On October 04 2012 17:56 CrazyBirdman wrote: Regardless of what you think of such a pick-up, the name LiquidSea is most likely the most fitting name for any TL player ever.
I just realized that. Wow.
Worried about T8's roster next season...perhaps that GSTL-Proleague interaction league will actually become a reality.
I love Sea <3 oh my this is such a brilliant transfer!!!!!!!!
SC2 guys, you can trust me, I know BW players. Sea was probably relatively cheap (not cheap cheap, but not like let's say Roro expensive) because his results have been a little bit lackluster recently. But there was quite a bit of compulsive bad luck involved. he is so fucking talented. Macro? Micro? Strategic thinking? All high level. And such a cool guy. In terms of talent for the buck this was the best fucking deal ever (well, after Taeja) GJ TL!!!
On October 04 2012 17:23 Ramuh wrote: Not another korean :/
Not another racist imbecile.
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism....It's just that I can't "identify" myself enough with the korean players. They in general are very unrecognizable to westerners, even though he probably is good and all that.
If you'd like to get to know Sea a bit better (and even catch some MC, MKP, Ret and Artosis cameos) you should really consider watching Hyungjoon Becomes a Progamer.
On October 04 2012 17:58 Fenrax wrote: holy shit is this true???
I love Sea <3 oh my this is such a brilliant transfer!!!!!!!!
SC2 guys, you can trust me, I know BW players. Sea was probably relatively cheap (not cheap cheap, but not like let's say Roro expensive) because his results have been a little bit lackluster recently. But there was quite a bit of compulsive bad luck involved. he is so fucking talented. And such a cool guy. In terms of talent for the buck this was the best fucking deal ever (well, after Taeja) GJ TL!!!
really amazing job
If TL menages to make Sea a top tier player again i will suriously put TL just behind KHAN for that alone
Watching Sea kinda not deliver in last seasons was painful. And he is a guy you don't want to see lose. You cannot not like him.
On October 04 2012 17:23 Ramuh wrote: Not another korean :/
Not another racist imbecile.
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism....It's just that I can't "identify" myself enough with the korean players. They in general are very unrecognizable to westerners, even though he probably is good and all that.
I never get that. As a german how can your identify yourself more with an American then a Korean?
Being white helps. I'm not being sarcastic at all. Race is a large factor. I'm Chinese American (born in America) and I identify more with the bigger Koreans than most American players. The culture is just so incredibly different. America and Germany have cultures more similar than Germany and Korea.
On October 04 2012 17:23 Ramuh wrote: Not another korean :/
Not another racist imbecile.
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism....It's just that I can't "identify" myself enough with the korean players. They in general are very unrecognizable to westerners, even though he probably is good and all that.
I never get that. As a german how can your identify yourself more with an American then a Korean?
I think it's less about countries, and more about the fact that Koreans just seem a little colder and distant because of the language barrier and the relatively higher skill they posses.
pretty much this exactly. I am sure the players have an awesome personality and crack dumb jokes all the time. But I don't understand them, so they feel more distant to me. Pretty much all of the foreign scene is centered around english, so it is more easy for me to identify with them.
My sympathy goes from personal favorites, countrymen to foreigners in general, and I think this is true for many people in the community.
And yes, Sea might be an awesome dude, but there has no foreign addition to TL since sheth over a year ago, with 3 guys leaving the team since then, Nony being mostly inactive too. I really would like to see some new foreign guy cracking up the scene.
On October 04 2012 17:23 Ramuh wrote: Not another korean :/
Not another racist imbecile.
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism....It's just that I can't "identify" myself enough with the korean players. They in general are very unrecognizable to westerners, even though he probably is good and all that.
I never get that. As a german how can your identify yourself more with an American then a Korean?
I think it's less about countries, and more about the fact that Koreans just seem a little colder and distant because of the language barrier and the relatively higher skill they posses.
pretty much this exactly. I am sure the players have an awesome personality and crack dumb jokes all the time. But I don't understand them, so they feel more distant to me. Pretty much all of the foreign scene is centered around english, so it is more easy for me to identify with them.
My sympathy goes from personal favorites, countrymen to foreigners in general, and I think this is true for many people in the community.
And yes, Sea might be an awesome dude, but there has no foreign addition to TL since sheth over a year ago, with 3 guys leaving the team since then, Nony being mostly inactive too. I really would like to see some new foreign guy cracking up the scene.
Alright so u don't think the same about Hero, TaeJa and Zenio as u do with Ret, TLO sheth etc ?
Imo it doesnt matter at all if they are korean or not, sure the language barrier will always be there but i actually like the koreans more than the foreigners because you can really see how much they are trying to communicate with the fans.
(not that i dont like the foreigners in liquid its just that u can see how hard they work and tries to be as good as possible)
Screw this language barrier rubbish. Its the results that count, look at Taeja and Hero, they have a shit tonne of fans and they cant speak much English. Infact these were 2 guys who spoke Spanish to the crowd in Valencia not too long ago, making them love them even more. And in Liquid's case, it seems they want a genuine personality too, and from what I've read from his history, he seems to meet that criteria too. Sorry but if you want those out there "bad-ass" personalities who like to entertain by putting down others, Liquid is the wrong place to look for that. EG is where you will find that.
Also, people seem to forget this, but Sea was one of the most open players in Korea, and even participated in a TL Attack. Also, MBC players have always been the most non-korean of all, they don't have this super shy attitude and the "please cheer for me, I'll show great games" attitude.