Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 112
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Think twice before hitting post; this thread will be moderated for idiocy and useless posts. Consider this a warning. | ||
Norway3381 Posts
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Germany96 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:29 MayorITC wrote: So I'm just curious, but could a TL administrator/moderator clear something up for the community. Do you guys condone Destiny's behavior? I, and I'm sure many others as well, are extremely curious about TL's stance on this issue. Because I'm getting a lot of mixed messages based on past and current examples. Why should they? They are not involved in this. No need for the pope to comment either. | ||
United States161 Posts
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United States532 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:30 Kuja wrote: Wait klondi, i remember you, you're the kid who thought racism can only marginalize a minority right? You should probably learn what racism is before you comment on racism. Also, I do not find this offensive, one of the reasons I watch destiny is because he is so out-spoken. It is refreshing and enjoyable to me. On another note taboos like this historically prevent progress, I imagine that the same people who are complaining about this are the same types of people that historically have actually hunted taboo shit down. They are the same people who persecute for pushing the envelope and making possible progress. The same type of people who are now in a witch-hunt against density would have booed Stravinsky off the stage for offending standards and defiling music. These are the same types of people who would have agreed with the then status quo off hitler calling the work of the German impressionists the art of the degenerate. Despite it not being the best term he could have used people who push the envelope are the people that make progress and change. Going against progress is just anti-intellectual. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA it's progress to call people faggots and niggers now. that's a fucking laugh. | ||
Great Britain33 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:25 Vari wrote: because curses aren't the same as slurs. slurs are meant to offend specific groups of people, they make them to be less than. and it's not always about actually being racist. there is negativity in just using racist language. ditto calling people "faggot". you might support gay marriage! but calling people "faggot" in a way that is meant to make them feel bad is homophobic language, it's bad. On May 02 2012 07:22 SkelA wrote: I dont get it why any types of insults are fine as long as they are not racial like nigger, gook or w/e ? Of course it is bad if the prevalent opinion of some race is that they are inferior to other races but using a slang word like "gook" or "nigger" don't necessarily contain anything like that. I have heared these words being used many times and I just think of them as insults like any other, so I don't really see the problem with using them. | ||
Canada2339 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:24 Arghmyliver wrote: Bottom of Site: "The opinions expressed by our users do not reflect the official position of TeamLiquid.net or its staff." The one liner which never explained a single ban or justified the existence of moderators should not be used as a defense for what is essentially not defensible. EDIT: I feel I should add that by "featuring" a stream, a process which is not in the hands of a user, but the website staff, a part of the onus for moderating the content does in fact fall on them whether they like it or not. | ||
Canada449 Posts
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United States1077 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:26 halfies wrote: using a racial slur shows that your are at least slightly racist, because you think that being of that race is a negative thing. What? No it doesn't. It just means you used a bad word. Just like when I call someone dumb I don't mean I think that they are unable to speak or that that would be a negative thing. Or when I call someone a jackass I don't mean they look like a donkey or if they were a donkey it would be a bad thing. | ||
Sweden46 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:22 Nokshalees wrote: And then everyone would just spout racial slurs Thats where your wrong i dont use racial slurs becouse im afriad of anything i dont use them becouse i dont like to use them, thats how it should be. Same with a political debate you should be allowed to debate anyone even Adolf hitler and then prove him wrong. We cant lie becouse then whats the point of humanity, if we live in a lie. And we are not living in Communist/Gestapo land. That have nothing to do with sc2 but think about it. He should be allowed to say it and take consiquenses for it. We know hes not a racist so maybe what he says donst mean that much right. | ||
United States1610 Posts
It's 2012, racial slurs don't mean anything. These words still having meaning. Even though some of these words are used differently now in some cases, it doesn't mean that they aren't used for hate anymore. | ||
United States1811 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:22 ThomasHobbes wrote: From context it doesn't even seem like the OP was Korean, the OP just bm'd Destiny and got rage in return. There's a huge difference between using slurs and being a racist. Are you aware what "DaeHanMinGuk" means? Do you see the "ㅈㅈ" typed before Destiny decides to call him a gook? | ||
30 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:33 ReaperCo wrote: Thats where your wrong i dont use racial slurs becouse im afriad of anything i dont use them becouse i dont like to use them, thats how it should be. Same with a political debate you should be allowed to debate anyone even Adolf hitler and then prove him wrong. We cant lie becouse then whats the point of humanity, if we live in a lie. And we are not living in Communist/Gestapo land. That have nothing to do with sc2 but think about it. He should be allowed to say it and take consiquenses for it. We know hes not a racist so maybe what he says donst mean that much right. Jesus I hate this community | ||
United States1610 Posts
I'm actually more curious about whether destiny actually read this thread. He has read it and responded to it a few times. | ||
Croatia48 Posts
Is the OP even asian? Did he blind skillshot an asian with ladder rage? And why is this shit not cool, but Idra wishing death upon people is totally fine? What the fuck. Why does this community get so butthurt over silly shit like this? User was temp banned for this post. | ||
United States1050 Posts
First thing I want to say is dude... I think you should really give the community more credit. I seriously doubt community figures (in this case Destiny) using racial slurs on stream would make it okay for widespread use in the community. Second, the fact that threads like this go on for hundreds of pages every time its brought up should be an indicator that people aren't taking this sort of stuff lightly, most posts seem to either A) Not give a shit that someone is using slurs on the internet or B) Think its wrong that community figures (players, sorry orb) get away with stuff like this. Third, tbh your post just reeks of an elementary school kid telling on someone for calling him names, why even make this thread? If he hurt your feelings then talk to him after the game or talk to his team, there is literally no reason to make a thread about something like this. It just really seems like you want some kind of witch hunt started. | ||
United States532 Posts
On May 02 2012 07:32 lisN wrote: Of course it is bad if the prevalent opinion of some race is that they are inferior to other races but using a slang word like "gook" or "nigger" don't necessarily contain anything like that. I have heared these words being used many times and I just think of them as insults like any other, so I don't really see the problem with using them. the language itself carries that meaning. words have meaning. if he doesn't mean to SOUND racist, he should use non racist language. I can't tell you what destiny actually thinks. I can tell you that when he uses these words he SOUNDS like a racist and a hompohobe. | ||
Sweden147 Posts
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Canada374 Posts
Responding irrationally doesn't help anybody. You don't have to respond to everyone who posts in the thread if you can't pull it off in a way that helps rather than hinders the discussion. | ||
United Kingdom355 Posts
On May 01 2012 23:36 Doodsmack wrote: Time to start calling out the hypocrites in this thread who, back when the orb controversy was going, felt that he should be damned but now are seeking to make excuses for Destiny. I'll even do you the favor of not quoting your other posts bashing orb. It's silly to suggest that a distinction should be made between players and casters, considering that Destiny is less known for his play than for his prominence in the community. You can't apply different standards to those you like and those you don't. LOL, I guess I should feel proud that you remember posts I wrote months ago but seems you don’t even understand what I wrote. First of all I don’t like or dislike Destiny and I have zero interest in him or his stream. I don’t condone the use of these words in any capacity and I don’t even think his stream should be featured on TL but I also feel that if you want to use these words on your own stream then that is your prerogative (don’t cry if it bites you on the arse though). Destiny does not hold much prominence in the community for me. His juvenile behaviour and language appeals to a small minority but if Destiny was to become a caster, I would be against it. I do not want someone that hands out racial slurs like they are candy representing this community. As it stands he works for himself and as long as he is not breaking any laws he can do what he wants. I hope that is simple enough for you to understand. | ||
8765 Posts
Bro, that's just not right. :/ | ||
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