When: Starting from 12th November. Every Tuesday and Thursday 09:30 GMT (+00:00)
Round of 16: 4 Groups; Best of 3 single tournament
Round of 12: Best of 3 single tournament 1st round: Teams which dropped out of OGN Winter RO16 (4) + Winners of NLB RO 16 (4) 2nd round: Teams which dropped out of OGN Winter RO16 (4) + Winners of 1st round
Round of 8: Best of 3 single tournament Teams which dropped out of OGN Winter RO8 (4) + Winners of NLB RO12 (4)
That's awesome that there is English casting. I find it too hard to get into without it. Plus I'm so starved of pro Kor play that I have to tune in tonight.
Round of 12: Best of 3 single tournament 1st round: Teams which dropped out of OGN Winter RO16 (4) + Winners of NLB RO 16 (4) 2nd round: Teams which dropped out of OGN Winter RO16 (4) + Winners of 1st round
the first round are teams that placed 4th in ogn groups, and the second round are 3rd place teams I assume?
Prime in OGN seems like a very tall order, although I would love to see it, too. However the more realistic thing is probably for us to hope that KeSPA gets that 2nd league (the "LoL ProLeague") as fast out as possible, so we can see them there!
enjoying the sivir and ziggs picks, not sold on sivir as a good pick except for counter lanes, or very spesific comps. Interesting to see koreans do it though