Something is up with league changes, but we don't know what specifically is the root cause. Blizzard is aware of the issue and are testing a hotfix. -- Excal_Z 6/15 This does not mean that there is a global ladder lock!! There is some bug affecting some players but it is not universal. -- Excal_Z 6/16 Might be fixed. Some of the affected players were promoted. Need more data. -- Excal_Z 6/17 |
On June 16 2011 16:34 Ameba-AZ wrote: I'm curious if the root of the problem lies in the fact that the system currently doesn't seem to do anything with inactive players (outside of GM) thus many of the leagues become cluttered with players who do nothing more then play their placement games and then go MIA while still taking up a league spot, thus causing a part of the issue. Just a thought.
Blizzard can't do anything about it. Season 2 is pretty fresh, so their shoudn't be as much inactive players. It will be always like that in the Lower Leagues.
Same problem here I think. I'm rank 5 in 2v2 gold league and been facing plats and diamond players and going like 15-4.
On June 16 2011 16:44 Jedi Master wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2011 16:34 Ameba-AZ wrote: I'm curious if the root of the problem lies in the fact that the system currently doesn't seem to do anything with inactive players (outside of GM) thus many of the leagues become cluttered with players who do nothing more then play their placement games and then go MIA while still taking up a league spot, thus causing a part of the issue. Just a thought. Blizzard can't do anything about it. Season 2 is pretty fresh, so their shoudn't be as much inactive players. It will be always like that in the Lower Leagues.
Not really fresh when blizzard had intended on 3 month seasons... which means season 2 should be ending within the next 2 weeks or atleast be going into league lock by then.
rank 1 diamond for a week now and not being promoted, facing master almost all the time
the intransparency of the ladder system is plain stupid. blizzard would do all players a favor displaying mmr and the level required to get pro-/demoted up/down.
A few days ago i played a silver league player who was on a 60+ winstreak (I'm a master league player). The guy had something like 70 wins and 10-15 losses, and he is still in silver league afaik.
Yea, it works for some but not others, just got promoted to diamond in SEA after 1 match (i hadn't laddered since 1st of June due to exams), previously i had been matched vs diamonds and high platinums for a while.
i have 20-5 win/loss atm and i dont get promoted, but maybe thats because i need more losses to stabilize my MMR?
Im world highest platinum and still not getting promoted T_T And playing against top GM players :S
No wonder. I'm a new player, and naturally in Bronze League. Been trying hard to get promoted to Silver for a while now, I thought I was close when the system started to match me repeatedly against Top Silver or Gold players. I've won almost every game and I'm still Bronze </3. Jeeh Jeeeeh.
Well at least it's just the title. You're still playing with people around your skill level as far as I can tell.
Don't you have to play until you start going 50/50 against players? Only then will they promote you.
yeah ive been consistently matched with mid/high masters and beating about two thirds of them for the past week (about 50 games) and still no promotion. something is definitely up
On June 16 2011 18:44 Xahhk wrote: Don't you have to play until you start going 50/50 against players? Only then will they promote you. Please read the thread, that is not true.
Most of the time when i scan Sc2Ranks.com ... All masters divisions are full or close to full (99 people or most are 100)
Bit of speculation here, but i assume the bug is for 'new promotions'. E.g. A players MMR passes the threshhold to be promoted into the higher league .. But there is no spots for them, so the system attempts to create a new division (as they have passed that threshold?) but a bug is stopping that occuring? ??
Couldnt blizzard solve a bit of this (now reccurring, as its the 2nd time in 2 months, would this not just keep happening once dvisions fill up again?) by moving inactive players out of there divisions?
Im not pretending to understand the math (Excal-Z is way more informed there), but to someone who has tried and tried to get into masters from Rank 1 Diamond, to look at sc2ranks and see the bottom 30 of each division on 0-4 played games ... I just dont see how the system works ?
Those inactive players, are inactive, they should not be taking spots in divisions ... They dont play the game!!!
Yes, some of them may return ... And when they do, if the promotion system was not bugged, they would be able to slot into a division with open spots (or have a new one created for them) ...
TL:DR, Kick inactive players out of their divisions on regular basis!!!!
I agree with you there Toons. I get sick of seeing people in divisions that were put there after their placement matches.. then never played again. Maybe I work really hard and I want that placement spot. Hell, maybe I only work kinda hard. But I'm still playing and you're not. And you have that spot. ....
I'd add that to the list of things Blizzard needs to get right. Demotion every month depending on how many games played seems like a good idea.
That's funny. A couple of days ago I decided to play a few 1v1s (I hadn't played in ages, maybe since season 2 started? I normally play 2/3/4v2/3/4s with mates ), and I got promoted instantly. This was on the SEA server though, so it might be different where you are.