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Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 57
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United States2147 Posts
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Canada500 Posts
On May 01 2012 22:32 Svetz wrote: Report it to his team/sponsors. To be honest if I was in the same country I'd report him to the police as well. I hate this whole 'its online so people can be as racist as they like, get over it' attitude. Theres been a lot of convictions recently based on what people have said on twitter/facebook and I see no reason why the same won't apply to in game conversations. Theres nothing like helping Esports to grow by going to their sponsers and saying, "Hey there guys! Did you know you picked up a team in Esports and 1 of their players use racial slurs? You best make sure they stop doing this." You know what the sponser will do next? They'll rethink their place in Esports and ponder to themselves if it's really worth their reputation in picking Esports as something they want to sponser. If sponsers get bitched at too much because a few people say a few things then they will be gone once the contracts are up. They reasoning will be that it's too risky for their image to join or continue in this scene. Anyways, I don't mind it when Destiny says these kind of things. To me, when someone says "nigger" or "gook", it's the same as someone saying "bitch" or "cunt". If you want to censor racial slurs, you might as well censor swear words as well. Also, you should censor what music they can listen to because the music can't have swear words in it either. Actually, you shouldn't play the music unless you have permission from the author. Theres even a warning before you enter their stream that there may or may not be strong use of language in this stream. I'm not 100% sure if destiny has this warning on his stream site but his twitch on had it as well as other streamers have it on theirs. So you are being warned that there will be swearing and the likes on this stream. It's not like you're just aimlessly wandering into it. | ||
United States2704 Posts
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Australia11 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:45 TBone- wrote: I wish our community didn't have so much power. I feel like we're the ones that are going to be the death of esports. I couldnt agree more, It's scary to think that a vocal minority could be so destructive. | ||
Greece94 Posts
2. why would razor stop sponsoring tournaments/teams without immature players because of it? | ||
Canada2814 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:45 TBone- wrote: I wish our community didn't have so much power. I feel like we're the ones that are going to be the death of esports. "With great power comes great stupidity" | ||
Austria765 Posts
It's selfish bullshit hidden behind fake reasons. | ||
3000 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:45 TBone- wrote: I wish our community didn't have so much power. I feel like we're the ones that are going to be the death of esports. That post makes me really sad. | ||
United States813 Posts
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Canada2392 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:45 AnalThermometer wrote: For a start, those emailing the sponsors should take no blame. The logic that they're causing E-sports harm by informing the sponsors about the actions of someone under their banner is ass-backwards. One day someone with influence may decide to take it beyond the scope of these forums, and then it's done for. A journalist with an influential blog on a site like Forbes might decide to one day make an entry about one of these situations which keep cropping up, because these threads certainly are popular. Would we go and post in the comments asking him to take it down because it might hurt the scene, perhaps? No, that would be retarded. Keeping it quiet and sweeping it under the rug to "protect E-sports" is not an option. Prevention is the only sensible option. This is a warning to not take an insular view on this type of situation - I've seen posts in places not connected to SC2 who will email sponsors at the drop of a hat and have done in the past. The argument that it's just the internets will not wash with the general public, they'll see what's going on here and kill your credibility before giving you the time of day. You'll be tarred with the same brush which was used on the fighting game community recently. You should be pointing your fingers at Destiny and other high profile players for constantly giving them reasons to do it. Destiny doesn't say it, people have no reason to send mail. You should also point fingers at the teams choosing these types of players on purpose - I would be far more suprised to see a member of Team Liquid taking part in these sort of antics that I would members of other teams because I know TL use their discretion. This has to be one of the best posts. People complain and want SC2 to gain legitimacy, even cheering on MLG and CBSi partnership, but do you think it will ever last if this is what happens? | ||
United States197 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:43 Klondikebar wrote: No it doesn't. You're not allowed to use speech to marginalize others. Freedom of Speech is to protect well formed arguments and ideas, it has no obligation to give a platform to nonsensical hatred and bigotry. I thought you were going to make a sensible point, then I was disappointed. Freedom of Speech actually does protect hate speech, it just doesn't protect individuals from facing social repercussion for what they say. If nobody wants to employ someone who uses racial slurs, that man just won't be employed. | ||
United States645 Posts
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Albania296 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:47 TheChostoProject wrote: This is totally outrageous, If we want our community to grow we need to start thinking before talking/posting. We need to take special care on the selection of words we use when we want to insult/offend someone. I mean, we want them to feel bad but not too bad. Here's a list of words we all should eliminate because some people's feelings might get hurt beyond our original intention of hurting them. faggot - offensive to the gay community nigger - offensive to the black community gook - offensive to asians(?) spic - offensive to hispanics retarded - offensive to mentally challenged rape - offensive to rape victims snipe - offensive to war veterans nuke - offensive to descendants of hiroshima survivors grammar nazi - offensive to descendants of concentration camp survivors murdered - offensive to people who've experienced death in family cancer on the community - offensive to people who've suffered from cancer Also, don't do drugs and eat vegetables, ok? Always that joke argument.. Do you want to hear soccer players calling each other faggots in all of the post-match interviews? I don't think so. | ||
United States60190 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:47 xN.07)MaK wrote: 2. Or maybe the contact the involved team and then they feel they should do something about the incident. No reason why this should affect other teams/tournaments. There is also no reason that it shouldn't. They could paint the community with a very wide brush or limit their support. We have a rule in the legal community "Never assume". People should not assume that contacting Razor will only affect Destiny and Quantic. | ||
United States813 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:49 JOJOsc2news wrote: This is the saddest post in this entire thread. Its sad because its true. I probably said this a hundred times, but holy shit its like people complain just because they can. | ||
United States6151 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:45 Destiny wrote: Eh, was the word that came to my mind at the time. Good enough reason for me to use it. That's a pretty pathetic excuse. Do you think of all Asiatic people like that in your head, or did you just pick it because it was offensive? Either way that's no justification for using language like that. | ||
758 Posts
It's his stream and he should do what he wants on it. If he's taking it "too far" or something, his team will let him know. Swearing doesn't mean shit to me and is more often funny than anything. Note, before accusing me, that I'm not one of his fanboys and I haven't watched his stream in like a year. | ||
Austria24417 Posts
What do you think is of higher value and says more about his actual stance on homosexuality? Destiny also charity-streams for Doctors Without Borders (if you don't understand why I'm bringing this up, look up DWB). He calls somebody a nigger on his stream. Same question as above. | ||
Germany162 Posts
On May 02 2012 02:36 pirsq wrote: How to email Razer: 1. Go to 2. Click "Public Relations - USA" 3. Type in a message like the following: 4. Fill in your name and email, and click submit wow really? xD blackmail? that's your response? haha, now THAT is pathetic, or better yet, where can i file you for slander? that's what the next person with your attitude should do. person A did X but I don't care.. person B did X and I put effort into hurting him. *clap* btw, why again is it "unacceptable" ? ohhh because some people think it's offensive. one day, it will be "unacceptable" to call someone "cool". it's rather funny actually, because it makes no sense. anyone who feels offended by those kind of words has every right to feel this way, but at the same time, they should reflect and be ashamed. | ||
United States7224 Posts
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