I heard that koreans fans gone crazy after Bisu winning the GCL, the fans are arguing now about that is Bisu the 5th Bonjwa or not. Cobet, the admin of replays.net gave me some database of Bonjwas and Bisu, I put it to excel file and it looks like this:
I think the only thing what Bisu miss is one OSL champion, but the recent GCL was also very unique, it's very hard to say =/
So I wanna hear you guys that what you think about this? Bisu for Next Bonjwa?
Poll: Is Bisu Bonjwa? (Vote): Yes, the first protoss bonjwa! (Vote): No way
Bisu would need to win the OSL and place high in the next MSL while preforming in dominant fashion for me to even consider him. Bonjwa implies THE dominant player. No way Bisu is the dominant force in SC
On February 08 2009 02:12 Hot_Bid wrote: if theres a legitimate debate about a player being a bonjwa or not (re: the bisu debate) that player is probably not a bonjwa. you don't see many people arguing whether nada, iloveoov, or savior were bonjwas in their time. i doubt people will look back at this time period and say "bisu was bonjwa" even if he wins this OSL, because you just don't drop out at the Ro32 in your "best" mu if you're the dominant player.
This is from the interview: - You still aren't hearing the name "Bonjwa", how do you feel? ▲ I was asked this before. Honestly, I don't really want to hear it. When I saw bonjwas in my eyes, they all rised to the top, and toppled down to the abyss. I don't want to be a bonjwa, rather I want to be that guy who was good and didn't fall into the abyss.
If the guy himself doesn't want the title, than you should not give it to him.
On February 08 2009 02:12 Hot_Bid wrote: if theres a legitimate debate about a player being a bonjwa or not (re: the bisu debate) that player is probably not a bonjwa. you don't see many people arguing whether nada, iloveoov, or savior were bonjwas in their time. i doubt people will look back at this time period and say "bisu was bonjwa" even if he wins this OSL, because you just don't drop out at the Ro32 in your "best" mu if you're the dominant player.
Winning the upcoming "Best of GOM" Bo5 vs Jaedong for 10,000,000 won would help a lot, because his losing record vs both Flash and Jaedong makes him a tough candidate as the unquestioned best in Korea.
On February 09 2009 01:34 lokiM wrote: how can he be a bonjwa w/o winning an OSL?
remember savior ?
He did win an OSL.
Still I don't think bonjwaness shouldn't be measured (so much) in titles but rather just the amount of domination you do, like iloveoovs 70/70/80 winning percentages and 27-0 tvz. Being bonjwa to me means someone who is unbeatable for quite a while, Bisu still has very good contenders like JD/Flash who have big chances of taking games or even series from him.
On February 09 2009 01:38 Atrioc wrote: Winning the upcoming "Best of GOM" Bo5 vs Jaedong for 10,000,000 won would help a lot, because his losing record vs both Flash and Jaedong makes him a tough candidate as the unquestioned best in Korea.
Too bad JD will catch Bisu in his weakest MU now and buttfuck him for 10 000 000 won thus burying this bonjwa talk. Shit and I wanted a toss bonjwa...
On February 09 2009 01:34 lokiM wrote: how can he be a bonjwa w/o winning an OSL?
remember savior ?
He did win an OSL.
Still I don't think bonjwaness shouldn't be measured (so much) in titles but rather just the amount of domination you do, like iloveoovs 70/70/80 winning percentages and 27-0 tvz. Being bonjwa to me means someone who is unbeatable for quite a while, Bisu still has very good contenders like JD/Flash who have big chances of taking games or even series from him.
uh ? i know, but he was seen as the sc villain way before winning his first OSL
As you said, Koreans are arguing whether Bisu is the 5th Bonjwa or not
But one of the biggest argument around the Korean message boards is this
People Against it We don't care if Bisu wins an osl or not, Savior was called bonjwa even before he won the OSL. The thing is when Savior became to that status, there was absolutely, NOBODY who could touch him. Sure Savior had 2 threats to his seat (Nal_Ra/Midas) but even both of them fell victim to savior numerous times. Hell, some can say it was 1 sided and the rivalry started because "Games were longer than 10 minutes."
But 3 players still remain for Bisu. If Bisu can pull a savior, destroying each of these players in a BO5 whether the map favors for them or against them in a good game (or rape), then yes, he will be bonjwa.
Right now, it is hard to say. Each generation had the 4 Kings ( 4 대 천 왕 )
The 3rd generation of the 4 Kings were sAviOr, ChoJJa, Anytime and Midas (Note: Some people refer the 3rd Generation the "Savior Era." There were many good players during this period, but nobody was even close to Savior. Sometimes, people completely disregard the whole 3rd generation and call it "Savior's Prime") 7 Golds, 7 Silvers
In each generation, you can see that only 1 player ends up being bonjwa (excluding nada, hes practically in every generation so its hard to say).
I am going to say, we are 1/3'd of our way through the 4th generation. It is too early to tell. Right now the pro scene is so competitive it is impossible to tell who can come on top of who.
So I will vote no. It is too early, and anything can happen.
Savior was bonjwa before his Shinhan 3 OSL win, so obviously an OSL win is not necessary. But despite his absence from the OSL it was obvious for almost a year before Shinhan 3 that Savior was THE man to beat in BW. IMO Bisu just needs some more time at the top.
Edit: Or read that post ^. I should have posted one minute faster!
aren't you a bonjwa when you dominate for a long period of time? bisu was doing extremely well for those two MSLs, then went into somewhat of a slump, then won an MSL and GSL some time later. i don't think that qualifies him as a bonjwa.
On February 09 2009 01:38 Atrioc wrote: Winning the upcoming "Best of GOM" Bo5 vs Jaedong for 10,000,000 won would help a lot, because his losing record vs both Flash and Jaedong makes him a tough candidate as the unquestioned best in Korea.
Too bad JD will catch Bisu in his weakest MU now and buttfuck him for 10 000 000 won thus burying this bonjwa talk. Shit and I wanted a toss bonjwa...
On February 08 2009 02:12 Hot_Bid wrote: if theres a legitimate debate about a player being a bonjwa or not (re: the bisu debate) that player is probably not a bonjwa. you don't see many people arguing whether nada, iloveoov, or savior were bonjwas in their time. i doubt people will look back at this time period and say "bisu was bonjwa" even if he wins this OSL, because you just don't drop out at the Ro32 in your "best" mu if you're the dominant player.
I think the problem with that definition is the insane amount of games nowadays coupled with the increased emphasis on good PL results. Savior didn't even _qualify_ for OSL until the very very end of his reign. (He won it a week or so before Bisu went 3-0 vs him?) And (someone might have to correct me here) but I I don't think his PL performances was anything compared to that of Leta or Flash today either. He was still considered _the_ player though, because he placed highly in MSL year after year (5 finals in a row :o) and crushed any possible contender in events like the superfight.
However: a new player emerging today getting old saviors results he probably wouldn't be called "bonjwa" in the first place. Msl after msl while not qualifying for OSL and getting knocked out of GOM in like r.o 64, getting good but not spectacular P.L results. No i don't think you guys would call such a player bonjwa. The sheer number of games that a player needs to win in order to be called dominant nowadays is just insane. Both Bisu and Flash have ELO peaks comparable to that of _iloveoov_ commonly refered to as the most dominant player in the history of starcraft. But due to them "spending" so many of their wins on PL and spreading them over 3 leagues we just don't get the same feel from it.
Jaedong and Flash have more of a shot than Bisu at continuing success this year. Bisu is going to find that there are way too many people capable of beating clone-toss than pure speed and new strategies.
There are SO many good Protoss to practice against, I just don't see a Protoss taking the next step.
the bonjwa talk about bisu is meaningless. the fact is because the scene needs a dominant player the criteria for the candidates will be set extremely high by the fans. It doesnt matter if bisu wins the damn osl or not, it will never be enough, cause ppl will find the reason for his dominance in maps luck or smth else. I believe bisu will have more titles than savior, he may even get the chance to tie nada's record, but he will never become a bonjwa. Tbh he doesnt need to be one
If you want to try and find a year-long period with better stats than that, go for it.
And ohhhh my god, if Bisu beats Jaedong in this Bo5 (who may be entering a slump IMO due to dropping MSL/WL) I'm going to shoot myself because the "BISU IS GOD!" "BISU BEAT JAEDONG" talk will never end.
Although I'm just giving Bisu fans a hard time, I'm semi-serious because though it will be impressive, Jaedong will probably be having an off day and lose.
On February 09 2009 01:34 lokiM wrote: how can he be a bonjwa w/o winning an OSL?
remember savior ?
He did win an OSL.
Still I don't think bonjwaness shouldn't be measured (so much) in titles but rather just the amount of domination you do, like iloveoovs 70/70/80 winning percentages and 27-0 tvz. Being bonjwa to me means someone who is unbeatable for quite a while, Bisu still has very good contenders like JD/Flash who have big chances of taking games or even series from him.
uh ? i know, but he was seen as the sc villain way before winning his first OSL
Ah, I don't really even remember when people started calling MJY a bonjwa, not sure if the term was familiar to foreigners back then.
If you want to try and find a year-long period with better stats than that, go for it.
And ohhhh my god, if Bisu beats Jaedong in this Bo5 (who may be entering a slump IMO due to dropping MSL/WL) I'm going to shoot myself because the "BISU IS GOD!" "BISU BEAT JAEDONG" talk will never end.
Although I'm just giving Bisu fans a hard time, I'm semi-serious because though it will be impressive, Jaedong will probably be having an off day and lose.
And talk like this is the reason why bisu wouldn't be a bonjwa with out a 90% winrate. Oh....that guy had an offday, those maps were so toss favored. Savior did it with ANTI-zerg map who cares if his elo and kespa and winrate were all worse.
Now that being said I don't think Bisu is quite at the level yet for him to be a "bonjwa" in our eyes, just dominant. Note that he dropped off for a while so it only feels like one msl and one gsi
If you want to try and find a year-long period with better stats than that, go for it.
And ohhhh my god, if Bisu beats Jaedong in this Bo5 (who may be entering a slump IMO due to dropping MSL/WL) I'm going to shoot myself because the "BISU IS GOD!" "BISU BEAT JAEDONG" talk will never end.
Although I'm just giving Bisu fans a hard time, I'm semi-serious because though it will be impressive, Jaedong will probably be having an off day and lose.
And talk like this is the reason why bisu wouldn't be a bonjwa with out a 90% winrate. Oh....that guy had an offday, those maps were so toss favored. Savior did it with ANTI-zerg map who cares if his elo and kespa and winrate were all worse.
Now that being said I don't think Bisu is quite at the level yet for him to be a "bonjwa" in our eyes, just dominant. Note that he dropped off for a while so it only feels like one msl and one gsi
The only reason savior had such an insane win rate was because he didnt even play games in OSL :p (And GOM obviously didnt exist) Bisu's elo peak is comparable to savior's at his height. You have a point about the maps though, it definetely feels like Bisu only does well on maps generally considered "toss maps".
I always considered bonjwa to mean: undisputed best player. Currently, despite his recent ownage, I can't say for sure that Bisu is the undisputed best player. It's not just about achievements, it's also about potential.
There are too many talents out there that can surpass Bisu on a good day, the obvious ones being Jaedong and Flash.
Can you say for sure that if Bisu played his very best against Jaedong playing his very best, that Bisu would win for sure?
It's funny that nobody would have dared to dispute savior's status, even before he won his OSL.
The very existence of this thread and this debate is a sign that Bisu isn't a Bonjwa. However, it seems very likely that there will never be a bonjwa in starcraft again.
Given the level of competition nowadays it hardly seems anyone qualifies as bonjwa anymore, in the strictest sense. Which indeed makes Savior all the more special.
Nonetheless, losing a final to Mind really shouldn't diminish the consistency and dominance Bisu has shown time and time again. Who knows, maybe the newer generation might all-together redefine the concept of Bonjwa. Players like Flash and Jaedong shouldn't be labeled as "lesser" just because of tougher competition.
On February 09 2009 01:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: If you have to ask if he's bonjwa, he's not bonjwa.
Also, bad picking of dates for the stats. You should go by when the respective players hit their ELO peak. This leads to ALL of those players (besides boxer who we're missing games and such for) have win % around 80%.
On February 09 2009 01:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: If you have to ask if he's bonjwa, he's not bonjwa.
Also, bad picking of dates for the stats. You should go by when the respective players hit their ELO peak. This leads to ALL of those players (besides boxer who we're missing games and such for) have win % around 80%.
