your head in?
sad day for werra fans =(
On October 25 2010 22:53 kojinshugi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2010 22:49 Originalien wrote: Gay people should fucking clue on to the fact that u come onto a straight person in such a manner, OF ANY AGE you are liable to get ur head punched in. Im not saying this is gay bashing, im saying , CONFIRM they are gay before making a move on them So do you confirm that women are straight before making a move on them? If not, it's perfectly fine for them to punch your head in?
If you make your move by not asking them, pulling down their zipper and trying to put your hand in their panty, then they should punch you.