Write to Destiny and tell him you think his conduct isn't becoming of a professional player. If he doesn't listen, then voice your concerns to quantic and tell them that you don't appreciate the way their player conducts himself in public; that's really all you can do.
Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 90
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United States260 Posts
Write to Destiny and tell him you think his conduct isn't becoming of a professional player. If he doesn't listen, then voice your concerns to quantic and tell them that you don't appreciate the way their player conducts himself in public; that's really all you can do. | ||
United Kingdom4193 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired. Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. | ||
Canada2527 Posts
On May 02 2012 04:50 Fueled wrote: Again with this. You can't compare the two. Compare this to someone who is a big face in some other sport. Say a Derek Jeter for baseball or a Kobe Bryant for basketball. Do you think they wouldn't see any action against them if they said these choice words to someone they were playing against while thousands of people watched? No, they WOULD see some sort of action against them for its been done in the past and present. Wishing as little offense to Destiny as possible, hes nowhere near the same level or a Derek Jeter or Kobe Bryant in the Sc2 community. | ||
Northern Ireland23916 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:05 mememolly wrote: define professionalism, professionalism doesn't = whatever makes you happy the thing that made destiny a community figure is this exact image, that is why quantic hired him, why should he stop what made him popular in the first place just because it upsets some people while others know it is just entertainment? If you don't like then don't watch, if you're playing him and he says something then block him and report him to blizz but don't try and nerf the world just because you're upset, some people know destiny is just angry and not a real racist, again, don't try and protect me or insult me by setting your standards on me Sapping individuality and freedom out of the game and forcing a certain behavior on players is, I'd argue, more dangerous than a few racial slurs from a troll streamer like Destiny Exactly, indeed one of the main reasons mainstream 'sport' is devoid of actual discernible personality is due to this kind of political correctness. Now I don't WANT people to go around firing off racial slurs in football press conferences, but if you continue to censure you'll be left listening to incredibly boring monosyllabic interviews from players fearful of offending sponsors. Starcraft to me is greatly enhanced by the access to player's personalities, it adds a rich dimension to the game and it'd be a shame we lost that. Some may like Destiny's, some may dislike, but either way it adds an additional reason to support players and root for them, part of the fun of following any competitive endeavor | ||
United States606 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:07 dmasterding wrote: You don't have to have divine knowledge of someone's inner thoughts to realize that they aren't racist. This can easily be figured out just by actually paying attention to how that person acts for even a short period of time, instead of going completely apeshit whenever he says the word. I cannot know his inner thoughts, neither can you. All we can say is that he uses racist language. Beyond that is speculation. | ||
United States976 Posts
On May 02 2012 04:58 Zoesan wrote: Do you really think razer will care? Seriously? My opinion on this is: if you get offended by words, you deserve to be offended. Destiny is famous because he cusses and sweards and uses slurs. Don't like it don't watch. I don't watch his stream, I don't like him particularly. But I'm not crying and bitching about the use of words. If he started killing asians (or what have you), that would be something else. It's just like gay and faggot, words I use all the time. Hell, one of my best friends is gay and he doesn't give a flying fuck about the language I use, because he knows how I stand. That's great for you and your friend. It doesn't mean language can't be really, really harmful (see below). On May 02 2012 04:38 esperanto wrote: Don't know if this has been posted already, please everyone read this gaymers story: http://kotaku.com/5854012/this-gaymers-story I never understood why ppl have fun in using faggot as a "bad" word. Comparing to the usuall gaming community I might be "grown up and old" but I think about the words that I write and I expect the same from the ppl that earn money through esports. It really shouldn't take stories like this for people to understand the powerful impact that language has on our culture and society, and on those individuals who need to "grow up" and "stop being offended by words". I really hope your comment does not get drowned in this thread. I used to really enjoy watching Destiny's stream, but I have stopped enjoying it, as every time he loses he throws out some really offensive, childish insults (his favorites involve using "autism" and "special olympics"). I for one will not watch his stream anymore. | ||
United States1363 Posts
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United States314 Posts
On May 02 2012 04:52 MetalSlug wrote: so crying in your booth out of happiness you won a championship is the same thing as calling someone a fucking nigger ? Awesome logic bro. Ppl who need to use racial slurs and BM their enemys in hurtfull manner should be outcasts in this community but some (mainly americans) seem to enjoy BM way to much. I also noticed this in other games, and even sports.... Wow, you took my post so far out of context, I couldn't even logically justify what you're saying. Go back to like page 83 and view my latest post there. Hopefully that will answer your post. | ||
United States2958 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:07 LarJarsE wrote: I'll stick with emailing quantic for now. if things dont change with destiny I will be emailing the sponsors of quantic, because they will have ignored many emails explaining how lame it is for destiny to use prejudice and racial slurs when streaming Totally awesome idea. Now, where is that thread about MLGs PPV model? Let's see what we can do to encourage sponsors to pull out so all SC2 tournaments are fully funded by viewers. | ||
Belgium66 Posts
On May 02 2012 03:03 FairForever wrote: Freedom of speech also encompasses the right to complain directly to his sponsors, does it not? There's a reason the NBA, NFL, etc. take strong stances against violence, controversial comments, etc. - these can all lead to suspensions and fines, even though these leagues are the premier ones and continually grow regardless. Of course it does, doesn't mean I have to agree with it. See that's the beauty of it. I never said people don't have the right to complain to sponsors. I think we agree to a large extent. Up to now there is no gouverming body in esports, so the only logical people to adress if you have a huge issue with Destiny's behaviour is Quantic imo. Who in their right mind would write a complaint letter to Sony because football player x said 'nigger'? | ||
Canada2392 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote: No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. | ||