I've said before, it's not random date, it depend on kespa ranking. (while the player is 1st on Kespa)
The title of this is kind of a spoiler, and it says [spoiler] after the title, which isn't even visible on the sidebar.
Not to nitpick, as I will still watch it, but the result won't be too surprising T.T
On another note, Savior was epically untouchable for a year. Bisu hasn't done that, and saw more suck sooner than Savior did. So if Bisu is still winning leagues in early 2010, then I'll concede he may be the first Protoss bonjwa.
On February 09 2009 02:37 SuperJongMan wrote: It's stupid because Bisu is pulling in better results than Savior was at his time. Savior was the last champion of the shitty MSL structures.
There are other dominant players coexisting with Bisu. Even if Flash, Jaedong and Stork (even if he seems slumping) aren't as successful, they exert a similar domination to Bisu's. A bonjwa is the absolute ruler, without competition
On February 09 2009 01:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: If you have to ask if he's bonjwa, he's not bonjwa.
Also, bad picking of dates for the stats. You should go by when the respective players hit their ELO peak. This leads to ALL of those players (besides boxer who we're missing games and such for) have win % around 80%.
I've said before, it's not random date, it depend on kespa ranking. (while the player is 1st on Kespa)
KeSPA rankings are crappy because of their decay factor. Someone can just fall off the face of the earth and still be #1 for a couple months...
If Bisu wins just about anything else at this point, his bonjwa status will be confirmed. He's a hair's breadth away from having a case that's simply undeniable. Bonjwa's have a hallowed status, and people don't want to be hasty and overeager about adding another name to the short list; but I think eventually his popularity and standing as the best protoss ever will win out. His name is already penciled in; if he wins another title, he's there for sure.
On February 09 2009 02:37 SuperJongMan wrote: It's stupid because Bisu is pulling in better results than Savior was at his time. Savior was the last champion of the shitty MSL structures.
There are other dominant players coexisting with Bisu. Even if Flash, Jaedong and Stork (even if he seems slumping) aren't as successful, they exert a similar domination to Bisu's. A bonjwa is the absolute ruler, without competition
What? Nada, Chojja, Anyime, or Midas didn't exist in Savior's time?
Bisu in his day has many more games to play and vs better people. I mean, Savior smashed Kingdom Reach and Ra all day and night to lol his way thru MSL. Silver... do you even remember Silver??????
On February 09 2009 02:37 SuperJongMan wrote: It's stupid because Bisu is pulling in better results than Savior was at his time. Savior was the last champion of the shitty MSL structures.
There are other dominant players coexisting with Bisu. Even if Flash, Jaedong and Stork (even if he seems slumping) aren't as successful, they exert a similar domination to Bisu's. A bonjwa is the absolute ruler, without competition
What? Nada, Chojja, Anyime, or Midas didn't exist in Savior's time?
Bisu in his day has many more games to play and vs better people. I mean, Savior smashed Kingdom Reach and Ra all day and night to lol his way thru MSL. Silver... do you even remember Silver??????
The difference is that any sane man would autopick sAviOr over Midas, Anytime, and Nada during the reign of terror, with ChoJJa being only slightly iffy due to the randomness of ZvZ coupled with that being sAviOr's worst matchup. People were saying things along the lines of "Zomg! Midas took one game off of sAviOr in a BoX while getting completely outclassed in the rest of the sets! sAviOr dropped one game? What an upset!" Silver of course, is like Rock - one hit wonder, and is totally irrelevant to the general scene at the time.
Right now, you can barely pick Bisu over Flash and a faltering Stork, while you have to hedge the odds for Jaedong against Bisu at the moment.. Just because Bisu right now may be better than Savior during his reign (debatable) doesn't mean Bisu is a Bonjwa, since, as many others established he doesn't have dominion over the Starleagues.
On February 09 2009 03:30 SerpentFlame wrote: Right now, you can barely pick Bisu over Flash and a faltering Stork, while you have to hedge the odds for Jaedong against Bisu at the moment.. Just because Bisu right now may be better than Savior during his reign (debatable) doesn't mean Bisu is a Bonjwa, since, as many others established he doesn't have dominion over the Starleagues.
Bonjwa is a relative term. It reflects how dominant a player is relative to other players. Bisu is far better than past Bonjwas were in their heyday, but the fact is, player skill these days is much too high for him to be called Bonjwa.
On February 09 2009 01:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: If you have to ask if he's bonjwa, he's not bonjwa.
Also, bad picking of dates for the stats. You should go by when the respective players hit their ELO peak. This leads to ALL of those players (besides boxer who we're missing games and such for) have win % around 80%.
I've said before, it's not random date, it depend on kespa ranking. (while the player is 1st on Kespa)
Maybe it's just be but I interpreted Bonjwa in addition to wins and trophies, to have a unique play style, breaking the mold, have some really innovative plays which allow him to dominate. Right now though, no way
On February 09 2009 02:37 SuperJongMan wrote: It's stupid because Bisu is pulling in better results than Savior was at his time. Savior was the last champion of the shitty MSL structures.
There are other dominant players coexisting with Bisu. Even if Flash, Jaedong and Stork (even if he seems slumping) aren't as successful, they exert a similar domination to Bisu's. A bonjwa is the absolute ruler, without competition
What? Nada, Chojja, Anyime, or Midas didn't exist in Savior's time?
Bisu in his day has many more games to play and vs better people. I mean, Savior smashed Kingdom Reach and Ra all day and night to lol his way thru MSL. Silver... do you even remember Silver??????
It was always crystal clear that savior is better than Nada or anyone else you mentioned there. So even though there were other spectacular players coexisting with savior, there was only ONE undisputed dominant player.
Anyways I think the title of 'bonjwa' is given when the audience and other players/commentators perceive the said bonjwa in a certain way. Savior, oov, nada, boxer : they all had their unmistakable aura of invincibility surrounding them throughout their respective reigns. While no one can deny Bisu's skill and achievements, there is still something lacking. Bisu never had that aura, save for PvZ. And even here, Jaedong is a true contestant and no one can really say who's the clear favorite. In Savior's top match-up ZvP, there was no one really coming close to a challenge, not even rA, who was his so-called rival.
If Bisu doesn't cement his status as a true Bonjwa in the following months, I'm pretty sure there won't be another bonjwa, ever.
Also I think there's a big possibility that Bisu will become the most achieved SC player in another couple of years or so.
first, he has to sustain the performance over a few more months. second, there are other players with good winrates and titles during the period, so bisu is not the only star. contrary to the solitary dominance of other players, you cannot say for sure that bisu is the guy.
I dont think so. The GSL can't be counted as a major tourney. Some teams had pulled out. Best and Stork and many players drop the tourney to avoid schedule.congestion. Koreans call it practice league so it can't be counted a title. Right now Bisu has only 3 MSLs, he needs an OSL or 2 for the bonjwa status. In Korean progamer minds, OSL still > MSL. MSL is harder to drop out than OSL when u play 2 group stages. They still call OSL "starleague" but not MSL. In proleague they like to open standard and Bisu is strong in it but not in OSL.
Nevertheless in protoss race he is still the best with most titles.
As a Bisu fan I also have to say he's not a bonjwa, and I'd even dare say that players such as Jaedong or Flash in their prime had a more bonjwa aura despite having less titles than him. So yeah, as we can see it's nearly impossible to become bonjwa nowadays, but that doesn't take credit to Bisu who is the best protoss ever and one of the best and most accomplished players overall.
I'm a huge Bisu fan, but when I watch his games, there's always the nagging doubt of whether he will play like a god (Bisu vs Jangbi Gom finals Game 4), or fail like any 'average' progamer and lose (Bisu vs Stork OSL quarterfinals Game 3). Bisu is not autowin, which makes being his fan very exciting, but means that he is not Bonjwa.
I think the big issue here is Bisu being eliminated from the recent MSL. There's something different about never making it through prelims and being eliminated from the Ro32. Savior not making it through offline prelims into the OSL seemed somehow more forgivable than Bisu losing in his MSL group with 3 zergs. Add to that getting blown out 2-0 in the OSL by July's apprentice didn't help, even if he redeemed that with a sick run through the wildcard.
I think everyone would be much more comfortable with the "Bisu for bonjwa" train if he just qualified for MSL Ro16. If Bisu wins this next OSL, then we can ask this question and the answer would probably be yes.
Savior was called bonjwa before he won an OSL because every one was so far behind him. Casy was lucky and won an OSL, if he is lucky like that several times and got a few OSL titles, he isnt called bonjwa. So titles dont mean much but the skill compared to others.
There are a few players at the moment like Flash, Jaedong, Stork, Jangbi... who can easily take games from Bisu any time. So Bisu is not a bonjwa yet, he might be in the future, but now, hell no.
When 80% of ppl vote for Bisu when he plays any one, then he will be a bonjwa.
Put him against the other top 5 players in the world right now and you cannot really predict the outcome.
Bisu vs Flash Bisu vs Jaedong Bisu vs Leta?? Bisu vs Jangbi (2 x 3-1 might beg to differ though) Bisu vs Stork?
A bonjwa should be dominating alone imo. Nada boxer oov and savior all did that. Its sooo much harder to get bonjwastatus these days coz everyone is simply so much better atm.
fuck this thread ruined the finals for me, im not even going to watch em now. Even with the current title its still pretty obvious what its referencing towards.
I think the majority agrees that Bisu is not bonjwa at the time being. But he is posting a more consistent record than through ANY period of his career. Even while winning the MSL back to back, he regularily lost in Proleague and dropped out in the OSL no later than Ro8.
With the superior win percentage, two major titels in short time, and a shot at the OSL title, this is the closest Bisu will probably get. So what would make him bonjwa from now on?
Being unchallengeable in all three matchups - Bisu is aiming for this at the time being. His PvP and PvT are beyond the top. There is no, absolutely no Protoss or Terran who would not be considered the underdog when going into a series with Bisu. Stork was the closest, Flash maybe, but both lost lately. His PvZ is where the worries are at the moment. Thus Bisu has to beat Jaedong convincingly in the season finals to redeem his PvZ.
Winning any game that counts - A Bonjwa is the favourite in any series, be it Bo3, Bo5, not only through his expertise in the matchup but also due to being in form spot on. Bisu is showing that certitude lately, more than ever. His GOM run was flawless, taking out Flash on the way. He never looked troubled in the MSL. Thus he needs to win the OSL and win those BoX games in a deadly and convincing fashion, leaving no doubt that he could not be beaten on that very day.
If all three conditions obtain: High win percentage, redeem his PvZ, win the OSL, Bisu would be called bonjwa.
Of course he's not. Atleast not yet.Like people said 123145326753 times before., bonjwas don't get eliminated on their best mu from starleagues. Bonjwas don't win, the just dominate everyone.
On February 09 2009 05:23 Aesop wrote: I think the majority agrees that Bisu is not bonjwa at the time being. But he is posting a more consistent record than through ANY period of his career. Even while winning the MSL back to back, he regularily lost in Proleague and dropped out in the OSL no later than Ro8.
With the superior win percentage, two major titels in short time, and a shot at the OSL title, this is the closest Bisu will probably get. So what would make him bonjwa from now on?
Being unchallengeable in all three matchups - Bisu is aiming for this at the time being. His PvP and PvT are beyond the top. There is no, absolutely no Protoss or Terran who would not be considered the underdog when going into a series with Bisu. Stork was the closest, Flash maybe, but both lost lately. His PvZ is where the worries are at the moment. Thus Bisu has to beat Jaedong convincingly in the season finals to redeem his PvZ.
Winning any game that counts - A Bonjwa is the favourite in any series, be it Bo3, Bo5, not only through his expertise in the matchup but also due to being in form spot on. Bisu is showing that certitude lately, more than ever. His GOM run was flawless, taking out Flash on the way. He never looked troubled in the MSL. Thus he needs to win the OSL and win those BoX games in a deadly and convincing fashion, leaving no doubt that he could not be beaten on that very day.
If all three conditions obtain: High win percentage, redeem his PvZ, win the OSL, Bisu would be called bonjwa.
Even if what you say is legitimate, remember it's always a matter of 'will the commentators/Korean audience call him bonjwa?' It depends on how his victories are perceived, he must not only win, he must obliterate.
Part of the reason why the other bonjwas were praised as such is because they each brought something new to the game, a completely new style that put them on another level than everybody else.
While, of course, you could argue about Bisu's PvZ revolution, that was 2 years ago, and his innovated playstyle became more or less common (even though nobody equaled his performances)
On February 09 2009 05:00 AnOth3rDAy wrote: Put him against the other top 5 players in the world right now and you cannot really predict the outcome.
