On May 02 2012 01:07 Destiny wrote:Sigh, I promised myself I wouldn't dive into this thread, but I can't resist...
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:So just because you are a player means you can act like an immature teenager, ignorant to other people's feelings and devoid of any human empathy? Destiny doesn't have empathy because if he knew what the words meant to some people, he would stop using them. His opinions that either its "stupid" or "illogical" to have such negative feelings attached to racial words just means that he simply does not understand individuality.
"Ignorant to other people's feelings"? Maybe if I spammed him with messages after the game, or added him and told my stream to harass and stalk him. Maybe if I messaged him on Skype or sent him e-mails. Calling someone a nigger/faggot/gook/cheese/piece of shit/queer/mother fucker/step-mother fucker etc...at the end of a game before leaving? You honestly think that people who rage at the end of games lack empathy? You should be a psychiatrist!
If I knew what WHAT words meant to WHAT people? Lots of people find different words offensive. List of possible offensive words -
faggot - offensive to the gay community
nigger - offensive to the black community
gook - offensive to asians(?)
spic - offensive to hispanics
retarded - offensive to mentally challenged
rape - offensive to rape victims
snipe - offensive to war veterans
nuke - offensive to descendants of hiroshima survivors
grammar nazi - offensive to descendants of concentration camp survivors
murdered - offensive to people who've experienced death in family
cancer on the community - offensive to people who've suffered from cancer
Now, here's the fun part. Without sounding like a bigot, I want you to tell me which words I can and cannot say, and why certain groups of people are special enough to have certain words not said for them, and the others are unworthy of said "protected status". Good luck!
I love this at the end..."His opinions that either its "stupid" or "illogical" to have such negative feelings attached to racial words just means that he simply does not understand individuality."
Because nothing says individuality like taking offense to a simple word spoken out of context that at one point in time was used to insult a collective group of individuals.
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:Destiny holds that his opinions are right and really does not have any room to be wrong because of how "logical" and "good with people" he is.
Eh, I could be humble here, but nah, fuck that. I'm pretty damned good with people. Ask anyone who sees me at any MLG, I'll stop and sign anything or take a picture with anyone, regardless of the length of the line. People that you guys hold to much higher "friendly" standards, though, such as Day9, Huk, Nony, and others? They SPLIT the second they think a crowd is gathering and they do their best to stay away from any places where they could be mobbed.
So how do you judge whether someone is "good with people"? Is it based on the facade they put up when they know they're under the public eye? Or is it based on how they actually interact with other people?
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:Clearly any human being would understand that just because you feel like they are just words, doesn't mean they aren't hundreds of years of history for person.
Ah, my bad. I was unaware of the several hundred year old stream viewers I have. I'll try to cater to that audience more.
Seriously, though? You want me to cater to an audience of people that define themselves based on some insulting words that someone said about their ancestors hundreds of years ago? If we played that game, there are tons of other words we should cut out of our dictionary (for just black people, I can think of the word "boy", "negro", and "colored", and I'm sure there are many more for many other groups of people).
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:I really hope this man (yes, sadly he is a man, not a child, or we could forgive his foolishness without a second thought) experiences some of the hardship that others have experienced in the past. Maybe it will come in the form of income inequality or maybe in the form of his child being bullied at school. Maybe then he will learn his lesson that he should respect other cultures and other people if he wants to be respected himself: that respect is earned and not a right.
Ah, now here, I'm going to have to call you a brainless fucking piece of shit. I can't even believe you would have the audacity to fucking call me out on something like that. You have absolutely no fucking idea what I have or haven't experienced in my past. A lot of the immature and childish bullshit that you call "hardship" (OH NO SOMEONE SAID NIGGER, OH GOD HE SAID FAGGOT, OH NO HE MADE FUN OF MY PANTS) PALES in comparison to a lot of the shit I've had to deal with in my life. Maybe the difference in perspective is one of the reasons why I'm able to look past absolutely pointless bullshit like this and someone like you turns it into the focal point of a huge discussion. You want my child to get bullied in high school? Seriously, I would dedicate all 130 lbs of my tiny frame into the beating the shit out of you if I ever saw you in person wishing that on my son. If you think the only way to learn respect about someone else is to suffer, then you're sadly misguided, and incredibly stupid.
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:That's my two cents. I don't watch his stream because it provides him income to continue what he's doing.
Honestly, this should have been the only thing you wrote in your post. I agree 100% with this. If you don't like the things I say or the way I act, don't watch my stream. Less people watching me = less money for me, meaning I either A) have to change the way I behave, or B) fade away from the public eye.
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:I think any community that is a community at all would see his stream has a negative impact on it and would seek to prevent it by de-listing his stream.
Negative impact on the community? I have the most viewer hours of any current SC2 streamer. You don't think that counts for anything?
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:Clearly he does not paint an accurate picture of our community of gamers and e-sports.
Ah, that's why so many people watch me. I understand now.
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:Why would we want to be associated with such a bigoted person with such ignorance that encompasses many of the stereotypes that non-gamers have against us. That we are trash-talking immature button mashers that rage and argue like children.
ITT: someone wishing that someone else's child gets bullied in high school, then calling that person ignorant because he uses bad words on the internet.
Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 00:44 SherlockTV wrote:Seriously people, stop watching his shit. Its not entertaining and its not funny and its not even educational. Its a waste of time and its very negative just to listen to his logic and world views.
Educational...I lol'd.