United States15536 Posts
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Friday, Apr 04 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Cloud9 HyperX (20-4) XDG (6-18)19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Team Coast (9-15) Curse Gaming (9-15)20:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Counter Logic Gaming (16-8) Cloud9 HyperX (20-4)21:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Dignitas (10-14) Curse Gaming (9-15)22:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Evil Geniuses (6-18) Team SoloMid (20-4)23:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Saturday, Apr 05 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) XDG (6-18) Dignitas (10-14)19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Zed, Lucian, Jinx Bans: Kha'zix, Lulu, Evelynn
Picks: Lee Sin, Karma, Corki, Ziggs, Trundle Picks: Tresh, Elise, Jayce, Draven, Orianna
Team SoloMid (20-4) Team Coast (9-15)20:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Lee Sin, Nidalee, Zed Bans: Kha'zix, Lulu, LeBlanc
Picks: Tresh, Elise, Shyvana, Jinx, Gargas Picks: Lucian, Evelynn, Jax, Leona, Ahri
Curse Gaming (9-15) Counter Logic Gaming (16-8)21:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Lee Sin, Lucian, Ziggs Bans: Heimer, Rammus, Poppy
Picks: Lulu, Caitlyn, Karma, Renekton, Elise Picks: Thresh, Kha'zix, LeBlanc, Jinx, Shen
Dignitas (10-14) Team Coast (9-15)22:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Jax, LeBlanc, Nidalee Bans: Kha'zix, Lulu, Thresh
Picks: Lee Sin, Evelynn, Annie, Corki, Zed Picks: Leona, Lucian, Pantheon, Shyvana, Ryze
Counter Logic Gaming (16-8) Evil Geniuses (6-18)23:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Heimer, Zed, Kha'zix Bans: Lulu, Renekton, LeBlanc
Picks: Lee Sin. Lucian, Leona, Shyvana, Orianna Picks: Tresh, Nidalee, Ziggs, Caitlyn, Elise
Team SoloMid (20-4) Cloud9 HyperX (20-4)00:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Lee Sin, LeBlanc, Kha'zix Bans: Trundle, Tresh, Lulu
Picks: Lucian, Shyvana, Karma, Elise, Gragas Picks: Renekton, Evelynn, Morgana, Corki, Soraka
Sunday, Apr 06 7:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Dignitas (10-14) Counter Logic Gaming (16-8)19:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: LeBlanc, Evelynn, Lulu Bans: Zed, Draven, Elise
Picks: Kha'Zix, Annie, Orianna, Ezreal, Jayce Picks: Tresh, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Lucian, Trundle
Evil Geniuses (6-18) Curse Gaming (9-15)20:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Renekton, Heimer, Tresh Bans: Kha'zix, Lee Sin, Evelynn
Picks: Lulu, Lucian, Leona, Panteon, Ryze Picks: Nidalee, Elise, Morgana, Caithlyn, Trundle
XDG (6-18) Team SoloMid (20-4)21:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: LeBlanc, Zed, Renekton Bans: Lee Sin, Lulu, Kha'zix
Picks: Tresh, Elise, Jinx, Orianna, Ryze Picks: Shyvana, Evelynn, Karma, Corki, Syndra
Cloud9 HyperX (20-4) Team Coast (9-15)22:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Jax, Thresh, Leona Bans: Lulu Kha'zix, Soraka
Picks: Lucian, Karma, Gragas, Nocturn, Renekton Picks: Lee Sin, Evelynn, Annie, Caitlyn, LeBlanc
XDG (6-18) Evil Geniuses (6-18)23:00 GMT (+00:00)+ Show Spoiler [Bans and Picks] + Bans: Nidalee, Heimer, Zed Bans: Kha'zix, Lulu, Tresh
Picks: Ryze, Pantheon, Caitlyn, Orianna, Morgana Picks: LeBlanc, Leona, Lee Sin, Lucian, Evelynn
+ Show Spoiler [Overall] +
