Well, i will try for luck here, as ticket time is on 4 days right now (holy f... it is being messy the release or they really fired a lot of GMs...).
I did the introduction quests for stormheim, and then did the whole quests on highmountain. When i went back i got the first 2 quests (the ones where you have to kill poisoned stuff, and charge a battery with that green mucus). I went back to deliver the quests, but i didn't get the next batch of quests. I searched through the area and no quest would pop. Continued searching around and no quest mark anywhere.
This stops me from being able to reach friendly status with the faction, and thus preventing me from doing world quests with my warrior.
Any word on it ? Someone knows how to fix this ? I am horde by the way.
Try deleting the Cache folder? I mean that sounds weird but it's usually suggested to fix everything. From the world map not showing world quests to whatever.
That's the first thing i did, but nothing.
Thank you anyways.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Melee shaman is the most played shaman spec while noone plays ele according to that data, maybe you misread?
I did, my bad :D
There is a lot more data in there that i didn't look at too
Well, i will try for luck here, as ticket time is on 4 days right now (holy f... it is being messy the release or they really fired a lot of GMs...).
I'm 3-4 days into a ticket by now as well. I got one reply but the GM that replied assumed that i was misunderstanding something that i actually was not and they didn't comment on the real issue. They probably can't fix it but waiting multiple days to get an irrelevant answer, replying to that answer within 10 minutes and then waiting multiple days AGAIN is kinda annoying
Still getting the fel rush disconnect bug daily, but like once or twice rather than 10 times now
I'm surprised there are so many balance druids. I always got the impression that it was a very niche spec, but damn it's 2nd most popular among druids on reddit.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Ive only seen an elemental shaman ocne and it was his offspec cause I was healing.
On September 14 2016 06:37 Tachion wrote: I'm surprised there are so many balance druids. I always got the impression that it was a very niche spec, but damn it's 2nd most popular among druids on reddit.
They are very good in PvP right now, and satisfying to play if not the best in PvE.
Full Moon is fun, aoe rotting people is fun.
Also, as a tank druid, devilsaur shock leash is doing 7-12% of my single target dps. It's quite nice.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Also, as a tank druid, devilsaur shock leash is doing 7-12% of my single target dps. It's quite nice.
How much damage are you doing? Our prot paladin in full DPS setup is bursting to the 400k range which is pretty insane, he actually beats me on havoc DH occasionally when i'm not specced into chaos blades.
battle.net went down 20 mins ago while we had last dungeon boss @20% hp
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/IHkFQ3y.png)
came up a bit before maintainence time and we got the boss with 3 people :D
RE: Warlocks. The problems are that affliction is overpowered in dungeons but underpowered in raids, Destruction is boring and only great on 2 target fights, and Demo is great single target but the rotation is weird and focused on longer CDs.
I posted a long-ass thread about the problems with Affliction (my personal favorite spec) and a couple suggestions on how to fix it. The short version is that our talents and artifact give us massive benefit from killing lots of little adds, which Affliction is horrible at doing and don't often happen in boss fights. Either the Artifact needs a redesign or we need an ability that lets us charge it without having to kill things or wait.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
affliction is overpowered in dungeons
Do you have any gameplay vids of clearing a dungeon or an idea of the DPS listed at the end of the dungeon on overall data? I've never played with even a half decent afflic lock but i had the opposite impression based on complaints and it being a somewhat DOT focused spec.
On September 14 2016 11:30 Cyro wrote:Do you have any gameplay vids of clearing a dungeon or an idea of the DPS listed at the end of the dungeon on overall data? I've never played with even a half decent afflic lock but i had the opposite impression based on complaints and it being a somewhat DOT focused spec.
It requires a specific spec that no one runs, because all it's good at is clearing trash exceptionally fast (Sow the Seeds + Phantom Singularity + Soul Flame + Wrath of Consumption). But Affliction on fast trash pulls does an insane amount of damage. In Mythic+ they'll be high tier, but you'll have to bring a ton of tomes to respec before bosses or you do nothing to them with the trash spec. I've hit over a million DPS on big trash pulls.
The problem is that it can't do anything in raids because it doesn't do any damage without the artifact trait active and it requires souls from kills to charge which don't happen during boss fights. In a dungeon, though, you go into the boss with full souls and can keep it up pretty much the entire fight.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
I'm more interested in the actual average DPS @ the end of dungeon. It's hard to describe AOE because of pull sizes and how long the burst is - a number like 300 million damage done @200k dps or @400k DPS is pretty final for judging the ability to apply damage as you've gone through the dungeon.
My friend lend me an account and I am playing bit on the start of the Legion. My question is: What happened to Valeera Sanguinar? I tought she is related to Vrynn family, a protector of Anduin of some sort and companion of his father. I have not seen her in the first few scenes. She does not protect Anduin in Stormwind either. She appeares later in the story? Did she leave Alliance and joined her Blood elves brothers in Horde? Or did she serves MrYagut now ?
On September 14 2016 12:03 Cyro wrote: I'm more interested in the actual average DPS @ the end of dungeon. It's hard to describe AOE because of pull sizes and how long the burst is - a number like 300 million damage done @200k dps or @400k DPS is pretty final for judging the ability to apply damage as you've gone through the dungeon.
That really doesn't matter when you're trying to speedrun the place. The build annihilates trash in short order, bring 2 other single target dps and you're gold.
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Would like to see it w/ dmg meters
The good AOE specs do way more damage than the bad ones by that metric in my experience
Even w/ one class that has insane AOE the trash clear times are still dominating my runs. Sure, we can pull a lot and blow them up very quickly but then my cooldowns are gone, the next pull is half as big and takes twice as long etc.
The bosses just don't take very long:
On September 14 2016 05:52 vult wrote: One thing that i do need to complain about is the fact that world quests that arent "PvP related", specifically killing a boss or mob, is impossible on Alliance for me. I know i am on a PvP server for a reason and i shouldnt complain, but when Blizzard allows my server/battlegroup to be so lopsided in population of factions to the point where i almost never see other Alliance and only Horde (who usually 4+vs1 me), then its completely negating the concept of "fair PvP".
**Not even mentioning the buggy as fuck follower/bodyguard system that can stick a 4M health bear to you that can cast spells and wont de-aggro for a long time.
Get an invite to a PvE server, or one with alliance favored imbalance.
I really do not know which class to play, I'm torn between playing the Monk I started one year ago or so. He's level 73. The problem is, that I would like to be a tank but in my experience almost every guild has their tank slot already filled with someone... So I tried a hunter - always hated them - and I'm loving it! Problem? As far as I know he's one of (if not THE) the most played class(es) in WoW. I hate playing an overrepresented class (yeah special snkowflake here)...
Netherlands45349 Posts
Hunter doesn't appear to be that overrepresented anecdotally anymore(rogues are pretty rare actually), DKs and DH a plenty tho.
On September 14 2016 13:33 Solmyr wrote: My friend lend me an account and I am playing bit on the start of the Legion. My question is: What happened to Valeera Sanguinar? I tought she is related to Vrynn family, a protector of Anduin of some sort and companion of his father. I have not seen her in the first few scenes. She does not protect Anduin in Stormwind either. She appeares later in the story? Did she leave Alliance and joined her Blood elves brothers in Horde? Or did she serves MrYagut now ? She has no official connection to the Alliance that I know of. She certainly is not a protector of Vrynn or Anduin atm.
She is however part of the rogue campaign, she sit at the table of the Uncrowned and offers the Subtlety artifact weapon. I don't know her involvement past that as I haven't leveled my rogue yet.