On November 13 2011 00:07 ToguRo wrote: cmon 70% saying they understand just as much as the pro players?
thats like saying you understand NFL defenses as much as Peyton Manning
Most of the time if you want a biased poll, it's not that hard, just make the right questions.
Look here there is basicely : - I understand like a pro - I barely get what's going on So people picks the choice they feel they are the closer to.
Moreover while watching you fell smarter because you see obvious flaws in the pro's play (why is he making spore crawlers the guy is making seven gates ?).
I started watching Sc2 before I started playing it. that's kinda what made me buy it. Afterwards I spent a lot of time spamming a friend of mine with sc2 vids. By now he seems to have taken a fair interest into it. I've never been under the impression that he dislikes watching sc2. And Starcraft 2 isn't hard to watch or understand, sure you might not get everything at first, but you learn if you continue watching. Same goes for a sport like football.
On November 13 2011 00:07 ToguRo wrote: cmon 70% saying they understand just as much as the pro players?
thats like saying you understand NFL defenses as much as Peyton Manning
You should see me play Madden. I tear defenses apart because I learned how to exploit different coverages and how to recognize them quickly. That doesn't mean I think I'm better at football than Peyton, but I can still understand it at an equivalent level. Executing... that's another thing.
On November 12 2011 22:34 yoigen wrote: I have an understanding as good as the pro player themself of whats going on (18) 69%
That made me laugh too
Pretty shitty poll there when you ignore the most common caster combo within it. Gives some seriously biased results.
I watch it and I don't play at all.
Add that option because it pretty much tells you that Yes it is very watchable.
I barely play, but watch SC2 almost on a daily basis.
IMO SC2 is extremely noob friendly for spectators. I started watching SC2 during beta (Husky) and haven't played much RTS in the 10 years prior to that.I did play some very very low level dune, warcraft, C&C and 2 other RTS games i can't remember the name of before that. I bought my current computer specificly to play SC2 (1 or 2 months after the release of the game), because i enjoyed watching it so much.
I've played (board/role playing/card/PC/console) games all my life and have played MTG competatively for periods of time and poker for about 1 or 2 years. I've always enjoyed watching (PC/console/card) games... just watching friends play or pro level games. I was always intrigued by competative PC gaming, but it was hard to find because of all the different labels that were used for it (competative gaming, pro gaming, virtual sports, electronics sports, cyber sports, etc). I was never into BW. With SC2 i finally found my way into the huge archives of "eSports". I really like shows like @#%$ Slasher and LO3, because it focusses on more then just SC2.
I've tried enjoying MOBA games, but it's just not exciting for me... the tension arc is bad, the ingame storyline is bad, there is no real climax, etc. I'm also no a big fan of watching FPS, except Quake (?)... maybe i simply don't enjoy watching team games. I'd rather watch competative Fifa, Trackmania or even Guitar Hero above MOBA games.
I would love to see Soul Caliber and Dynablaster competatively. 
DjWheat & Apolo @ IPL3 is the caster combination i've enjoyed the most in the past year.
I think i've covered all the points in the OP now.
So many people thinking they understand the game as well as pros XD Made my day.
65% saying that they understand the game as good as the pros, lmao. this explains a lot. get real people
I vote this poll best example of TL elitism of all time. "pretty decent" -high masters/GM level. FFS these people are not decent, they are good. GOOD. NOT DECENT. How does it make any sense to call the top 1% of players decent? That's like saying the top 1% of Americans are "decently wealthy". THEY'RE NOT. THEY'RE FUCKING RICH. -There are 7 people who are pro players, yet 110 people understand what's going on on a pro level. So people are on the same mental level as pros, yet they're "decent". What a joke. The number of clearly dominated choices and representations in here is sooooo skewed, I can't see how you could possibly use any of this data.
Why is the question of "is sc2 a spectator friendly e-sport to watch" not just a YES or a NO. The OP discusses absolutely nothing relevant to spectating other e-sports, and all of a sudden there's an extra 6 options? Where's the rationality for that?
