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On July 18 2015 13:26 Shiragaku wrote: I do not think GreenHorizons has experienced enough disappointments in his activist career.
That much is obvious. People like GH are also the most likely to burn out once reality does hit. Some folks really need to learn how to temper expectations. I've seen it plenty first-hand myself. He'll either burn-out, be reintegrated into the mainstream, or do something outside politics. Most of the activists I hang out with have done the latter with things like CopBlock, Free State Project, educational endeavors, etc. Activist efforts and money is much better spent on the local level than national politics. Anyways, we'll see how successful this 'Bernie' stuff is on the national level if they can get some congressman elected that are in line with their ideology/movement like we did with Thomas Massie, Justin Amash, etc. It's funny though how haughty he is about his movement when they have no successes yet, unlike the Paul movement.
Even though I don't like Bernie much, there are a lot of things they could learn from other similar movements like Goldwater's and Paul's. The first point is be honest with their expectations. That will stop a lot of burn out. But, hey, what do I know.
Obviously you know nothing about me or what Bernie is doing. We are already working on local candidates and like I said before many of those groups will have representatives at the organizing meeting on the 29th.
We are calling legislators about various pieces of legislation he's put forward, and making a lot of progress.
Although it's just rhetorical so far, Sanders has already dramatically shifted the conversation and how Hillary has to run, and this is just a few months in. Just wait for the first debate and a few more months of Hillary Bashing from the right and this is going to be an entirely different conversation.
On July 18 2015 13:55 LuckyFool wrote: I don't think Bernie appeals to the base of the Democrat party. He appeals to the extreme left side and independents. Anyone more moderate, or with any ounce of conservationism hears him start identifying as a socialist and immediately turn the other way.
I like alot of what Bernie stands for. I totally agree we need a political revolution, and many of the problems he describes are problems that we absolutely should be talking about. I love how honest and authentic he is. He's inspiring to listen to. But man, literally all of his solutions involve 100% federal government intervention. I only see an unsustainable welfare state growing exponentially under him. And he really shouldn't be saying stuff like we need to look more like Europe, especially when Greece is going under and Spain is following suit. When you say we need to look more like places that have been in economic decline for decades, I cringe. There's a reason people don't like hearing about socialism in the United States.
Meanwhile I want to like someone like Scott Walker, but he's so damn boring, he's like Mitt Romney 2.0 without the gray sideburns. Sigh, why does being a conservative suck so bad lately. I've been so into following politics this cycle, but it's like 90% going to end up being Jeb vs HIllary, I doubt I'll even vote in that case.
I doubt anybody can be as uninspiring as Mitt Romney, except perhaps Graham & McCain. Walker's turned on the heat in the past, and I hope so again. Since when do union demands get thwarted by a governor, in Wisconsin of all places.
It's a little early to call any matchup 90%, much less a Bush vs. Clinton rematch. Clinton's been flubbing it up, but helped by the weak field. Rubio's stolen some of Bush's establishment money, and Bush is still fumbling through unpopular immigration positions and just policy speeches in general. Sidenote: I still find it funny that it's "Jeb" and "Hillary" first in my mind, but not Scott, Marco, Ted. Ahh dynasties.
All Trump has to do is pay all the other candidates off with free memberships to his golf courses and free penthouses in his buildings and they will drop out letting him win. That's how real politics works
On July 18 2015 13:55 LuckyFool wrote: I like alot of what Bernie stands for. I totally agree we need a political revolution
a politcial revolution isnt what Sanders stands for.
On July 18 2015 13:55 LuckyFool wrote: And he really shouldn't be saying stuff like we need to look more like Europe, especially when Greece is going under and Spain is following suit. When you say we need to look more like places that have been in economic decline for decades, I cringe.
he is obvious talking about scandinavia. europe isnt a monolith.
On July 18 2015 13:55 LuckyFool wrote: There's a reason people don't like hearing about socialism in the United States.
just to make it clear to all the guys who are worrying about teh evil socialism: Sanders politics are not socialist, Murica is safe even if he wins (which he wont)
On July 19 2015 00:19 whatisthisasheep wrote: All Trump has to do is pay all the other candidates off with free memberships to his golf courses and free penthouses in his buildings and they will drop out letting him win. That's how real politics works
On July 18 2015 02:48 Velr wrote: Romney got trashed because he was too rich friendly.
So... How would Trump not get trashed? He is everything Romney was by a factor of 10.
Romney tried to hide his wealth and the far-left progressives ate him alive with the whole 1% thing.
Trump comes along and says "I'M RICH BITCH! AND I DON'T GIVE A FUUUUUK ABOUT SAYING IT!" Everything the far-left did to Romney isn't going to work here because Trump is appealing, rightly so, to the people who are sick and tired of politicians being bought off. Trump might be "crazy" but if it's the sort of "crazy" that makes him telling special interest to eat a dick because he's going to do shit his way, hen I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.
Now I hear John McCain is complaining that he is 'firing up the crazies'. If John McCain's is against Trump then I'm convinced Trump is doing something right.
McCain might have been unfit to run for president, but Trump is unfit and an absolute asshole: "Mr. Trump said of Mr. McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”" ~ In other news, didn't Trump dodge Vietnam? I'm unaware of any time he fought or trained in the military. He should at least show some respect.
On July 18 2015 02:48 Velr wrote: Romney got trashed because he was too rich friendly.
So... How would Trump not get trashed? He is everything Romney was by a factor of 10.
Romney tried to hide his wealth and the far-left progressives ate him alive with the whole 1% thing.