Bisu vs Flash Bisu vs Jaedong Bisu vs Leta?? Bisu vs Jangbi (2 x 3-1 might beg to differ though) Bisu vs Stork?
A bonjwa should be dominating alone imo. Nada boxer oov and savior all did that. Its sooo much harder to get bonjwastatus these days coz everyone is simply so much better atm.
Bisu>Flash , he did it in GOM and in PL Bisu<>Jaedong , will see Bisu>>>>>Leta , LoL ho could you compare Leta with Bisu. U must be mad. Bisu>>>>>>Jangbi , proved Bisu>>>Stork , proved lately,pl games + Stork is slumping
If Bisu wins OSL, then whether he likes it or not, things will take their natural course and he'll be called bonjwa, there's no doubt about that. Even though you may still think "after he wins OSL we'll talk about it" there will be nothing to talk about, it'll simply BE from that moment on. And all this bonjwa talk right now is just making it that much more solid for the future, IF things work out that way. Right now Bisu seems very content, and better yet, he still seems hungry for more! Bisu will win OSL :-)
On February 09 2009 04:51 Hot_Bid wrote: Edited title.
I think the big issue here is Bisu being eliminated from the recent MSL. There's something different about never making it through prelims and being eliminated from the Ro32. Savior not making it through offline prelims into the OSL seemed somehow more forgivable than Bisu losing in his MSL group with 3 zergs. Add to that getting blown out 2-0 in the OSL by July's apprentice didn't help, even if he redeemed that with a sick run through the wildcard.
I think everyone would be much more comfortable with the "Bisu for bonjwa" train if he just qualified for MSL Ro16. If Bisu wins this next OSL, then we can ask this question and the answer would probably be yes.
That's just the thing they are JULY's apprentice, the protoss slayer. Add that to the fact that his style is probably the most studied of all pro-gamers. Bisu will need to reinvent his PvZ if he wants to win games in the starleagues against them simply because they WILL find counters for his playstyle and they will study every tendency that he has.
Bisu is definitely a good candidate for Bonjwa simply because when he does win games he shows such a crazy level of dominance it's astounding.
You also have to keep in mind just how much the game has changed and how the level of play has raised so much since past bonjwas. Bisu IS a very dominant figure in progaming these days and anybody who goes against him should be prepared or he will trounce them.
Of course him being eliminated from MSL and OSL is pretty bad but I mean come on think about how much Savior Magma Zero and By.hero would have studied his play. Combine that with him going 6-0 in Wildcard dominating Jangbi 3-1 in Gom and showing for the most part great play in Proleague bisu is definitely Bonjwa material.
On February 09 2009 05:00 AnOth3rDAy wrote: Put him against the other top 5 players in the world right now and you cannot really predict the outcome.
Bisu vs Flash Bisu vs Jaedong Bisu vs Leta?? Bisu vs Jangbi (2 x 3-1 might beg to differ though) Bisu vs Stork?
A bonjwa should be dominating alone imo. Nada boxer oov and savior all did that. Its sooo much harder to get bonjwastatus these days coz everyone is simply so much better atm.
Bisu>Flash , he did it in GOM and in PL Bisu<>Jaedong , will see Bisu>>>>>Leta , LoL ho could you compare Leta with Bisu. U must be mad. Bisu>>>>>>Jangbi , proved Bisu>>>Stork , proved lately,pl games + Stork is slumping
I think that you underestimate Leta, Sir.
However I pretty much agree with you on the other players.
On February 09 2009 05:00 AnOth3rDAy wrote: Put him against the other top 5 players in the world right now and you cannot really predict the outcome.
Bisu vs Flash Bisu vs Jaedong Bisu vs Leta?? Bisu vs Jangbi (2 x 3-1 might beg to differ though) Bisu vs Stork?
A bonjwa should be dominating alone imo. Nada boxer oov and savior all did that. Its sooo much harder to get bonjwastatus these days coz everyone is simply so much better atm.
Bisu>Flash , he did it in GOM and in PL Bisu<>Jaedong , will see Bisu>>>>>Leta , LoL ho could you compare Leta with Bisu. U must be mad. Bisu>>>>>>Jangbi , proved Bisu>>>Stork , proved lately,pl games + Stork is slumping
I think that you underestimate Leta, Sir.
However I pretty much agree with you on the other players.
My lord, i don't underestimate Leta, he is dominating player too. His TvT and TvZ(it is 2009, except MJY) are unbeatable lately.But his TvP is not S-class.He is not tvp rival for Bisu.Flash could not beat Bisu lately, how can we talk about "Leta vs Bisu"
On February 09 2009 05:00 AnOth3rDAy wrote: Put him against the other top 5 players in the world right now and you cannot really predict the outcome.
Bisu vs Flash Bisu vs Jaedong Bisu vs Leta?? Bisu vs Jangbi (2 x 3-1 might beg to differ though) Bisu vs Stork?
A bonjwa should be dominating alone imo. Nada boxer oov and savior all did that. Its sooo much harder to get bonjwastatus these days coz everyone is simply so much better atm.
Bisu>Flash , he did it in GOM and in PL Bisu<>Jaedong , will see Bisu>>>>>Leta , LoL ho could you compare Leta with Bisu. U must be mad. Bisu>>>>>>Jangbi , proved Bisu>>>Stork , proved lately,pl games + Stork is slumping
I think that you underestimate Leta, Sir.
However I pretty much agree with you on the other players.
Leta hasn't proven anything in TvP, he's been destroyed both times he's faced competent PvTers.
I don't think Bisu is a clear favorite over Flash in a boX. I'm a little worried about Jaedong psychologically after his recent matches but hopefully he'll show us some great games against Bisu. And I still think July would be an enormous favorite against Bisu in any series right now.
If Bisu would have been 4 or 5 years older, and would have started playing at an earlier time, starcraft would've had a whole different story, and it would have been Protoss dominated.
On February 09 2009 06:06 minus_human wrote: If Bisu would have been 4 or 5 years older, and would have started playing at an earlier time, starcraft would've had a whole different story, and it would have been Protoss dominated.
No. Go back 4 or 5 years and look at the difference in APM, Maps, and strategies. Bisu would not have played how he does now simply because:
A) The maps wouldn't allow it B) Bisu didn't invent everything himself, and the reason he "revolutionized" PvZ is because back then Savior's style was dominating so he countered that style. C) Chances are he wouldn't even think the same way he does now about builds and maps and whatnot, he would be in the same mindset as the protoss of the past.
On February 09 2009 03:30 SerpentFlame wrote: Right now, you can barely pick Bisu over Flash and a faltering Stork, while you have to hedge the odds for Jaedong against Bisu at the moment.. Just because Bisu right now may be better than sAviOr during his reign (debatable) doesn't mean Bisu is a Bonjwa, since, as many others established he doesn't have dominion over the Starleagues.
Bonjwa is a relative term. It reflects how dominant a player is relative to other players. Bisu is far better than past Bonjwas were in their heyday, but the fact is, player skill these days is much too high for him to be called Bonjwa.
Completely agree. In most sports, the best player of the current era is the best player ever. Not necessarily the most dominant, but better in an absolute skill Sense. Imagine Kobe Bryant as he is today playing in the 1950s NBA or the Pittsburgh Steelers going up against Vince Lombardi's Packers. In those sports it's a difference of size and speed. In starcraft, it's APM and understanding (better builds, timing, macro/micro). Starcraft has evolved at a faster rate than athletic sports. 3 years in SC right now is like three decades in the NBA.
Two years ago, Bisu was good enough to end sAviOr's dominance. He is an even stronger player today. Honestly I would take Flash or Jaedong over the past bonjwas as well. The things that made bonjwas dominant are necessary just to be S-class today.
No other bonjwa has had to deal with a trio of challengers as strong as Flash, Jaedong, and Stork. I expect that this trend will continue and that nobody will ever again dominate starcraft the way a player like NaDa did.
The chart on the first page shows a clear trend that I already believed was happening. The most dominant player is becoming less dominant over time.
BoxeR and NaDa were both #1 in kespa for 17 and 16 months consecutively. Oov and sAviOr held it for 8 months consecutively; of them only Oov held the #1 spot for a year in total.
NaDa won six OSL/MSL's, four during the time of his dominance. He also won GhemTV during his reign. Oov won 5 titles. sAviOr won 4. Bisu has also won 4, but over a longer amount of time than it took sAviOr to win his starleagues. (also GOM Classic did not exist back then)
NaDa was untouchable during the year in which he won 4 titles. Oddysay was 5-4 against him and all other rivals were dominated. iloveoov won the bulk of his titles over a 14 month span. July bested him 8-4 but everyone else was again dominated. This timespan included most of his 27 game win streak TvZ. sAviOr won his titles over a 10 month span. ChoJJa was 8-9 against him in that span, Midas 5-5, Hwasin 3-3. Saint went 2-1 against him and Shark 2-0. If we try to round it out to the full year, along comes Bisu who becomes the new dominant player. Only this time, that dominance barely lasts half a year and rivals are able to compete on an almost-even field.
no way. i dont think ppl even really care bout gcl. it hasnt earned the kind of prestige and respect as the other 2 established leagues yet and players dont even take it 100% srrsly (and so dont practice as much for it compared to the other leagues and pl). so bisu winning it doesnt really add anything to the discussion for me. as it stands he certainly does not show the kind of dominance that a real bonjwa does and has shown in the past.
Bonjwa status isn't an exact science. The amount of titles a player has won does not translate him into a bonjwa, and neither does the amount of players capable of beating him.
And honestly, players don't simply 'build up' to bonjwa status. It just happens somewhat spontaneously. Boxer, Oov, Nada, and Savior all burst into the scene (whether they've been playing under-par for a while or not) and utterly DOMINATED everyone. Bisu has been on the scene for a while and is slowly gaining his power, even with a 'slump' after his first semi-domination.
On February 09 2009 01:35 cosiant wrote: Even Bisu himself is saying no way
This is from the interview: - You still aren't hearing the name "Bonjwa", how do you feel? ▲ I was asked this before. Honestly, I don't really want to hear it. When I saw bonjwas in my eyes, they all rised to the top, and toppled down to the abyss. I don't want to be a bonjwa, rather I want to be that guy who was good and didn't fall into the abyss.
If the guy himself doesn't want the title, than you should not give it to him.
this quote says it all. He's making his own path, so while we're all debating whether he's some immeasurable term, he'll keep raking in the championships. Keep it up KTY!
On February 09 2009 07:16 BanZu wrote: At this point, yes, Bisu is more-or-less bonjwa. With the standards set by the previous ones, there is no way we are going to see another one...
The biggest problem with this Bisu is Bonjwa debate is establishing a clear definition of what a Bonjwa is. There are several definitions of Bonjwa right now so TL needs to properly define the term. Otherwise, Bisu will always qualify as a Bonjwa from some points but won't qualify from others thus resulting in numerous threads of a never ending debate.
On February 09 2009 04:09 Baddieko wrote: I dont think so. The GSL can't be counted as a major tourney. Some teams had pulled out. Best and Stork and many players drop the tourney to avoid schedule.congestion.[...]
exactly who cares about 35k$ (+ 8k$ bonus vs jaedong) ? ~_~
On February 09 2009 07:38 TheTyranid wrote: The biggest problem with this Bisu is Bonjwa debate is establishing a clear definition of what a Bonjwa is. There are several definitions of Bonjwa right now so TL needs to properly define the term. Otherwise, Bisu will always qualify as a Bonjwa from some points but won't qualify from others thus resulting in numerous threads of a never ending debate.
I definitely agree with you. There should be a formal minimum requirements list. Otherwise it is pointless to argue his status.
It is said that in every area one player has surprassed the limits and took the ' Bonjwa ' title. But in this era it is not likely because there are lots of good and almost equal players. We say Stork , JD , Flash and Bisu are the contenders for Bonjwa title but there are players like Best and Jangbi (even Leta ) who played good and sometimes Godly. The point is that in this era no one can be called as Bonjwa because there are lots of good players. But it sure is that Bisu is one step ahead of the others because his PvZ build is not his only skill now , he can overpower any opponent whether it is Toss or Terran. His multitasking skill is way superior to others. Bisu is more than Bonjwa.
On February 09 2009 07:38 TheTyranid wrote: The biggest problem with this Bisu is Bonjwa debate is establishing a clear definition of what a Bonjwa is. There are several definitions of Bonjwa right now so TL needs to properly define the term. Otherwise, Bisu will always qualify as a Bonjwa from some points but won't qualify from others thus resulting in numerous threads of a never ending debate.