+ Show Spoiler [Apr 4] ++ Show Spoiler [Apr 5] ++ Show Spoiler [XDG v DIG] +Poll: Recommend XDG vs Dig Spring Week 11?Yes (1) 14% No (3) 43% If you have time (3) 43% 7 total votes Your vote: Recommend XDG vs Dig Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [TSM v CST] +Poll: Recommend TSM vs Coast Spring Week 11?Yes (0) 0% No (3) 50% If you have time (3) 50% 6 total votes Your vote: Recommend TSM vs Coast Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [CRS v CLG] +Poll: Recommend Curse vs CLG Spring Week 11?Yes (0) 0% No (2) 67% If you have time (1) 33% 3 total votes Your vote: Recommend Curse vs CLG Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [DIG v CST] +Poll: Recommend Dig vs Coast Spring Week 11?Yes (8) 73% No (2) 18% If you have time (1) 9% 11 total votes Your vote: Recommend Dig vs Coast Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [CLG v EG] +Poll: Recommend CLG vs EG Spring Week 11?Yes (2) 25% No (6) 75% If you have time (0) 0% 8 total votes Your vote: Recommend CLG vs EG Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [TSM v C9] +Poll: Recommend TSM vs Cloud9 Spring Week 11?Yes (10) 83% No (2) 17% If you have time (0) 0% 12 total votes Your vote: Recommend TSM vs Cloud9 Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [Apr 6] ++ Show Spoiler [DIG v CLG] +Poll: Recommend Dig vs CLG Spring Week 11?Yes (12) 80% No (3) 20% If you have time (0) 0% 15 total votes Your vote: Recommend Dig vs CLG Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [EG v CRS] +Poll: Recommend EG vs Curse Spring Week 11?Yes (1) 25% No (0) 0% If you have time (3) 75% 4 total votes Your vote: Recommend EG vs Curse Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [XDG v TSM] +Poll: Recommend XDG vs TSM Spring Week 11?Yes (12) 92% No (0) 0% If you have time (1) 8% 13 total votes Your vote: Recommend XDG vs TSM Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [C9 v CST] +Poll: Recommend Cloud9 vs Coast Spring Week 11?Yes (19) 100% No (0) 0% If you have time (0) 0% 19 total votes Your vote: Recommend Cloud9 vs Coast Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler [XDG v EG] +Poll: Recommend XDG vs EG Spring Week 11?Yes (5) 45% No (3) 27% If you have time (3) 27% 11 total votes Your vote: Recommend XDG vs EG Spring Week 11? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
+ Show Spoiler +
Thanks to Shiroiusagi for the banner.
EG vs XDG, EG pls don't get #8 ;..;
This will be painful as an EG fan.
It could happen that TSM/C9/CLG all 4-0 Curse. But Curse are the Dig killers, so that's what's keeping them out of relegation. And Coast/Dig have good results vs the lower teams.
As far as first place goes, TSM vs C9 and C9 vs CLG are the clutch games to watch.
TSM has an easy week other than the C9 match. Their other matches are the bottom 3 (Coast/XDG/EG). So odds of TSM #1 are bigger than C9 #1 imo.
Dig will end up #4 most likely, Crs and Coast have hard matchups left over for them. XDG is atm the only team that has a negative win record against every other team. EG just has more 0-3/0-4 than them vs the better teams, whereas XDG has amassed 1 win vs every team except TSM.
Exciting week for sure, even though a lot of the standings seem to be set in stone already.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
XDG has to beat C9 AND TSM to make the play offs? This is going great to hurt ;_;
C9 vs CLG will be exciting to watch but it doesn't really matter for standings; C9 is very unlikely to fall to 3rd place even if they lose to CLG. (CLG would have win every game, C9 would have to lose every game, and CLG would have to beat C9 again in the tiebreaker match for 2nd). CLG also might not have as much motivation to practice, since they cannot fall below 3rd place no matter what happens, and are extremely unlikely to be able to get 2nd. They definitely don't have motivation to pull out any special strategies this week.
XDG and EG still have chances to make playoffs but they're very slim. A bigger priority is to avoid LMQ in relegations, which makes XDG vs EG the most important match this week.
