4713 Posts
I have to say, the Death Knight class campaign was epic, you feel like a real badass doing most of the quest and it keeps most of the grim personality and flair that started since Wrath.
I'm just disappointed by some of the choice of followers: + Show Spoiler +I'd have prefered if you raise Lothar instead of Trollbane, Grommash instead of Nazgrim and probably Saurfang instead of Whitemane. That would have made for the most epic 4 horsemen of all time, such a wasted opportunity.
What irks me about the class hall though is the follower limit. I understand they didn't want it to be like WoD where you had like 30 active followers all doing missions, however 5 is too few and its problematic.
Since you only have 5 followers and 3 specializations you'll inevitably only have 1 follower of a specialization active at a time and 2 of the others, which leads to issues if you get 2 missions that require that certain specializations.
You could argue that you can disable a follower and reactivate another of the spec you need, however what if that follower isn't leveled or geared?
Also it sucks having to disable and reactivate followers because it feels like such a useless artificial gold sink.
Oh and if you want to have a combat follower its even worst because you'll have 2 of 1 spec and just 1 of the other.
It also doesn't help that my DK followers are mostly bad-asses and I love them all and want them all.
A much better solution would have been 7 active followers, that way you can have 2 of each spec and one combat follower.
Its lit fam.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Lol DE it! I got the neck on my protection warrior but yeah that one looks even better. Ok stats too (Strength>Verst>Mastery>Haste our stat weights) so grats, but the 10 rage = 1% hp damn thats pretty huge. I am sat at 2.4million hp to thats; 2.4k hp every 10 rage which is like every time you press a button xD
So rogues got Valeera and I as a warrior got Odyn?? Noooo Thank god this is not my account
Yeah lots of warrs are pretty upset about the class hall lore.
On September 14 2016 20:30 Solmyr wrote:So rogues got Valeera and I as a warrior got Odyn?? Noooo Thank god this is not my account 
Rogues have a lot of lore relevant characters (none of them have died in the story). All of them play a part in the rogue compaign quest. Valeera plays a role later in the class campaign with specific quests and objectives.
I really liked the rogue campaign quest all the way until the very last quest.
+ Show Spoiler +The quest requires a lot of stealth but it's a complete joke of a stealth area compared to doing the assassination artifact stealth area. I was disappointed about that but the story part was really good imo.
Having recently completed the priest campaign, I must say that I found it fairly entertaining and fun to complete. That said, I never want to do it again, so I hope other class campaigns are sufficiently different lol.
8748 Posts
I got turned down by a guild that was not even top 1000 HFC. FML. But I don't think their raid spots are competitive... their raid roster is simply full so they don't want to bring in anyone, even if they're better than their current players. I guess I knew guilds like that existed but I was shocked to get rejected after I felt like I was settling for them. I mean I linked them top 5 historical parses. Like I had top 3 parse for my class of any DK in the world, and 90th+ percentiles on every fight compared to DK's in top guilds. And not only that but I'm maining a healer for Legion so world class DPS might not even be my greatest contribution to them!
Well I don't think I'm gonna be able to find a guild that fits my schedule, especially not a decent one. This kinda sucks. Why is it no one can be done raiding by 10pm eastern? That's not even that early ;( Everyone stays up so late and then sleeps in? But don't you have jobs/school in the morning? And when do you exercise? I don't get it.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Exercise before raids after work is what i do, but i will be plgging this expansion running stuff friday nights and saturday probably. Can't commit to raiding guilds when im not back from gym / eaten until around 8pm uk (9pm server time).
Then again aren't most guilds raid times like 7-10 anyway or is it different in America? Most in EU are on the basis of 7-10 server or 8-11 maybe which for me turns into 7-10
Playing WoW with the Grimgar OST in the background. Life is good.
On September 14 2016 22:15 farvacola wrote: Having recently completed the priest campaign, I must say that I found it fairly entertaining and fun to complete. That said, I never want to do it again, so I hope other class campaigns are sufficiently different lol.
I abandoned my DH after I hit 110 (two launch days wasted ) and the campaign up to that point was really lame. Afterwards I leveled my mage and it is really well done. Mage class hall and campaign are top notch imo.
8748 Posts
On September 14 2016 22:25 Pandemona wrote: Then again aren't most guilds raid times like 7-10 anyway or is it different in America? Most in EU are on the basis of 7-10 server or 8-11 maybe which for me turns into 7-10 It seems really rare. Going until 11 opens up a lot more opportunities and then there are a ton more that go to midnight and later.
Finally geared up all 3 of my guys to 850. Now I can relax until next week.
Christ, that must have taken quite a bit of free time lol
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Haha nice work, hardest part for me on an alt isn't the gearing its the fact i have to do all that Suaramar awful crappy quests T_T
yea getting suramar done is awful after the first run through. Especially now that all the ancient mana spots are being camped.
On September 14 2016 19:25 Destructicon wrote:I have to say, the Death Knight class campaign was epic, you feel like a real badass doing most of the quest and it keeps most of the grim personality and flair that started since Wrath. I'm just disappointed by some of the choice of followers: + Show Spoiler +I'd have prefered if you raise Lothar instead of Trollbane, Grommash instead of Nazgrim and probably Saurfang instead of Whitemane. That would have made for the most epic 4 horsemen of all time, such a wasted opportunity.
+ Show Spoiler + Eh, Lothar might be TOO iconic. I like Trollbane because they were able to tell more story of Stromgarde, rather than what they usually do and pretend that Stormwind is the only human kingdom ever. I think we've had enough of Grom and Garrosh. Nazgrim is a fan favorite so why not. I think you NEED Whitemane, such a fan favorite character from Vanilla, and I think they needed that archtype of the "light wielding death knight" that made Sir Zeliek in the original four horsemen so cool. I think the current four horsemen are completely fine.
8748 Posts
On September 14 2016 23:18 Spicy_Curry wrote: Finally geared up all 3 of my guys to 850. Now I can relax until next week. Is that with crafted or do you run mythics multiple times to get gear from other people?
BTW other random question: Have that many people found 845+ gear to the point that the 6 piece class hall set 500 main stat bonus gets overtaken? I've got several 845-850 pieces but when I calculate the stat change (ignoring the stamina) it looks like I'm gonna need almost all 850 pieces ready for when I break up that set bonus. I have a socket on one of my set pieces so that also makes it harder to replace. Anyway it's weird because I see almost no one else rocking the 6 piece when I'm 90% sure it'd be an upgrade for them. They don't have the order resources I guess?
Random comment: Annoyed by people running Mythics early in the week when you can get more AP by always waiting for one more AK order to finish before you do your Mythics. I should still be able to find a group easily as a healer later but the irrationality of some people irks me anyway.
Wow, mythics are indeed quite a joke once one hits around 840 as a holy priest.
When does Mythic+ start? With raids?