Since the word was used without a clear definition to start off with, there is no way any discussion involving the words "bonjwa" will lead to a concrete answer. Each person has slightly different views on the subject, and that's why Korean communities argue over a crappy made up word to this date, and why TL.net has been doing the same since it caught the "bonjwa" fever.
Savior was often refered to as "Mae-bonjwa" during his glory days without all the various connotations the word carries today. It was just an expression of how awesome Savior was at the time. "LimLeeChoi" (the surnames of Boxer, Nada, and Oov) was also a popular phrase, a phrase that grouped three of the most dominating terrans, or players for that matter, of the progaming scene so far.
After Savior started to dominate like mad, It didn't take long for someone to create the phrase "LimLeeChoiMae". It just got accepted and the phrase spread like wildfire. And these four players were bonjwas by default since then. People just felt right about it I guess.
People started to define the word after they used it. But how can one person successfully define the word so that it captures the brilliance of all these four players? We kind of feel it in our hearts, but there is no one criteria that makes all of us content.
Title still spoilers the GOM Final, gladly I watched it before.
On topic: I don't think there will be any Bonjwa again. The reasons have been pointed out countless times in this and other threads. There are just too many top players and the training must have become such intensive, there wouldn't be any way to dominate using one or two builds (like Savior did). As much as I'm a Bisu fanboy and voting instantly "yes" (:D), after reading through this thread makes me doubt giving him Bonjwa status. I don't see any player coming close to be Bonjwa, it is, disregarding the players skill, just impossible nowadays.
But moreover you have to agree on one thing, Bisu climbed out of his slump pretty quickly and he didn't just climb out of it, he was and still is the player to beat. I think this will be the new definition of "Bonjwa", the ability of climbing out of some sort of slump after losing important series. And with the incredible skill density AND the heavy amount of televised matches to be played nowadays it will be kinda normal to lose important series which undoubtfully can have such a psychological impact on the player so they tend to slump after it.
On February 09 2009 07:38 TheTyranid wrote: The biggest problem with this Bisu is Bonjwa debate is establishing a clear definition of what a Bonjwa is. There are several definitions of Bonjwa right now so TL needs to properly define the term. Otherwise, Bisu will always qualify as a Bonjwa from some points but won't qualify from others thus resulting in numerous threads of a never ending debate.
People started to define the word after they used it. But how can one person successfully define the word so that it captures the brilliance of all these four players? We kind of feel it in our hearts, but there is no one criteria that makes all of us content.
There is one criteria. During the reign of those 4 players, no other player came close to their skill level. They were favourites in any boX matchup and this were the "undisputed bests" of that time which is one of the proposed definitions of Bonjwa. The word Bonjwa roughly translates as "best" from Korean, right? Therefore undisputed best is the most accurate definition of Bonjwa.
Bisu's individual title count is Bonjwa worthy. However he is NOT the undisputed best. If Bisu was the undisputed best, there would be no question if he could beat Jaedong in a bo5. Do you think there is any doubt in Bisu winning in a bo5 vs Jaedong? If you do, you acknowledge that Bisu is not a Bonjwa.
There is a reason why this era is called the Post Bonjwa era. Ever since 3/3/07, there has been no undisputed best. In a time period where there are several players playing at an equal level, you can't have a Bonjwa, now matter how good the players play. You need a significant gap in skill and performance between #1 and #2 to have the #1 be a Bonjwa. There is no such gap between Bisu and JD/Flash. Even if Bisu won 10 starleagues and there were people stepping on his toes, he would not Be a Bonjwa.
well if you put it that way I will gladly have a guy stepping on his toes, as long as bisu gets those 10 SLs, thats so exciting about KTY. Within one week he can dominate flash, who was thought to know his numbers and at same time drop games in his favorite MU against weaker opponents. And the other good thing about Bisu is as weird as it may sound Stork. For me this is THE rivalry in starcraft, and for me in personal the games they provide playin each other are on a hole different level
1. Keep up his dominance (aka 75%+ winrate that he has going since Oct last year) 2. Beat Jaedong Bo5 (Feb 22nd... preferably 3-1 or 3-0) 3. Win this OSL with the unfavorable toss maps (going through a couple of Leta/Flash/Jaedong/Stork/etc.).
I'd say that would be a good case for him with the MSL, OSL, and GOM titles plus dominance of peers.
On February 09 2009 07:38 TheTyranid wrote: Bisu's individual title count is Bonjwa worthy. However he is NOT the undisputed best. If Bisu was the undisputed best, there would be no question if he could beat Jaedong in a bo5. Do you think there is any doubt in Bisu winning in a bo5 vs Jaedong? If you do, you acknowledge that Bisu is not a Bonjwa.
To be fair, Jaedong and July (?) are the ONLY people against whom Bisu would not be the clear favorite in a Bo5. (Not that this negates your point, but just to give credit where it's due.)
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
I believe Savior will be the last bonjwa because it is just impossible to have someone dominiating the pro scene thesedays, what with such mechanical practice sessions each team has and the amount of competition that the new youngsters bring in..
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
Bisu is definitely bonjwa material, especially considering how competitive Starcraft progaming has become. He will seriously need to win an OSL though, which he does have a chance of doing so now.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
You make a great point, imo bonjwa status is absolute dominance over your peers not how many leagues you win.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
bonjwa is the dominant player. its not about winning leagues or tournaments, its about being way fucking better than everyone else. no one would say hes way fucking better than flash, jaedong, jangbi, leta, probably a few others. theres just so many good players right now its almost impossible for someone to dominate.
I agree with Idra. Bonjwa is not about statistics or winning certain leagues and turnaments. A bonjwa is someone who dominates so hard that he's the definitive favorite no matter who he's up against.
Would you hold Bisu as a definitive favorite vs Leta? Well maybe, but would you also hold him as a definitive favorite vs Jaedong, Flash and Jangbi as well? He's not even close to being such a bad ass scary monster to me, so he ain't no bonjwa to me!
I really don't see what difference it will make whether or not he wins the OSL. To become a bonjwa, he needs to play a MUCH BETTER GAME OF STARCRAFT than he is currently playing because that's what's required to be head above heels of everyone else. As bisu is now, he is obviously good enough to win the OSL. However, even if he does win, if he wins playing the way he is currently playing, that still doesn't get him any closer to a bonjwa because his game didn't improve enough to be bonjwa status.
On February 10 2009 00:46 Eg! wrote: I agree with Idra. Bonjwa is not about statistics or winning certain leagues and turnaments. A bonjwa is someone who dominates so hard that he's the definitive favorite no matter who he's up against.
Would you hold Bisu as a definitive favorite vs Leta? Well maybe, but would you also hold him as a definitive favorite vs Jaedong, Flash and Jangbi as well? He's not even close to being such a bad ass scary monster to me, so he ain't no bonjwa to me!
vs leta and jangbi ? definitely. VS jaedong and flash, it's 50/50 on the paper. Anyway i agree with the 1st paragraph. Bisu is no bonjwa.
bisu is the head dragon. he started the protoss revolution. there is no doubting that. who cares if he is a bonjwa. that just means "dominant player en vogue". he is and he isn't "the next bonjwa". all former bonjwas are hasbeens. bisu is only 19 and could dominate for a while yet. bonjwa is a limit, a ceiling, a word. what makes a dominant player is their knowledge of the current metagame and their application of it to their strategies. Bisu's mind games and psycholigcal control is what makes him the champion he is today. Bisu doesnt have any better mechanics that best, jangbi, stork, or call but he mindballs them in every bo3/5 with his cool and calculated response style. + Show Spoiler +
**spolier** results of gom classic season2 follow: Bisu put a palm to jangbi's forehead of futile aggression in the recent GOM final
bisu showed why he is the taiji toss. "the greatest good is like water" gm1: bisu gets double mannerpyloned and loses a few probes to Jangbi initial zealot harass...then he drops a nexus on like 18 supply ftw! gm2: bisu fails to block his ramp and watches helplessly as dts ravage his probe line. championships are bo5 so that both players get to make 1 noob mistake. ..just one. gm3: macro armistace until mid game when jangbi's super aggressve 2-3 speed shuttle harass cripples bisu's hope at a late game. while watching speed shuttles fly around killing probes bisu macros hard of 3 bases and floods jangbi's natural into main ftw. gm4: Jangbi's ill-timed 4gate goon invasion of Col2 in game three was masterfully deflected. when Bisu set up his outnumbered goon wall just in time to take three steps back, lure jangbi into the narrow choke and then rain pain from the highground supported concave. also notice in that replay how the drones came in at just at the exact time after jangbi focus fired the bisugoons. this way the probes survived and dealt massive damage while the bisugoons actually absorbed damage for the killer probes. had jangbi realized his poor position, microfired the probes in retreat, met up with reinforcements and attacked as one then there might have been a different outcome. gm5...oops over. bisu wins gom classic season2
BoobytrapToss, Cucumber Toss Hairpray Toss, Taiji Toss (kind of derived from brucelee toss.. but more appropriate for his current stlye which has become less aggressive. taiji is a daoist influenced chinese gongfu based on the principle that all excellence is like water. it seeks to absorb the enemies advances with as little resistance as possible before striking the opponent in their most vulnerable stance. )
I do not think that there ever be a bonjwa again who dominates for a long time. Bisu was lucky to get a second shoot on the osl and a player who should have not been in any of the starleague should be called Bonjwa its just feels wrong.
Not really on topic but every time I see Nada's achievements I just laugh. He has got such a ridiculous amount of medals from starleagues and special events.
People also have to realize that these days Bisu has lots of games to play. LOTS. It's an argument in his favor and against him. He has chances to win many more leagues whereas Boxer/Oov/Nada and arguably Savior didn't.
Next like some people have already brought up it's not about how many OSL/MSL you win - that's just the result of bonjwa status. Savior was being called Bonjwa before he won his OSL even though he lost 2 MSL finals out of 5 - why? Because he was invincible. Even his losses seemed more like him fucking up/bad luck/etc rather than being outplayed. The candidate is just so dominant that those Starleague are gotten long after he has earned his title.
Lastly, don't think that Flash/Jaedong/Leta and the like are the reason Bisu can't be a Bonjwa - that's just ludicrous. As if back then there weren't a shitload of good players. You forget that not only did the previous Bonjwas all exist in the same frame (except Savior and Boxer) but there were TONS of good gamers and specialists out there. This is an important point that some of you keep ignoring - it's about DOMINANCE no matter what. Boxer did it through his amazing creativity, Nada with his ingenious unit control and playmaking ability, Oov started the macro trend and is still possibly the greatest player ever in this regard along with his uncheesiness, and Savior with his game management always getting away with the exact number of units needed to defend before the rape began. Bisu? He's almost there. He is the undisputed king of multitasking. That could be his "thing". However, until he learns to dominate with it he won't be called bonjwa.
On February 10 2009 00:46 Eg! wrote: I agree with Idra. Bonjwa is not about statistics or winning certain leagues and turnaments. A bonjwa is someone who dominates so hard that he's the definitive favorite no matter who he's up against.
Would you hold Bisu as a definitive favorite vs Leta? Well maybe, but would you also hold him as a definitive favorite vs Jaedong, Flash and Jangbi as well? He's not even close to being such a bad ass scary monster to me, so he ain't no bonjwa to me!
vs leta and jangbi ? definitely. VS jaedong and flash, it's 50/50 on the paper. Anyway i agree with the 1st paragraph. Bisu is no bonjwa.
Yea, I also think Flash and Jaedong wound be 50/50. Leta I'm not sure, but i feel the current Leta-hype might have something going for it.. I also agree Bisu would be favourite vs Jangbi, but I wouldn't consider Jangbi a total pushover either (would be ∼70/30) - as he should be if Bisu was bonjwa
Maybe this is a good definition of bonjwa: Scary gosu beast who is considered 85/15 vs any opponent. (85 % chance of winning, english isn't my native language!)
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
On February 10 2009 00:46 Eg! wrote: I agree with Idra. Bonjwa is not about statistics or winning certain leagues and turnaments. A bonjwa is someone who dominates so hard that he's the definitive favorite no matter who he's up against.
Would you hold Bisu as a definitive favorite vs Leta? Well maybe, but would you also hold him as a definitive favorite vs Jaedong, Flash and Jangbi as well? He's not even close to being such a bad ass scary monster to me, so he ain't no bonjwa to me!
Well, keep in mind he just beat jangbi 3-1 and is 6-3 against jangbi in his entire career.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
Translation: You're wrong! My theory still stands, with a few exceptions...okay, everything you brought up. But still, I'm right!! Really!
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
Translation: You're wrong! My theory still stands, with a few exceptions...okay, everything you brought up. But still, I'm right!! Really!