United States972 Posts
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United States350 Posts
Destiny says something racist to a guy on ladder in front of a few thousand viewers, "Lets get this guy on a team!!" Orb says something racist to a guy on ladder in front of a few hundred viewers, "ORB MUST PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" If, as a community, we decide to shun this behavior or choose to accept it that's great but can we get a little bit of consistency??!! | ||
United States2309 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:07 LarJarsE wrote: I'll stick with emailing quantic for now. if things dont change with destiny I will be emailing the sponsors of quantic, because they will have ignored many emails explaining how lame it is for destiny to use prejudice and racial slurs when streaming In all seriousness, why do you care? | ||
Canada2392 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:10 Leafren wrote: Of course it does, doesn't mean I have to agree with it. See that's the beauty of it. I never said people don't have the right to complain to sponsors. I think we agree to a large extent. Up to now there is no gouverming body in esports, so the only logical people to adress if you have a huge issue with Destiny's behaviour is Quantic imo. Who in their right mind would write a complaint letter to Sony because football player x said 'nigger'? A lot of companies stopped sponsoring Rush Limbaugh after what he called a girl a few months ago (I'm not going to repeat it here), a large part of it was through directly contacting his sponsors. | ||
United States910 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:01 babylon wrote: Let me summarize a position I hold: False sincerity in an issue hinders actual progress, because it gives us the illusion that change is happening when the underlying attitude towards that issue is not morphing, just the facade on top of it. Because of that illusion, real progress actually slows down, because we are not aware of the degree to which the problem needs to be addressed. Going through the motions is good for those things that don't require sincerity; unfortunately, lasting change does require it. The ones who care about and understand the issue, truly, will teach the younger generation that it is wrong and why it is wrong. The ones who don't, won't; it's not to say they don't object to it, but it just won't occur to them that it needs to be said, because they just "accept it" without dwelling too much on the issue itself, or maybe they understand it subconsciously, but don't spend enough time consciously thinking about it and why it is wrong. It's easy enough to "remember" when it's brought up right before your eyes like in this thread, but at the same time it's so easy to "forget" when it's no longer staring you in the face. To be honest, there are actually not many parents who sit down, and without provocation and prompting, tell their children, "Do not say X, Y, Z, do not act like A, B, C towards others." It is always, "If someone acts like A, B, C or says X, Y, Z to you, come tell me or tell the teacher." Subtle difference? Maybe. But I think it matters, especially at such a young age. It is definitely true that "lasting change" requires understanding of the issues at hand. We could all use a little more understanding (just take a look at the sad state of most American political discourse!). All that I want to say is that these reactive actions are better than nothing, they are a step on the way towards understanding. I used to take a rather cynical view towards college-age protesters in the U.S. Most of them had poor understanding of the issues at hand, and were probably subconsciously protesting to get laid. However, after further consideration, I realized that I was at least happy that they were doing something. Political engagement is much better than apathy. And I doubt that many of them consciously have vicious motivations (e.g. 'omg I am going to go to that labor protest and the ladies there will LOVE my dreds!'). The real question is whether your view that taking insincere action like what may be going on here leads to people feeling self-satisfied and not affecting positive change at other times. This is possible...but I think that, for many young people swept up by activism, while their motivations may not be in the right place yet, the fact that they at least engage moves them in the right direction. Tl;dr, it is better than nothing. | ||
884 Posts
The only real way to have change happen is for people to think about whether they really want to act like that or not. my 2 cents: Majority of TL will be straight white male, and it seems a large portion believe in the whole "who cares, why do people get offended by this?, no one should care if i use the words nigger, faggot, gook, beaner etc they are just words". Well, what do all those words which are meant to be as offensive as possible have in common? none of them have anything to do with straight white males. Sure you can call the person a racist but then they just say "well i'm not really a racist I'm just saying those words they are just words". Basically, it's easy to say people are overly sensitive over words when there are no real offensive words that you can be called or take offense to. I mean "cracker" and "honkey" don't really cut in the same way. If they did people including whites would use those words to insult people too but they don't. Do whatever or say whatever you want, but at least think about it from a different perspective before you do. | ||
United Kingdom4193 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote: ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck | ||
United Kingdom169 Posts
This is not dissimilar to all the people who comment on PsyStarcraft's videos, that all contain obscenities... People watch because it's entertaining. I do not think it is doing such a massive amount of harm in the community that people are entertained. I do not believe too that this is greatly at anyone's expense. As you said, Destiny is only saying this because he's annoyed, and this he knows is the most vulgar insult he can come up with. He just wants to provoke a reaction, like this thread. Look, if you dislike this, don't watch. I know the OP cannot help but play Destiny, however his concern was for others not himself, the influence, and I don't think that it's hurting too many too much. People are smart enough not to copy this and say it in the wrong place. As the OP said, Destiny isn't a racist, he's a smart guy. This is the old and out-of-touch man's arguement about how we shouldn't let people hear anything bad etc... Gotta ♥ Destiny, although he has become far moodier of late... ![]() And for all these IDIOTS saying "DESTINY'S SO POPULAR BUT WE WRITE TO QUANTIC AND TELL THEM TO REGULATE HIS MOUTH", yeh, why'd you think he's so popular? It's because he's entertaining, because of the way he is. Change him and people won't watch, they'll go to someone else, and then it repeats. If there is no one particularly entertaining at all, then perhaps people will watch other stuff, doubtful though. The most popular streams are players who interact, eg. Idra, Whitera, Destiny, etc. Most Koreans are not as popular because they can't interact, and the exception is probably Stephano who's just a beast. | ||
United States471 Posts
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