Looking forward to the C9/CLG and C9/TSM matchups since those games are always really fun!
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
C9 vs TSM should be good. Also C9 vs CLG, can't wait
I think Pobelter/Xmithie are both going to get picked up should either team not make out of relegations so meh on XDG/EG being eliminated.
I'm really excited about C9 vs CLG, AND there's a C9 vs TSM game. wowowowow, so happy. GOGO C9 HWAITING!
On April 03 2014 16:38 KissBlade wrote: I think Pobelter/Xmithie are both going to get picked up should either team not make out of relegations so meh on XDG/EG being eliminated.
Eh EG will probably buy a whole team. Maybe keep this one on as sister team, create one good team out of the two.
On April 03 2014 00:49 Fusilero wrote: XDG has to beat C9 AND TSM to make the play offs? This is going great to hurt ;_;
Look on the bright side. IF they can do it then they have a great chance to WIN the playoff. Big IF though.
I want to coast win this split, they nearly won prev split.
The land of freedom23126 Posts
On April 04 2014 02:20 skykh wrote: I want to coast win this split, they nearly won prev split.
They nearly got eliminated into Challenger scene by team with Bobbyhankhill on adc you wanted to say?
Even though.
3 games to watch, other not rly. Winner of C9-TSM against CLG in finals few weeks later.
Really the most important game is EG-XDG or rather the games involving EG and XDG.
Cuz unless there is a colossal fuckup lomocrew will be in the LCS next split and one of the two out
On April 02 2014 23:59 Doctorbeat wrote: EG vs XDG, EG pls don't get #8 ;..;
This will be painful as an EG fan.
It could happen that TSM/C9/CLG all 4-0 Curse. But Curse are the Dig killers, so that's what's keeping them out of relegation. And Coast/Dig have good results vs the lower teams.
As far as first place goes, TSM vs C9 and C9 vs CLG are the clutch games to watch.
TSM has an easy week other than the C9 match. Their other matches are the bottom 3 (Coast/XDG/EG). So odds of TSM #1 are bigger than C9 #1 imo.
Dig will end up #4 most likely, Crs and Coast have hard matchups left over for them. XDG is atm the only team that has a negative win record against every other team. EG just has more 0-3/0-4 than them vs the better teams, whereas XDG has amassed 1 win vs every team except TSM.
Exciting week for sure, even though a lot of the standings seem to be set in stone already. However, C9 has a 2-1 head to head lead against TSM; if they beat TSM again, they should make #1 even if they then lose to CLG, as both TSM and C9 would end 23-5 but with a 3-1 head to head tiebreaker in favor of C9. If TSM beats C9, TSM should go 4-0 and finish first. As such, whoever wins the TSM v. C9 game should grab the #1 spot (I'm assuming TSM and C9 win their respective games against the teams ranked 4-8, which is likely but not a given).
EDIT: And yeah EG v. XDG is the most important match by far, if EG wins then it's curtains almost guaranteed for XDG because that'll give EG one more win over them AND give EG the 3-1 head to head tiebreaker advantage; if XDG wins, then they're still in the race to avoid last place, but EG could force a tie-breaking rematch.
Hoping CLG can beat C9, rest of the games are just practice (Well technically C9 is practice but would really like the 2-2 record against them this split).
Bring on the playoffs!
Pitcairn19291 Posts
United States15536 Posts
On April 04 2014 23:11 Roffles wrote: TSM's the best
Full-on remission.
On April 04 2014 23:11 Roffles wrote: TSM's the best Guess we'll find out on Saturday
Hm just looked up the standings and realized that the top 2 and the bottom 2 are basically decided. That sucks.
On April 04 2014 23:45 Redox wrote: Hm just looked up the standings and realized that the top 2 and the bottom 2 are basically decided. That sucks. The order of the bottom 2 is really important though, as the last place gets stuck against LMQ in relegation and are therefore almost certain to lose their LCS spot, whereas 7th place still goes to relegations but will have a much better fighting chance for keeping their LCS spot.