Trump comes along and says "I'M RICH BITCH! AND I DON'T GIVE A FUUUUUK ABOUT SAYING IT!" Everything the far-left did to Romney isn't going to work here because Trump is appealing, rightly so, to the people who are sick and tired of politicians being bought off. Trump might be "crazy" but if it's the sort of "crazy" that makes him telling special interest to eat a dick because he's going to do shit his way, hen I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.
Now I hear John McCain is complaining that he is 'firing up the crazies'. If John McCain's is against Trump then I'm convinced Trump is doing something right.
McCain might have been unfit to run for president, but Trump is unfit and an absolute asshole: "Mr. Trump said of Mr. McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”" ~ In other news, didn't Trump dodge Vietnam? I'm unaware of any time he fought or trained in the military. He should at least show some respect.
If going after McCain on his military career doesn't drop Trump in the polls I doubt anything will.
What people don't seem to realize is saying stupid things won't hurt Trump because everyone expects him to say stupid things. People can only be destroyed by publicity if they try to pretend to be good and then get caught doing/saying something bad.
On July 18 2015 02:48 Velr wrote: Romney got trashed because he was too rich friendly.
So... How would Trump not get trashed? He is everything Romney was by a factor of 10.
Romney tried to hide his wealth and the far-left progressives ate him alive with the whole 1% thing.
Trump comes along and says "I'M RICH BITCH! AND I DON'T GIVE A FUUUUUK ABOUT SAYING IT!" Everything the far-left did to Romney isn't going to work here because Trump is appealing, rightly so, to the people who are sick and tired of politicians being bought off. Trump might be "crazy" but if it's the sort of "crazy" that makes him telling special interest to eat a dick because he's going to do shit his way, hen I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.
Now I hear John McCain is complaining that he is 'firing up the crazies'. If John McCain's is against Trump then I'm convinced Trump is doing something right.
McCain might have been unfit to run for president, but Trump is unfit and an absolute asshole: "Mr. Trump said of Mr. McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”" ~ In other news, didn't Trump dodge Vietnam? I'm unaware of any time he fought or trained in the military. He should at least show some respect.
If going after McCain on his military career doesn't drop Trump in the polls I doubt anything will.
He'll drop a bit, but if you're Republican you have to be hoping he drops a lot. The way Sanders is going to pull Hillary to the left, Trump will pull Jeb to the right, if he retains this level popularity.
Neither Sanders or Trump are going to win the general election, mind you, but they're still having an effect. It's just amazing that Trump gained favorability among Republicans after the last two weeks - that's really troubling for them. He has horrible favorability in every other group (libertarians dislike him almost as much as hispanics) but as long as there's a sizable chunk of Republican voters that like him and his idiocy, Jeb will probably have to cater to them which hurts his chances in the general election.
If you're a sane republican, you basically want Trump to be wiped off the map, so Jeb can focus on how much smarter/sane/less corrupt he is than Perry/Jindal/Walker.
Luckily for democrats, Sanders doesn't have that level of vitriol from the right.
On July 19 2015 05:33 killa_robot wrote: What people don't seem to realize is saying stupid things won't hurt Trump because everyone expects him to say stupid things. People can only be destroyed by publicity if they try to pretend to be good and then get caught doing/saying something bad.
Trump is just doing what we expect him to do.
I'm not sure on that one. He gets away with it because the stupid things he says are often the stupid things people think but then think better of. It's refreshing to see someone just go ahead and be the asshole.
The McCain line, though, is not a thought that any of his supporters will have entertained. I can imagine an awful lot of bars filled with "f*** yeah" when he was ranting about Mexicans would have gone very quiet after the war hero soundbite. He made an implicit attack on something that's sacred to a lot of his potential base.
I mean, he's still Trump. It'll wash off. But it will cost him, if only by creating a bump in his momentum.
I get to see real live Americans!! WOOO. This is a first for me. I like that fox 10 reporter girl she sounds very nice edit: The first time seeing a rally that is . Although I also like seeing so many Americans in one place. AMERICA :D
Bernie Sanders Could Win Iowa And New Hampshire. Then Lose Everywhere Else.
Sanders, who has sometimes described himself as a socialist, isn’t likely to do so well with moderate Democrats, of course. That’s a problem for him, since a thin majority of Democrats still identify as moderate or conservative rather than liberal. But Sanders has a few things working in his favor. The share of liberal Democrats is increasing — pretty rapidly, in fact — and those Democrats who turn out to vote in the primaries tend to be more liberal than Democrats overall.
What’s received less attention is that Sanders has so far made very little traction with non-white Democrats. The most recent CNN poll found his support at just 9 percent among non-white Democrats, while the latest Fox News poll had him at only 5 percent among African-American Democrats. (Fox News did not provide crosstabs for Hispanics or other minority groups.)
Sanders, who has sometimes described himself as a socialist, isn’t likely to do so well with moderate Democrats, of course. That’s a problem for him, since a thin majority of Democrats still identify as moderate or conservative rather than liberal. But Sanders has a few things working in his favor. The share of liberal Democrats is increasing — pretty rapidly, in fact — and those Democrats who turn out to vote in the primaries tend to be more liberal than Democrats overall.
What’s received less attention is that Sanders has so far made very little traction with non-white Democrats. The most recent CNN poll found his support at just 9 percent among non-white Democrats, while the latest Fox News poll had him at only 5 percent among African-American Democrats. (Fox News did not provide crosstabs for Hispanics or other minority groups.)
I'm beyond happy that your media's rabid desire to give a nickname to absolutely everything has not crossed the border. Our scandals don't have gates, our murderers have names, and our politicians are treated like politicians.
On July 19 2015 12:47 WolfintheSheep wrote: ...#FeelTheBern...
I'm beyond happy that your media's rabid desire to give a nickname to absolutely everything has not crossed the border. Our scandals don't have gates, our murderers have names, and our politicians are treated like politicians.