How is Nal_ra going 1-5 against non ace/brand new players an exception or Oov going 1-4 against non-ace players. What about midas who is 2-8 in his last 10 or Casy 3-7 in his last 10.
I'm not trying to say that I'm right and everybody is wrong which you would have known if you had read the entire post.
What I was trying to say is that the competition nowadays is just so much strong I mean look at people like Flash Leta Jangbi Stork Jaedong Forgg (Okay not in TvP) Best Fantasy Mind Free and many others, how can you be a bonjwa with this much competition from AMAZING players.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
hwasin, midas, casy, yarnc, sea, light were all in their prime
nal_ra, reach, anytime, iloveoov were still very strong
nada won the OSL (and masters) shortly after savior
absolutely ridiculous. You're using 2008 stats (and badly badly warping them lol) to prove that these guys were worthless in 2006/7?
No I'm not talking about 2006/7 at all I'm saying that they're not doing as well with today's competition.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
hwasin, midas, casy, yarnc, sea, light were all in their prime
nal_ra, reach, anytime, iloveoov were still very strong
nada won the OSL (and masters) shortly after savior
absolutely ridiculous. You're using 2008 stats (and badly badly warping them lol) to prove that these guys were worthless in 2006/7?
No I'm not talking about 2006/7 at all I'm saying that they're not doing as well with today's competition.
Still, 2008 stats don't say much about their 2006 skill since many of the players you listed had started to slack off and gone downhill by then. Only a few players can stay close to their top level for more than a couple of years, and you bring up stats when they are half retired?
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
hwasin, midas, casy, yarnc, sea, light were all in their prime
nal_ra, reach, anytime, iloveoov were still very strong
nada won the OSL (and masters) shortly after savior
absolutely ridiculous. You're using 2008 stats (and badly badly warping them lol) to prove that these guys were worthless in 2006/7?
No I'm not talking about 2006/7 at all I'm saying that they're not doing as well with today's competition.
First, don't use all caps.
Second, obviously Nal_ra and Casy and Midas suck recently, they are old, over the hill, almost-retired progamers who are past their prime. Using recent statistics for these guys as proof of it being "easier" for Savior back then is completely misguided.
That's like me citing 2008 Savior stats (the horrible ones) and saying wow Bisu had no competition when he played Savior in 2007, that year was so weak if someone as bad as Savior (using his 2008 stats as proof) could win so many MSLs. Or oh hey fOrGG is 3-5 in 2009, Jaedong must've really sucked in 2008 to lose an MSL to him. 2008 is just so much easier than 2009, look at fOrGG!
Do you see why using this line of logic is stupid?
It's also pretty obvious that the periods bonjwas dominate are getting shorter and shorter due to more competition and more games played and it would be nice if people don't post "reasons" why Bisu is not a bonjwa, which applied to ipxzerg even more.
On February 09 2009 10:02 Atrioc wrote: You guys...
there was a point in KESPA history when sAviOr was four-hundred points higher than the #2 (NaDa) and one-fucking-thousand pointshigher than the #3. That is so far above his closest competitors that there isnt a shadow of a doubt in his ability to beat anyone on earth.
You cannot say the same about Bisu at this point.
This was when the rest of the players were quite bad though keep in mind. The amount of great players and the level of the greatest players has increased so much since then.
People who were past their prime for the most part along with a lot of poor players is what I should have said, and look what happened when Savior played firebathero... I think you would know.
Now look at what happens when most of these players play people in these days? In games after 2008:
Iloveoov 4-4 3 wins coming from players on ace so essentially 1-4
Hwasin is admittedly still playing well.
Nada I was not referring to as he was second on Kespa
midas 25-29 However he is 2-8 in his last 10
yarnc is still playing quite well
Casy 8-12 which is quite impressive considering he plays for Ace but 3-7 in his last 10
Kingdom hasn't played a single game in 2008 but he's coaching SKT protosses and one of them is a candidate for the next bonjwa so....
Nal_ra is 4-5 in 2008 which is not terrible but 3 of his wins are over Daezang Oversky and Punsoo.
Firebathero Sea light and GGplay and anytime I won't talk about because honestly they're not doing bad at all, I never once said all these people were noobs simply that the majority of players in these times were not exactly the greatest and that there are so many more great players in these days. Look at the top 30 Kespa it's ridiculous but as I said my point was not that they are all TERRIBLE just that the competition was not as fierce as it is these days.
hwasin, midas, casy, yarnc, sea, light were all in their prime
nal_ra, reach, anytime, iloveoov were still very strong
nada won the OSL (and masters) shortly after savior
absolutely ridiculous. You're using 2008 stats (and badly badly warping them lol) to prove that these guys were worthless in 2006/7?
No I'm not talking about 2006/7 at all I'm saying that they're not doing as well with today's competition.
First, don't use all caps.
Second, obviously Nal_ra and Casy and Midas suck recently, they are old, over the hill, almost-retired progamers who are past their prime. Using recent statistics for these guys as proof of it being "easier" for Savior back then is completely misguided.
That's like me citing 2008 Savior stats (the horrible ones) and saying wow Bisu had no competition when he played Savior in 2007, that year was so weak if someone as bad as Savior (using his 2008 stats as proof) could win so many MSLs. Or oh hey fOrGG is 3-5 in 2009, Jaedong must've really sucked in 2008 to lose an MSL to him. 2008 is just so much easier than 2009, look at fOrGG!
Do you see why using this line of logic is stupid?
Comparing the mere KESPA points is invalid, because the calculation and amount of games being played has changed vastly.
As for whether Bisu (or anyone for that matter) can be considered a bonjwa: you have to look far beyond a list of titles. I,E. Savior wasnt bonjwa because he won 3 MSLs, but because of the sheer dominance he displayed in his gameplay and mentality. I havent yet seen this from Bisu, not in a similar fashion and a comparable amount of time anyway.
imo, the age of bonjwas is dead. The competition is too fierce. Bisu is undoubtedly #1 right now in this age of fierce comp, which really says something. Like he said, he doesn't want to be a Bonjwa who rises up, dominates, and fades into oblivion. He just wants to be the most consistent winner. He just wants to be forever best.
I think Bisu is a favourite over any other progamer right now but not in the same way that sAviOr was. Bisu is really fucking good. sAviOr was the Matler.
Zelduck that is kind of what I'm trying to say, the competition is just too strong these days for there to be a bonjwa I suppose I am just really bad at getting my point across :S.
Ya.. i'm not sure about all this bonjwa talk.. but seriously. Definate props go to Bisu[Shield]
the 1st Protoss player to gain such major acheivements. 1st Protoss to win 3 MSL titles ( even though he's won other tournaments to date ) 1st Protoss to surpass ELO rating of 2300
Probably the single-most player responsible for reinventing Protoss vs. Zerg matchups as well as bringing about the "golden age of Protoss" and paving the way for the Six-Dragons, leading the way in terms of strategy, form and inspiration for tons of Protoss users.
the mans a pimp of the game. All Hail Bisu[Shield], God of Protoss!
On February 09 2009 01:32 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: If you have to ask if he's bonjwa, he's not bonjwa.
this pretty much summed it up during saviors reign, he wasn't questioned, he was the pinnacle of starcraft. you knew, in any bo5 against all but maybe like zergman or some z v z specialist, it was an autobet on savior no matter the maps. god, his osl run was so sick.... unbelievable.
On February 28 2009 18:15 konadora wrote: Then why were people (SPOILER FOR TODAY'S OZ VS SKT1) + Show Spoiler +
saying things like 'omg bisu won't make it','i'm a bisu fan but hate to say it, i think jaedong might win'
I agree, Bisu can't really be thought of as a Bonjwa until he can regularly take down beasts like Jaedong and Flash.
Exactly, that's my point. Until he gives you the great confidence, regardless of who the opponent may be, that 'Nah, it's Bisu, he's gonna win for sure.', he's not Bonjwa. I felt that during Savior's prime. Now, not for Bisu.
wow im kinda new i never thought that savior was so fucking beast, I mean i knew he was good in his prime but well... :O how long did savior bonjowing go on?
PPL u should understand 1 thing. Even when Savior was a beast and bonjwa he also lost to mediocre players. He also lost too much PL games while he was fucking everyone in OSL,MSL.
On March 01 2009 06:47 monstar123 wrote: PPL u should understand 1 thing. Even when Savior was a beast and bonjwa he also lost to mediocre players. He also lost too much PL games while he was fucking everyone in OSL,MSL.
which makes sense because? Pl and OSL/MSL are just too different from 3 years ago.
The only reason, as stated before Bisu isn't considered one is because he isn't dominant. Sure, Savior and the like lost to mediocre players in PL but they DOMINATED other top tier players or pulled out damn near certain death victories. In other words - they won when it counted.
Savior vs Iris is possibly one of the greatest ZvT series of all time and when you watch it you can't help but think Savior was THE top dog. Iris gave him HELL and he still won.
On March 01 2009 06:59 3 Lions wrote: No sure if anyone said this already, but... Jaedong or Flash will get there first.
Flash is not good vs big names (Best,Leta,Bisu for recent examples) but yeah he rapes lesser players like nothing Jaedong, well he is the best or 2nd player in the world right now, he can make it.
The thing about Bisu and the bonjwa title is the fact that the title is relative.
I think I remember reading that many people recognize that in terms of raw skill, Bisu is better than at least some of the bonjwas. Why then can he not receive the same title? It's because being a bonjwa has nothing to do with skill, but rather in how dominant a player is. I'm sure almost everyone recognizes this.
The problem is that Boxer, Oov, Nada, and Savior all have the most prestigious title in Starcraft, when Bisu, a player on at least their level (and likely higher), doesn't. Bisu deserves some recognition for having this incredible amount of skill, but he can't be given the title "bonjwa" because of players like Flash and Jaedong, with comparable levels of skill. It seems unfair that he can't have this title simply because there are others who are as good as the previous bonjwas as well. If what I'm saying is correct, then that's the main issue with Bisu. Based solely on titles, people would assume that the bonjwas are better than Bisu, when in reality, he may be the best player in Starcraft history (according to some).
On March 01 2009 06:59 3 Lions wrote: No sure if anyone said this already, but... Jaedong or Flash will get there first.
Flash is not good vs big names (Best,Leta,Bisu for recent examples) but yeah he rapes lesser players like nothing Jaedong, well he is the best or 2nd player in the world right now, he can make it.
Err, what? He loses a few games and suddenly he's "not good vs big names"? That's just silly.
On March 01 2009 06:59 3 Lions wrote: No sure if anyone said this already, but... Jaedong or Flash will get there first.
Flash is not good vs big names (Best,Leta,Bisu for recent examples) but yeah he rapes lesser players like nothing Jaedong, well he is the best or 2nd player in the world right now, he can make it.
Err, what? He loses a few games and suddenly he's "not good vs big names"? That's just silly.
He's 3-9 recently against Bisu,Stork,Jaedong,Leta,Best and these are the big names of vT matchup
He has two recent wins over Jaedong, two over Hwasin, one over Leta, Notice, ForGG, and Kal (on Medusa). He also beat FBH although nobody seems to have any trouble doing that lately. He still has a winning record over Bisu despite a couple of losses recently. You can't just single out his losses and act like that proves he's incapable of beating big name players.
On March 01 2009 07:38 Rostam wrote: He has two recent wins over Jaedong, two over Hwasin, one over Leta, Notice, ForGG, and Kal (on Medusa). He also beat FBH although nobody seems to have any trouble doing that lately. He still has a winning record over Bisu despite a couple of losses recently. You can't just single out his losses and act like that proves he's incapable of beating big name players.
Notice, hwasin, forgg, kal and fbh (Hi i'm slumping) for big names? Maybe kal could be a big man but others are just joke compared to TOP players I dont give a fuck about stats 1 year ago, he's 1-3 against bisu lately
Notice has the best WL record of any player on STX and beat Mind and Leta in TvT. Hwasin was coming off a 2-0 record in the group of death and OSL wins over Mind and Best when he lost to Flash. ForGG has very good TvT. You're taking a small sample of games (a couple from 2-3 months ago and two days worth of losses to Leta and Best) to make a generalization about his play. He's proven he can beat those big names (well, besides Best) in the past, there's obviously no mental block preventing him from doing so again. He'll bounce back.
I dont think Bisu is significantly better than anyone else right now, it's just that the maps are good for Toss right now, what with Desti and Medusa. The fact that Flash is able to hang with Bisu on those maps is incredible by itself.
Pretty sure Flash is still the best player in terms of technical skill. Don't care about results, just look at his play. It speaks for itself when compared to Leta or Bisu's.