On November 12 2011 22:15 Aterons_toss wrote:Poll: How much do you understand the mathces ?I have an understanding as good as the pro player themself of whats going on (147) 60% I don't always understand the new tactics/meta game shifts but other than that i get whats going on (83) 34% I onyl understand it at a mid-ish level ( aka upgrades are good, expansions are good..etc ) (10) 4% I don't understand pretty much anything except for who won the games/battles (4) 2% I only understand it at a "who microed better" " who has more suply" level (1) 0% 245 total votes Your vote: How much do you understand the mathces ? (Vote): I have an understanding as good as the pro player themself of whats going on (Vote): I don't always understand the new tactics/meta game shifts but other than that i get whats going on (Vote): I onyl understand it at a mid-ish level ( aka upgrades are good, expansions are good..etc ) (Vote): I only understand it at a "who microed better" " who has more suply" level (Vote): I don't understand pretty much anything except for who won the games/battles
my god where have these people been hiding all this time?! LOL
Pretty useless poll on an SC2 forum. Off course every1 is gonna vote positive. Fact is that SC2 isn't spectator friendly at all, if you don't play the game urself u have absolutely no idea what ur watching.
Lol, I like how the majority voted that they know as much as the pros. I can easily say the vast majority of people are misleading themselves if they actually believe this. The vast majority of casters don't even know, even some of the good ones.
As for the OP, I say yes it is friendly. But it's not the friendliest.
On November 13 2011 03:27 Jakkerr wrote: Pretty useless poll on an SC2 forum. Off course every1 is gonna vote positive. Fact is that SC2 isn't spectator friendly at all, if you don't play the game urself u have absolutely no idea what ur watching.
Eh I don't play sc2 at all, it does take time to learn the terms and what goes on but if you are interested in it then it will not matter as much.
Sometimes it just looks like clump vs clump wars but other than that it's amazing to watch sometimes even to the point where I get nerd chills
I watch it and i am a pro player (2)
I have an understanding as good as the pro player themself of whats going on (52)
It seems like 50 potentially pro players have been shafted out of their successful SC2 careers. How tragic.
I might know exactly how a nuclear reactor work inside and out but that does not mean that i can actually build one.
On November 13 2011 02:54 Nukm_ wrote: 65% saying that they understand the game as good as the pros, lmao. this explains a lot. get real people There is a difference between understanding and executing. One can understand a vast amount of information, but when that information needs to be put to use, the odds are, the pro will put it to better use and execute in a superior fashion. There are some scenarios in which one won't have any idea, whether they are pro or not, of what is going on. Big example, Nestea vs Anypro on Dual Site. Nestea went for a fast lair to spine rush Anypro, at that point Artosis and Tasteless were both stumped.
At the same time, the term "understanding the game" may be to broad as well. Does that me just a general understanding? Or are we moving towards areas that are clouded? Such as Nestea's spine rush.
Pertaining to myself personally, I am a platinum player and I feel I have a vast basic understanding of the game at a pro level. I understand the different styles a terran can use in a TvT, bio, mech, bio/mech, sky. I understand the concept of why mutas are so important in TvZ, not just for harass and containment, but for drop protection. I understand the concept of why blink robo builds are the new big thing in PvP. But, did I understand when Nestea spine rushed Anypro? No, not one bit. But that is a case of learning and going forth and becoming familiar with something. I've gathered that information now, I understand why that is a decent FFE counter.
All in all, while I may not be able to execute at a pro level, I feel I understand the basics and even to the extent of most of they "tiny" things, such as superior timings for certain units and why pros do it in that fashion.
I like to watch JYP and Sase stream. I also catch all the big tournaments except for IEM. And Im only Gold.
Quit bitching about how there is no dual caster option, the poll is asking if there was only ONE caster would you prefer analytic or shoutcasting style
of course it is, compared to other games like Counter strike or any FPS game, its simply great for watching !