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Would you like to have a serious discussion about drug legislation oneofthem (or anyone else)? Because I'm totally up for it. Or did you just want to take a one-line potshot at supporters of Bernie in the hopes that everybody would share your opinion?
On June 20 2016 10:41 GGTeMpLaR wrote: Video on the wage gap myth and why Hillary is literally pandering for votes based on false premises by continuing to propagate the myth to the masses as a part of her campaign strategy
The wage gap is not a myth at all. First of all, studies have shown that overall there remains a pay gap between men and women for the same jobs, even taking into account various factors like the number of hours worked, the qualifications, etc. (see for example the Invest in women, invest in America - A Comprehensive Review of Women In the U.S. Economy report by the U.S. Congress' Joint Economic Committee). A difference remains, some of which is attributable to gender discrimination (for example in the hiring process). And with regards to STEM jobs specifically, here's another study which shows gender pay disparity in STEM jobs even after controlling for hours, age, experience, education, etc. Second, the existence of statistical differences in occupations between men and women is not at all an argument against the idea that there are differences in earnings between the two that need to be addressed. The point is precisely that social norms and representations about both genders still permeate our societies and contribute to the choices made by individuals with regards to their studies and careers. The pay gap is therefore very real, and it needs to be addressed by targeting both gender discrimination at (and to access) work and the cultural factors that play a role in the professional trajectories of men and women.
Okay you do that me and my girlfriend working on her STEM degree will continue not caring because there is no huge problem equality is better today than it ever has been and in some cases it has actually reversed in the opposite direction where women have inherent advantages in getting hired over men all other factors being equal.
The 'wage gap' is a myth. It implies something it doesn't factually represent. What it represents is something far different and just goes to show what happens when common laypeople get a hold of scholarly data far above their education and run with their own interpretation of it.
This entire post is you disregarding the arguments, facts and studies I just presented you with, and repeating the position that I just addressed (and debunked) instead. If you're not interested in actually discussing the issue and prefer sticking to your misguided narrative, you might as well say so from the start.
Didn't they decriminalise drugs in Portugal a few years ago? War on drugs has failed, better to spend the money on rehabilitation instead of locking people up in jails.
And the terrorist is right when he says we gotta stop bombing their countries.Libya was the richest country in North Africa, not anymore.Syrian war would have been over years ago if not for US funding rebel groups.All a total disaster.Stirring up a hornets nest.
On June 20 2016 17:31 Surth wrote: Would you like to have a serious discussion about drug legislation oneofthem (or anyone else)? Because I'm totally up for it. Or did you just want to take a one-line potshot at supporters of Bernie in the hopes that everybody would share your opinion?
Are we talking about decriminalization of possession or full legalisation?
On June 20 2016 17:35 iPlaY.NettleS wrote: Didn't they decriminalise drugs in Portugal a few years ago? War on drugs has failed, better to spend the money on rehabilitation instead of locking people up in jails.
And the terrorist is right when he says we gotta stop bombing their countries.Libya was the richest country in North Africa, not anymore.Syrian war would have been over years ago if not for US funding rebel groups.All a total disaster.Stirring up a hornets nest.
I think i am going crazy, i actually agree with something NettleS says.
If you could amazon prime up some black tar heroin right now would you? Would anyone you know? I don't know anyone who would throw some into their shopping cart. People that are going to use are already using. IMO It's your body, if you're an adult and you want to do that shit go for it. People already abuse their bodies in plenty of legal ways and no one bats an eye.
I'd prefer to have things be well regulated with information readily available. Taking the money out of the black market, keeping people out of jail, and having free high quality treatment available for people who are addicts. You can also shift cops focus onto actual useful things as well.
That's the ideal for me, I understand that's a long long LONG way to go from where we currently are so I don't expect anything like that to happen overnight. Weed should have been legalized forever ago, lets get that done and work on moving everything else over.
On June 20 2016 20:12 Godwrath wrote: Yes, wether if the criminals still have the drug monopoly or not. Legalization is better imo.
The ability to tax is pretty important as well. Legalization makes the most sense. Anyonr who has taken drugs knows how readily available it is and how useless criminalizing it is.
On June 20 2016 17:31 Surth wrote: Would you like to have a serious discussion about drug legislation oneofthem (or anyone else)? Because I'm totally up for it. Or did you just want to take a one-line potshot at supporters of Bernie in the hopes that everybody would share your opinion?
are you seriously not seeing the political cost of having this thing on the platform? besides, the lack of nuance is incredible.
On June 20 2016 17:31 Surth wrote: Would you like to have a serious discussion about drug legislation oneofthem (or anyone else)? Because I'm totally up for it. Or did you just want to take a one-line potshot at supporters of Bernie in the hopes that everybody would share your opinion?
are you seriously not seeing the political cost of having this thing on the platform? besides, the lack of nuance is incredible.
No no, all drugs should be legal and OTC - why bother with prescriptions? Doctors are all hacks bribed by the medical industry.
The problem with pain killer addiction in the US is a problem. And historical evidence shows that some drugs, like heroin, are to addictive to be managed by personal responsibility alone. Of course there are some drugs, like weed, that are not as big of a problem. But anyone advocating for PCP and meth to be legal are living is some fantasy land where humans don’t get addicted and then do really harmful shit.
On June 20 2016 22:07 Plansix wrote: The problem with pain killer addiction in the US is a problem. And historical evidence shows that some drugs, like heroin, are to addictive to be managed by personal responsibility alone. Of course there are some drugs, like weed, that are not as big of a problem. But anyone advocating for PCP and meth to be legal are living is some fantasy land where humans don’t get addicted and then do really harmful shit.
If people are going to try PCP or Meth, then they're going to try it, legal or not. I would rather have legal meth, where a person knows what's going into their body at his own home than buying illegal meth, and dying because it was mixed with other shit. I don't think it's your problem what vices other people have, and legalizing will help with taxes/build rehab centers.
At least right now, you don't get help from being a drug user. If anything they give you even more drugs.
Some of the taboo surrounding certain drugs is a bit overblown in my opinion. I have done PCP and for me it was nothing like how it is portrayed. It was actually a very calm feeling. If you look at any drug though, you will have some moronic stories of people doing dumb shit(like people jumping off roofs while on acid). Maybe decriminalize drugs and require a license for "harder drugs". Honestly though, i would say alcohol is one of the craziest drugs you can do and there is basically no control of that substance.
I've done an analog of meth, but i can't give you any opinion on the real drug since i havent done it.
On June 20 2016 23:56 Mohdoo wrote: Wow. Trump firing Corey Lewandowski is huge. What in the world is going on over there? Are we about to see some very daunting polls come out?
Why can't we see the firing live and over-dramatized?