Bisu might not have invented the forge fe, sair-dark, and sair reaver like many detractors say, but it doesn't change the fact that he seriously changed how PvZ is played and influenced the game tremendously. That 3:0 rape he delivered to Savior is one of the greatest moments of progaming history.
The standardization of the forge fe and the elevated importance of corsairs in PvZ made by Bisu was just as important as the standardization of the 3hatchmuta in ZvT that Savior made.
When I see that Bisu is going to play a game, I say "I hope Bisu wins". When Savior used to play, it was "Savior's gonna win obviously". So not Bonjwa yet.
On March 01 2009 08:41 mikeymoo wrote: When I see that Bisu is going to play a game, I say "I hope Bisu wins". When Savior used to play, it was "Savior's gonna win obviously". So not Bonjwa yet.
The fact that this thread exists is proof that he's not bonjwa yet.. If he beats JD 3-0 tonight on the other hand I'd say he would be bit closer.
On March 01 2009 08:29 Piy wrote: "Pretty sure Flash is still the best player in terms of technical skill. Don't care about results, just look at his play. It speaks for itself when compared to Leta or Bisu's.
Same with Jaedong."
If we take the technical skill JangBi is #1 world before maGma because they're both fucking beasts when they play in practice. Too bad being really good is also about being a champ and way lessa bout who is "best in technical skill." Be sure, Best is technically 3x better than July and we all know what happened in that OSL. Mindset + superior technique playing together make a player really gosu. Also I do agree to Flash is incredible to watch but you must be a stupid hater if you say Bisu isn't playing just as incredible... hello? Bisu has probably the best multitasking in this world, even tho Jangbi might "seem" faster - Bisu is just a fucking god at being everywhere tearing your shit apart. Also u cannot really compare Bisu and Flash because Bisu's play is aggressive and depending on harass very much. Bisu is a shadow that will hit you when you expect it the least. Now look at how Flash is playing he's passively building up an macro advantage until he is able to roll everybody because u will not find any hole in his play to delay his push. Flash is Art of Defense.
Example to point it out: Would you really compare Maldini with Ronaldo and conclude Maldini is a lot better because he prevented more goals than Ronald shot?
On March 01 2009 08:29 Piy wrote: I dont think Bisu is significantly better than anyone else right now, it's just that the maps are good for Toss right now, what with Desti and Medusa. The fact that Flash is able to hang with Bisu on those maps is incredible by itself.
Pretty sure Flash is still the best player in terms of technical skill. Don't care about results, just look at his play. It speaks for itself when compared to Leta or Bisu's.
Same with Jaedong.
Not gonna be a Bonjwa for a while yet...
Your first statement i have to disagree with. Bisu is amazing, when i watch him play i literally quote lord of the rings and say to myself.
"What can men do against such reckless play"
His play always catches my attention and it is noticeable that against lesser players he just COMPLETELY dismantles them.
And this is not coming from a bisu fanboy. Hell, i don't even particularly like bisu. However i do believe he is the best toss in the world and right now i'd have to say he is very capable of smacking down Jaedong 3-0 today.
But I do not believe Bisu is even close to Bonjwa Status. Where is his reign? i do not live in fear of my favorite players (ie. Light[aLive], oov) coming up against Bisu, he just hasn't achieved that 'aura' a bonjwa of the game has.
Do you know who i do fear though? FlaSh. I fear any man who can have so little time to practice (comparatively) and still NEARLY all-kill every time he gets up into that booth. You say flash doesn't do so well verses the big names. Recently, i can very well see how you get that impression but i'm not looking back at the MSL and OSL knockouts, i'll agree that he lost fair and square (although to bitch about the lack of practice time again is so tempting). I'm looking back at the past year of dominance that has been made and owned in the state of Lee young ho. (I'm not saying Jaedong hasn't been tearing it up for the past year i just think flash has been doing it more)
Bisu is not a Bonjwa yet. Skill wise, he does not have far to go. But he needs 12 months of dominance, 12 months of complete and utter rape and a 27-0 TvZ streak.
N.B Yes. I am biased towards Flash. I don't believe any man could watch him play and not be against proposition 8 from that point onwards.
What also bad luck wise hurts Bisu's Bonjwa status was the fact that a lot of other Protoss players were doing SO well on Protoss favored maps.
With Savior, he was the only Zerg surviving through Terran favored maps. It's things like that that make people say "oh my god wtf!". Put Bisu on T and Z favored maps and yes he will possibly win but it won't be those EPIC games like Savior had where you just shake your head and go what must a Terran do to win on this map vs Savior?
Also yes, Bisu has more skill than past Bonjwas but that's relative to the generation. Oov/Boxer/Nada all had insane "skill" above their peers just as little as Bisu does against Jaedong and Flash...which isn't much. It's not like those guys had it easy back then either.
As some have stated already, Bisu needs at least one OSL gold.. and at least 2 seasons (6 months) consecutive #1 Kespa ranking. Then, in all probability, the majority of people will consider him the favorite in any matchup, any game.. he will be bonjwa.
edit:: rofl. Yeah, we could devise an automatic bonjwa system I'm thinking along the lines, if he has the highest elo and the second best player's elo is less than 90% of his elo, then he's bonjwa...
I think bisu will never be bonjwa. Bonjwa is more like a fan based title and unless he does something stupidly over the rest (like winning 2 more starlegues in a row) the hate will not allow him to reach the status. Plus Protoss is highly susceptible to map imbalance issues (unlike T and Z) wich means 1 map can stop him easily in each starleague (unlike the other bonjwas).
On March 01 2009 09:40 malongo wrote: Plus Protoss is highly susceptible to map imbalance issues (unlike T and Z) wich means 1 map can stop him easily in each starleague (unlike the other bonjwas).
On March 01 2009 07:56 Rostam wrote: Notice has the best WL record of any player on STX and beat Mind and Leta in TvT. Hwasin was coming off a 2-0 record in the group of death and OSL wins over Mind and Best when he lost to Flash. ForGG has very good TvT. You're taking a small sample of games (a couple from 2-3 months ago and two days worth of losses to Leta and Best) to make a generalization about his play. He's proven he can beat those big names (well, besides Best) in the past, there's obviously no mental block preventing him from doing so again. He'll bounce back.
Sorry for late answer, i fell asleep
Notice - He's nobody for me until he qualifies to a SL, even hes record in pl could be 30-1 or something like that Hwasin - Insurance terran, meh Forgg - His worst matchup is TvT for gods sake
My time span is usually 2-3 months not 2 years, the games which played 2 years ago does not show anything for a players level, and there's a truth, he's shaky vs S/S- (does it make sense) class players.
On March 01 2009 08:17 Zalfor wrote: bisu is like july
super good, but not bonwja status
to be a bonwja, u need to revolutionize the way starcraft is played.
The poll at the start is crazy. Do that many people seriously consider Bisu a Bonjwa already? After his recent mistake he can still make it... but he badly needs to win an OSL.
a bonjwa is someone that has no rivals right? is clear-cut the best player of their time? bisu is good, but to say he is a bonjwa sounds as foolish as calling jaedong a bonjwa.
the series had utter rapes from bisu and jaedong, and i think to be raped a couple of times that hard in a bo5 is a sign that you arent dominant. im not saying bisu isnt great, hes fantastic, and the same is true for jaedong. even after his win, i wouldnt consider him a bonjwa either. they are just too close right now for one player to be head and shoulders better
you can't have a clear-cut bonjwa in an era where there are (at least) three top players capable of beating any other player. Bisu has made his case for being called one of the greatest players ever, but he simply can't be a bonjwa, not in this era.
On March 02 2009 06:02 iloveHieu wrote: wow Boxer and Nada long ass time on top of the word, such absolute domination.. the rest have nothing on them.
I wonder who's dominated the longest if you disregard the actual time, and focus only on the amount of games. Coz time means nothing if you don't play games.
How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
On March 02 2009 06:45 Durak wrote: How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
Yeah jaedong has won as many titles as bisu, been as dominant for as long and is clearly better..... OH WAIT?
On March 02 2009 06:45 Durak wrote: How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
Yeah jaedong has won as many titles as bisu, been as dominant for as long and is clearly better..... OH WAIT?
Maybe not as many SL titles (he has three compared to four), but he does have more gold medals and silver medals than Bisu does. And I'm pretty sure the original post was sarcasm. -.-
On March 02 2009 06:45 Durak wrote: How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
Yeah jaedong has won as many titles as bisu, been as dominant for as long and is clearly better..... OH WAIT?
On March 02 2009 06:45 Durak wrote: How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
Yeah jaedong has won as many titles as bisu, been as dominant for as long and is clearly better..... OH WAIT?
Your fanboyism has blinded you to other players stats, like Flash and Jaedong... which are quite frankly just as good if not better.
On March 02 2009 06:45 Durak wrote: How about we start talking about how Jaedong is going to be the next Bonjwa instead. It's pretty clear after beating the fake protoss Bonjwa he's going to be back better than ever. Subjectivity anyone?
Yeah jaedong has won as many titles as bisu, been as dominant for as long and is clearly better..... OH WAIT?
...It really is nonsense to suggest Bisu is a Bonjwa. He's undoubtedly one of the greatest players of all time, but that's all.
That's the crux of my post. You can't simply call a player who's playing well a Bonjwa. If you did, the title would be "current best player" instead.
The "ridiculousness" that you think about calling Jaedong a Bonjwa demonstrates my point. There has been little, if any, discussion about him being a Bonjwa even though he has very similar accomplishments. In fact, he just beat Bisu in a straight up Bo5.
In my opinion, Bonjwa is a title given to a player that has a long enough period of dominance to prove that he is better than all the other players. It is not simply given to a player who is just playing well. As many have said, "You don't need to ask if he's a Bonjwa." This is accepted as true because everyone will agree once a player is a Bonjwa, not just fanboys of his race.
Even if Bisu did win the series there would have been a lot of people still saying he isn't Bonjwa. People would have made random excuses to why he isn't if he won, and now people are making random excuses as to why he isn't because he lost.
This match was not going to decide if he was bonjwa or not, one match never does. A bonjwa must prove himself over an extended period of time not over one game. Now this loss does not help him in his quest to become bonjwa as he made a couple of blaring mistakes. IMHO it is really ignorant to take mistakes from ONE game and use that as proof that he isn't bonjwa material. Every pro gamer losses, no one has a 100% winning percentage. Hopefully he will be able to take the mistakes he made from this loss and improve on them.
I hope to see a OSL final rematch as that last game had soo much build up to it and it ended in such a "weak" fashion.
what i ment with my comment wasnt that bisu is a bonjwa. what i ment was he is obviously nearer the status then jaedong is. saying bisu isnt correct, but saying jaedong is bonjwa is "more" incorrect
On March 03 2009 10:31 Cambium wrote: sixteen pages in, still not a concrete definition of "bonjwa"
No wonder this discussion is going nowhere...
the discussion is going nowhere because its a stupid discussion
bisu is not a bonjwa by any definition other than "highest rated player right now" (which is not an accepted definition)
he doenst have an osl title, a commanding lead in ELO or Kespa points, a winning record vs his rivals, a better winner's league/proleague performance than his rivals, a long stretch at kespa #1, and most importantly
On March 03 2009 10:31 Cambium wrote: sixteen pages in, still not a concrete definition of "bonjwa"
No wonder this discussion is going nowhere...
the discussion is going nowhere because its a stupid discussion
bisu is not a bonjwa by any definition other than "highest rated player right now" (which is not an accepted definition)
he doenst have an osl title, a commanding lead in ELO or Kespa points, a winning record vs his rivals, a better winner's league/proleague performance than his rivals, a long stretch at kespa #1, and most importantly
he just lost to the #2 in a best of 5, despite promising to win the series if he won the first game. bonjwas dont do that
and just when the winning record against the rivals became a bonjwa factor, statistically all the previous kings were getting owned by someone in particular , boxer- garimto, oov- july, savior-bisu. By pure winning percentage Bisu is performing not worse than the so called bonjwas during their primes, but the thing is that KTY can not make a considerable gap between JD,Flash and himself. They are just playing so very good as well. For one to shine,another need to suck at the same time, you know...
On March 03 2009 10:31 Cambium wrote: sixteen pages in, still not a concrete definition of "bonjwa"
No wonder this discussion is going nowhere...
the discussion is going nowhere because its a stupid discussion
bisu is not a bonjwa by any definition other than "highest rated player right now" (which is not an accepted definition)
he doenst have an osl title, a commanding lead in ELO or Kespa points, a winning record vs his rivals, a better winner's league/proleague performance than his rivals, a long stretch at kespa #1, and most importantly
he just lost to the #2 in a best of 5, despite promising to win the series if he won the first game. bonjwas dont do that
and just when the winning record against the rivals became a bonjwa factor, statistically all the previous kings were getting owned by someone in particular , boxer- garimto, oov- july, savior-bisu. By pure winning percentage Bisu is performing not worse than the so called bonjwas during their primes, but the thing is that KTY can not make a considerable gap between JD,Flash and himself. They are just playing so very good as well. For one to shine,another need to suck at the same time, you know...
