On September 17 2016 18:53 Duvon wrote: Last night I checked Foxflowers for the blacksmithing quest. 50g a piece for a common flower?
You need them for a ton of things and Highmountain is really bad about spawn points.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Those numbers for the Blood of Sargeras look(or should be) placeholders or they will once again completly destroy (gathering) professions(which they did before so who knows). Market will crash too.
Foxflower is hard to get because the spawn points are super awkward, filled with mobs and hard to walk to in the mountains.
Shadow with the 10min potion is what shadow should be like baseline hehe. Makes the withered scenario a breeze, i love it. Too bad i only just found out about it, all those failed runs that ended at dro.
there arent enough mats on my high pop server to buy potions
I really hope I dont have to herb over the weekend
Flasks still selling for 1k each on my server, feelsgoodman being a herb/alch. Feelsbadman no rank3 flask recepies after making hundreds of them.
Since the 10%movespeed cloaks got nerfed I have to consider the 200str ones now. Which go for roughly 12k atm lol. Fuck that.
On September 18 2016 01:33 Emnjay808 wrote: Since the 10%movespeed cloaks got nerfed I have to consider the 200str ones now. Which go for roughly 12k atm lol. Fuck that. So get the 150str one instead.
Since the mat requirements for the top enchants are so high and the gains so low I dont see the point of getting them considering the current economy.
8748 Posts
On September 18 2016 02:11 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On September 18 2016 01:33 Emnjay808 wrote: Since the 10%movespeed cloaks got nerfed I have to consider the 200str ones now. Which go for roughly 12k atm lol. Fuck that. So get the 150str one instead. Since the mat requirements for the top enchants are so high and the gains so low I dont see the point of getting them considering the current economy. especially when a bunch of new gear is about to drop. would have to be really rich, or really concerned about first clear of heroic raid and +10 keystone, to justify all the best gems and enchants on 850 gear. some people are that rich though
United Kingdom20275 Posts
They sped up the su'esh quest by like 3-5x
51334 Posts
thinking of picking this up and playing the new dh class - worth resubbing and buying? (used to raid with the tl guild during mists but quit because raids clashed with classes)
Raids aren't released yet, will next week, but overall the consensus seems to be very good leveling experience, okaish lvl 110 grind if a bit quest heavy, high hopes for raids and mythic+ dungeons. DH is fun if you like mobility. a bit OP right now it seems. Cyro plays one and could guide you more.
On September 18 2016 19:44 GTR wrote: thinking of picking this up and playing the new dh class - worth resubbing and buying? (used to raid with the tl guild during mists but quit because raids clashed with classes)
DH is fun to play and the gameplay so far has been great, but DHs are super overrepresented atm in raiding guilds. We have 5 of them.
On September 18 2016 19:44 GTR wrote: thinking of picking this up and playing the new dh class - worth resubbing and buying? (used to raid with the tl guild during mists but quit because raids clashed with classes)
DH dps is extremely boring in my opinion. You wait for 35-60s cooldowns and the rest of the time you press 2-3 buttons. The mobility is great and is only going to get better due to mastery, but I wouldn't want to raid with that spec, since everything aside from movement is boring, even the class campaign is uninteresting.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
a bit OP right now it seems
one of the very best on the AOE side, ST is average
You wait for 35-60s cooldowns and the rest of the time you press 2-3 buttons
regular DH you have:
Demon's Bite (no cooldown)
Chaos Strike (no cooldown)
Fel rush, 10s CD with 2 charges
Throw Glaive, 10s CD with 2 charges (reduced by haste)
Blade Dance, 10s CD (reduced by haste) - this means that regular cooldown is gonna be around 9 seconds, but the haste and buff from meta puts it at ~4.5s CD. Throw glaive is ~6s w/ meta alone
Vengeful Retreat (15s CD, triggers momentum and gives 40 fury)
Interrupt (15s CD - has 20 yard range, gives you 50 fury and locks them for 3s, very nice interrupt and fun to play around with during short burst phases like nuking an add or eye beam metamorphosis talent)
Eye Beam (45s CD)
Chaos nova (40s-1min CD AOE stun)
Fury of the Ilidari (1 min offensive CD)
Blur (1 min offensive+defensive CD)
Eye beam and chaos nova both have their cooldowns reduced by some of the same mechanics which can reset them a lot in dungeons
lvl 110 talents are all good - one of them gives an AOE spell that you can use several times per minute, another puts you in demon form for a small period of time after using eye beam (~25% haste buff, big dmg buff to some abilities, 100% leech if you have that talent) and the last one is a 2min CD that is focused around single target and buffs damage by a lot for 12 seconds.
Metamorphosis is the big cooldown that starts at a 5 min CD, drops to 4 minute with artifact levels and can be 3 minutes at the lowest if you put all three relics towards it - it lasts 30 seconds
I don't think this is too few buttons, it's a lot to keep track of and use effectively. I've never met a perfect DH, just less than a handful of guys that came close and few hundred that messed up most of their stuff.
Netherlands45349 Posts
They are nerfing Demon Hunter aoe from what I know(to be fair its kind of ridic), Demon Hunters are like DKs in WOTLK, grossly overpowered right now cause its new and shit
which attributes to a lot of them in dungeons being idiots.
A lot of people play them, if you are going to play 1, you will be one in a sea of Demon Hunters so if you are looking to fill a niche or something or want to feel wanted(yes its a thing) you should play a ranged dps or a healer instead.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
FYI they are nerfing Demon Hunter aoe from what I know
Nerfing some stuff, they chose to make the 110 AOE talent worse because it wouldn't affect single target. Havoc is still easily one of the great AOE specs without selecting that talent and it's going to stay that way for a long time i guess unless they rework all of your abilities to do less damage to secondary targets. Many of the main hard hitting abilities like Fel Rush just hit everything in range for full damage and many of your main talents support and encourage that.. it's just part of the class design at this point.
which attributes to a lot of them in dungeons being idiots.
Random heroic queue is a trainwreck no matter what class or role they are right now. You can queue as tank and get #1 damage done, #1 healing done at the same time
i've had good experiences w/ the group finder for mythics
So all of my Withered Trainings so far have failed due to bugs:
1-3 - Withered AI bug, they stack on my pet (who tanks the mobs) and refuse to attack. 4-5 - Soul Flame bug. Affliction has an ability, Soul Flame, that triggers on a mob death and does a burst of AoE damage. In the Egg Room, it somehow causes the small spiders to infinitely spawn and infinitely die, locking the game up while Soul Flame triggers infinite times.
I fucking hate this scenario. Especially the last 2 since I had to force quit the game and get 0 rewards. All of the other times I get 0 chests because the instant I engage a boss all my withered just stop attacking and stack on my pet, which means they get hit by every single AoE spell regardless of how I move my pet or the boss.
From a pvp standpoint, I really hope they nerf Metamorphosis duration.
I have no issue with strong CDs, but 30sec + all the talents that can give it more time ? Given the fact they do 300k damage spenders and have 100% leech during it ? Uuuuuuuggh...
United Kingdom20275 Posts
I hope that they use the pvp tech to adjust stuff like that if it's a problem there
On September 19 2016 00:30 Cyro wrote: I hope that they use the pvp tech to adjust stuff like that if it's a problem there
It's nothing from the pvp talents or template there tho. Just meta being way too long. Not sure if they're going to be willing to just reduce the duration in pvp only. I hope