Your examples are suspect since:
#1 - Boxer has a winning record over Garimto, 6-3, and Garimto could hardly be considered a rival.
#2 - Oov has a winning record over July, 13-12, and the only time he met up with July in a finals situation (with money on the line) he won 3-0 e-z. That is what a bonjwa does to their rivals.
#3 - Bisu was never savior's rival. They didnt meet at all until Gom TV MSL S1 finals, and Bisu's victory simply ended sAviOr's reign.
And lastly, saying that the other good players need to start sucking in order for Bisu to shine is the wrong way of looking at it. Bisu needs to play better. Right now he isnt dominant, just consistently good.
As a Bisu fan, I will say that Bisu is not a bonjwa.
And in fact, I would rather that he never become a bonjwa. For it seems that, when people become so impeccably dominant that they don't think they can lose, they gain (at least internally) a huge ego that causes them to be unable to accept defeat when someone finally stops their domination streak.
As Bisu says, all the bonjwas of the past have ended up falling into a deep abyss and never attaining the same high caliber of skill that they were known for having.
I'd rather Bisu be a really consistent player that just manages to keep winning as time passes, as opposed to a completely dominant, overpowering player that ends up falling into the abyss after THAT ONE PLAYER manages to completely topple him.
Even if Jaedong is better than Bisu, I think only blind fanboys and hardcore anti fanboys can say that Jaedong is VASTLY SUPERIOR to Bisu. In my opinion, sometimes Jaedong plays better and sometimes Bisu plays better, similar to the Lee-Ssang rivalry between Jaedong and Flash.
But why does it matter if Bisu is bonjwa or not? He's a good player who revolutionized the essence of PvZ. That's good enough for me.
On March 03 2009 11:31 Kyo Yuy wrote: As a Bisu fan, I will say that Bisu is not a bonjwa.
And in fact, I would rather that he never become a bonjwa. For it seems that, when people become so impeccably dominant that they don't think they can lose, they gain (at least internally) a huge ego that causes them to be unable to accept defeat when someone finally stops their domination streak.
As Bisu says, all the bonjwas of the past have ended up falling into a deep abyss and never attaining the same high caliber of skill that they were known for having.
I'd rather Bisu be a really consistent player that just manages to keep winning as time passes, as opposed to a completely dominant, overpowering player that ends up falling into the abyss after THAT ONE PLAYER manages to completely topple him.
Even if Jaedong is better than Bisu, I think only blind fanboys and hardcore anti fanboys can say that Jaedong is VASTLY SUPERIOR to Bisu. In my opinion, sometimes Jaedong plays better and sometimes Bisu plays better, similar to the Lee-Ssang rivalry between Jaedong and Flash.
But why does it matter if Bisu is bonjwa or not? He's a good player who revolutionized the essence of PvZ. That's good enough for me.
this is a good post
you are a good bisu fan
and any jaedong fan that thinks he is vastly superior to bisu is dumb as hell after those games (+ their proleague games + that game they had on blue storm a year ago)
bisu/jaedong/flash are all so fucking close it can go either way almost every time
On March 03 2009 11:08 Atrioc wrote: #2 - Oov has a winning record over July, 13-12, and the only time he met up with July in a finals situation (with money on the line) he won 3-0 e-z. That is what a bonjwa does to their rivals.
On March 03 2009 11:08 Atrioc wrote: #2 - Oov has a winning record over July, 13-12, and the only time he met up with July in a finals situation (with money on the line) he won 3-0 e-z. That is what a bonjwa does to their rivals.
Oov lost 1-3 in the ITV finals.
Sorry I didnt know that was for money. Still with iTV going out of business and all + Oov having a winning record overall vs July, I think the point still stands. Oov fought a tough opponent but he came out ahead overall.
On March 03 2009 11:08 Atrioc wrote: #2 - Oov has a winning record over July, 13-12, and the only time he met up with July in a finals situation (with money on the line) he won 3-0 e-z. That is what a bonjwa does to their rivals.
Oov lost 1-3 in the ITV finals.
Sorry I didnt know that was for money. Still with iTV going out of business and all + Oov having a winning record overall vs July, I think the point still stands. Oov fought a tough opponent but he came out ahead overall.
eh, Oov's reign was over before he took the lead in the head to head
On March 03 2009 11:08 Atrioc wrote: #2 - Oov has a winning record over July, 13-12, and the only time he met up with July in a finals situation (with money on the line) he won 3-0 e-z. That is what a bonjwa does to their rivals.
Oov lost 1-3 in the ITV finals.
Sorry I didnt know that was for money. Still with iTV going out of business and all + Oov having a winning record overall vs July, I think the point still stands. Oov fought a tough opponent but he came out ahead overall.
eh, Oov's reign was over before he took the lead in the head to head
The mere fact that his bonjwa status is hotly contested means, by definition, that he is not a bonjwa.
A bonjwa is granted the title [insofar as the title is a bestowed honor] by popular acclaim and general consent. Since there is obviously no consent on Bisu being a bonjwa, he cannot therefore be one.
The Bonjwa pattern has holes as well NaDa 3 OSLs Oov 2 OSLs Savior 1 OSL Bisu 0 OSL(?)
Maybe Savior will be the last one of the 3-MSLers to win an OSL.
Enjoy the Flash/Jaedong/Bisu rivalry as long as you can, because JD and Bisu will most likely slow down(not be the #1s of their race) in 2-3 years since they're already 19 years old. NaDa is the rare exception as he was the best Terran in during Shinhan2/3/masters back in 2006/2007 at the age of 23.
On March 03 2009 12:37 Guybrush wrote: The Bonjwa pattern has holes as well NaDa 3 OSLs Oov 2 OSLs Savior 1 OSL Bisu 0 OSL(?)
No, because its still only the 1st OSL that takes place during the "Bonjwa reign"
NaDa has 3 OSL's, but two are from radically different time periods. To say the OSL he got over anytime in 2006 is from the same "bonjwa" period as the OSL he won over Chojja in 2003 is ludicrious.
Same with Oov's 2nd OSL title, which only came after he was raped 5-0 by sAviOr in CYON (and by Xellos) and was clearly no longer the Monster/Bonjwa.
For all we know sAviOr could win an OSL next season - but the 3msl1osl pattern wouldnt change.
On March 03 2009 12:37 Guybrush wrote: The Bonjwa pattern has holes as well NaDa 3 OSLs Oov 2 OSLs Savior 1 OSL Bisu 0 OSL(?)
No, because its still only the 1st OSL that takes place during the "Bonjwa reign"
NaDa has 3 OSL's, but two are from radically different time periods. To say the OSL he got over anytime in 2006 is from the same "bonjwa" period as the OSL he won over Chojja in 2003 is ludicrious.
Same with Oov's 2nd OSL title, which only came after he was raped 5-0 by sAviOr in CYON (and by Xellos) and was clearly no longer the Monster/Bonjwa.
For all we know sAviOr could win an OSL next season - but the 3msl1osl pattern wouldnt change.
which is kinda funny. If you want to say Bisu is bonjwa, either his bonjwa period was 2 years ago when he won the MSLs, or its now when he has a chance to win an OSL
winning the two with a two year gap inbetween doesnt really count.
quite simply, bonjwa is being dominant. So dominant that only four players in the entire history of starcraft can lay claim to it despite all the big names.
as much as I wanted to see a Bisu/JD OSL final, it's nice that it appears that Bisu's bonjwa bid is done (imo at least). I think everyone can agree his last 6 months of play have been phenomenal, but he's still nowhere close to a bonjwa level of dominance.
To be like a Bonjwa (god I hate the word, so overused) I think you have to be alone! You cannot have people that are on the same domination / skill level as you are (Flash, Jaedong).
edit: he played so well, expanding, harassing, defending, everything was so perfect except that one moment where he forgot about his wraith; but the dropship/goliath interception was so sick it made up for that. It was like oov and Boxer were in his booth, telling him what to do. Actually it was like oov and Boxer were in Bisu's booth, telling fantasy what to do by walkie-talkie. Amazingly well played.
Ahaha, i saw this thread on the sidebar, and didn't realize it was an old thread. I instantly though, 'damn it, Bisu won, now the fanboys will never shut up.' Hurray for being wrong :D
On March 21 2009 04:24 Lucktar wrote: Ahaha, i saw this thread on the sidebar, and didn't realize it was an old thread. I instantly though, 'damn it, Bisu won, now the fanboys will never shut up.' Hurray for being wrong :D
Same here. I thought "you must be kidding me; one win and the Fantasy bandwagon already set off".
But I am still shocked how easily Bisu went down last night. Shocking...
On March 21 2009 03:06 fanatacist wrote: I hate people. Seriously.
being considered "bonjwa" is not some arbitrary slang word, its about the most difficult and honorful to achieve nickname for a pro... only 4 people ever had it and nobody has had it since 2007. Its about the same as these "grandmaster" titles in chess or smth, only that the criteria to be "bonjwa" are not as clearly defined as grandmaster in chess is. But still, the fact that the SC community is widely in agreeance to call boxer/nada/savior/oov bonjwa shows you the term "bonjwa" has its right. People will see when a new bonjwa turns up (if a bonjwa ever turns up again) and call him that and only a very small portion of antifans will disagree.
On March 21 2009 03:06 fanatacist wrote: I hate people. Seriously.
being considered "bonjwa" is not some arbitrary slang word, its about the most difficult and honorful to achieve nickname for a pro... only 4 people ever had it and nobody has had it since 2007. Its about the same as these "grandmaster" titles in chess or smth, only that the criteria to be "bonjwa" are not as clearly defined as grandmaster in chess is. But still, the fact that the SC community is widely in agreeance to call boxer/nada/savior/oov bonjwa shows you the term "bonjwa" has its right. People will see when a new bonjwa turns up (if a bonjwa ever turns up again) and call him that and only a very small portion of antifans will disagree.
I think what matters is how the opening poster said "I heard that koreans fans gone crazy after Bisu winning the GCL, the fans are arguing now about that is Bisu the 5th Bonjwa or not".
Look, I'll be the first to admit that the talk will have to be put away for a while until Bisu can start winning consecutive championships. But the anti-Bisu/Bonjwa hate is out of proportion. Having a 'Bonjwa' or best of everyone is always a good thing for any sport. With Jordan in the NBA, Tiger in golf, Gretzky/Lemieux in hockey, their success made their respective sports that much more appealing to people.
Were Bisu to become the next Bonjwa, his skill coupled with his good looks would create a wonderful opportunity for Starcraft to grow, especially outside of Korea as the release of SC2 approaches. The fact that many people here wanted Bisu to fail so much demonstrates a lack of foresight.
On March 21 2009 03:06 fanatacist wrote: I hate people. Seriously.
being considered "bonjwa" is not some arbitrary slang word, its about the most difficult and honorful to achieve nickname for a pro... only 4 people ever had it and nobody has had it since 2007. Its about the same as these "grandmaster" titles in chess or smth, only that the criteria to be "bonjwa" are not as clearly defined as grandmaster in chess is. But still, the fact that the SC community is widely in agreeance to call boxer/nada/savior/oov bonjwa shows you the term "bonjwa" has its right. People will see when a new bonjwa turns up (if a bonjwa ever turns up again) and call him that and only a very small portion of antifans will disagree.
I think nobody will doubt that Boxer/Nada/Savior/Oov were bonjwa.
Well, Bisu was at the top of FakeSteve`s Power Rank for 7 months (technically 8, but I do not count the 8th since that is when he was defeated by Mind). Does that count?
While I wanted Bisu to become a Bonjwa, I think he might have just wasted his chance by losing to fantasy. While that does not necessarilly mean he cannot still become Bonjwa, I just do not think he will have enough time to establish himself as one before the scene starts to switch to SC2, which leaves me quite dissapointed.
The problem with July is that even at his strongest, he wasn't ever at a level above his competition. He was the foil to oov much like yellow was to boxer, but his accomplishments, while impressive, weren't elevated above those of his contemporaries to the same extent that the bonjwas' were.
On March 23 2009 12:07 FieryBalrog wrote: Man some of the people in here. LARRY BIRD SUCKS BECAUSE ALL THE PLAYERS TODAY ARE MORE SKILLED. By that logic Boxer is a total noob too.
All sports get inflated skill levels over time. Do you think Babe Ruth would stand a chance in today's Baseball?
I don't know much a bout baseball, but it seems like the technical skill he had back then would carry well to any era of baseball.
On March 21 2009 14:46 brad3104 wrote: I dont understand how July isnt on this list of 4.
Because he was never the undisputed best at any time.
yeah. along with nal_ra, reach, goodfriend, anytime etc. they're recognized as second tier bonjwa's--incredibly skilled players--but not the dominating force that the title bonjwa is granted to.
On March 21 2009 07:55 latent wrote: Were Bisu to become the next Bonjwa, his skill coupled with his good looks would create a wonderful opportunity for Starcraft to grow, especially outside of Korea as the release of SC2 approaches. The fact that many people here wanted Bisu to fail so much demonstrates a lack of foresight.
I'm sorry. You don't get to be Bonjwa because you look good. Or because it would create a wonderful opportunity for SC to grow outside of Korea with SC2's release approaching.
You get to be Bonjwa by proving that you deserve it. And I'm not seeing the kind of domination from Bisu that is deserving of that.
Bisu is unquestionably the top Protoss player. But being Bonjwa is about more than just being the top player of a certain race. It means that you are, unquestionably the best StarCraft player on the planet, that you can crush the best of all 3 races and do so consistently over a period of time.
Bisu has yet to show that. Winning back-to-back individual leagues is a good start, but a good start is not what makes a Bonjwa. When even your biggest detractors cannot help but accept your status as the current true Master of StarCraft, then you're Bonjwa.
However, I would also go so far as to say that having a Bonjwa is bad for StarCraft. As much as Jordan made the public care about pro basketball during his reign of domination, it also made the tournaments boring. You knew who the winner was going to be before the game even started.
I'm a fairly recent convert into watching StarCraft, so I've never actually lived through a period of Bonjwa. But I do know this; I much prefer that there are several people who have a strong chance of taking a tournament to having one favorite and if someone beats them in the finals, then it's an upset.
I like it that the MSL final was Jangbi vs. Luxury, people who are not best of their respective races (though clearly second or third best). It's a surprise. Did anyone guess that this would be the final? Odds are, no; Jangbi fans certainly didn't expect that it'd be him vs. Luxury, and likewise for Luxury fans. I like it when tournaments are so close that the #2 or #3 of a race has a reasonable shot of taking the whole thing.
On March 21 2009 12:48 konadora wrote: I think nobody will doubt that Boxer/Nada/Savior/Oov were bonjwa.
Undoubtedly. However, that doesn't change the fact that the term is ill-defined. That there isn't an objective measure of when someone achieves Bonjwa status and when someone has lost it. It's basically if everyone starts calling you that, then you are. You get a title because the mob gives it to you.
It would be nice if there was some actual objective measure of one's Bonjwa-ness.
After watching the OSL, I have to say Jaedong is a candidate for Bonjwa. The man always wins in the end. He has the Bonjwa instinct of hating to lose and fighting on no matter what.
After watching the OSL, I have to say Jaedong is a candidate for Bonjwa. The man always wins in the end. He has the Bonjwa instinct of hating to lose and fighting on no matter what.
After watching the OSL, I have to say Jaedong is a candidate for Bonjwa. The man always wins in the end. He has the Bonjwa instinct of hating to lose and fighting on no matter what.
His career 68.51% according to tlpd is insane. He might not be called bonjwa thing cause overall sc level is too high, but i have no doubts he's the best to ever play the game, the best of all time, for sure the best right now
Listen, if an Oz fan just HAPPENS to pull this back up the day of the final I think having a spoiler there doesn't mask what happened or what your post is supposed to mean.
But on to the subject raised - give it some time. Best player now and DOMINANCE over a period are 2 different things. A super bowl winning team is not necesarily one of the greatest teams of all time, nor one of the most dominant.
In fact, simply posting on this thread causing it to bump is essentially a spoiler.
The standard of bonjwa needs to decrease, there will never be a bonjwa in sc1 ever again because the level is too high. Jaedong is bonjwa in my eyes, you have to be blind not to see it.
On February 08 2009 02:12 Hot_Bid wrote: you just don't drop out at the Ro32 in your "best" mu if you're the dominant player.
PvZ is his worst!
For any terran/zerg 4 golds, two silvers and a bronze would be enough titles to secure the "bonjwa" title. But since the man himself doesn't want to be one (becouse bonjwas fall hard), let's not call him that.
part of being bonjwa is being essentially undefeatable -- the other is having every player be a significant underdog vs. said bonjwa. it's highly doubtful that jaedong will ever achieve either of these.
the idea of bumping this thread as a result of a 3-2 final result is absurd to begin with. if jaedong had won 3-0, then maybe.
in all seriousness, there will never be another bonjwa in the traditional sense for the remainder of sc1's lifespan. jaedong is a really good player -- possibly the best in the world right now. let's leave it at that.
when will you fuckers learn. there will never be a protoss bonjwa. protoss sucks. they don't have the aggressive abusiveness of the zerg, nor do they have the micro hacks of the terran. their late game spells and units suck compared to zerg. bisu was only good for a while because of his new build but everyone has adapted by now. bisu literally plays perfect protoss. if he isn't bonjwa now, he never will be.
On April 04 2009 23:17 tKd_ wrote: The standard of bonjwa needs to decrease, there will never be a bonjwa in sc1 ever again because the level is too high. Jaedong is bonjwa in my eyes, you have to be blind not to see it.
It is the same with Jaedong now as it was with Bisu a month ago -- absolutely, he'd crush the bonjwas of the past. But like you said, there's too many highly, highly skilled players today for one to be dominant over 1-2 years like the old bonjwas. It's not the same long-term dominance for Jaedong since this is his first starleague win in almost 13 months.
On April 04 2009 23:27 Polyphasic wrote: when will you fuckers learn. there will never be a protoss bonjwa. protoss sucks. they don't have the aggressive abusiveness of the zerg, nor do they have the micro hacks of the terran. their late game spells and units suck compared to zerg. bisu was only good for a while because of his new build but everyone has adapted by now. bisu literally plays perfect protoss. if he isn't bonjwa now, he never will be.
just give it up.
If protoss sucks, how come people play it?
You are stupid.
Also protoss has micro hacks too, its just not as visible and not as big as terrans. And protoss can be uber abusive too.
protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each. EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each. EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.
oh forgot, hurrrrrrrrrrr
this is going to get funny :popcorn:
the only reason EMP is so good is because it prevents the overpowered protoss spells
if you think vultures are cheap, look at reavers, no friendly splash damage, not to mention mines are more capable of taking out terran units b/c of low HP than protoss units
On April 04 2009 23:27 Polyphasic wrote: when will you fuckers learn. there will never be a protoss bonjwa. protoss sucks. they don't have the aggressive abusiveness of the zerg, nor do they have the micro hacks of the terran. their late game spells and units suck compared to zerg. bisu was only good for a while because of his new build but everyone has adapted by now. bisu literally plays perfect protoss. if he isn't bonjwa now, he never will be.
just give it up.
I expected to meet a bunch of "Jaedong is Bonjwa" posts, but I guess not. Both of them are extremely good, that's all you can say.
On April 04 2009 23:27 Polyphasic wrote: when will you fuckers learn. there will never be a protoss bonjwa. protoss sucks. they don't have the aggressive abusiveness of the zerg, nor do they have the micro hacks of the terran. their late game spells and units suck compared to zerg. bisu was only good for a while because of his new build but everyone has adapted by now. bisu literally plays perfect protoss. if he isn't bonjwa now, he never will be.
just give it up.
I expected to meet a bunch of "Jaedong is Bonjwa" posts, but I guess not. Both of them are extremely good, that's all you can say.
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each.Dont forget fucking up can kill all your shit aswell as his! EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. Dont forget this is a slow spell that if youre paying attention you can dodge! A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.Dont forget taht all your vultures in the front are going to get analed by splash!
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each.Dont forget fucking up can kill all your shit aswell as his! EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. Dont forget this is a slow spell that if youre paying attention you can dodge! A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.Dont forget taht all your vultures in the front are going to get analed by splash!
oh forgot, hurrrrrrrrrrr
lets fix this..
too much hurrrrrrrr
Besides - protoss can mind control and use ALL the spells(and double supply). Super OP imo.
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each.Dont forget fucking up can kill all your shit aswell as his! EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. Dont forget this is a slow spell that if youre paying attention you can dodge! A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.Dont forget taht all your vultures in the front are going to get analed by splash!
oh forgot, hurrrrrrrrrrr
lets fix this..
just because you lost to a guy that abuses D/D- players up to C doesn't mean protoss is imba =[[[[[[
On March 21 2009 14:46 brad3104 wrote: I dont understand how July isnt on this list of 4.
Because he was never the undisputed best at any time.
yeah. along with nal_ra, reach, goodfriend, anytime etc. they're recognized as second tier bonjwa's--incredibly skilled players--but not the dominating force that the title bonjwa is granted to.
second tier bonjwa? there's no such thing
And July and Ra easily stand above Reach, Anytime and especially badfriend.
Bonjwas in the past was only able to become bonjwas because they were the only really good player at their time. Now its so much harder to become bonjwa because everyone is practicing so much and atm we have like 2-3 really good players, imo such as bisu jaedong and flash(not enough accomplishments) when they peak their play. The word bonjwa word in itself isn't fair anymore. Stuff that Bisu, jaedong and flash(again, not enough accomplishments but he'll get there^^) have done is way harder and have probably taken more practice and sweat to accomplish than what savior oov and the other bonjwas did.
So if people look back at the 10 years or whatever of starcraft when starcraft 2 is out i dont think the bonjwas should be credited more than the best players of today. There was 4 bonjwas, these were the greatest players etc is bs imo and i'd say the greatest players of starcraft is boxer oov savior nada bisu jaedong so far. Closely followed by alot of players such as july stork flash(thus far) jangbi etc...
edit: I know you can't change the meaning of the word bonjwa, but you should invent a better word meaning: One of the best of all time, and not the single best player at his time. This way it would be fair for all the players.
On April 05 2009 02:57 StylishVODs wrote: Bonjwas in the past was only able to become bonjwas because they were the only really good player at their time. Now its so much harder to become bonjwa because everyone is practicing so much and atm we have like 2-3 really good players, imo such as bisu jaedong and flash(not enough accomplishments) when they peak their play. The word bonjwa word in itself isn't fair anymore. Stuff that Bisu, jaedong and flash(again, not enough accomplishments but he'll get there^^) have done is way harder and have probably taken more practice and sweat to accomplish than what savior oov and the other bonjwas did.
So if people look back at the 10 years or whatever of starcraft when starcraft 2 is out i dont think the bonjwas should be credited more than the best players of today. There was 4 bonjwas, these were the greatest players etc is bs imo and i'd say the greatest players of starcraft is boxer oov savior nada bisu jaedong so far. Closely followed by alot of players such as july stork flash(thus far) jangbi etc...
edit: I know you can't change the meaning of the word bonjwa, but you should invent a better word meaning: One of the best of all time, and not the single best player at his time. This way it would be fair for all the players.
On April 05 2009 02:57 StylishVODs wrote: edit: I know you can't change the meaning of the word bonjwa, but you should invent a better word meaning: One of the best of all time, and not the single best player at his time.
On April 05 2009 00:19 IdrA wrote: protoss' spells suck? what? hurrrrrr all your shit is dead hurrrrrr all your shit is useless for a minute and still eats up supply hurrrrrr all my shit is in your base whenever i feel like it
One of the Cheapest + Fastest units in the game and 3 mini nukes that deal 125 damage each. EMP that can render multiple arbiters useless and multiple spell casters in 1 - 2 shots. A unit that can deal up to 85 damage per volley.
oh forgot, hurrrrrrrrrrr
this is going to get funny :popcorn:
the only reason EMP is so good is because it prevents the overpowered protoss spells
if you think vultures are cheap, look at reavers, no friendly splash damage, not to mention mines are more capable of taking out terran units b/c of low HP than protoss units
That's why you don't leave your units over a large clump of mines when the other player is zealot bombing. Just like you try not to run your own units under storm while your storming.
And what are you talking about preventing overpowered protoss spells? Have you ever seen a game where the terran has a large 3-3 army vs a protoss army that has arbs and storm then an emp catches the arbs and ht? The protoss army melts so fast it's unbelievable. Those 'overpowered' spells are necessary because if they weren't there protoss would get rolled every single battle late game.
Maybe you should learn the game before making comments lol